Saturday, June 17, 2017


Anti-tumor (anti-cancer)
Anti-tumor (anti-cancer)
Immune Boosting
Immune Boosting
Regulation of metabolism (weight control)
Regulation of metabolism (weight control)
Skin care
Skin care
Osteoporosis treatment
Osteoporosis treatment
Fat soluble
Over 90% Saturated fat
No negative side effects no deaths
No negative side effects no deaths
Components found in human breast milk
Components found in human breast milk
Regulate circulation
Regulate circulation
Used for over 5000 years as medicine
Used for over 5000 years as medicine
At the forefront of medical research and breakthroughs
At the forefront of medical research and breakthroughs
Criminalized since 1930’s
Condemned for over 60 years
Controls regulation of fat
Controls regulation of fat
Raw plant has little to no psychedelic high
Raw plant has no psychedelic high
Aides nutrient absorption
Aides nutrient absorption
diaphoretic (perspiration-inducing)
diaphoretic (perspiration-inducing)
Aides Vitamin D absorption
Aides Vitamin D absorption

Thursday, June 15, 2017



For over 5000 years now humans have known that the EC System is intricately linked to the pathway known as The Cortico-Limbic Circuit of the stress system which regulates the whole stress response. So we know that Cannabinoids regulate a variety of stress related behaviours at distinct locations in the brain because of the expression of Cannabinoid Receptors in these locations. Also we know that the EC System controls the Endocrine System from where the stress hormones are released.

Cannabis has been helping people to relax for thousands of years by reducing stress and relieving tension and anxiety.

Personally ii don’t really need any scientific proof of this fact and many people will tell you that they could of told anyone this for free and frankly most of us in the Cannabis Community feel that it is unnecessary to spend so much energy testing little rats when there are millions of people around the world who would happily do this research for free because they already know the outcome of the study based on personal experience.
So Cannabis definitely protects the brain from the harsh effects of stress.

Stress affects the brain in a number of ways including memory and learning abilities, cognitive deficits (brain damage, impaired functioning) as well as mood alterations. The most important thing to be conscious of is that chronic stress has a negative effect on the EC System leading to Cannabinoid Deficiency.

Stress can literally eat a person up and this is because it actually causes serious biological damage to individual cells affecting how cells communicate and send and receive messages affecting all of the body’s systems not only the brain even the heart as we know how many people have stress related heart attacks. Stress also causes physical pain and we all know that Cannabis is the best pain killer.

In any event there is no shortage of published studies which have consistently proven and continue to prove that Cannabis is without doubt able to counteract the negative effects of stress on the brain, body and soul and ii have observed that most people if you have to generalise will find their stabilising dose and delivery system which works perfectly for them within 30 days of starting treatment.

Something else ii have observed over the years is that while there is no doubt that Cannabis can alter behaviour in many people, but what ii have noticed is that there is a certain positive regulating role in behaviour during particularly stressful times or in times of environmental challenges. I have observed people from all walks of life operating under stress with and without Cannabis and definitely ii can say that Cannabis consumers definitely handle stress better than non- users and this is because their EC Systems are not performing having depleted the body of Anandamide, one of our natural Endocannabinoids, so the EC System needs Cannabis to stimulate the system again. Cannabis does this by reducing the signs of anxiety especially under stressful conditions.

Even Cannabis laws have finally started to relax and embrace change to accommodate Cannabis Medicine over the past decade however, ii am deeply concerned that the people who control this planet are dead set on ensuring that the only way this medicine will get to the people is via the pharmaceutical industry.  In other words, it will not be natural and it will definitely have side effects because this is a requirement for medical approval.


Synthetic cannabinoids are very dangerous because they act as FULL agonists of Cannabinoid Receptors where natural plant derived THC only acts as a PARTIAL agonist.  This means that synthetic Cannabis products are almost double the strength, often many times stronger due to the higher THC strains being cultivated and people have hearts attacks and suicidal thoughts on these products and many of these have already been recalled off shelves around the world and also because of pesticides and bacteria. Besides all of this you are going to be made to pay money for this, when in reality you could be growing it in your back yard for free.

