Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Are you Cannabis Deficient?

You will be forgiven for laughing and saying ii am crazy to suggest that such a condition as Cannabinoid Deficiency could even exist, but don’t laugh too hard because there are more and more reports and studies on this very topic.

As more and more scientists and medical professionals are beginning to realize that the newly discovered physiological system now known as The Endocannabinoid System (EC System) is very real and like all our other systems needs to be fed and stimulated to avoid deficiency and under- performance, so in the very same way as the body needs vitamins and amino acids and anti-oxidants, it also needs Cannabinoids to ensure optimum performance of the EC system. Cannabinoids are then found in the Cannabis plant.

We have already seen how deficiencies can cause some serious health problems for example vitamin deficiency and iron deficiencies can both cause havoc on the body’s systems and so too when our body is deprived of Cannabinoids when under attack from whatever reason, we begin to see deterioration of systems and organs which often manifests in one or another form of cancer.  This is interesting information when you realise that Cannabis can cure cancer.

Personally ii feel that the main function of the EC System is Homeostasis which ii believe is the number one factor in the biology of all living things and is best described as the ability to maintain a stable internal environment despite the constant fluctuations in the external environment. In other words, maintaining the body’s balance and adapting to environmental changes.

The ability to maintain homeostasis is necessary for survival and medical disorders and disease are the direct result of the body’s inability to maintain homeostasis.

So then, Cannabinoids are responsible for promoting homeostasis at every level of natural life, right from the sub-cellular to the organism, and perhaps even to the community and beyond.

Over and above regulating our internal and cellular homeostasis, Cannabinoids also influence a person’s relationship with the external environment. On a social level, the consumption of Cannabinoids clearly changes human behaviour, and often promotes feelings of sharing, humour, positive vibrations and creativity.

Only since the 1990’s have we known that humans and in fact all of life on earth, even jelly fish, in fact now have a ‘new’ physiological system known as the EC System, which got its name from the Cannabis plant. 

So we now have this new system, and you can either believe that we have always had this system or we are then evolving and developing new systems.  The simple truth is that we have a functional system which requires Cannabinoids and in medical matters, some repetition is necessary - Cannabinoids are derived from the Cannabis plant.  It is true that some other plants do produce Cannabinoids but for sure the most significant concentration in nature is the Cannabis plant.

Cannabinoids in breast milk…seriously?

Studies have revealed that Anandamide (a natural Endocannabinoid which mimics THC in the body) is present in human breast milk, and there is evidence to suggest that activation of the CB1 receptors is crucial to the suckling response in new- borns and it has also been shown that Anandamide has a neuro-protective effect on the postnatal brain.

With evidence like this it really is difficult to comprehend why this medicine is still illegal and out of the hands of the majority of people who are suffering with severe medical conditions, dread diseases and depression all over the world.

To be deficient, according to Chinese Medicine is any disorder that is caused by the body’s inability to maintain balance.

To understand Cannabinoid Deficiency we have to take another look at the other functions of the EC system, as we have just discussed the function of Homeostasis, and look at them from a medical perspective.

This is the creation of new neurons in the brain, new brain cells. Next to Homeostasis ii would say that neurogenesis would be the next most important function of the EC system.
Contrary to mass main stream media propaganda, research continues to show that Cannabis does not kill brain cells and rather the opposite is true, and in fact a recent study published in The International Journal of Neuropharmacology points to Cannabinoids as a cause of neurogenesis in the brain and it was shown that Cannabidiol (CBD) increases adult neurogenesis while having no effect on learning. (Please read the posts “Does Cannabis cause psychosis?” and “Can Cannabis cure schizophrenia?”)
“Most ‘drugs of abuse’ suppress neurogenesis.  Only marijuana promotes neurogenesis” – Dr Xia Zhang (Canadian researcher)
So now we know that Cannabinoids, derived from Cannabis, have a role to play in creating new brain cells in the human body. So, it follows naturally that a deficiency of Cannabinoids could result in an increased risk of brain cell damage, and also disruption or imbalance of homeostasis within the body, make sense?
According to Dr Ethan Russo, the Senior Medical Advisor at GW Pharmaceuticals,
“Deficient Cannabinoid levels may be the underlying cause of numerous conditions alleviated by Cannabis.”

