Friday, July 31, 2020

Cannabis and vaccinations

Can Cannabis replace vaccines?

It is my belief that Professor Fride’s work was leading towards revealing the truth that Cannabis can very well replace vaccinations in small children. This is a controversial topic, especially as certain vaccinations are blamed for the probable cause of many neurological disorders manifesting in small children, such as ADD (Attention deficit disorder), ADDH (Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity), epilepsy, autism and a lot of other related conditions. Cannabis is already being investigated as a potential healing solution for most of these conditions, and this is more evidence of Cannabis taking on the absolute character of being our true human companion plant, starting from the point of our conception. Human beings need Cannabis even before they are born.

The truth is that when you vaccinate a child you not only activate the immune system, but you also turn on the brains’ immune system. Through vaccination the immune reaction goes on for years, non-stop, resulting in an inflamed brain that will not calm down and this is what contributes to brain dysfunction in small children after being vaccinated. [94] ( In the old days and still to this day, many traditional people continue to put their babies into a bath of water filled with various herbs as the traditional way of vaccinating children.

We know that some vaccinations contain MSG, mercury, aluminium, nagalase and other dangerous metals all which we know can cause serious neurological damage. [95] (BBC News 2018) Another truth is that, if we were to find natural cures for health issues, the pharmaceutical companies would lose a lot of money. Vaccinations undoubtedly set the immune system and brain on fire, and Cannabis medicine is exactly the type of relief moms need the few nights after vaccination day.

In Cannabis, we have a natural medicine that helps to reduce, treat and manage any side-effects that do result from vaccinations, including autism, encephalitis, seizures, fever, anxiety, irritability, nausea, vomiting and all the other negative things that are associated with vaccinations. [96] (Baker MD PhD 2007)

It is through Professor Fride’s work that we know how Cannabis affects children, from the unborn baby to postnatal development and beyond to adulthood. I would really like doctors, nurses, parents, grandparents and caregivers to feel a little more comfortable in knowing that we are not harming our children, and to come closer to accepting that Cannabis is quite possibly a medicine intended to cure all childhood illnesses. It is because we all have natural dedicated Cannabinoid receptors regulating all of our physiological systems throughout human life, that I am convinced that Cannabis will eventually become known as The Human Vaccination Plant.

Cannabis is a powerful pain killer and anti-inflammatory, and this is the first plant property required by babies suffering the harsh side effects of vaccinations. In my research I have seen thousands of babies benefit from the pain relief that Cannabis medicine can offer. Cannabis is the most researched plant medicine, and there is far more research on Cannabis medicine than there is available on any pharmaceutical drug. Cannabis has presented itself to be the most impressive immune stimulator designed to work via our highly advanced receptor system. In the future I would love to see people thanking Cannabis for their good night of sleep and parents of sick children will rejoice. Oh! Did I mention that Cannabis babies sleep much better? Happy baby happy mom!


Cannabis and small children

How is it possible that a substance like THC has almost no effect on small children?

Professor Ester Fride’s work proved that Cannabinoid receptors develop very slowly during the post-natal stage. This ties up with observations that small children appear to be insensitive to the psychoactive effects of controlled Cannabinoid treatment, and specifically to THC. Because of Professor Fride’s revelation, we now know that this gradual increase of EC system activity in the human body is accompanied by a gradual maturation in the response to the psychoactive properties of THC. In studies of post-natal mice a gradual increase in the density of THC receptors was recorded in the brain, and this led to the important discovery that small children can benefit from Cannabis medicine without any harsh side-effects. There are numerous studies from Hebrew University in Israel where children between the ages of 3 and 13 undergoing chemotherapy were administered high THC doses, approximately 0.64 mg/kg per treatment. Some of these children were given doses for long periods of time, up to 114 treatments based on 4 treatments per 24-hour period. The anti-emetic effects were also impressive with no real side-effects at all. [91] (Abrahamov et al 1995)