So you can see the whole ‘babylon’ pattern of operating as they do with our food and everything they want to control this plant because it is for the healing of the nations and this is not in accordance with their aim to keep the nations sick and diseased.
First ii think about all the sick children, little ones suffering with epilepsy for instance, and their distraught parents who often do not know how to cope.

These children and their parents need the actual plant not some man made chemically altered damaged version of YAH healing creation.

So now more than ever before and especially in light of the recent High Court ruling in Cape Town, ii am asking people to seriously look at growing their own plants at home this is the only way you will know that you are getting a real plant based medicine.

How does Cannabis cure stress?

Anandamide is one of our natural Cannabinoids produced inside our bodies and it works the same way as THC by stimulating the Cannabinoid Receptors.

So in other words when Anandamide levels are low there are high stress levels and the body needs the THC from Cannabis to produce more Endocannabinoids and more receptors to fight the stress.

Chronic stress negatively affects the EC System…

In the old days we used to say that stress ‘blocks’ the EC System but what actually happens is that chronic stress basically uses up all the natural Anandamide in the body making the person Cannabinoid Deficient and it also causes a loss of Cannabinoid Receptor production throughout the body in various cell systems.

In fact this is what gave scientists the first indication of the involvement of the EC System with the stress system. They realised that the EC System was constantly incapacitated by stress exposure.

Many research experiments ii have looked at all prove that CB1 receptors literally disappear when the body is dealing with stress. Fortunately our creator in HIS wisdom built a back- up plan into the EC System.

The decline in Anandamide activates the stress response in the body and brain. Because the EC System and the stress system are so intricately connected Anandamide is now known to be a critical factor of stress regulation.

This is how Cannabis is able to cure stress because THC which is only found in Cannabis mimics the properties and activities of our natural Anandamide. Cannabis stimulates the EC System to produce more Endocannabinoids and more receptors to protect the brain and body against the harsh reality of stress.

Stress hormones which are rapidly released in response to stress in turn increase the activity of the fatty acids which break Cannabinoids down and this also reduces Anandamide signalling and production. Essentially this is how stress ‘blocks’ the EC System and this is why we need Cannabis to fight stress.

So the number one enemy of the EC System is stress and many studies have proven that both acute and chronic stress as well as constant exposure to the same root cause of the stress will continue to reduce Anandamide levels in the body.

It is very true that most Cannabis research being conducted right now focuses on the effect of THC on human behaviour but no one ever seems to look at how our behaviour or our environments affects the EC System. We need to take a closer look at how we are living our lives and at our behaviour and make serious decisions about what state of consciousness we wish to live in meaning freedom or slavery.

You will recall ii have told you before that the EC System is an omnipresent system which is not in constant action in other words its receptors and Endocannabinoids and ligands are not freely available rather they are produced and released on demand which is unlike any other system in the body and makes the EC System very interesting to study because it is so extremely flexible and energy conserving and is capable of working in reverse which means it can actually control what happens next on cellular level.

It is obvious that it really is all about the THC/CBD ratios and this ii am discovering through intense studies and ii will write about it as soon as ii can relay the intricate chemistry as ii understand it.

CBD has the ability to calm THC which it does by using its ability to change the shape of Cannabinoid Receptors to counteract or ease the anxiety associated with the psychedelic effects of THC.

In our bodies we have a second Endocannabinoid known as 2- AG which is basically our body’s CBD just as Anandamide is our THC. It’s really interesting to note that chronic stress then depletes our Anandamide but yet at the same time seems to have a positive effect on 2 -AG our natural CBD which we know is excellent for reducing anxiety.  This is the duality of Cannabis which ii started to speak about in the paper titled “What’s so special about The EC System?”