It seems clear that a lack of Cannabinoids can cause disruption to various systems in the body and in turn this could lead to more crucial and life threatening problems.
We now live in a world where way too many people are medicated with prescription drugs which are also neuro toxic, which means they damage brain cells.  Then add to this all the pollution in the air, soil, water, food and vaccinations, all of which are neuro toxic, and we are starting to paint a pretty grim picture of the future of physical and mental health across the world.
Despite the fact that we are nowhere near lawful clinical human trials, there are thousands and thousands of reports of people suffering with various disorders of dementia, schizophrenia, bipolar, Alzheimer’s, autism and so on, having positive results by self-medicating with Cannabis in particular CBD high strains and the same is true for people suffering from epilepsy and other convulsive disorders. 
All these disorders including Parkinson’s disease, Multiple sclerosis and so many other conditions, for which they say there is no cure, all of these conditions are caused due to damaged brain cells, which is in direct relation to the neuro toxins being consumed in our air, water, soil, food and vaccinations and indeed Cannabinoid deficiency.
The EC system controls the process of autophagy which is a process involving cellular destruction of unnecessary or dysfunctional cellular components.
The process of autophagy breaks down damaged organelles, cell membranes and proteins, but does not damage or alter healthy cells at all, unlike the majority of so called cancer fighting drugs which kill off healthy cells as well as damaged cells.
The failure of the process of autophagy is the main reason for on-going cell damage and therefore the aging process.
It seems obvious therefore that we need to boost our EC systems in order to maintain our good health and indeed our longevity and failure to do so will result in a number of medical disorders.
Dr Robert Melamede, former Chairman of the Department of Biology at the University of Colorado, believes that Cannabinoids can go beyond helping patients with cancer or Multiple sclerosis and other serious conditions but can also slow down the aging process and play a role in averting and normalising all age-related illnesses.

This does makes a lot of sense and we are all aware of the role of ‘free radicals’ in the aging process, they quickly multiply and become uncontrollable in the absence of antioxidants to flush them out of the body.  Free radicals also cause inflammation throughout the body thus intensifying other conditions commonly connected with the aging process such as arthritis.
This does makes a lot of sense and we are all aware of the role of ‘free radicals’ in the aging process, they quickly multiply and become uncontrollable in the absence of antioxidants to flush them out of the body.  Free radicals also cause inflammation throughout the body thus intensifying other conditions commonly connected with the aging process such as arthritis.
Despite all this solid proof still this medicine remains illegal in most parts and strictly controlled in places where laws have been relaxed.  We see in the United States how the State Law and the Federal Law do not quite work together and dispensaries are constantly being raided and sick people are being prejudiced as the ‘feds’ walk away with containers full of life saving medication.
This is exactly why ii continue to encourage people who need Cannabis for medicinal purposes to grow their own.  It is false freedom where you are not in control of the production of your medicine and you do not know for sure what is in it or where it comes from or how it was grown.
Personally ii believe that Cannabinoids are located all over our bodies but they are definitely found at the intersection of the body's various systems, allowing communication and coordination between different cell types. Cannabinoids are therefore neurotransmitters.
For example, at the site of an injury, Cannanbinoids can be found decreasing the release of activators and sensitizers from the injured tissue, thus stabilizing the nerve cells to prevent excessive firing, and calming nearby immune cells to prevent release of pro-inflammatory substances.
Millions of people from all walks of life use Cannabis as a pain killer and anti-inflammatory especially people who experience back ache and arthritis related conditions. But sadly too many other millions are blinded by the system and are mostly unknowingly consuming way too many and way too dangerous prescription pain medications which have serious side effects on the brain and body especially the liver and kidneys. What is even sadder is the fact that the majority of these people in blind faith do not even bother to read the leaflet enclosed with pharmaceutical drugs and then lack the education to make conscious decisions about their health.
Researchers have recently discovered that Cannabinoids can actually increase the amount of energy and fat which the body burns.
Although Cannabis is better known for inducing hunger in those who consume it, scientists have now found that Cannabis also has an appetite suppressing effect.
It has been clinically proven that Cannabis boosts metabolism, leading to lower levels of fat in the liver and reduced cholesterol in the blood stream.
So there is a definite link between Cannabis use, glucose, insulin and insulin resistance.
Scientists also now know that Cannabis activates the stimulation of Adiponectin, a protein involved in regulating glucose and lipid (fat) metabolism, proving that there is a strong relationship between Cannabinoids and therefore Cannabis, and exterior metabolic processes. Cannabinoids are fat soluble and the human brain is 60% fat, and this is another reason why the pharmaceutical industry struggle with Cannabis because they cannot dissolve any part of the Cannabis plant in water.
The Cannabinoid known as THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin) has been found to increase sensitivity to insulin while also protecting the cells that produce insulin, allowing them to work more effectively, and this has certainly raised hopes that Cannabis can be developed into treatments for obesity related diseases as well as diabetes because of its ability to regulate metabolism and suppress appetite.
THCV is in reality an antagonist (inhibitor) of the CB1 and CB2 receptors, so in other words instead of stimulating these receptors THCV actually blocks them from being activated which is what makes THCV so important in the study of obesity and appetite control and metabolic regulation which it is showing signs of being able to control, as an appetite suppressant. This is exactly why you don’t often see an overweight person who consumes Cannabis.