In another of her studies eight children between the ages of 3 and 14 years with severe neurological damage were treated with between 0.04 – 0.12 mg/kg per day.  Across the board, improvements in behaviour included reduced spasticity, improved dystonia (muscle movements), increased interest in surroundings and anti-epileptic activity, all with no notable side-effects. This same study included the case of an 11-year-old girl, who, after a motor accident suffered a spinal contusion with total paraplegia and a frontal skull fracture. The patient suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder, mood disturbances and lack of appetite. The daily THC dose administered improved her appetite and mood, as well as her spasticity, with no side-effects.  [92]  (Fride et al 2009)

Over the past twenty years we have seen excellent clinical results from Cannabis treatment in small children and young adults, especially in paediatric oncology cases, and where children have been suffering from serious neurological conditions and brain trauma such as epilepsy. All of these healings become possible because of the now scientifically proven fact that Cannabinoid receptor expression is different in children.

It is interesting to note that only a temporary presence of receptors is expressed during development, but not during adulthood, in certain regions of the brain at the Corpus Callosum and the anterior commissure, which connects the neuronal pathways between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. These expressions were noted between gestational day 21 and post-natal day 5, and this proves the important role of Cannabinoids in human brain development. [93] (Mechoulam et al 1996) To my mind this natural paediatric expression of the human EC system is clearly and obviously designed to be a biologically adaptive defence mechanism designed to protect children from illness because children are not supposed to be ill.

What about Human studies?

In her human studies Professor Ester confirmed the results of past studies where Cannabinoid receptors were identified in the human embryo at week 14 of gestation. In the 20th week of gestation in the human embryo a selective (lesser) expression of the receptors was identified in the hippocampus compared with a much wider expression in the adult human brain. An advanced increase in the concentration of these Cannabinoid receptors was found in the frontal cortex, hippocampus, basal ganglia and cerebellum between the foetal period and adulthood. This proves that these receptors are functionally active at all stages of human development. So, in other words, the receptor concentration in these parts of the brain increased progressively only as the human progressed and grew. We can clearly see how nature has accommodated small children by ensuring only progressive development of the highly evolved EC system. The most important finding was that the psychoactive effects of Cannabinoid treatment are virtually absent, or extremely reduced, in children (in controlled studies) and now we know that this is because of the lower concentrations of the actual receptors at younger ages.


Cannabis and stress

Can Cannabis cure stress?

The EC system and Cannabis have been implicated in two specific pathways involving the human stress response: the Cortico-Limbic Circuit and Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis). Endocannabinoids regulate the HPA axis response to stress. This is further proof of the controlling role of Cannabis over our hormonal system. [75]  (Lovallo, 2006).

Stress affects the brain in a number of ways, including memory and learning abilities, cognitive deficits (brain damage, impaired functioning) as well as mood alterations. Serious biological damage is caused at cellular level when the body is under stress. This affects how cells communicate and send and receive messages affecting all of the body’s systems, not only the brain.

Even the heart is affected; as we know, many people have stress-related heart attacks. Stress causes physical pain and we all know that Cannabis is the best pain killer. Cannabis and especially THC, devours stress because it can literally stop the production of the stress hormones.

In times of increased stress and anxiety I usually tell my patients to “double their dose” of Cannabis medicine to compensate for this unnatural reduction of our own Endocannabinoids. Stress makes you Cannabinoid deficient. By administering Cannabis to lab rats, scientists found, for example, that symptoms of anxiety and depression were alleviated. It’s exactly the same with humans; if you give a depressed person a little bit of Cannabis and they will definitely start to feel better. This is because patients who gain relief from their stress and anxiety symptoms, by consuming Cannabis, are really just supplementing a deficiency in their EC system. [76] (Tambaro and Bortolato 2012)

Scientists acknowledge that chronic stress blocks many of our receptors, including our Cannabinoid receptors. The body’s production of Endocannabinoids directly affects our cognition, emotion and behaviour. In tests carried out on rats, researchers found that chronic stress reduced the production of Endocannabinoids and Endocannabinoid receptors. When the body works to protect against stress, our natural THC, Anandamide, is depleted. This decline in Anandamide immediately activates the stress response in the body and brain, by releasing toxic stress hormones into the blood stream. When stress levels are high, Anandamide levels will be low, and it is this depletion of our natural THC, which is what makes people feel more anxious in times of stress. This is how Cannabis can help us to overcome a lot of daily stresses.

