1 vs 29
then God said: “Behold I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on
the surface of all of the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed;
it shall be meat for you.”
When JAH speaks of meat, He is referring to food. Most meat is cooked over a source of heat,
usually a flame or fire, and then consumed through the mouth.
The Rastafari practice of smoking the Holy Herb is really no different
to eating meat. Observing the command to
use herbs that bear seed of its kind, the Rastafari Brethren and Sistren, after
separating the seeds from the flowers and leaves, put the herb (meat) in a
bowl, apply a flame to it (cooking it) and ingest it through the mouth, and
this is why you will hear Rasta’s speak about “eating some herb”.
To justify this practice of smoking (eating) the herb, we look to 2
Samuel 22 vs 9
“Smoke poured out of his nostrils, a
consuming flame and burning coals from his mouth”, which is repeated again in Psalms 18 verse 8
word for word and again in Job 41 vs 20
“Smoke comes pouring out of his nose, like
smoke from weeds burning under a pot”
The fact that smoke came out of JAH’s nostrils and fire from his mouth,
suggests that God indeed has a body. The
question is “How did smoke get inside JAH’s body? Our answer is through eating
(smoking) the holy herb, and we continue to justify our Biblical defense of
eating and smoking herb by insisting that our Holy Herb, Cannabis increases
spiritual awareness, and brings us into closer meditation with our creator, JAH
Rastafari! It is of course, naturally, the psychedelic properties of THC which
creates this spiritual awareness which is experienced by everyone who consumes
the Holy Herb, not only followers of Rastafari. Give Thanks!
Exodus 3 vs 2 -4
“There the angel of the
Lord appeared to him as a flame coming from the middle of a bush. Moses saw that the bush was on fire but that
it was not burning up. ‘This is
strange,’ he thought. ‘Why isn’t the
bush burning up?’”.
We believe that this scripture reasons that a conference between man and
God is symbolized with a burning bush and we therefore ritually recreate this
connection by burning the bush, or herb, Cannabis. This produces a heightened spiritual
awareness, allowing for a closer communion with JAH.
12 vs 2
not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform
you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know
the will of God-what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect.”
In order to achieve a “complete change of mind” one needs to be “in the
Holy Spirit” and we believe that sacred communion with JAH produces spiritual
health, which, in turn helps both mental and physical health. This is the core foundation of Rastafari
Livity because Rastafari is much more than a religion or a socio-political
movement, Rasta Livity is a lifestyle as ordered by JAH himself through the
teachings of Jesus Christ and Haile Selassie I. To live in communion with God
through the Holy Spirit and the Holy Herb is one of the ways to achieve this
communion which is why it is a sacrament for many religious people around the
36 vs 26-27
will give you a new heart and a new mind. I will take away your stubborn heart
of stone and give you an obedient heart.
I will put my spirit in you and I will see to it that you follow my laws
and keep all the commands I have given you.”
This practice of eating and smoking the herb during ritual congregation
is considered a way of spiritually cleansing ourselves to come before the
presence of God. We regard this practice
as an acceptable offering which is acceptable to JAH and made within the temple
of our bodies.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 18 reads as follows:
“…Everyone has the right to freedom of
thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his
religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and
in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice,
worship and observance...”
This allows us to interpret the Bible and to use the holy herb,
Cannabis, accordingly. It is therefore a
massive violation of internationally protected human rights to pass laws
that prohibit this activity. It is also a violation to criminalize and incarcerate
members of the Rastafari Movement for manifesting their beliefs under Article
18. In spiritual matters sometimes it is
necessary to bear repetition, so please always remember that “sin gets its
power from the law”.
This is one of the major obstacles preventing the recognition and
acceptance of the Rastafari Movement as a whole. It should not matter whether the governments
share this belief or not, what matters is that the Rastafari Movement has a
solid and well-articulated doctrine based on the Biblical scriptures, natural
law and international human rights law, which provides an unshakeable
foundation for our belief in the use of the Holy Herb as a sacrament and also as
an industrial renewable resource, not to even mention the healing properties!
JAH! But as Sister Myrtle of the Dagga
Couple says these people if they want to control the people they simply
take away their sacrament. This is what Babylon did when they brought all those
poor Indian people over to Natal South Africa to slave in the sugar
plantations, and in order to control them they changed the laws to prohibit
only the Indians from consuming Cannabis. In doing so they declared the Holy Herb,
their sacrament, illegal.
A very interesting read is the case of Ras Garreth Prince vs The South
African Law Society. Brother Garreth is a South African Rastafari Lawyer who
was refused to register for Articles as he had previous criminal offences
relating to Cannabis. Brother Garreth is
a bona fide Rastafari follower and he truthfully admitted that he would
continue to consume Cannabis as his faith requires him to do.