THCV is also showing great potential to be able to lower the seizure and convulsion threshold for people suffering from epilepsy.
Some of the best loved sativa strains are known to be high in THCV for example Durban poison and many of the Haze and Cheese strains as well as their hybrids.
It has also been revealed that CBD (Cannabidiol) has an effect on the genes which affect cholesterol metabolism and also has an appetite suppressing effect.
There is not much you can do to increase CBD levels other than to choose strains with a known high CBD content.  CBD is naturally found in higher amounts in low THC varieties such as Cannabis ruderalis and some hemp species.
Studies have already shown that Cannabinoids have a regulatory effect on the Endocrine System which controls hormone release as well as homeostasis in our bodies, indicating that Cannabinoids can control the production and release of hormones.
The EC System is linked to the Endocrine system as it has been proven to play an important role in the secretion of hormones related to reproductive functions and response to stress, and therefore controls the functions of the Endocrine system.
Tests involving the production and release of oxytocin have given scientists hope to pursue studies of the role of Cannabinoids in hormone release in the treatment of fertility problems, mood and anxiety disorders, and metabolic processes such as thyroid function as well as symptoms of autism.
So, is it possible that you are Cannabis Deficient?
Currently there is more evidence in favour of the therapeutic potential of Cannabis than there is about the most popular conventional remedies currently on the market.

The most wonderful thing about Cannabis is that it works perfectly well with prescription medications and in fact alleviates most of the horrible side effects of these medications such as nausea and depression.

A lot of people will argue that Cannabis has not been properly tested and for me this is such a ridiculous statement because in fact Cannabis has been more researched than any prescription drug currently on the market.  In testing prescription drugs these people will use words like placebo and double blind placebo controlled drug trials and so on but in reality they are really just testing these drugs against well nothing in fact… and further, most of these drugs are only really ‘tested’ for a period of about 4 years before being passed for approval. 

Cannabis on the other hand has been used in Chinese medicine for over 5000 years and since the official discovery of the EC system, scientifically tested and re-tested officially for almost 30 years, for a variety of medical conditions including depression.  No one can honestly deny the mounds of research and scientific evidence collected in such a short space of time and it really saddens me that more conventional practitioners are not beginning to educate themselves in Cannabis science.

Furthermore Cannabis has been used and tested in conjunction with many different prescription drugs and therapies including cancer, epilepsy, diabetes, schizophrenia, hypertension, hormonal, renal, liver, blood and cardiac disorders and so many more and there has never been a report of any incompatibility with any so called approved drugs. Personally ii always recommend a window period of 2 years before a patient gives up on prescription drugs but ii do find that most patients wean themselves within about six months.

So it seems that the art of clinical observation in the field of medicine has been lost and the pharmaceutical industry has just become more and more consumed with criminal mischief.
Evidence now shows that Cannabis is actually an amazingly tranquil substance that in fact poses no risk of overdose and only a slight risk of addiction, alike to that of craving coffee or chocolate.
Many experts also now believe that the psychoactive properties of Cannabis are most likely to only be short lived and in fact do not pose any risk of long term brain damage.