Cannabis and the chakra system

Why is the chakra system so important?

It is interesting to note, that the main control structure for our entire chakra system is found in the Endocrine system, our hormone system. Throughout this book we will examine the regulating role of the EC system over the human hormone system. By stimulating and balancing the endocrine system we can open up our spiritual chakras. Chakras are not physical organs in our body but rather universal elements of spirituality. It is no co-incidence that each of the seven main internal chakras is naturally aligned to a ductless Endocrine gland.

By consuming Cannabis we create expanded space for energy to flow freely in the chakras as well as in the physical body; this clears blockages and effects healing. The balancing and unblocking of chakras has been the ethos of Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years. Even under Emperor Shen Neng (2737 BC) Cannabis was first on the list of Chinese medicines amongst other conditions to treat gout, malaria, rheumatism and forgetfulness.

This is why I believe that Eastern herbalists have been healing with Cannabis for millennia, because they’ve always known that Cannabis can help us to open and unblock our chakras and this is a prerequisite of healing. Herbal medicine often works better than man-made drugs, because all plants work with our chakra system, but only Cannabis can open our chakras up to vibrate to the frequency of 432 Hz which the frequency of love, harmony, the earth and the human body, and of course Cannabis itself. This is the frequency of balance, where healing takes place. Most people do not even know that we have a chakra system, let alone where it is situated or what seals to open or what colours to use in order to activate each chakra, in order to heal ourselves.

By learning to work with our chakras, we can enable ourselves to access certain states of ecstasy, increased use of our brains, slowing down of the ageing process and even experiencing ever-lasting life as some believe. You could say that our chakras are really just body parts we were never taught we have. For a lot people the EC system is also just another body part we were never told about.



The duality of Cannabis medicine

What does duality of Cannabis healing mean? 

One of the mysteries of Cannabis medicine is the hypothesis of dual-healing-purpose. This two-fold healing ability of Cannabis and specifically THC ensures, for example, that Cannabis can both increase and decrease blood pressure in different individuals. It can induce clotting of the blood when needed, and it can also thin blood out. It can both stimulate and suppress the appetite. It can both block and unblock receptors. Cannabis can act as both an agonist as well as an antagonist of any cannabinoid receptor. These are things that no other medicine can do. [14] (Wilson RI, 2001) Another good example of the duality of Cannabis medicine is how the Cannabinoid CBD is able to regulate the psychedelic effects of the activity of THC.

Cannabis and the human receptor system

How does the human receptor system work?

All human cells contain protein molecules that can receive messages or chemical signals from outside of cells, from other cells and from different parts of the brain. Chemical messages are then translated and sent on to the brain for interpretation and action. These protein molecules are called receptors. Our cells use receptors to communicate with other cells as well as with other substances, for example, hormones, drugs and even sunlight. The human receptor system is expressed throughout the entire nervous system. Our Cannabinoid receptors are also part of this system and are expressed everywhere in our body and throughout the nervous system on each and every cell. [8] (Alger 2013)

Dr Thomas Lodi is a world-famous Integrative Oncologist, a philosopher, a certified nutrition specialist and a pioneer in the field of metabolic medicine. [9] (Lodi, 2018) He says that if we humans have a receptor for a particular substance, then that substance, is not only necessary to our health, but we will also have a human version of the substance that is produced by the body. For example, we have opium receptors but everyone knows that heroin is bad for us…but yet we have these receptors.

Our bodies produce substances that mimic the activities of opium, and these are called endorphins derived from ‘endogenous morphine’. In the old days when people experienced pain they were given the milk of the poppy plant which is opium. This is manufactured into heroin, which is three times as potent as morphine.

