“The only place you can read about Rastafari is in the Bible. Because the Bible is the only truth of Rasta.
Some men write about Rasta, but it's distorted”
-Bob Marley
Understanding the Bible with Rastafari Reasoning
This work is dedicated to my niece Jami-lee Salgado who continues to inspire ii from Heaven. Ah truly love you JAH lady!
By Sister vee roslyn nohombile bush
Rastafari is much more than a religion or a movement, it is a way of thinking, perceiving and conducting oneself, and history has proven that this form of enlightenment is the very reason you won’t ever see a Rasta man picking up a gun and killing in the name of JAH. Give thanks!
Romans 12 verse 4 and 5 are again repeated in 1 Corinthians 12 verse 12 - 29 and we all know 1 Corinthians 13 is about LOVE!
The mystical lyrics of reggae music is a massive part of Rastafari Livity (culture) which centers round what is Godlike and Holy, around Justice, Compassion and Resistance.
Compassion is our ability to be conscious of other peoples’ suffering as well as our own.
The message in the Bible is clearly of having ‘One Love’ because we are all one, and we are all connected to each other and it is ultimately a hope for global Inity (unity).
As humans we only have two emotions LOVE and FEAR, all other emotions and feelings stem from these two primary emotions. This is why the bible says ‘to love then is to obey the whole law.’ We must be aware of the fear factor that we are living now and which is forcing us to move further away from LOVE and therefore God.
The Ten Commandments is God’s Law and therefore the ‘whole law’, and even in the last chapter of the last book of the Old Testament, we are reminded to keep God’s Law.
In Rastafari we have a spiritual concept which is a complex concept to grasp at first and this is referred to as the “I and I”, which refers to the ‘oneness’ of JAH and every single human being. So the ‘Oneness’ is actually the ‘oneness’ of two persons, you and your God because God is within all of us as we can see above in Romans 12 verse 5.This is what we mean when we speak about “One Love”, because we are all one and the same and when you hurt one person you are for real hurting another especially yourself!
So therefore ii must reason that God is within each of us.
You might have noticed that followers of Rastafari have a strange dialect and tend to change words, always preferring to use an “I” which symbolizes our Higher Self, for example instead of saying ‘forever’ we will say ‘forIver’ and instead of saying ‘creation’ we will say ‘crIation’, also we prefer to say ‘overstand’ instead of ‘understand’ because of the negative connotation to ‘under’ which symbolizes being downtrodden by slavery. If you listen closely you will hear that we speak in a biblical dialect often quoting scriptures as truths for this is what they are.
Another Rastafari phrase is “IRIE” (pronounced eye-ree) which stands for ‘I Respect I Eternally’ and again embraces the overall concept of God Within and the Oneness of mankind with God.
“Are you feeling Irie today?” means the same as “Are you all right today?”
On a spiritual level it also indicates positive and powerful vibrations indicating that we are at total peace with our current state of being.
“I’m not Irie today” would mean that there is problem, pain or illness that is causing a negative vibration.
We teach our children “a chapter a day is keep the devil away!” and since our Messiah, His Imperial Majesty, Haile Selassie I, (born Ras Tafari), was from Ethiopia, Rastafari is based on the religion of that country, which as far back as AD330 has been Christianity. So for this reason we study the same Bible as Christians, and we are aware that much of the Holy Book is in fact distorted, and we also realize that God did anticipate this, which is why the Holy Spirit is required to interpret the scriptures.
We also know that God’s wisdom is not our wisdom and that much of the scriptures are presented to us so that the anti-Christ and his followers cannot understand them, and this is why the Bible is full of metaphors and symbolism and a lot of it is not in chronological order which is why it often doesn’t make sense, and therefore, as it says many times in the Bible, requires intelligence and wisdom to interpret the message of salvation.
The Bible is actually all one story which is the story of planet earth, her origin and her destiny. It is the story of rebellion and awful loss but it is also a story of our beloved God who sacrificed His only son, so that all sinners, which, is all of us, collectively may have hope for salvation.
The Bible is over 25 percent prophecy and all these prophecies are connected together to tell the same story. So the Bible is not just any history book, it tells the past, present and future equally clearly.
Interpreting the Bible is a lot like interpreting the constitution of a country, so is always best to start at the beginning so we can start with the book of Genesis.
Genesis 32 vs 22 – 32
“That same night Jacob got up, took his two wives, his two concubines, and his eleven children, and crossed the River Jabbok. After he had sent them across, he also sent across all that he owned, but he stayed behind, alone.
Then a man came and wrestled with him until just before daybreak. When the man saw that he was not winning the struggle, he struck Jacob on the hip, and it was thrown out of joint. The man said: ‘Let me go; daylight is coming’. ‘I won’t, unless you bless me,’ Jacob answered.
‘What is your name?’ the man asked.
‘Jacob,’ he answered.
The man said: ‘Your name will no longer be Jacob. You have struggled with God and with men, and you have won; so your name will be Israel’.
This is a very potent scripture as it clearly explains the origin of The Twelve Tribes of Israel, which is the mansion or branch of Rastafari to which ii subscribe. Some of the other branches are known as The Nyabinghi Order, Bobo Ashanti which in the US is known as The Emmanualites or Bobo Dreads, also in the United States you will come upon The Universal Movement of Rastafari, and The Burning Spear Movements. So clearly you can see that there is even division within our movement.