So as more and more knowledge becomes available regarding the EC system and Cannabinoid science in general, researchers and scientists across the world are coming to the conclusion that many diseases may be caused by a deficiency of Cannabinoids and they have already labelled this as Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency (CECD) also known as Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome. The fact that the American's see fit to name this condition should surely demand a moratorium on government drug policies in respect of Cannabis. Because what they are really saying is that everyone with an EC system which is everyone should in fact be consuming Cannabis on a regular basis and not only as a last resort when ill.

In my paper Can Cannabis Cure Liver disease we learnt that CB2 receptors were identified in patients suffering from liver disease and liver cancer but these receptors were not expressed in patients with healthy livers.  This then proves how the diseased liver prepares to receive Cannabinoids in order to effect the healing and highlights the protective role of the EC system and Cannabis.

In my paper Can Cannabis Cure Depression we learn that in lab rat studies chronic stress reduced the production of Endocannabinoids proving that depression and stress leads to Cannabis Deficiency and that Cannabis can indeed rectify and cure this condition.

This then proves that normal Endocannabinoid functioning must be restored to help stabilize moods and ease depression thus eliminating stress.

So is it possible that patients’ who are relieved of their symptoms by consuming Cannabis are simply supplementing a deficiency in their EC system with the Cannabinoids from Cannabis? Is it possible that Cannabinoids can simply be thought of as supplements to promote the optimum functioning of our EC systems?
We have seen how Cannabinoid treatment can be used to treat a wide variety of disorders and health conditions also eliminating many age-related conditions like cell regeneration.
All natural remedies have some specific health benefits that are truly remarkable, but none are likely to cure everything, and so people shouldn't expect them to.
We are becoming more educated from research studies being released through the emerging science of Cannabis Medicine, and one thing is very clear, a fully functional EC system is essential for health, as all evidence indicates that the EC system and the Cannabis plant both have a very profound effect on the human body.

Research has already shown that just small amounts of Cannabinoids can stimulate the body to make more Endocannabinoids and build more Cannabinoid receptors. This is in line with the idea of Miniscule Dosing as discussed in the paper Cannabis Medicine Dosing
This is exactly why so many first-time Cannabis users do not feel any effects the first few times they consume but by the third or fourth time, their bodies would have built more Cannabinoid receptors and will be ready to respond.
More receptors increase a person's sensitivity to Cannabinoids; therefore smaller doses have larger effects, and the individual has an improved foundation of Endocannabinoid activity by consuming just a tiny dose of Cannabis on a regular basis and this is exactly why Cannabis is not an addictive substance.
It seems strange that conventional medicine refers to Herbalism and Traditional Medicine as “alternative medicine” when in fact pharmaceuticals have only been around a little over a hundred years, and for example the Chinese have been working with Cannabis for over 5000 years, but it now seems possible that Cannabis is the future medicine straight from the past.

Be Blessed Be Healthy


Department of Biology at the University of Colorado
GW Pharmaceuticals
The International Journal of Neuropharmacology







Cape Buchu (Agathosma betulins)

Protected species
High Blood pressure
Reduction of body fluid volume (natural diuretic)
Bladder and vaginal infections
Appetite Control and weight loss
Pain and inflammation
Menstrual discomfort
Always consult your health care practitioner before using a new medication
  • Cape Buchu remedies deplete your potassium supply, since it is a diuretic so you must eat at least two bananas per day while taking the herb.
  • Do not take if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Do not use on small children.
  • Do not take if you have a kidney infection, painful urination, blood in your urine or any other kidney problem.
  • Do not use the essential oil in aromatherapy. There are no known drug interactions for this herb.
  • Do not use if you have low blood pressure.
Preparation and Dosage
To make an infusion, add 1 to 2 teaspoons of leaves to 1 cup of boiling water. Let this solution steep for 10 minutes. Drink this beverage three times per day hot or cold.
Be Healthy Be Blessed


Blessed Empress Menen Month of March

November 2 1930 was a momentous day in the history of the Rastafari movement.  On this day certain biblical prophecies, which brought us to the Holy Scriptures through the teachings of the prophet Marcus Garvey, were fulfilled when he preached that we should look to the east for the crowning of a black king.

Psalm 89 vs 3-4

“I have promised my servant David, a descendant of yours will always be king; I will preserve your dynasty forever.”