Likewise we have Cannabinoid receptors because Cannabinoids and in particular THC, produced only by the Cannabis plant, are crucial to our health. Every single one of our cells contains Cannabinoid receptors. There are literally hundreds of thousands of different receptors present throughout the body. We have serotonin receptors, dopamine receptors, pain receptors, stress receptors, temperature receptors, skin receptors and the list goes on. We even have vitamin D receptors. [10] (Gadhvi M et al 2019)

The interesting thing is that the way we perceive the world is largely based on our receptors, starting with our sensory receptors which receive information from a certain external stimulus. Not all cells are affected by the same signals and different types of signalling are used for different functions in the body. Our Cannabinoid receptors are unique because they function in a completely different way to any of our other receptors, and, of course, everyone’s receptors work differently. Receptor expression is a highly subjective characteristic of an individual, which results in a range of different human reactions to different Cannabis medicines.

The human receptor system is as unique as our fingerprints and even the iris of the eye. One patient may over-express receptors, meaning they have more receptors than average, and may be more sensitive to a Cannabinoid like THC. Other patients may show under-expression of their Cannabinoid receptors, meaning they may be less sensitive to the therapeutic effects of Cannabis medicine and may need higher doses. The human receptor system is a complex network of chemical activity where receptor expression changes at different stages of human life.

Receptor expression is not only about variations among individuals, but also about the density of a particular type of receptor within a particular region of the body. There are research results in liver cancer studies, which show that patients with liver damage had a higher expression of Cannabinoid receptors in their liver tissues than healthier liver patients. [11] (Parfieniuk A, 2008) A higher expression of Cannabinoid receptors in a certain region indicates where the healing is required. This natural expression also highlights the protective signalling role of the EC system, and the writer believes that receptor expression is also one of the greatest secrets of Cannabis medicine.

Wherever there is illness or injury in the body, the Cannabinoid receptors will increase their expression in that exact location, as they wait to be activated by Cannabinoids to effect healing, not only systemically but also locally. This is why sick people need the chemicals in the Cannabis plant to supplement their EC systems and ensure healing, and healthy people need these same plant supplements to prevent illness. [12] (Miller et al)

In order for receptors to function they need either to be activated or not be activated. Some Cannabinoids act as activators of receptors and others as inhibitors, while others act as indirect or partial agonists and modulators of the activities of other Cannabinoids.  We must accept that this is a delicate biological system that works completely differently from any other system we have known or might know. This is why scientists struggle to understand how Cannabis heals because it has a dual purpose, which means it can do anything as is required. It’s a bold claim but the results do speak for themselves. This why Cannabis appears to offer healing for almost any condition, and delivers positive results in the shortest space of time with minimal side-effects. [13] (Pacher 2013)


How does Cannabis affect our blood system?

What are the functions of Cannabis in the blood system?

Everything to do with Cannabis medicine and our EC system is about duality, and this is just one of the secrets of the human companion plant. The reason why Cannabis medicine can offer duality in healing is that the plant-derived Cannabinoids, specifically THC, are able to act as both agonists and antagonists of our Endocannabinoid receptors. For example, the duality of Cannabis medicine is visible in the blood system in the way in which this medicine can both increase and decrease blood pressure, and can also both clot and thin blood out. [162] (Griffin et al , 1999)  

1.    Cannabis acts as both vasodilator and vasoconstrictor

The human body is a highly pressurised system. The blood pressure measures the force of blood pulsating through the arteries, and it is important to keep this pressure regulated. Science has proven that Cannabis causes vasodilation and this is how Cannabis can reduce blood pressure by reducing overall arterial pressure. [163] (Richter, 2018) This is also how Cannabis is able to maintain vascular tone. Cannabis acts as both a vasodilator and a vasoconstrictor, depending on what is happening in the patient’s blood. 