In the discussions of this case by Babylon they cleverly put together a
solid case and were very sensitive with most issues, but this case will give
you real insight into the mentality and the attitude of our oppressive
Unlike many other countries abroad, South
Africans do not have the power to decide on law at a provincial or national
level through policies which have been petitioned and qualified for a public
Instead South Africans have their freedom
and liberty defined by politicians who consistently display how out of touch
they are and indeed how little they seem to really care about their citizens
let alone Mother Earth.
We can debate on and on as to the reasons
why Cannabis is illegal and the same old reasons will keep arising.
The main reason why Cannabis is illegal
across the world is that the authorities feel that they have the obligation to
protect the public from harmful drugs and Cannabis is classified as a very
dangerous drug and has been the centre of mass media anti Cannabis campaigns
since prohibition began in the 1930’s.
It is the psychoactive ingredients and in
particular THC which was first isolated in 1964 that are of primary concern to
the authorities, and which led to Cannabis being described as a “gateway drug”.
Scientists and researchers are frantically
working to produce the perfect synthetic cannabinoid medication minus the
psychoactive components. In Cannabis
culture we believe that to this day no one has been able to replicate the
purity and potency of herbal marijuana and it seems clearer by the day that
cannabinoids simply do not work the same when isolated from each other and are
in fact less effective.
Mandatory studies are often considered to be
uneconomical, since the profits in the pharmaceutical industry are generated
from patents, and since Cannabis is a plant in the public domain, it cannot be
patented, although in 2003 US patent number 6630507 was issued to the United
States government which is a direct contradiction to their claim that cannabis
is a dangerous drug with no medical benefits.
The patent claims that:
have been found to have antioxidant properties unrelated to NMDA receptor
antagosnism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment
and prophylaxis of a wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as
ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular
application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following
ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative
diseases, such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons, HIV and dementia”.
Big pharma quite literally would have to
invent and manufacture a Cannabis product which is firstly non psychoactive and
secondly chemically superior to herbal marijuana, and failure to achieve this would
effectively mean that the pharmaceutical industry would be forced to compete
financially with street marijuana. So in my reasoning the psychedelic effects
of Cannabis is the main reason for prohibition and in my personal reasoning
this is to prevent mankind from healing themselves and also to prevent us from
getting closer to our creator.
The application of smoking is another major
deterrent for the authorities as no medicine has ever been prescribed through this
type of delivery system, and it seems pretty obvious from the mounting reports from
studies all over the world, that cancer patients and even patients with other
different medical conditions, mostly all report achieving better results from
the smoke inhalation process than through ingestion and they also mostly report
that it is easier to control the individual dosage through smoking because the
effects are instant, whereas with ingestion the effects can take hours to ‘kick
Besides the illicit recreational uses (psychoactive
properties) and the seemingly lack of potential future profits, in the absence of
effective synthetic Cannabis, there is another aspect to Cannabis prohibition
and this involves a large degree of racialism, and in particular the uprising
of the socio-political spiritual movement of the Rastafari following, and the
crowning of their deity Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie I on 2 November 1930
where no less than 82 countries paid homage at the coronation of His Imperial
Majesty where he was amongst other accolades, crowned “King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Elect of God and light of the world, Rightful
Ruler of the Earth, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah…” (You can read more about His Majesty’s
Coronation in the post Rastafari Reasoning)
The Rastafari movement claimed the Cannabis
plant as their “Holy Herb” to be
consumed in Thanks and Praise as a sacrament to worship JAH (GOD). Today there are
over 4 million Rastafari followers around the world, sadly too many of them are
in prison. Rastafari is ranked at number
21 on the list of Major Religions of the
World, behind Scientology.
Many people around the world will agree that
the authorities made the “Holy Herb” illegal for the purpose to control the
Rastaman as the “ganga cause the people
to rebel”.
International Reggae superstar Bob Marley
was once interviewed by a journalist about this matter and when asked by the
journalist “they say that the ganja is
cause the people to rebel…How you feel about this?”
King of Reggae humbly responded “Rebel? Rebel against what…?.”
So there are those of us who also believe that Cannabis is illegal in
order to suppress the Rastafari Movement by incarcerating our Brothers for
petty Cannabis charges. This leaves our Sisters and children abandoned and
forced to take a Babylon king to survive thus removing the JAH lady from
society. By keeping our Holy Herb
illegal they suppress our people from freedom to move closer to our JAH.
The main controlling body
responsible for drug policy in South Africa is the Central Drug Authority (CDA),
which is greatly opposed to decriminalizing Cannabis. In 2009, the online Wikileaks released the CDA report titled
The South African Position on Cannabis,
which until then had been kept hidden from the South African public by the
The paper highlighted the
official government standpoint that prohibition
of Cannabis is necessary to preserve public health. The paper was also subject to a lot of
criticism because its content lacked solid scientific facts.