So even though as far as ii know, besides synthetic cannabinoids, organophosphates and certain bacteria chronic stress is the main threat to The EC System, our Creator has found a way to combat this by letting this same stress have a positive effect on our other Endocannabinoid which performs the functions of CBD which is to reduce anxiety. Just as a side note ii would like to put it out there that the second biggest threat to the EC System is alcohol...the only antagonist to Cannabis that ii know of for fact.

Not only does the body start to produce more 2 -AG upon encountering stress, but it also now seems that chronic stress actually brings about a reduction of the enzymes which normal destroy any extra 2-AG. When it comes to Cannabis Medicine it is really all about balance in the body also known as homeostasis.

This is exactly how Cannabis cures stress…and ii hope this makes sense.

As far as ii am concerned all this stress that we are expected to endure is not natural or normal as some scientists and theologists would have us believe. Let me tell you there is nothing natural about stress we are supposed to be free and living a free life. The only stress we are supposed to deal with is that which is natural like storms, child birth and so on.

My metaphysical studies have over the years revealed the truth about what is wrong with this world we live in and to be frank there is nothing wrong with the world the problem is the people... they are evil.

You should do your own research so that the information will filter through your brain and therefore your consciousness you don’t need me to tell you about the new world order and their ambitious agenda.  The truth is there is a handful of people who control this world, you may think you are in control of your life or that you even own your property…you are mistaken this ii can promise you. And your sub conscious knows this to be true that is also why humans are so stressed.

This daily rat race that we have to endure simply to survive on the planet which did not cost a cent to create so we must ask why we are the only species which has to pay to live on earth and to exactly whom do we owe this debt?

This handful of self- appointed elite people, actually they are evil, and not even human…ii have learnt now that these people are reptilian in nature and have abilities such as shape shifting for example.  In order to survive they need to feed, what do they feed on? Human emotions…yes…that is correct…these evil people need to harvest human emotions in order to sustain themselves here on earth.

How do they do this? Well horrifically the first place to look is at child abuse and slowly but surely the world is waking up to massive crimes against humanity in particular children, stories straight from the Vatican in fact…so it almost seems as though the world is standing back and like really good catholics (ii refuse to put in capitals) they simply just forgive all their evil high priests of their sexual offences on small children.

This is not forgiveness because the people have not even shown anger yet they are just accepting this situation blindly all around the world no one is even standing up and demanding justice. No one seems to be outraged at this behaviour. 

And certainly no one is showing any remorse...

Here in South Africa you will get more reaction to the death of a rhinoceros than a human baby. You can never believe this complacency and ii have always said that ii am sure they are spraying substances such as scopaline over the people possibly through their chem trail activity to keep the people docile and unconscious of their actions and even thoughts ii really believe that a lot of the stress on this planet has already been achieved through these type of scenarios.

Truly as per the prophecies, the people have been deceived by the system they look to for protection and they cannot even see it.  This is what creates the majority of the stress on the planet.

Practically, the whole professed Christian world in particular the catholics by not reacting are showing the rest of us that they have embraced this abominable behavior of their masters who they worship.

Truly all the people have been deceived and cannot see that the system is bashing directly against their religious liberty or any other freedom they think they might have and therefore many people may feel that they are literally being legislated right out of their promised freedom, despite there being solid constitutions and Human Rights Declarations in place in most societies supposedly to assure the people of freedom. 

Freedom is an illusion and stress is the proof of this illusion. In order to free ourselves we require huge amounts of courage to defeat this unjust system we are forced to serve in order to survive.  Never let us forget that we are many and they are few and all we need do is stand up and their little game will be over.

The other way they harvest human emotions is by creating enough stress to cause people to have emotional breakdowns like crying is one of their favourites they seem to love tears more than a vampire loves blood. Poverty, illness, war, slavery, depression and all these other Babylon things they create and present to us as reality is all geared at creating a negative environment to ensure an endless supply of tears.