For example, a patient who is a “bleeder” will use Cannabis as a vaso constrictor because this is what the plant will do for this patient, and a patient with high blood pressure will benefit from the vasodilation properties. This is how Cannabis is able to slow the heart-rate in a person suffering from tachycardia, and can increase the heart-rate in patients with a slow heart-rate. If you consider the seriousness of high blood pressure, which is affects 1 in 3 adults, we must start speculating about what the effects of Cannabis are on this common and critical condition. [164] (Blood Pressure Matters, 2016)

And when you do the research you will find that most studies show that unmanaged high blood pressure can result in cardiac issues like heart failure, heart attacks and even strokes. [165] (NIH, 2019) Cannabis does not increase these risks. This is another reason why no human being has ever died from using plant based Cannabis medicine. Consuming Cannabis can considerably reduce your chances of having a stroke and you can read about this in the Journal “Neuro-psychopharmacology” where they state that Cannabis improves blood and oxygen flow thus reducing the risk of blood clots and stroke. [166] (P. Pacher, 2005) [167] (Webb  MD et al, 2014)

In 2006 already The Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology Journal published a report stating that:

“Despite the drug’s extreme popularity, reports of Cannabis-related stroke and myocardial infarction are so rare as to still be reportable.” [168] (Karch, 2006)

Repeated use of Cannabis over days or weeks and even developing a tolerance is linked to lowered blood pressure for many patients. [169] (Crawford et al, 1979) It is the regular use of Cannabis that leads to the overall decrease in blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension and other heart conditions. There are many doctor’s testimonials attesting to the fact that Cannabis naturally ‘suppresses cardiac contractility’ in hypertension, which is a fancy way of admitting that Cannabis lowers the blood pressure. [170] (Alfulaij PhD et al, 2018) Already we can see that many doctors are starting to realise the importance of targeting the Endocannabinoid receptors to offer novel and natural therapies in the treatment of high blood pressure. Plant-derived Cannabinoids relax smooth muscles, and this is how Cannabis dilates the blood vessels. [171] (Pacher et al, 2017)

Even CBD-high medicines with very little THC, can produce a drop in arterial pressure by interacting with the Cannabinoid receptors in the blood system. [172] (Jadoon et al, 2017) So, in my opinion, stopping Cannabis consumption can definitely lead to an increase in blood pressure and lead to other medical conditions like strokes and heart problems.

Some scientists say that Cannabis and the blood are a complicated matter. If we can understand that Cannabis medicine has a dual purpose in healing, then it will no longer be complicated. This duality is possible because the chemical components of the Cannabis plant can act both as agonists and antagonists of all of our other receptors, including the Cannabinoid receptors, and this is what continues to puzzle scientists and students. [173] (Crawford et al, 1979) It is this mysterious ambiguity in the highly effective functioning of Cannabis, that allows this mystical healing plant to be able both to increase or decrease blood pressure, in the same way as it is able both to suppress and stimulate the appetite. We must understand that this plant will set out to rectify whatever is causing imbalance in the body, regardless of any diagnosis given by a doctor. Please refer back to Chapter Three where we examined the control of the EC system over the function of homeostasis. This is why there often appears to be conflicting information available on the effects of Cannabis on the blood system. [174] Kunos et al, 2008)

People with low blood pressure must be cautious when consuming Cannabis especially when smoking it. Smoking Cannabis causes the Cannabinoids to cross the blood-brain barrier almost immediately. Some people can even faint from smoking Cannabis if their blood pressure is too low before smoking. People who already have low blood pressure will also experience an initial decrease in blood pressure. This sudden drop in already low blood pressure is occasionally accompanied by increased heart rate, dizziness, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, headaches, and in some cases even blurred vision. These symptoms are short lived, from a few minutes to half an hour and then blood pressure stabilises. If you have low blood pressure you should consume less Cannabis medicine with lower potencies of THC. Cannabis can heal hypertension while at the same time not causing any permanent damage to people suffering from low blood pressure.