Unlike the others, The Twelve Tribes of Israel, truly believe in salvation for all races, whereas some of the principles of other Rastafari mansions are exclusive to black Brothers and Sisters, which is understandably due to the core origin of Rastafari; being white people making slaves out of black people. It was this doctrine of the white man which forced the black man to forsake gold and silver and seek their Heaven after death. This same doctrine has brought disgrace to both black and white people causing both to die in dishonor. The bible says clearly we must never treat people differently according to their outward appearance. (James 2 verse 1)
The Twelve Tribes of Israel is the closest branch to Christianity as we share that salvation is come through reading the Bible everyday and worshipping Jesus Christ and living a life as intended by Jesus in the Bible, by following The Law of God, which is The Ten Commandments. Give thanks!
It is important to overstand that the name which God gave Jacob, “Israel”, is mean “Rebel” when translated, for who but a rebel would fight God face to face and win?
In an interview with Bob Marley, a journalist asked him “How do you feel about them say that when people smoke the herb, it cause them to rebel?” and Bob Marley simply answered ‘Rebel? Rebel against what?’ what
Bob Marley was a leading member of the Twelve Tribes, and obviously our favourite performer and one of our greatest teachers of modern times because He is come to earth for a short time with ancient wisdom. Himself, He is never claim to be anything special but there are many of us who truly believe that He was a King and a Prophet indeed. The fact that JAH is send a man who is so deeply spiritual and talented a man as Robert Nesta Marley, born of both black and white blood, is evidence of the message of One Love and the lesson is that we must learn to love each other and live together.
Bob Marley’s children have been publically asked many times, what is the biggest lesson that their father is teach them, and each time all of them say that their father, Bob Marley is teach them to love one another and keep positive vibrations!
My personal reasoning is what Bob Marley, who also loved metaphors and knew His bible very well, meant to say, and clearly is overstood by His children, that to keep positive vibrations is to keep at the music by spreading the Gospel of His Majesty. All of his children are currently still heavily involved in the music industry and continue producing reggae music for the people. If you listen carefully you will see that reggae music is really gospel music.
Brothers and Sisters who were close to Bob Marley have said that in the last two years when He knew that He was dying from the cancer, that He completed His life work in those two years and this is why His music continues as he left innumerable pieces of music behind for his children to take forward.
Bob Marley did more for humanity in his 36 years than any other human, besides Jesus when he was a humble man, but now he is God; because Bob Marley lived for the people, and many times he was quoted as saying “My life is mean nothing if me can’t help many people!” For me personally this is the core principle of Rastafari, to love and help the people.
Bob Marley was labeled as a black supremist and this is why he had to say: “I am not on the side of the white man, I am not on the side of the black man, I am on the side of GOD!”
If Bob Marley was a black supremist then so am ii because ii believe in the emancipation of my brothers and sisters who were forcefully torn away from the motherland by white people from Babylon and sent to foreign lands as slaves and raped of their cultural heritage and land.
Sir Bob Geldof, an Irish musician and political activist, previously active in Ethiopia and Honorary Knight of the Queen of England, knighted as “The Man of Peace” had this to say about Bob Marley:
Racialism is an abomination in the eyes of God, and goes against the most important of God’s Law which is to love thy neighbor as you love yourself, so to love is to obey the whole law as we have learnt in Romans 13 verse 10.
As a young girl, before ii learned about His Majesty, and because of the messages ii picked up in his music; truly believed that Bob Marley was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, and indeed there are many similarities between the lives and times of both Jesus Christ and Bob Marley. If it were not for the teachings of Rastafari ii would without doubt still be an atheist! So it is through reggae music that ii came to find the teachings of His Majesty and Empress Menen.
All branches of Rastafari accept His Majesty Haile Selassie I as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords as referred to in the book of Revelation and as crowned by the entire world on 2 November 1930.
His Majesty’s Laws and Lessons are concerned with social order and the manner in which we conduct ourselves in society. It is also to learn the worth of manhood and womanhood. His laws demand absolute Love, Purity, Honesty and Truthfulness which mostly all adds up to being Humble in the face of God.
His Majesty’s teachings are the same teachings as Jesus and are manifested in His Majesty’s own Amharic Bible which includes books that are no longer in the bible and where the core teaching is that virtue will eventually gain victory over body and soul and that truth will eventually drive away falsehood and fraud from our society.
We believe in His Majesty and His teachings because of the Biblical Prophecies which led us to the Holy Bible and the prophecies saw the crowning of Haile Selassie I and other prophecies in the Bible, brought about through His Majesty such as the opening of the Scroll with the Seven Seals and the attempt to colonize Ethiopia as recorded in the book of Psalms and Revelation, many of which have already been fulfilled which means we are probably closer to the end times and therefore our Salvation, than we realize. Give Thanks!
It is also interesting to note that His Majesty never practiced Rastafari, nor did he ever claim to have any divine powers, but the people chose this living man in accordance with the prophecies which manifested in the Bible and in our times, and this is how Rastafari became recognized as a bona fide religious group. Rastafari is placed at number 15 on the major list of religious groups with approximately 1 million followers. This figure has been the same since ii was in my twenties, so firstly one must consider all our followers who are incarcerated for Cannabis crimes around the world who probably are not included in this count, it would be more accurate to estimate around 4 million followers today and growing, but this is just my personal reasoning.