Stress levels are getting higher and higher and more and more people are on pharmaceuticals with serious side effects to ‘cope with this stress’.

We are fighting with our leaders around the world to give us the Cannabis plant back so we may heal ourselves and they continue to try to convince us that Cannabis is a dangerous drug yet alcohol remains legal even on Sundays their own falsely chosen Sabbath.

In order to save ourselves from what is happening in our world in our lives in our families we need to seek higher education in order to awaken our consciousness to what is really going on this world and this is then how we will rid the planet of this unnecessary and unnatural stress we are all forced to live with.


Drake Dorm – Medical Jane contributor

“Translational Psychiatry” Vanderbilt University Tennessee

University of Haifa in Israel

Friday, June 9, 2017



One never seems to hear about the cure for cancer or epilepsy or autism on the television so we give thanks for the internet because this is how most people came to hear about this ‘new’ physiological system we have inside of us now known as The Endocannabinoid System (EC System) which was identified officially by scientists in the early 90’s.

The first time ii ever heard that Cannabis can cure was as a young girl from my Elders who used to refer to this system as “The THC Receptors” and ii can honestly say that the only reason ii came to know about the healing properties of Cannabis is through the teachings of my Elders.

My first experience with the neuro division at Groote Schuur Hospital was in 1987 when on my first day aged 17 and a half, ii paraded into neuro with a hand drawn picture of the human brain and ii demanded to know where the “THC Receptors” were situated in the brain…needless to say ii was promptly chased off the floor being accused that ii knew nothing of what ii spoke. Little did ii care back then since ii was convinced that ii had the cure for cancer and ii could save the world!

The truth is that THC acts on every single Cannabinoid Receptor and this is why we remain sceptical of products that claim to contain ‘zero THC’ because THC is the main pharmacological agent and in fact many of the other 110 known Phyto Cannabinoids would not work or even exist in the absence of THC.

According to Professor Mechoulam only THC actually binds to Cannabinoid Receptors CB1 and 2 none of the others have binding affinity not even CBD which is why he had to administer the substance via the Serotonin Receptor 1A in lab rat studies. Professor Mechoulam is personally actively working on CBD isolation in lab and he is having success especially with bone therapy. Research of this nature doesn’t resonate well with me as a healer especially when ii have read reports from the Prof stating categorically that whole herbal Cannabis medications are superior to synthetic Cannabinoids.

So ii do still believe the wisdom of my Elders to this day and to be very fair ii do believe that CB1 and CB2 should be renamed as THE THC receptors because no other Cannabinoid can actually bind to these receptors yet all the Cannabinoids are able to bind to other receptors in the body. 

Serious studies consume my life right now looking at all these potential new Cannabinoid Receptors is just fascinating to see how this intricate system works.

So yes, Cannabis is therefore the best source of natural Phyto-Cannabinoids and is the only plant which contains THC.

Even though this system got its name from the Cannabis plant, this system doesn’t actually exist because there is a plant in the garden called Cannabis the system exists because we have natural Cannabinoids produced inside our bodies which mimic the properties of THC in the body.

How does this complex system work?

Illness is a sign of Cannabinoid Deficiency and supplementation with Phyto Cannabinoids is required to restore health.

One of the most profound characteristics of this system is that Endocannabinoids are produced on demand only when required by the body and only in the areas that need a particular compound at that moment. 

Cannabinoids are therefore not stored or produced all over and all the time. So quite literally whenever there is a problem in the body Cannabinoids flow to the site of injury to activate the Cannabinoid Receptors to start healing by performing the functions of The EC System. 

Cannabinoids are naturally broken down immediately after they have performed their functions so they have a very short half-life which is the time required for a substance to reduce to half its original.

This is why we only need really tiny amounts of Cannabis Medicine to be completely healed with confidence and ii always tell my patients that once you have had your first drop you may consider yourself healed.

