Monday, June 26, 2023

Is it illegal to be happy? ~ The importance of Cannabis to ensure happiness in maintaining great health


I’v always been super passionate about human health and happiness. My whole life, whenever anyone asked me why Cannabis is illegal ii would always give the same answer. “Because it’s illegal to be happy!”

The truth is that good health cannot dwell in an unhappy body, and this is not only my truth, you can find this truth in the scriptures of the Holy Bible and the Koran. The Bible speaks about “A merry heart is good, like medicine, but a broken spirit will dry the bones”. Proverbs 17 verse 22 clearly explains the cause of disease and the solution. It is known that the centre of the human immune system is in the bone marrow, so imagine then when unhappiness leads to the loss of bone marrow and this is exactly how so-called auto-immune conditions do manifest. And earlier in the Book of Proverbs in chapter 15 verse 13 we already learn that "a happy heart brightens the face but a troubled heart breaks the spirit" and "a broken spirit dries the bones."

In the Holy Koran, the scriptures speak about “a piece of flesh, that when not well, the entire body is not well, and when well, the entire body is well, and this piece of flesh is the heart.”

Millions of people use Cannabis for depression, pain, insomnia and mood elevation, and this is exactly why our main Endocannabinoid is named Anandamide, the Sanskrit meaning of Bliss. Yes!!! We are meant to be living in a state of bliss as intended by our Creator and not to be living in the level of intentionally created stress that humans have to endure today.

In my opinion, at the heart of disease management today is the way in which we handle our daily life-stresses. And please don’t get me wrong, a little bit of stress is also necessary for the body, but again, in my opinion, there is good stress and bad stress. Good stress is the stress that we put onto ourselves, for example setting goals and targets. Bad stress is that which the government and corporations give away for free every single day. Inflation, so-called cost of living, illegal taxes, dark agendas and don’t even let me start on ‘daylight robbery’.

All of these things are literally killing our people as stress manifests into dis-ease in the human body. There is so much scientific evidence to prove the negative biological effects of stress on humans. Today even young people are dropping from heart attacks and it is known that our stress hormone Cortisol causes an upregulation in tumor formation.

Stress completely devours our Vitamin B even to the point where the body can stop producing red blood cells and this then affects the oxygen supply to the brain and nervous system.

In respect of the Endocannabinoid system, stress not only blocks the Endocannabinoid receptors but also halts the production of Anandamide. In times of stress ii always tell my patients to double their dose because stress feeds vampiracally on our Anandamide supplies.

Human beings (and animals) need Cannabis to supplement the Endocannabinoid system and to be happy!

And why does Cannabis make us laugh? Is laughter not still the ‘best medicine’?

Cannabis eases any form of suffering and makes any dis-ease easier to bear. Denying people access to this plant has up until today only caused pain and suffering for so many people whose body’s were simply crying out for Cannabinoid treatment.

Smoking CBD Bud ~ Fighting Anxiety, Depression and Addiction with Hemp Flowers : A medical review of a South African CBD Strain CHG#16



Photo compliments of Breeder Dean Malan

After decades of smoking high THC I’m so enjoying the gentle buzz that hemp flowers give me and they are so tasty as well and calm my entire day down.

And this strain, Canna Health Genetics (CHG) #16 laughs in the face of anxiety!

Hemp flowers can help anyone to finally quit tobacco in ways you won’t believe possible. Many of my patients report that they will have 3 puffs maybe 4 and put the CBD joint down and carry on with their day and hours later will notice the left over joint I in the ashtray and become incredibly surprised at themselves that so many hours went by without even thinking about smoking. This is the power of CBD!

It was an honor for me to do an assessment on a South African bred strain, let alone high grade CBD flowers and even though I have tested quite a few CBD strains there is something very special about this strain that ii wish to share with you, compared to the others and I firmly believe that sunshine plays a huge role in my perception of the healing powers of this local strain. 


Immaculately cured seedless buds that were grown outdoors the Northern Cape, and you can tell how well-fed this plant was and the dry bud represents well that she had very pink colas as she flowered. Respect to Master Grower Richard! 


Before and after crushing there is a distinct nutty, like avocado pear pip nutty, hinting a large percentage of Pinene and Humulene terpenes. However this strain is not as ‘nutty’ in aroma as most hemp flowers like Feno Dream and Blue Shark, and even Cherry Wine. After crushing, ii can detect a hint of linalool and limonene which allows this strain to offer a unique bouquet of ultra subtle scents to delight the nostrils and the tongue. 


Earthy sweet overtones with musky and spicy undertones with a hint of citrus presented with a suspected array of the terpenes Myrcene, Pinene, Humulene and a dash of Limonene. The after taste lingers of a subtle sweetness with a hint of BCP and Terpenol which might make me wonder if there is some ‘Diesel’ in her lineage?  


Originally ii guessed this plant to be between 12 and 16% CBD and maybe around 1% THC. I’m told by the breeder that this strain tested at 14.6% CBD and 1.10% THC, this was for indoor plants, where the bud ii reviewed was outdoor grown by the Master Grower Richard who has a gift for making it almost impossible to tell the difference between indoor and outdoor when consuming his buds.