For me personally Rastafari is not a religion in the usual sense of this word, for me personally, Rastafari is about freedom, and when people ask me ‘What is JAH, What is Rasta?’ ii always say the same thing, FREEDOM!
Rastafari is about love and peace. Jesus preached to spread love and peace around the world and so did His Majesty Haile Selassie I, and both were killed by Babylon, as was Bob Marley and John Lennon and others.
Bunny Wailer while narrating ‘Bob Marley The Man’ movie, introduced me to these scriptures and it makes perfect sense that this is where JAH is begin to guide us upon the concept of Reggae music, “sing a new song unto him!”
Even Bob Marley himself said before that
“Only a Rastaman can play Reggae music because it can’t be copied, coz is not about the copy; is about the “feel”, them know it, but them can’t do it”
For me personally, the ‘new’ music, referred to in the Bible is without a doubt Reggae music and this is why JAH is send Bob Marley and many others as a prophet, and it wasn’t long before Babylon realized that he was on the brink of causing a spiritual revolution through the messages of his music and they had to remove him from society, the true story of Bob Marley is suitable for another timeline, as the circumstances of his death are as mysterious as the death of His Majesty Haile Selassie I.
Psalm 33 vs 2-3
‘Give thanks to the Lord with harps, sing to him with stringed instruments, sing a new song to him, play the harp with skill, and shout for joy!’
Revelation 5 vs 9
‘They sang a new song.’
Revelation 14 vs 3
‘...they were singing a new song which only they could learn.’
Psalm 137 vs 1
“By the rivers of Babylon we sat down; there we wept when we remembered Zion.”
By the rivers of Babylon is a Rastafari song originally written and recorded by Brent Dowe and Trevor McNaughton of the Jamaican reggae group, The Melodians, in 1970, and was later popularized in Europe and UK by the cover version performed and recorded by Boney-M.
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’This music will get bigger and bigger till it reach its right people’ - Bob Marley
Revelation 5 vs 9 - 10
"And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;" "And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth."
This beautiful ‘new song’ (music) is intended to declare how worthy Jesus Christ is to receive our adoration and will be a magnificent and mystical sound with all voices being in heavenly harmonious tune and within positive frequency vibrations.
People have to respond to the frequency of music in order to ‘feel’ the music.
Reggae music vibrates to the frequency of 432 Hz and where 528 Hz is the frequency of LOVE, 741 Hz is the frequency of fear, evil and negativity. 432 Hz is the frequency of harmony and the only real difference between 528 Hz and 432 Hz is that 528Hz works directly on your heart chakra and this is why it is the frequency of LOVE. This is why John Lennon had his piano specially tuned and recorded “Imagine” in 528 Hz, sadly he was assassinated for giving peace a chance, as was Bob Marley and others.
So the closer you move to LOVE the closer you move to positive vibrations and away from fear, and therefore closer to JAH. This is why ii reason that the message of Positive Vibrations is mean to stay listening to the gospel music of reggae to keep close to love (the frequency of 528 Hz) and therefore to God.
Millions of people will confess around the world of all races that if they are having a bad meditation they will most likely put on some reggae music and instantly feel better!
Dr Leonard G Horowitz is an award winning author and film maker and considered an expert in the field of the biblical End Times.
It is fascinating to note from his studies, that of the nine core creative frequencies from which the whole universe is made up, from these nine pure tones, the only frequency that does not get along with LOVE/528 Hz is oddly the 741 Hz frequency. Personally not being a musician, ii just find it inconceivable that music notes might not get along, and to this extreme of Love against Fear, but there you have it written in truth.
Both scriptures (Isaiah 22 vs 22 and Revelation 3 vs 6-8) speak of a biblical ‘key’ which will open and close doors beyond human reach, and the fact that the scripture mentions that the ‘key’ is beyond human reach is once more proof that metaphysical studies are required to reach the wisdom in the prophecies.
Just as a key obviously locks and unlocks doors, a ‘key’ is also a musical note.
According to the studies of Dr Horowitz, the ‘key to the house of David’ is the music frequency of 528 Hz the frequency of LOVE.
Frequency vibrations are about feeling more than hearing and even deaf people can therefore enjoy music because even though they cannot hear the music they can feel it.
That’s why the Bible says “If you have ears listen!” which in my reasoning means that we need to use our ‘inner ear’ to hear the message of God.
Everything in this world vibrates to a frequency, every little thing from insects to bigger creatures, plants, humans, machinery and even the clothes you wear. You can acquire a tuning fork and test this theory on everything to ensure positive vibrations. So in the same way each person vibrates to an individual frequency and certain sounds produce different sets of vibration frequencies.
Frequency vibrations affect and influence our perception of the world and reality and this is not only to do with sound but also with light movement and brainwaves.
There are those of us who believe that we are all being intentionally manipulated (deceived) by Satan through frequency vibrations and especially with regards to music, sadly victims and artists alike, for the purpose of moving away from LOVE and therefore away from God.
We give thanks that we now know that the closer we move to LOVE the closer we move to positive vibrations and closer to JAH which makes sense to consider that JAH send Rastafari musicians and poets to bless us with this ‘new music’ for the people.
There are many theories about the biblical key for instance the key could symbolize the Star of David, which is interpreted in the Rastafari hand greeting, the Davidic hand greeting, being two triangles which symbolize man’s upward and downward descent to divinity and therefore enlightment. The key could also symbolize authority or Divinity for that matter in the form of Humbleness, Trust and Patience or the key could be a number of a vibration frequency which ii would guess to be 528 Hz, the frequency of LOVE.