Still even though ii will never doubt this medicine it is no doubt that scientists and students such as myself, will forever be baffled by the mystical wonder of The EC System and indeed the perplexing pharmacological effects of the Cannabis plant which we now refer to as “The Entourage Effect”.

Overview of The EC System

So we have learnt that The EC System is made up as follows:

Cannabinoid Receptors
Cannabinoids (Endocannabinoids produced in the body, Phyto-Cannabinoids from plants, Synthetic Cannabinoids from man-made labs)
Ligands which activate the Cannabinoid receptors (Agonists)
Ligand-metabolizing enzymes (Enzymes which break Cannabinoids down)

Some Cannabinoids act as activators of receptors and others as inhibitors while others act as indirect or partial agonists and modulators of the activities of other Cannabinoids.  For example CBD has a regulating effect on the activity of THC in that it can reduce the psychedelic effects of THC. So plants with low levels of THC for example hemp would then naturally be higher in ratio to the THC.



What is so unique about The EC System?

There is definitely something very mystical and profound about this system and the way it operates in our bodies, minds and indeed our spiritual chakras and possibly even beyond.

When Cannabinoid receptors are stimulated a number of physiologic processes start to take place and when THC binds to the receptors they proceed to modify the way in which the body functions, especially when there is a threat to homeostasis at any level in the body.

The first time ii heard the word ‘omnipresent’ was from my Elders when describing His Majesty Haile Selassie I, so truly the best way ii can describe this system is that it is an omnipresent protective lipid (fat) signalling system.

It is an ever present yet not tonically active system which works with fats and now we know that the human brain is 60% fat so we have learnt that good health is all about good fats and this is why we are having so much healing success with The Cannabis Coconut Connection ©.

Anti-tumor (anti-cancer)
Anti-tumor (anti-cancer)
Immune Boosting
Immune Boosting
Regulation of metabolism (weight control)
Regulation of metabolism (weight control)
Skin care
Skin care
Osteoporosis treatment
Osteoporosis treatment
Fat soluble
Over 90% Saturated fat
No negative side effects no deaths
No negative side effects no deaths
Components found in human breast milk
Components found in human breast milk
Regulate circulation
Regulate circulation
Used for over 5000 years as medicine
Used for over 5000 years as medicine
At the forefront of medical research and breakthroughs
At the forefront of medical research and breakthroughs
Criminalized since 1930’s
Condemned for over 60 years
Controls regulation of fat
Controls regulation of fat
Raw plant has little to no psychedelic high
Raw plant has no psychedelic high
Aides nutrient absorption
Aides nutrient absorption
diaphoretic (perspiration-inducing)
diaphoretic (perspiration-inducing)

You could say that The EC System is not in a continuous state of action in other words the system becomes active when the body is out of balance and there is a need to produce more receptors and Endocannabinoids for healing. Phyto Cannabinoids stimulate the system to produce more receptors and Endocannabinoids.

For me personally ‘omnipresent’ also describes the fact that we have always believed that there are many more Cannabinoid Receptors in the system than just CB1 and 2, which we believe are in fact ‘THC Receptors’, and further we have always believed that the presence of these two receptors which are the only two to have been cloned in a lab to date, is most certainly not restricted to only the brain and immune system.

So in other words ii believe that both CB1 and CB2 receptors are present in both the nervous and immune system at the exact same time as well as being present in other physiological systems such as the vascular system where other Cannabinoid Receptors have also recently been identified.

Soon ii will introduce you to CB4 which is most active in the blood system and this easily explains why we have such high success in treating blood pressure conditions and even it is true that in ancient times Cannabis root was used to stop post -partum bleeding because Cannabis contains anti-coagulant properties and this is because of activity of The EC System in the vascular system.