In my Cannabis Cup judging work ii really appreciate CBD flowers because of the instant physical and mental calmness, within 20 seconds, there was instant THC-calming (approximately 42% THC) which was very impressive. This was followed by full body relaxation and a peaceful and uninterrupted night of sleep. The fact that this strain lends itself so nicely to chronic pain is like a welcomed visit from an old friend and leads me to believe that inflammation will not be a problem for CHG #16.

I also tested this strain for day time use and was pleasantly surprised at how clearheaded my attention span was and there were no interruptions to my day because of my smoke. This is a fully functional strain that can be puffed all day long and will be a great companion in times of nicotine withdrawal.

Scientists say that CBD is not active but I’m not so sure about this and in my book ii ask the question Can CBD make you high? It concerns me when brain doctors start speaking about CBD by saying “It has no effect on the brain!” CBD most definitely offers a gentle mood enhancement or upliftment, and sometimes ii wonder if ii am feeling high or if ii am just feeling better. This is certainly a strain that you can unwind with after a long day.


In the future this will be an award winning new sativa with high CBD strain that performs well in and outdoors.  For smoking it is like the opposite of puffing an ‘Indica’ with high THC, very impressive and very interesting! You can tell how well fed this plant was by observing her color palate. Under the loupe she demonstrates a rich trichome population and a sight like this convinces one of the powerful terpene profile. 


Many people underestimate the power of CBD believing that it is weaker than THC in some way, but in my experience this is a very powerful CBD strain testing at 14% CBD and grown in the hot South African sun.

I highly recommend CHG #16 for the treatment of epilepsy and convulsions especially in children. In fact, this strain is the perfect strain for so many childhood diseases because she is so gentle and caring, just the type of motherly qualities that a sick child will need. In terms of seizure conditions this strain completely calms the nervous system down.

This strain will also be highly effective in treating fevers that are so common in small children because CBD can control the temperature function just by putting a little oil on the back of the child’s neck. (This will also work for women suffering with hot flushes simply by making a tea). Adult fevers will also respond well to CBD treatment.

Because of the high presence of the Pinene terpene in this plant it will serve so well for lung conditions like cough congestion, asthma and other respiratory conditions and again, especially for small children.

The presence of Linalool is a sign of this plants ability to help people overcome metabolic conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity and even lack of appetite. Together with another famous Cannabis terpene Limonene, this strain will be highly effective in treating most cancers and especially the toughest one of them all….pancreatic cancer.

Having tested a few different plants of this strain, grown by the same grower, I was struck by the neurological effects of the medicine produced from these plants. The up-regulation in neuro-protection is unmistakable and ii have so much respect for the power of whole-plant CBD medicine and this is why it is so effective in calming even the toughest seizures. This is when one realizes that natural CBD has the power to stimulate the process of Neurogenesis, the creation of new brain cells, in the presence of only tiny amounts of THC.

So I will most definitely recommend #16 for neurological conditions and mental health issues including autism, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder, early onset dementia, as well as PTSD and trauma patients.

Based on my personal healing ii received from the plant, it will not surprise me if the CBD in this plant is capable of doing the same brain cell resetting work as psilocybin can except without the psychedelic journey. I will also recommend this strain for addiction and childhood trauma treatment including nicotine withdrawal as mentioned above.

Other conditions this strain will work perfectly for are chronic and acute pain, inflammation, migraines, asthma, stress, anxiety, muscle spasms, tremors, tachycardia and seizures. So conditions like Parkinson’s Disease, ALS, Schizophrenia, Muscular Sclerosis, any twitching/spasm conditions, and definitely in the treatment of people suffering from strokes.

Patients suffering with any form of cancer, insomnia, hormonal balancing, in particular (thyroid and adrenal relief) will find healing. All of these conditions and most illnesses even headaches can offer nausea as a ‘side-dish’ but this plant will take all of that away from you for a full day at least.

An absolute must-have strain in the Cannabis medicine cabinet of anyone wanting to reap the benefits of this plant, that is functional and enjoyable at almost any dose but without the high. This plant also has a decent amount of CBG and ii will highly recommend for the development of medicines relating to eye care and especially glaucoma.

In my opinion this strain really needs to be developed not only as a highly effective medicine but also for an extraordinary recreational experience as a good conversationalist smoke for socializing as well as a great coffee companion. There is no doubt that there is something very special about the genetics of this strain and I would personally love to grow her for a season and also to consume her as a Live-Rosin extract, my ultimate smoke experience. 

This is the response ii received from the Breeder Dean Malan to my review

Hi Vee 

I was surprised by your essay and review of strain and experience, in a really good positive energy filled way. Love the way you express yourself and describe what you sensing – love raw honesty in humans.

My heart feels warm and blessed with gratitude. Your assessment of her qualities and her medicinal properties, is rather spot on  … Many years of work went into her and my other CBD dominant strains, so to hear from others that she help them, is confirmation of good energy exchange. Feeling absolute gratitude

 If you smoke this girl from an indoor grow – she is all Berries and sweet fruit flavours that drip off your tongue for a few minutes after the smoke session. 