Music is Holy because it can captivate the way we feel and there is a lot of evidence of the power of sound but ii always like to look to nature for real evidence.
We must look at the power of birdsong. The singing of birds sets up a delicate sound vibration that promotes the growth of the young leaves of trees, plants and flowers, so this is why the birdsong is fairly constant all day long in spring time while new growth is occurring. Come summer time, most birdsong stops except at dawn and twilight. At night all plant life breathes in carbon dioxide and at dawn in the early morning they breathe out pure oxygen. The times for the changeover are controlled by the birds and this process is in fact stimulated by birdsong. Take note that the word ‘nature’ contains the word ‘tune’.
Is it not amazing how birds can tell the grass, plants, trees and flowers when to grow just by setting up the sounds necessary to their chemical activity by singing? The singing of birds is only one of many phenomena all around is which highlights the importance of sound, and it was due to ‘sound’ that the biblical walls of Jericho to come tumbling down in the Bible.
Music is so Holy that even King David had His own unique style of music going on, He was the star of Psalms having written 74 of the 150 psalms, and it is recorded that he was blessed with a captivating voice.
King David has a style of composing which was known as ‘thought couplets’ where he composed through a process of ‘inward looking’ where instead of composing a structure of reoccurring sound, some of his structures convoluted, which means that they were very complex and difficult to understand in a very complicated type of way.
He wrote with structures of thought movement and these movements coupled together in ‘outside/inside’ or physical/spiritual arrangements which presented the range of complexity of Indo-European language structures, which consists of about 445 different languages, so that is pretty complex.
Clearly, King David, who was a ‘man after God’s heart’, was blessed with divine spiritual Enlightment which could enable him to reveal God’s meaning through the movement of thought couplets which can only be recovered through the Holy Spirit and not through those who can only think physically.
“Music and Rhythm find their way into the secret places of our soul” ~ Plato
So if you think about it, there are 88 keys on a piano keyboard that is 44 black and 44 white keys which are needed to create the notes and chords of perfect harmony. In numerology, and the bible is full of numerology and there is even a book called Numbers, the compound number 88 reduces to 16 which reduces to 7 which is the number for perfection and the spiritual number of higher enlightment. One could say that it is a holy number and is mentioned in the bible 735 times.
Equally the seven notes of the musical scale and the seven visible colors of the rainbow spectrum have a direct affect on human spirituality, just as the seven spiritual chakras which are aligned directly with the seven endocrine glands, has a profound effect on our physical health, all of these sciences are connected to create harmony and balance in our lives by working on both the inner and outer human.
The number 7 is also the number of Neptune, the ruling planet of music in astrology studies. It is interesting to note that the word ‘Neptune’ also contains the word ‘tune’.
So we can clearly see that ‘keys’ are required, to create perfect harmony, but is it really possible that these musical ‘keys’, are in fact the spiritual path to the codes of wisdom referred to as The Keys to the House of David, and is it possible that the house of David is symbolic of music itself?
Staying with the Psalms, from Psalm 48 the scriptures start to speak about Zion, which in Rastafari reasoning is Ethiopia (Africa), we believe that Zion, is the motherland to which we must all repatriate, even ii, who is just a white lady, which is why JAH is bless ii with the time to live with the Xhosa people of Pondoland, South Ethiopia (South Africa), to teach ii the ways and times of my people of Africa and the lessons to remain humble, and ii remain in Massive Gratitude and Blessed Love for the experiences afforded and the lessons learnt from a most humble nation and especially my Master Brother Judah.
This is my Master Brother Judah and my niece JAH Lady Sister Jami Lee (RIP)
We also believe that Ethiopia is the birthplace of mankind and also homes the biblical Garden of Eden. We must consider that after the flood and Noah’s Ark in Genesis, the entire earth was changed physically and geographical places were no longer in the same place as before the flood, this is a historical fact. Also important to bear in mind is that when Noah and his descendants landed on new land, it is reasonable that they would name rivers and mountains and so on after familiar names.
National Geographic has done some fantastic research on Ethiopia, and there really is no doubt that East Africa (Ethiopia) and particularly The Great Rift Valley which flows through Ethiopia is the home of humanity!
One can easily research the biblical meaning of the word ‘Zion’ which occurs over 150 times in the Bible.
For me personally, my simple reasoning is that Zion is a metaphor for ‘Israel’ as the ‘people of God’, as well as God’s Spiritual Kingdom.
Remember ‘Israel’ is the name which God gave to Jacob in Genesis, and Israel means rebel. Israel (Jacob) was the father of the twelve sons who became the twelve tribes of Israel as written in the scriptures. God’s people will be known and persecuted as ‘rebels’ against the ‘system’ and the laws of the system. Remember JAH tell us “Death gets its power from sin and sin gets it power from the law.”
In my eyes and in my heart Zion is also the other side of Babylon which represents an oppressive system for my people. All of JAH people will eventually repatriate to their respective Zion, from where they were taken all over the world. So it makes sense that the entire ‘new world’ referred to in the Bible, will become Zion, God’s Spiritual Kingdom.
In The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6) we learn “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” which means that the ‘new world’, Zion, on earth will be like heaven is as described in the scriptures.