According to current South
African Legislation, Cannabis is a Schedule 1 narcotic making it illegal to possess,
purchase, cultivate or prescribe any amount of Cannabis. Cultivation is
punishable by up to 25 years imprisonment.
Hemp, like marijuana is of the
genus Cannabis, and is also illegal by law.
The Advocate General of the Department of Health has the power to issue
cultivation licenses for hemp production.
The only valid license known by the public is that held by Mr Tony
Budden of Hemporium.
On 11 June 11, 2014 Hemporium
issued the following statement via email:
“Our farming partners have harvested the second year of the Commercial
Incubation Research Trial and the seed and stalks have been sent for
decortication (analysis) and processing.
We are grateful to be part of this process as we are seeing how important
research and experience is when it comes to farming on a commercial level and
have learned a lot over the past two years.
We are now entering the third and final year of this trial, and we look
forward to being able to apply our knowledge to grow hemp commercially in South
There was mixed reaction in Parliament on Tuesday 18
February 2014 in Cape Town when The Medical Innovation Bill was introduced by
Inkatha Freedom Party Member of Parliament Dr Mario GR Oriani-Ambrosini.
The Medical Innovation Bill is a plea to government for
alternative cancer treatments, including medical marijuana and to legalize
Cannabis in South Africa for medical, economic and industrial purposes.
In 2013 Dr Mario Oriani-Ambrosini was diagnosed with
stage four, inoperable lung cancer.
He publically stated that he was using an “alternative
treatment” for his lung cancer, as he had been doing for some time before being
diagnosed. He also said: “At
this point, I shall not speak or vouch for such a treatment, nor discredit
it. My death or survival will do so”.
The introduction of the Medical Innovation Bill sparked a
debate in the National Assembly on the effects of cancer on society and
governments response to this disease.
cannot have a government response, a health response which is based exclusively
on the trinity of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. People are dying of
cancer, but they are also dying because they are not allowed to have equally
effective treatments," Ambrosini told the house.
need to create centres where these treatments can be administered under
controlled conditions because they are now administered to thousands of people
under conditions which are not controlled...We are now facing a situation of
thousands of people self-medicating because doctors cannot prescribe these
treatments and cannot monitor their effectiveness." he
ANC MP Bevan Goqwana said that he believed that Cannabis
alleviates the nausea associated with chemotherapy.
"No-one is sure which of the active
ingredients does what. What we know the plant can be used orally, rectally or
you can smoke it," Goqwana said.
Democratic Alliance MP Sandy Kalyan argued
against this by saying there was actually a wealth of knowledge on the Cannabis
plant and the active ingredients in it.
"Medical marijuana is not new and
the medical community has been writing about it for ages," Kalyan told
the house.
"Colleagues, instead of emphasising
the side-effects and the abuse of Cannabis, we should be engaging on the
beneficial effects of medical marijuana and I hope this debate is the start of
that conversation." said Dr Ambrosini.
Freedom Front Plus, MP Pieter Groenewald
said his party was not opposed to "strictly controlled" research
being conducted. But he emphasised that government would have to ensure that the
research procedures count not be abused.
African Christian Democratic Party MP Cheryllyn Dudley said the
decriminalisation of dagga for
medicinal purposes was a controversial and complex issue.
"We do not and will not endorse the
recreational use of Cannabis or any attempt to move in this direction,"
Dudley said.
"However, we are mindful that
presently morphine - a form of heroine used for pain control for terminally ill
cancer patients - is toxic and lethal as it actively speeds up the death of the
Dudley also said that her party would support clinical trials, to either "prove
or disprove" claims made on the use of Cannabis in cancer treatment.
Millions of people with life-threatening diseases like
cancer and HIV are legally denied access to a medicine which they could be growing
themselves for free, so it is easy to understand why so many people feel that
they are quite literally being legislated out of their own health and well-
being without their consent.
These compulsory studies which are required to work
towards approval of drugs are governed by rigid laws, even stricter by -laws,
heavy fees and loads of red tape making it an expensive and cumbersome task to
pursue. No clinical studies can be under taken while Cannabis remains illegal
in South Africa, yet somehow pharmaceutical companies are managing to be
granted cultivation and research licences under The Medicines and Related Substances Act No 101 of 1965, which hypocritically
provides for pharmaceutical research with Cannabis.
Now that more and more scientists are beginning to
discover that we all have cannabinoid receptors in the brain and body, there
really ought to be a moratorium on government drug policies in respect of Cannabis.
people criminals for taking psychoactive substances is in itself criminal, for
one is dealing with, at worst, a vice but not a crime.” – JP van Niekerk, Managing
Editor – South African Medical Journal.