2.    Cannabis has pro and anti-coagulation properties

Because Cannabis can act as both a vasodilator and a vasoconstrictor, it can provide both clotting and thinning functions in the blood system. A haemophiliac patient who is known as a “bleeder” will benefit from the pro-coagulant (clotting) properties, and a person with thick blood will benefit from the anti-coagulant (blood thinning) properties of Cannabis. It is easy to get confused, so to be clear anti-coagulants are substances that thin the blood out, and pro-coagulants are substances that induce blood clotting.

There are many blood coagulation studies that you can read that were conducted to prove that Cannabis shows considerable inhibition of thrombin-induced clot formation. [175] (Venter C.L.Frost, 2007) These studies prove that Cannabis can thin the blood out to avoid excessive clotting while at the same time can induce clotting in other patients. [176] (Alshaarawy et al, 2012) Many people everywhere in the world are self-medicating and proving these medical miracles on a daily basis. Please take note that self-medicating can be very dangerous. [177] (Osborn et al, 2015) I urge people to first consult with their doctor or health care provider. Ultimately, I find it comforting to know that our blood, our life force, and our circulation issues are safe in the hands of Cannabis.

 3.    Pain and inflammation

Most diseases arise from chronic inflammation, and Vasculitis is a condition resulting from inflammation of the blood vessels. There are various forms of vasculitis, depending on the organs affected. All forms of vasculitis involve inflammation and damage to all the blood vessels including arteries, veins and capillaries. Because vasculitis is organ-related, it can affect different parts of the body. This means that there is a wide range of symptoms like fever, pain, weight loss, insomnia, muscle pain, numbness, weakness, depression, malaise, visual problems, headaches, high blood pressure, gastric problems, kidney and other organ damage. Central nervous system vasculitis can lead to mental conditions like dementia, and even seizures.  The biggest problem with vasculitis is late diagnosis and end organ damage, so treatment is largely aimed at reducing the inflammation in the blood system and improving the functioning of the affected organs. End organ damage usually refers to the major organs, for example the kidneys. Kidney damage is very common in people suffering from vasculitis. Very often vasculitis is overlooked and only detected at a later stage where there is already, for example significant kidney damage. This is referred to as end organ damage. [178] (Luft et al, 1999)

People who are suffering from blood conditions like vasculitis often experience the most excruciating pain all over their bodies. It is an unseen pain, and vasculitis is also a symptom of fybromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. Pain due to vasculitis can be so severe that it has to be treated with anti-seizure medications, chemotherapy and often antidepressants and then obviously opiate drugs as well. It really is a life-threatening condition, and a lot of people perish due to the toxicity of the long-term immune-suppression of their treatments.

Scientists say that they do not know why the body’s immune system attacks its own blood vessels, but in my experience you can be sure that infection and inflammation are the main triggers. It amazes me how many cases of Vasculitis go undiagnosed. When blood vessels become inflamed the walls thicken causing the blood vessels to narrow, and this reduces the flow of blood, leading to less oxygen and fewer nutrients reaching the organs and tissues. Cannabis has the ability to interrupt the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are activated by oxidative processes, cell injury, infection and disease. This is why Cannabis can offer healing for this condition with the application of Cannabis oil directly into and around the navel, working with the pechoti gland as discussed earlier in this chapter. [179] (Prakash Nagarkatti, 2009)

It is because of the activity of the EC system our blood system that the chemical components of the Cannabis plant get to work straight away, repairing the damaged blood vessels and reducing inflammation in the vascular system. Most ageing-related diseases occur because of inflammation, like arthritis for example. Cannabis has the ability to reverse the terrible side-effects of steroid treatments, for example weight gain, swelling from water retention and even depression. Painful leg ulcers are a common symptom of vasculitis, and I have seen how just the simple topical application of Cannabis Coconut Connection® introduces antibacterial properties which help to keep infections away. Cannabis decreases the secretion of pro-inflammatory substances, and slows down their migration to blood vessel walls. [180] (Nagarkatti et al, 2010)

So the secret is that Cannabis is showing potential to be one of the best anti-aging medicines we could take for good health and longevity, because of its magical effects on age-related degenerative conditions. We will study the effects of Cannabis on the ageing process in the next few chapters.