So you can see now that Zion is not really a geographical destination or location, but rather a spiritual place (heaven), the ‘new world’ of which the bible speaks. Remember the Bible is full of symbolism, and God tells us often in the scriptures that only the wise will understand the prophecies through the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 1 vs 17
“Christ did not send me to baptize. He sent me to tell you the Good News, and to tell it without using the language of human wisdom, in order to make sure that Christ’s death on the cross is not robbed of its power.”
1 Corinthians 1 vs 21
‘For God in his wisdom made it impossible for people to know him by means of their own wisdom.’
So God’s wisdom is not our wisdom, and we already know that the Bible is distorted and mistranslated and we know as JAH people that this would happen; this is why God is calling for higher wisdom to overstand The Revelation of the prophecies. This is not just a spiritual puzzle to figure out but more like a real life chess game, life in 64 squares where check-mate for JAH children results in Salvation from evil.
The issue of Repatriation for the Rastafari Movement is one of serious and devout reasoning where the chief objective is to bring all of our Brothers and Sisters back from the places they were sent to in the times of slavery, so they may live freely in the Motherland of Africa once again, and be free. (Ezekiel 37 vs 21-28)
Many nations have tried to claim that they are exclusively God’s people, but the truth is that all people who follow God’s law can look forward to salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 7 verse 9 is very clear that God is speaking about all people and we understand this as all races, and that the number is innumerable as ‘no one could count all the people!”
This is in line with the principles of the Twelve Tribes of Israel and the teachings of His Majesty which are the teachings of Jesus Christ, that Salvation is possible for all races through Jesus Christ. Amen!
We believe that this King, a member of King David’s bloodline, of which the scriptures is speaking about, was His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I Emperor of Ethiopia.
Revelation 17 verse 14 is speaking of the invasion of Ethiopia and to this day Ethiopia is the only African country never to be colonized by Babylon!
His Majesty blessed us with many teachings which include purifying our social standards and our way of living as well as rebuilding and inspiring our characters and my favorite lesson is this extract from His famous WAR speech:
“That until such time the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned: That until such time that there are no longer first and second class citizens of ANY nation; that until the color of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; that until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race; that until that day the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeing illusion, to be pursued but never attained; and until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique and in South Africa in subhuman bondage have been toppled and destroyed; Until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and in human self interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance and good will…”
Let us go forward with the trod on the road to Zion. JAH gyd us all!
When JAH speaks of meat, He is referring to food. Most meat is cooked over a source of heat, usually a flame or fire, and then consumed through the mouth.
The Rastafari practice of smoking the Holy Herb is really no different to eating meat. Observing the command to use herbs that bear seed of its kind, the Rastafari Brethren and Sistren, after separating the seeds from the flowers and leaves, put the herb (meat) in a bowl, apply a flame to it (cooking it) and ingest it through the mouth, and this is why you will hear Rastas speak about “eating some herb”.
To justify this practice of smoking (eating) the herb, we look to 2 Samuel 22 vs 9
“Smoke poured out of his nostrils, a consuming flame and burning coals from his mouth”, which is repeated again in Psalms 18 vs 8 word for word and again in Job 41 vs 20
“Smoke comes pouring out of his nose, like smoke from weeds burning under a pot”
The fact that smoke came out of JAH’s nostrils and fire from his mouth, suggests that God indeed has a body. The question is “How did smoke get inside JAH’s body? Our answer is through eating (smoking) the holy herb, and we continue to justify our Biblical defence of eating, smoking herb by insisting that our Holy Herb, Cannabis increases spiritual awareness, and brings us into closer meditation with our creator, JAH Rastafari!
Exodus 3 vs 2 -4
“There the angel of the Lord appeared to him as a flame coming from the middle of a bush. Moses saw that the bush was on fire but that it was not burning up. ‘This is strange,’ he thought. ‘Why isn’t the bush burning up?’”.
We believe that this scripture reasons that a conference between man and God is symbolized with a burning bush and we therefore ritually recreate this connection by burning the bush, or herb, Cannabis. This produces a heightened spiritual awareness, allowing for a closer communion with JAH.
We believe that sacred communion with JAH produces spiritual health, which, in turn helps both mental and physical health. This is the core foundation of Rastafari Livity because Rastafari is much more than a religion or a socio-political movement, Rasta Livity is a lifestyle as ordered by JAH himself through the teachings of Jesus Christ and Haile Selassie I.
This practice of eating and smoking the herb during ritual congregation is considered a way of spiritually cleansing ourselves to come before the presence of God. We regard this practice as an acceptable offering which is acceptable to JAH and made within the temple of our bodies.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 18 reads as follows:
“…Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance...”
This allows us to interpret the Bible and to use the holy herb, Cannabis, accordingly. It is therefore a massive violation of internationally protected human rights to pass laws that prohibit this activity and it is also a violation to criminalize and incarcerate members of the Rastafari Movement for manifesting their beliefs under Article 18. In spiritual matters sometimes it is necessary to bear repetition, so please always remember that “sin gets its power from the law”.
This is one of the major obstacles preventing the recognition and acceptance of the Rastafari Movement as a whole. It should not matter whether the governments share this belief or not, what matters is that the Rastafari Movement has a solid and well-articulated doctrine based on the Biblical scriptures, natural law and international human rights law, which provides an unshakeable foundation for our belief in the use of herb as a sacrament and as an industrial renewable resource! JAH! But as Sister Myrtle of the Dagga Couple says these people if they want to control the people they just take away their sacrament and this is what Babylon did when they brought all those poor Indian people over to Natal South Africa to slave in the sugar plantations, in order to control them they is change the laws to prohibit only the Indians in the laws from consuming Cannabis, thus declaring the holy herb the sacrament illegal.