Oh yes, she is CHG No.16 but is also known as…. Nostalgic Intoxication  

Thank you for those kind words, my heart feels blessed Vee."

The images below were taken by dissecting a tiny piece of the dry bud, only enough to fit into the 7 mm space under the microscope. Some of the crystals measured between 0.18 mm to 0.28 mm and the little leaf measured at 1.2 mm full of trichomes…give thanks to Grant of Image Nation Independent for these impressive shots! 

Look at these trichomes!!!

Monday, June 5, 2023

All Cannabis use is Medicinal

I would like to share a paradigm shifting perspective on the topic of medicinal versus recreational Cannabis consumption in the market place today.

I really feel that as a society we are ready to acknowledge that ALL Cannabis use is medicinal whether the person realizes it or not.

This is a lesson that my teachers drummed into my head from a young age because every single time we consume Cannabis we are activating our Endocannabinoid system and healing is taking place. 

Let me give you a simple analogy - In 2004 social media was introduced to society, and people were for many years banned from using Facebook and even Mxit during work hours. It was purely for adult recreation. Fast forward 20 years and now you can barely see what your Fam is up to for all the business adverts we have to now endure on social media. So what happened?

Well, corporations realized that there is big money to be made by merging social and recreational arenas with corporate business, and in this same way ii would like to see the fundamental fusion of so-called recreational Cannabis with medical use of the plant. 

By separating the two, governments automatically create opportunities to impose separate taxes, and of course recreational must be taxed higher.

In the USA today medical patients are being left behind as so-called recreational 'sales' open and recreational 'clients' are being limited to make sure there is enough for the medical patients. But, it's all the exact same bud, same strains and same THC levels, the only difference is the price and the taxes!

I've always been super passionate about human health and happiness and whenever I've been asked in my life why is Ganjah illegal ii always give the same answer "Because it's illegal to be happy!". The truth is that good health cannot dwell in an unhealthy body. 

Millions of people use Cannabis for depression, pain, insomnia and mood elevation. This is precisely why our main Endocannabinoid is named Anandamide, meaning "Bliss". Anandamide is the human version of THC and people need THC to supplement the Endocannabinoid system and to be happy and healthy because at the heart of disease-management today is the way in which we handle our life-stresses.

There are 2 types of stress, good stress and bad stress. Good stress is the pressure we put on ourselves, like setting goals and targets. Bad stress is what governments hand out for free every single day.

Inflation, so-called 'cost of living', illegal taxes, and dark agenda's, not to mention 'daylight robbery'. All of these things are literally killing our people as stress manifests into dis-ease in the human body.

There is so much scientific evidence to prove the negative impact of stress on the human body and it is well known that our stress hormone Cortisol causes an upregulation of tumor formation in the body. People are dropping dead daily from stress related heart attacks and sacrificing their lives because of severe trauma and depression. Stress also vampirically eats your Vitamin B supply and this can lead to your body losing the ability to produce red blood cells and this means less oxygen flow to the brain and blood. These are all things that Cannabis can help humans to overcome.

Stress also blocks our Endocannabinoid system and not only blocks the receptors but also blocks Endocannabinoid production in the human brain. People need Cannabis to protect themselves against the health dangers of stress.

And why does Cannabis make us laugh? Is laughter not still the best medicine?

Cannabis eases any form of suffering and makes any disease easier to bear and this is why ii believe that all Cannabis use is medicinal regardless of how it is consumed. Denying people access to this plant has until now only caused immense pain and suffering for so many people whose bodies are simply crying out for THC. 

The Stoned Olympics Home Growers Cup Cape Town 3 June 2023

It was such a blessing as a returning judge to witness the Greatness that has now become the essence of Home Grown Medicine in South Africa.  

Over the past 3 years ii have noticed a massive elevation in the cultivation standards, so much so that it was often hard to tell the difference between indoor and outdoor! So there is no doubt that the Ganjah is just getting better and better. 

I also noticed a huge improvement in feeding and nurturing programs, as this evidence comes through in the judging process.  

And despite the incredibly harsh season we all just endured, Home Growers still managed to present us with "Boutique Blomme" of the highest grade.

Impeccably manicured buds and powerful terpene profiles offering some of the best medicine ii have tested in years. 

And on the edibles side, one of my super powers is to identify sulphur and sulphites and ii can confirm that only the finest ingredients were used by the bakers and ii was also impressed with the precise dosing of the samples entered. I have always said that edibles is the future of this medicine because of precise dosing so very well done to all the bakers and all of these products must be vigorously marketed as they are screaming to be on the shelves already!

In my opinion all of the samples that have passed my desk are worthy of competing at International Cup Level and ii would really like to see these type of opportunities being created for our growers.

Congratulations to all the winners and ii give thanks for the privilige of being affiliated with Stoners Olympics and Home Growers Cup and may this event go from strength to strength to bring the plant closer to all communities until there is a 'dispensary' on every corner in this country.

And the Winners Are: 

Heart of love to all the winners I am so super proud of your achievements of Greatness keep up the good work Home Growers you are the literal rock of everything the Plant wishes to achieve in our communities. One Love ForeIver xxx