So, as long as Cannabis is illegal there will always be a group of
people being persecuted for their religious beliefs and as this goes on there
will always be oppression and injustice in the world. And if there is injustice
there can never be peace.
This is why at the end of the day the Rastafari Movement must and will
win the struggle to free the Holy Herb. Just
as water is the softest thing it can still penetrate the mountains and the earth,
which demonstrates nicely the principle of softness overcoming hardness and in
this same way good- will must always triumph over evil, and it is evil to
violate God-given natural human rights.
For us it is very clear what The Bible says that God is give us EVERY
seed bearing herb on the face of the earth to be used as meat and to heal the
nations. Yet the people, who run this
world, decide to make nature and therefore GOD, illegal.
Ezekiel 34 vs 29
“And I will raise up for them a plant of
renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither
bear the shame of the heathen anymore.”
JAH obviously anticipated some prohibition and warned us of this again
1 Timothy 4 vs 1 – 5
“The Spirit says clearly that some people
will abandon the faith in later times; they will obey lying spirits and follow
the teachings of demons. Such teachings
are spread by deceitful liars, whose consciences are dead, as if burnt with a
hot iron. Such people teach that it is
wrong to marry and to eat certain foods.
But God created those foods to be eaten, after a prayer of thanks, by
those who are believers and have come to know the truth. Everything that God has created is good; nothing
is to be rejected, but everything is to be received with a prayer of thanks,
because the word of God and the prayer make it acceptable to God.”
So even in the biblical times, God knew that we would endure prejudice
for our consumption of the Holy Herb.
It is interesting to note that no prohibition of Cannabis or any other
plant is made in the Ten Commandments. Genesis is very clear that JAH is giving
us every seed bearing herb to use for meat (food), and we all know that
Cannabis is a seed bearing plant. So therefore, it is clearly JAH-will that we
are to consume the herb, and it is Babylon rules which prohibit and persecute
us under their unconstitutional laws, for this practice.
It is also now a known and proven scientific fact that all humans, and
most of life on earth even jelly fish, have Cannabinoid receptors throughout
our bodies, known as the Endocannabinoid System. A “new” physiological system,
identified in the early 1990’s and which got its name from the Cannabis plant.
So, even though now that the whole world knows that we have Cannabis
receptors within our bodies; which, really means, that we are supposed to
consume Cannabis, we still have to bow down to the unjust laws of the
lands which continue to demonize the use of our Holy Herb.
1 Corinthians 15 vs 56—57
“Death gets its power to hurt from sin, and
sin gets its power from the Law. But
thanks be to GOD who gives us the victory though our Lord Jesus Christ!”
Only Satan himself would not want peace on Earth. Statistics are proving
over and over that people who consume Cannabis are calm and peaceful people as
opposed to people who consume alcohol and other dangerous drugs, and become
violent when under the influence.
Rastafari is all about peace and love and this is the exact opposite of
what we have on Earth today under Babylon law.
The Bible is very clear on this point and this point expresses the
freedom which our mighty JAH has promised us but which is denied to us by
demonizing our Holy Herb which brings us closer to JAH by opening our hearts
and minds to LOVE.

The Holy anointing oil described in Exodus 30 vs 22 – 25 was created
· 500
shekels (about 6 kg) pure myrrh
· 250
shekels (about 3 kg) sweet cinnamon
· 250
shekels (about 3 kg) Kaneh- bosem
· 500
shekels (about 6 kg) Cassia
· One
hin (about four liters) Olive oil
Sources generally agree about the identity of four of the five
ingredients of the anointing oil, but the identity of the fifth, that of ‘Kaneh
(Qaneh)-bosem was a matter of controversy.
It was only in 1936, that the first solid evidence of the Hebrew use of
Cannabis was established by Sula Benet, a Polish etymologist from the Institute
of Anthropological Sciences in Warsaw. (He studied the origin of words and how
their meanings have changed throughout history)
Sula Benet demonstrated that the word for Cannabis is ‘Kaneh-bosm’, also
translated in traditional Hebrew as ‘kaneh’ or ‘kannabus’.
The word appears five times in the Old Testament; in the books of Exodus
30 verse 22—23, The Songs of Songs 4 verse 14, Isaiah 43 verse 23-24, Jeremiah
6 verse 20 and Ezekiel 27 verse 19.
The word ‘kaneh-bosm’ is now accepted as having been mistranslated as
‘calamus’, a common marsh plant with little value, and does not have the
properties attributed to ‘kaneh-bosm’. This error occurred in the oldest Greek
translation of the Hebrew Bible, and was repeated in the many translations that
In order for mankind and womankind to truly return to God with their
whole heart, it is of maximum importance that as individuals we have complete
freedom of choice in respect of worship, so as to be able to follow our own
conscience and be led by our own God.