A very interesting read is the case of Ras Garreth Prince vs The South African Law Society. Brother Garreth is a South African Rastafari Lawyer who was refused to register for Articles as he had previous criminal offences relating to Cannabis. Brother Garreth is a bona fide Rastafari follower and he truthfully admitted that he would continue to consume Cannabis as his faith requires him to do.
In the discussions of this case by Babylon they cleverly put together a solid case and were very sensitive with most issues but this case will give you real insight into the mentality and the attitude of our oppressive opposition.
So, as long as Cannabis is illegal there will always be a group of people being persecuted for their religious belief and as long as this goes on there will always be oppression and injustice in the world, and as long as there is injustice there will never be peace.
This is why at the end of the day the Rastafari Movement must and will win the struggle to free the Holy Herb. Good will must always triumph over evil, and it is evil to violate god-given natural human rights.
For us it is very clear what The Bible says that God is give us EVERY seed bearing herb on the face of the earth to be used as meat and to heal the nations. Yet the people, who run this world, decide to make nature and therefore God, illegal.
Ezekiel 34 vs 29
“And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen anymore.”
JAH obviously anticipated some prohibition and warned us of this again in
1 Timothy 4 vs 1 – 5
“The Spirit says clearly that some people will abandon the faith in later times; they will obey lying spirits and follow the teachings of demons. Such teachings are spread by deceitful liars, whose consciences are dead, as if burnt with a hot iron. Such people teach that it is wrong to marry and to eat certain foods. But God created those foods to be eaten, after a prayer of thanks, by those who are believers and have come to know the truth. Everything that God has created is good; nothing is to be rejected, but everything is to be received with a prayer of thanks, because the word of God and the prayer make it acceptable to God.”
So even in the biblical times, God knew that we would endure prejudice for our consumption of the Holy Herb.
It is interesting to note that no prohibition of Cannabis or any other plant is made in the Ten Commandments, and Genesis is very clear that JAH is giving us every seed bearing herb to use for meat, and we all know that Cannabis is a seed bearing plant, so therefore it is clearly JAH-will that we are to consume the herb, and it is Babylon rules which prohibit and persecute us, under their unconstitutional laws, for this practice.
It is also now a known and proven scientific fact that all humans, and most of life on earth, have Cannabinoid receptors throughout our bodies, known as the Endocannabinoid System, a “new” physiological system, identified in the early 1990’s and which got its name from the Cannabis plant.
So, even though now that the whole world knows that we have Cannabis receptors within our bodies; which, really means, that we are supposed to consume Cannabis, we still have to bow down to the unjust laws of the lands which continue to demonize the use of our Holy Herb.
1 Corinthians 15 vs 56
“Death gets its power to hurt from sin, and sin gets its power from the Law. But thanks be to GOD who gives us the victory though our Lord Jesus Christ!”
Only Satan himself would not want peace on Earth, and statistics are proving over and over that people who consume Cannabis are calm and peaceful people as opposed to people who consume alcohol and other dangerous drugs and become violent when under the influence. Rastafari is all about peace and love and this is the exact opposite of what we have on Earth today under Babylon law.
Many of us also believe that Cannabis is illegal in order to suppress the Rastafari Movement by incarcerating our Brothers for petty Cannabis charges, leaving our Sisters and children abandoned and forced to take a Babylon king to survive thus removing the JAH lady from society. By keeping our Holy Herb illegal they suppress our people from freedom to move closer to our JAH.
The Bible is very clear on this point and this point expresses the freedom which our mighty JAH is promise us but which is denied to us by demonizing our holy herb which brings us closer to JAH.
The Holy anointing oil described in Exodus 30 vs 22 – 25 was created from:
· 500 shekels (about 6 kg) pure myrrh
· 250 shekels (about 3 kg) sweet cinnamon
· 250 shekels (about 3 kg) Kaneh- bosem
· 500 shekels (about 6 kg) Cassia
· One hin (about four liters) Olive oil
It was only in 1936, that the first solid evidence of the Hebrew use of Cannabis was established by Sula Benet, a Polish etymologist from the Institute of Anthropological Sciences in Warsaw. (He is study the origin of words and how their meanings have changed throughout history)
Sula Benet demonstrated that the word for Cannabis is ‘Kaneh-bosm’, also translated in traditional Hebrew as ‘kaneh’ or ‘kannabus’.
The word appears five times in the Old Testament; in the books of Exodus, The Songs of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
The word ‘kaneh-bosm’ is now accepted as having been mistranslated as ‘calamus’, a common marsh plant with little value does not have the properties attributed to ‘kaneh-bosm’. This error occurred in the oldest Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, and was repeated in the many translations that followed.
In order for mankind and womankind to truly return to God with their whole heart, it is of maximum importance that as individuals we have complete freedom of choice in respect of worship so as to be able to follow our own conscience and be led by our own God.
The only worship and service which is acceptable to God is true hearted service and anything forced or pretended is a disgrace before God.
Romans 14 vs 5
“Each one should firmly make up his own mind.”