Micah 5 vs 2 – 5

“But out of you, I will bring a ruler for Israel, whose family line goes back to ancient times.  When he comes, he will rule his people with the strength that comes from the Lord and with the majesty of the Lord God Himself.  His people will live in safety because people all over the earth will acknowledge his greatness and he will bring peace.”

Ezekiel 37 v 25

“A king like my servant David will rule over them forever."

The book of Revelation is also filled with prophecies relating to the crowning of His Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I.

Revelation 5 vs 5

“Then one of the elders said to me, ‘Don’t cry, Look!  The Lion from Judah’s tribe, the great descendant of David, has won the victory and he can break the seven seals and open the scroll.”
Revelation 17 verse 14
“They will fight against the Lamb; but the Lamb, together with his called chosen, and faithful followers, will defeat them, because he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.”
Revelation 19 vs 16
“On his robe and on his thigh was written the name:  ‘King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”
So now, in 1930, the whole world knew that His legitimate title was King of Kings, Lords of Lords and Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah.  He was appointed the Divinity of all the Divines, the King of Kings.  This was just one “little Black man” who stood alone by himself in the midst of a radically racist and nuclear armed Euro-American dominated world!  No other leader ever in the history of the world has had this much adoration and respect bestowed upon himself.
All of these kings and monarchs were to bow before HIM.  All of them recognized His heritage of having a direct lineage to King Solomon’s father King David, and therefore to Jesus as well, and gave Him His due respect and all of them bowed before His Majesty Haile Selassie I as he was crowned:
“King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Rightful Ruler of Earth, Elect of God and Light of the World, Honory Citizen of the Earth, Chief Commander of the Order of the Star of Ethiopia, Grand Cordon of the Order of Solomon, Grand Chief of the Order of the Golden Lion, Order of The Elephant, Knight Grand Cross of Royal Victorian, The Order of Bath, The Most Holy Annunciation, Order of the Gold Lion of the House of Nassau, Order of the White Lion, Order of Independence, Chain of Honor, Order of Pius IX, Order of Muhommed, Grand Order of the Hashemites, Order of the Redeemer, Order of Leopold, National Order of Chile, Chad, Benin, Mali, Madagascar, Mauritiana, Guinea, Poland, Upper Volta, Yugoslavia, Belgrade, Hungary and Togo, Order of the Leopard, Order of the Lion”
On this same day an ostentatious break in tradition was displayed to the world by the new Ethiopian Emperor His Imperial Majesty (HIM) Haile Selassie I. In opposition to the collective tradition among kings and queens at the time His Majesty insisted on a double coronation.
It is this double coronation which saw the birth of the Rastafari woman at the exact same time as the rising of the Rastafari movement. This break in tradition revealed His Majesty’s desire for women to come forth in their full glory thus encouraging brethren to follow this example of sharing their glory with their chosen queen.
Immediately after paying homage to Emperor Haile Selassie I, the representatives of the 72 nations then also paid homage to Empress Menen, symbolising the African woman coming into her queen-ship under the illumination of her Emperor and King in an international arena at a time when almost all of Africa was being colonized, except for Ethiopia.
Psalms 21 verse 11 – 12
“They will make plans, and plot against him, but they will not succeed. He will shoot his arrows at them and make them turn and run.”
Revelation 17 verse 14
“They will fight against the Lamb; but the Lamb, together with his called chosen, and faithful followers, will defeat them, because he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.”
Psalm 72 verse 11
“All kings will bow down before him; all nations will serve him.”
The representative of the King of England, the Duke of Gloucester, not only returned to the Emperor HIM Haile Selassie I, a sceptre that his country had stolen from Ethiopia centuries before, but also bestowed upon Queen Omega, the Empress Menen a gold and ivory sceptre  with the shaft being in the form of a spray of lilies in bloom.
Genesis 49:10)
“Judah will hold the royal sceptre, And his descendants will always rule.  Nations will bring him tribute And bow in obedience before him
Psalm 45 vs 9
“Kings’ daughters were among thy honourable women; upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of Ophir.”
Much of the Rastafari Livity (lifestyle) is not only about our communion with our Creator but mostly about how we treat one another and how we conduct ourselves in public.  Through Empress Menen’s teachings Rastafari women are enlightened through the same teachings which appear in the Bible in respect of how women should present themselves in terms of behaviour and of what is appropriate and what is not appropriate behaviour, attire and so on.
Her Majesty’s lessons are concerned with social order and the manner in which we conduct ourselves in society.  It is also to learn the worth of womanhood.  Her lessons demand absolute Love, Purity, Honesty and Truthfulness which mostly all adds up to being Humble in the face of our Creator.