 4.    Cannabis controls renal tubule hypertrophy

Our blood filters through our kidneys many times a day, and in a single day our kidneys filter almost 150 litres of blood while removing waste and extra water from the blood to form urine. This is really important when you consider what Traditional Chinese Medicine has to say about vasculitis and other blood conditions. According to Chinese healers and acupuncturists, conditions of the blood often manifest as a blockage of energy in the kidneys and spleen. As mentioned earlier, kidney problems are very common in people suffering from vasculitis, and Cannabis has proven to be beneficial. This is evident in the reduction of water retention.

There is now scientific proof that the EC system is involved in the cellular death of human proximal tubular (HK2) cells. [181] (Velasco PhD et al, 2016) These human kidney cells originate from the kidney cells of the HK2 gene on the 2nd chromosome, and these cells are required in the formation of tumours in most cancers. These cause renal tubule hypertrophy. Through the function of autophagy and apoptosis our EC system is able to cause these cells to commit cellular suicide. This is how Cannabis contributes to reducing hypertrophy throughout the body by providing the supplements that our EC system needs to perform its functions. Every single one of us needs a daily dose of Cannabis to sustain our health. [182] (Jenkin, 2010)  

5.    Cannabis increases erythrocytes (red blood cells) and increases oxygen in the blood

The results of most research studies reveal the same thing. People who consume Cannabis have a greater ‘global oxygen extraction’ fraction (OEF), ‘greater cerebral blood flow’ (CBF) as well as a greater cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen’ (CMRO2) than people who do not use Cannabis medicine. This is a scientific fact. Cannabis does all of this through its ability to regulate hormone absorption. The hormone Erythropoietin, converts stems cells from the bone marrow into red blood cells, and this is how Cannabis rectifies anaemia, which is a very common problem in people suffering from vasculitis and other blood conditions.

When you read [183](Valk et al (1997)it is reported that, at low concentrations, our natural THC, Anandamide, interacts with our Cannabinoid receptors to work together with colony-stimulating factors (CSF’s). Interleukin-3 and the hormone erythropoietin stimulate the formation of the blood cell components from our blood stem cells formed in the bone marrow. So we know that, even at extremely low doses, Cannabis and THC play a regulatory role in the production of our blood cells.

6.    Cannabis increases endothelial cell production

 Cannabis is able to stimulate the production of the cells that line the blood vessels, the endothelial cells. This is why we can find evidence of Cannabis preventing coronary artery diseases such as atherosclerosis for instance. Blood conditions cause hardening and narrowing of the arteries, and this impairs blood flow to the heart and brain caused by the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaque in the arteries. This is also why there are no reported cases of strokes caused by Cannabis. Cannabis not only creates new brain cells but also new blood cells because it is well documented that Cannabinoids regulate platelet function and stimulate platelet activation. [184] (Miller, 2007) 

Medical research confirms that our natural THC; Anandamide; as well as other plant-derived Cannabinoids, cause the activation of platelets. This is why we need to supplement our EC system with the unique biological elements found within Cannabis.


7.    Cannabis regulates blood-cell migration ; e.g. sending white blood cells to the site of infection

Some scientists believe that Cannabis depresses the immune system, and that healthy people might not always benefit from continuous consumption of the high levels of anti-inflammatory compounds found in Cannabis. The truth is that Cannabis will ONLY increase white blood cells when there is a risk of infection, by sending thousands of white blood cells to the site of injury.  Cannabis will not do this in healthy people. The effects of Cannabinoids on white blood cells have always contributed and continue to contribute to their now well-known role in our immune response. This is why other scientists, now recognize all of our Endocannabinoids and all the Cannabinoids in the Cannabis plant, as vitally important in the regulation of the human immune response. [185] Miller AM et al, (2008) The scientists reported that Endocannabinoids and Cannabinoids cause white cell migration and that this effect is synergistic with the CSF’s (Colony-stimulating factors) interleukin-3 and granulocyte, proving that our EC system and Cannabis play important roles in immune cell mobilization.