You must never simply believe everything that people say or what you can read on the net or even in this paper you must double check and reason everything because most of the time these people do not even know what they are speaking about, you must take the time to do the research and most importantly you must listen to your intuition, that little voice inside of you…if you can imagine that the mind is the voice of the ego, then in this way intuition is the voice of the spirit within, the God within, for the bible says that the spirit of God lives inside of us. I and I always say if someone tells me something and ii can’t find a bible verse to support it then is possibly not truth. For example someone once told me that we should not visit our neighbours too often because familiarity breeds contempt which ii had heard before but never from the scriptures.
So we can read in Proverbs 25 verse 17 “Don’t visit your neighbour too often; he may get tired of you and come to hate you.”
This is why ii recommend that if you seek spiritual truth is going to be best to find a worthy master, look around there are light workers everywhere all you have to do is call out so that you can at least make informed spiritual decisions because there really is no time to waste in getting our spiritual houses in order
Because of our teachings we believe in immortality and therefore that life is eternal, we therefore do believe in reincarnation and you might be surprised to learn how often Jesus speaks of the after-life in the Bible. We are all Ever-Living! Many papers have been written in truth about the reasoning of reincarnation in relation to the Bible, but here is my favourite scripture on this subject:
This scripture confirms the eternal life that we believe in, and also confirms that sin is come from the Law, and this is exactly what we are living in these times.
Isaiah 9 vs 6 – 7
“A child is born to us! A Son is given to us! And he will be our ruler. He will be called ‘Wonderful Counselor or ‘Mighty God’ ‘Eternal Father’ ‘Prince of Peace’.
He will rule as Kind David’s successor, basing his power on right and justice from now until the end of time. The Lord Almighty is determined to do all this.”
This passage shows us how the Mighty God presents HIMSELF as a living man by sending a new king, always from the descendants of King David, as promised throughout the scriptures.
Psalm 89 vs 3-4
“I have promised my servant David, a descendant of yours will always be king; I will preserve your dynasty forever.”
The scriptures also tell us that there will be many kings to come in the future before the end times.
Micah 5 vs 2 – 5
“But out of you, I will bring a ruler for Israel, whose family line goes back to ancient times. When he comes, he will rule his people with the strength that comes from the Lord and with the majesty of the Lord God Himself. His people will live in safety because people all over the earth will acknowledge his greatness and he will bring peace.”
Ezekiel 37 v 25
“A king like my servant David will rule over them forever.”
Again these scriptures prove that this new king, ruler or leader, from the lineage of King David, is a living man, and is not connected to the returning of Jesus Christ, because Jesus has already come to earth as a living man and is now part of the Holy Trinity and is part of God and therefore IS God, so he cannot HIMSELF return again as a humble man. When Jesus comes back He will present Himself as He IS, as GOD Almighty, and many kings will come in the future until the end of the times, but Jesus Christ was different, he was chosen as the Son of God, and died and rose again, to manifest the ‘Three in One’ Holy Trinity, and this is why we worship Jesus Christ.
With all the proof of the prophecies which ties so many scriptures to the teachings of Rastafari, we truly believe that His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, and since they were both murdered by Babylon we now are awaiting the next king.
Isaiah 33 vs 17 – 24
“Once again you will see a king ruling in splendor over a land that stretches in all directions. Your old fears of foreign tax-collectors and spies will be only a memory. You will no longer see any arrogant foreigners who speak a language that you can’t understand. Look at Zion, the city where we celebrate our religious festivals. No one who lives in our land will ever again complain of being ill, and all sins will be forgiven.”
Isaiah 65 vs 17 – 25
“The Lord says ‘I am making a new earth and new heavens. The events of the past will be completely forgotten. The New Jerusalem I will make will be full of joy and her people will be happy. Babies will no longer die in infancy and all people will live out their life span. Those who live to be 100 will be considered young. Wolves and lambs will eat together. Lions will eat straw as cattle do, and snakes will no longer be dangerous. On Zion my sacred hill, there will be nothing harmful or evil.”
Emperor Haile Selassie I was a direct descendant of King David, and His coronation of 2 November 1930, was an elaborate affair lasting ten days. No less than 72 countries paid homage at the Coronation.
All monarchies in this world claim “Divine Right”, which means that they are Divine, which is why you bow when you appear before them.
HIM Haile Selassie I, in 1930, among many other titles, was crowned:
“King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Rightful Ruler of Earth, Elect of God and Light of the World, Honory Citizen of the Earth, Chief Commander of the Order of the Star of Ethiopia, Grand Cordon of the Order of Solomon, Grand Chief of the Order of the Golden Lion, Order of The Elephant, Knight Grand Cross of Royal Victorian, The Order of Bath, The Most Holy Annunciation, Order of the Gold Lion of the House of Nassau, Order of the White Lion, Order of Independence, Chain of Honour, Order of Pius IX, Order of Muhommed, Grand Order of the Hashemites, Order of the Redeemer, Order of Leopold, National Order of Chile, Chad, Benin, Mali, Madagascar, Mauritiana, Guinea, Poland, Upper Volta, Yugoslavia, Belgrade, Hungary and Togo, Order of the Leopard, Order of the Lion”
So now, in 1930, the whole world knew that His legitimate title was King of Kings, Lords of Lords and Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He was appointed the Divinity of all the Divines, the King of Kings. And this was just one “little Black man” who stood alone by himself in the midst of a radically racist and nuclear armed Euro-American dominated world! No other leader ever in the history of the world has had this much adoration and respect bestowed upon himself. Not even Barack Obama or Nelson Mandela.