We now know that both CB1 and 2 receptors are also located in our muscle tissues giving high hopes for fybromyalgia treatments. Just last week ii needed to find a Cannabis massage therapist to use my own medicine on my muscles.  We discovered something very interesting which can possibly take medical massage to the next level, by including hot rock treatments truly it was a royal healing and definitely the heat from the stones increased the effects of the THC in the oil.

It seems fair to assume that Cannabinoid receptors are present throughout the body in all cell types.

Also fair to say is that ii believe that all future Cannabinoid Receptors which are discovered as well as the 11 (CB3 to CB13) new ones we are currently studying will then also be ever present throughout the body alongside CB 1 and CB 2 and ii believe it is only a matter of time before this becomes public knowledge from the scientists and they confirm what we have always known that the entire EC Receptor System is omnipresent on every single cell throughout the body of humans and animals as well as in the elements of our consciousness known as the chakras which are profoundly aligned to our Endocrine Glands and we now know that the EC System controls and regulates the Endocrine System.

It’s a bold statement but ii would go so far as to state that each and every cell in our body has all of the Cannabinoid Receptors on site and ii believe that this is why Cannabis Medicine works so effectively and so quickly. 90 days to cure the average cancer…that’s impressive naturally, imagine what we could do for preventative health care.

We now also know that Cannabinoid Receptors have been identified in the gastrointestinal system, the lungs, the heart, endocrine glands, in sympathetic ganglia as well as in the arteries of the vascular system.

We also now know that in the gastric tract both CB1 and 2 receptors have been identified in the same tissues, so already there is this pattern to realising that the receptors are indeed omnipresent they simply seem to be everywhere at the exact time they are needed. 

For example we have seen research results in liver cancer studies which showed that patients with liver damage had a higher expression of Cannabinoid Receptors in their liver tissues than healthier liver patients proving the protective signalling role of The EC System.  So where there is illness in the bodies the Receptors increase their expression in the affected site as they are now just waiting for the Cannabinoids to activate them so they get to work and heal.

In the future ii would like to see medical practitioners, veterinarians and even dentists, since we have Cannabinoid Receptors in our teeth pulp, observing patients Cannabinoid Receptor expression in identifying disorders as the protective role of The EC System will then show medical practitioners exactly where the problem is.

In 2014 ii wrote that ii would like the future to produce a ‘dip stick’ style Cannabinoid tester where patients might be able to establish the Cannabinoid content of their oils or edibles and we are still awaiting this invention.

Professor Mechoulam says that “The EC System acts essentially in just about every physiological system that people have looked into, so it appears to be a very central system”.  Personally ii prefer the word ‘omnipresent’.


Even though the EC System is not a tonically active system Cannabinoid Receptors are still the most numerous of all neurotransmitters, they are literally everywhere in the body and are expressed when there is a threat to homeostasis in the body at any level.

There is no doubt that this system is a chemically complex network where different fat soluble compounds play very distinct roles in the control and regulation of all of the body’s processes.

The vast complexity of this system teaches us that not only are the receptors working as neurotransmitters but so do the Endocannabinoids and the Phyto Cannabinoids.

The Cannabinoids (neurotransmitters) move from cell to cell (neuron to neuron) across a gap known as a synapse. The cell in front is the pre-synaptic neuron and the cell at the back is the post-synaptic neuron.


When a cell is under attack the EC System kicks into action but it communicates its messages in a unique way because it basically works in reverse, we call this ‘retrograde transmission’ so the neurotransmitters attach themselves to the receptors on the pre-synaptic neuron and moves backwards to the post-synaptic neuron. 

All other neurotransmitters move from the post to the pre-synaptic neurons.  The importance of this is that Cannabinoids can actually act on pre-synaptic cells and therefore they can actually control what happens next when these cells are activated, it’s the perfect defence mechanism.

Surely omnipresent must extend to include this unique feature for the system moves backwards but it’s actually in the future. Cannabinoids seem to work like a dimmer switch for pre-synaptic neurons by controlling the amount of various different neurotransmitters that is released or received and this then affects how messages and hormones are sent and received and processed by the cell.