Empress Menen had a profound effect on the Rastafari movement and during her reign Rastafari women had a female model to emulate causing our brethren to recognise Her Majesty in their Rastafari Sistren and defended her with respect.
One of the most admirable lessons which we have learnt from Her Majesty is the lesson of sacrifice.  Empress Menen vowed to give up her crown if Ethiopia was victorious in freeing itself of colonial occupation by the Italians.  After His Majesty Haile Selassie I returned victorious to his country Her Majesty kept her promise thereby setting an example of sacrifice to Rastafari women.
The identity of the Rastafari woman is empowered by her spiritual connection to the Omega-Goddess energies and ultimately to the feminine divine. By honouring Empress Menen Rastafari women around the world automatically raise their status to a higher level by ensuring that the royal queenly crown worn by her royal daughters is worn with glory and honour.  Rastafari women consciously strive towards collective well-being and aim to raise their voices against war and devastation as requested by the Empress.
The character and attitude of Empress Menen is expressed in her divine teachings which are to be carried out by all JAH ladies across the world.
Always putting prayer first and being conscious of JAH within ourselves, others and the natural world by obeying the Holy Laws and Commandments despite the trials and tribulations which happen in life is of paramount importance to the Rastafari woman.
Empress Menen encourages JAH ladies to always be dutiful, loyal, hardworking, respectful, loving and kind in all her roles in life as a daughter, mother, sister, wife, queen, healer, spiritual guide or any social leadership role she may be called to provide servitude in.
In our faith the man is the head of the household and a JAH lady is required to fully support and stand by her Kingman, defending and protecting their property and by being knowledgeable, skilful and wise enough to take on his roles or work in his absence, to assist and strengthen him in all tasks and struggles. She must be an avid entrepreneur always creating business opportunities for family and community.
Rastafari women are humble in spirit and nature and she is a woman of knowledge yet of few words in the courts of the Brethren.  She is capable of reasoning and speaking wisdom but she is better known for showing her spirit through encouragement and kind actions than for her words. She is compassionate for those in need and never neglects to find solutions to provide for the poor.
Family life is central to the Rastafari movement and the Rastafari woman is a caring, disciplinary and protective mother, keeping children and grandchildren close to home and raising them to be of goodwill, submissive to God, their parents and education.  Bible instruction starts at an early stage where we teach our children that a chapter a day keeps the devil away. She is always a good example to young girls and adult women by always showing a mature attitude and work ethic by helping them to live better lives in whatever way possible.
Rastafari women are mindful of their health and appearance, clean, modestly attired, and keenly observe fasting and vegetarian principles. Married women are required to cover their heads in public in accordance with the biblical scriptures as a sign of respect to JAH, her King and herself.
Rastafari women constantly collaborate with other like-minded women and care-providers, and commit to doing good works for the elderly and the youth, never giving up on goals and aspirations or new ideas which will bring good to the lives of all.
To witness a queen reigning alongside her king in splendour had a deep psychological effect upon women around the world, so with such a wonderful doctrine to follow the question is why do we not see more Rastafari women in society?

After the passing of Empress Menen the role of the Rastafari woman faded more and more into the background of the movement and knowledge of Her Majesty became buried save for the memories of the faithful elders.
I and I often get asked why we don’t see many Rastafari women around and firstly one must bear in mind that many women have had to cut their locks in order to find work and many women especially if married do cover their heads in public. Possibly the most important reason is because many of our brothers have so many problems with the law and end up having to leave their queens and children alone and this often results in the woman leaving the Rastafari movement in order to survive and to avoid the dauting distress caused to so many Rastafari families living in fear of being arrested for Cannabis related crimes.
Within recent years however, there has been a revival of interest in the Rastafari woman. Empress Menen has been resuscitated and is breathing new life into her daughters. So in the month of March we are rejoicing as we celebrate not only her birthday on the 25th but also her journey and the lessons she has to teach us. We also celebrate the lives of all women who made it possible for us today to stand up for truth and righteousness from the Queen Omega perspective thereby contributing to charging the heart of the Rastafari movement with the feminine divine.