8.    Cannabis controls and regulates blood sugar

In Chapter Three we examined the mechanisms whereby Cannabis controls our blood sugar levels, as well as our metabolism in terms of absorbing and secreting insulin. Through the control of our hormone system, Cannabis is able to control metabolism, as well as blood sugar levels, by controlling the absorption of insulin and other vital hormones in our bodies. Again, in paradoxical fashion, Cannabis is able both to increase and lower blood sugar and insulin levels. It is the regulatory role that Cannabis has over our hormone system that gives Cannabis these magical healing powers.


9.    Cannabis reduces the amount of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) 

All cancer cells produce a compound called VEGF that allows them to create new blood vessels. This is how tumour cells are supplied with oxygen to carry on growing and multiplying these mutant cells.  Because our EC system and Cannabis control our hormone system, it is able to reduce the VEGF in cancer cells by altering the genes that produce this compound. This reduces the tumour’s ability to grow and create its own blood supply. Cannabis finds different ways to overcome and cure most cancers effectively. Cancers become metastatic (spread) when cells begin to break off from the tumour and travel through the bloodstream and settle in another part of the body. Cannabis possesses angiogenetic and anti-angiogenetic properties, which means that Cannabis can quite literally stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, as well as cut off vessels by reducing the VEGF. [186] (Velasco, 2016)

All nine of the above functions of Cannabis in the blood system are possible because of the activity of the EC system in human blood. We have Endocannabinoid receptors on every single blood cell in our bodies and we know that our blood cells can also produce Endocannabinoids. This knowledge is crucial for your health and puts you in a better to position to naturally heal yourself from almost any condition known to the medical world.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Cannabis and Liver disease

Can Cannabis cure liver disease? 

With the help of the sun, the liver is also able to produce vitamin D, which is received from the pineal gland. Patients with liver disease or liver failure will always have lower vitamin D levels, due to compromised absorption by the damaged liver. Vitamin D has a wide margin of safety, because the liver naturally only absorbs the quantity of vitamin D that the body requires; so, in other words, if you lie in the sun for too long you cannot overdose on vitamin D. Reports of intoxication are extremely rare, and there is no evidence to suggest any potential for abuse. Low vitamin D levels and bone disease are common symptoms of liver disease. In my opinion vitamin D deficiency is the very marker for liver disease, and people with higher levels of vitamin D have less chance of developing liver cancer and disease. [216] (Nair, 2010)

It takes a lot for the liver to become so diseased that it can no longer produce vitamin D, and this is exactly how other chronic conditions start manifesting themselves in the body…over a long period of time. These days, it is happening quicker due to the increase of toxins in our air, food, water, soil and vaccinations, and when the liver fails the body also fails.

A failing or diseased liver will give you real symptoms like jaundice (yellow eyes and skin), bad breath, rashes, itchy skin, brown spots on the skin which are so called ‘liver spots’, pale stools and dark urine.  If you have any of these symptoms, and you are worried about your liver, you should see a health care practitioner as soon as you can.

There has not been nearly enough media attention highlighting the issue of alcohol versus Cannabis for recreational use. Not only does Cannabis offer a healthier euphoriant than say whiskey or vodka, but it can also help repair the damage that alcohol imposes on the body, especially the liver.  The anti-inflammatory and neuro-protective properties of Cannabis make this medicine appealing as treatment for a variety of diseases including cancer and liver disease.

The reason why The Cannabis Coconut Connection ® is so effective in treating liver disease is because the Cannabinoids are taken straight to the liver, instead of to the gut, and this is because of the way the medium-chain fatty acids of organic coconut oil work in the body, as discussed in Chapter Two. In the same way as Cannabis protects the lungs against tobacco smoking, it also protects the liver against alcohol damage. Patients with active cirrhosis of the liver, display an increased expression of Endocannabinoid receptors in their liver cells, whereas those not suffering from liver disease do not display such a high expression of the Cannabinoid receptors. [217] (Parfieniuk and Flisiak, 2008)