Human duality is an interesting esoteric concept of consciousness and there is a lot of common sense which prevails towards certain truths about the awesomeness of being human and you can even read about this in the book of Romans in the Bible.
Cannabinoids are also involved in elements of our consciousness and ii believe this is connected to the fact that all Cannabinoids are both agonists and antagonists thus they can each both stimulate and inhibit how a receptor and therefore the cell can send and receive signals, wherever necessary in the body even at the same time at the same receptor to restore balance in the body at any point of injury throughout the various systems of the body including hair, nails and teeth and beyond to include the chakras and other elements of consciousness which affect our mental and physical health.
Part of this duality is the ability of Cannabinoids to interact with other receptors,
CBD is a good example and CBD can also change the shape of a receptor and this is how CBD reduces anxiety and seizures because it works on the main inhibitory neurotransmitter known as the GABA-A receptor. CBD changes the shape of this receptor in such a way as to amplify the calming effects of the main agonist of this receptor GABA. Valium also works on the GABA receptor path but with negative side effects.
The reason why CBD can curb the psychedelic effects of THC is because while it cannot bind to the CB1 receptor it can change the shape of the receptor so as to weaken its ability to bind with THC.  Shape shifting little Cannabinoids. This is why people do not feel as ‘high’ on a CBD rich medicine compared to a THC dominant mix. 
Cannabis Medicine does not have to be psychedelic because a CBD rich medicine with just a little THC can produce healing benefits without the mind altering effects which a lot of people do not want. CBD has been tested over and over and it simply has no side effects which is odd for a compound which follows so many different pathways you would expect at least one side effect but no there is not. So while this is definitely a positive result it is also a concern to me if these people ‘need side effects’ to produce CBD only medications for approval.
THCV is another example of this duality especially in weight control and diabetes…

THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin) has been found to increase sensitivity to insulin while also protecting the cells that produce insulin, allowing them to work more effectively.  THCV also has the ability to regulate metabolism and suppress appetite and this has raised hopes in the medical world that Cannabis can be developed into treatments for obesity related diseases as well as diabetes.

The effect of THCV on the CB1 and CB2 receptors is different to the effects of THC.

THCV is an antagonist (inhibitor) of the CB1 and CB2 receptors, so instead of stimulating these receptors THCV actually blocks them from being activated which is what makes THCV so important in the study of obesity, appetite control and metabolic regulation which it is showing signs of being able to control, as an appetite suppressant. This is exactly why you don’t often see an overweight person who consumes Cannabis.

We now know that CBD has an effect on the genes which affect cholesterol metabolism and also has an appetite suppressing effect.
So both THCV and CBD have shown to reduce body weight and increase metabolism of fat cells. They do this by changing the shapes of the receptors.

Everyday ii am bedazzled by what the EC System and Cannabis can do for us and it certainly seems that there simply is no end to the healing properties of Cannabis Medicine from all types of cancers, epilepsy and arthritis to menstrual problems and even in respect of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) we are seeing miracles daily of how war veterans are regaining their lives and their minds thanks to the healing properties of Cannabis where conventional treatments are failing. Cannabis is for the healing of the nations and the fact that we have The EC System is living proof of this.

The greatest advantage of Cannabis Medicine is that it specifically targets sites of injuries and tumors. Cannabis does not have any toxic effects on normal non- cancerous cells, so if you think about the fact that standard chemotherapy targets basically all cells you can see the benefit of using Cannabis Medicine especially while undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments.


British Journal of Pharmacology
National Institute for Drug Abuse (NIDA)
National Institute of Health.(NIH)
High Times
Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel
Professor Raphael Mechoulam

Dr. Christina Sanchez molecular biologist at Compultense University in Madrid Spain

International Cannabinoid Research Society