All of these kings and monarchs were to bow before HIM. All of them recognized His heritage of having a direct lineage to King Solomon’s father King David, and therefore to Jesus as well, and gave Him His due respect and all of them bowed before His Majesty Haile Selassie I! JAH Rastafari!
Psalm 72 verse 11
“All kings will bow down before him; all nations will serve him.”
As mentioned before, His Majesty himself never officially practiced Rastafari nor did he ever claim to be divine, or have any special powers, but most of us who follow Rastafari simply believe that he was Christ-like in the way in which He lived His life and His teachings but especially because of His direct lineage to King David and therefore to Jesus!
Revelation 5 vs 5
“Then one of the elders said to me, ‘Don’t cry, Look! The Lion from Judah’s tribe, the great descendant of David, has won the victory and he can break the seven seals and open the scroll.”
Remember that the book of Revelation is not a chronological book, it is a mystical and symbolical work not to be understood by human wisdom. God does this intentionally so that Jesus’ death on the cross would not be in vain.
Some repetition is necessary here again, so after being internationally crowned King of Kings, Lord of Lords and Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah in 1930, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, in 1935 published His own Bible, The First Amharic Haile Selassie I Bible, and in 1962, a new Amharic translation was printed, again with the patronage of the Emperor.
It is a historical fact that Ethiopia received both the Old and New Testaments earlier than most of the countries in the world around AD330.
From a very young age His Majesty already knew the scriptures of books that were not in the Bible, and many priests used to visit him and question his knowledge and he would whisper the answers in their ears and they would run away fearing the things that he could tell them. This is how His Majesty was able to manifest the Amharic Bible, which is also known as the Book of the Seven Seals, the oldest version of the Bible.
In order for the Amharic Bible of His Majesty, the Lion of Judah, the Lamb, reincarnation of Jesus, to be the book (scroll) of the seven seals referred to in the prophecy in Revelation 5, it would have to have been manifested after the Lamb was slain.
The 81 book Bible (compared with our 66 books) named the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Bible was published in 1986 after His Majesty’s passing in 1975. This version included a few minor changes or corrections to the 1962 Amharic text of the New Testament, but the text of the Old Testament and Deuterocanon are an exact replica to those previously published under His Majesty Haile Selassie I.
The Amharic Bible was first revealed in 1840 and has under gone many changes under the guidance of His Majesty and is the fulfillment of the express desire of Haile Selassie I, crowned King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah, Elect of God, Rightful Ruler of the earth and many other Royal and Divine accolades on 2 November 1930.
The Royal Amharic Bible is the Gospel of His Majesty.
Do we know of another person who was so gloriously crowned and published his own bible, except for Jesus Christ!
Revelation 19 vs 16
“On his robe and on his thigh was written the name: ‘King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”
The circumstances of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I death were mysterious and many believe he was murdered by his captors.
One has to ponder, that for a man who was so gloriously crowned by the whole world back in 1930, and who died in 1975, at the age of 83 years, but his body was only discovered in 1992, buried under a toilet in the Imperial Palace, that indeed these are mysterious circumstances of death for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. After years of objection from the Rastafari movement, His Majesty only received his state funeral in 2000.
Despite the circumstances, there are those of us who as a people, try to continue to reason logically in our approach to the theological problem surrounding the Emperors death.
We do not see the death of His Majesty as changing anything, except that our JAH is no longer physically present, as we have always believed that His Majesty was omnipresent in spirit and visited the clouds with the hosts of heaven.
It is a well known fact that His Majesty had a deep love for animals and was known to be able to communicate with animals and birds.
We continue to worship JAH and await the new world once Babylon finally falls in accordance with the scriptures. JAH Rastafari ForIver!
So according to the Revelation, in the end times there will be two types of people. One group will have the seal of God (God’s name) on their foreheads and the other group with the mark of the beast on their foreheads.
Again, we must be mindful that the scriptures are prophetic and symbolic and really has nothing to do with anything physical at all.
So what is the mark of the beast which we have been trying to identify forIver?
We believe that salvation is through the blood of Jesus Christ which sealed the Law of God, The Ten Commandments.
Hebrews 10 vs 16
“This is the covenant that I will make with them in the days to come, says the
Lord: I will put my laws (Ten Commandments) in their hearts and write them on
their minds.”
The front of the human brain, the forehead, is the seat of thoughts and the decision making centre of the brain and is also the location of the spiritual ‘third eye’.
We are told that we will be deceived by Satan, and unknowingly will go against the Law of God, which IS the Ten Commandments.
So now you have to look around the world and reason, who is the man with the power to deceive the people from obeying God’s Law, and remember, that over and over in the scriptures we are told that nothing shall pass from the Ten Commandments until heaven and earth itself passes away (Matthew 5 vs 17 – 21), and since this has not yet happened, the Ten Commandments, as written by Moses and re-written by GOD himself, cast in stone, remains the Law of God’s people.
So then, Salvation is in the Ten Commandments being followed strictly, so again you must look around the world and see who is this man (Revelation 13 vs 18) who has the power to deceitfully force the world to break God’s Law?
Romans 13 vs 10
“Love your neighbor as you love yourself. If you love someone you will never do him wrong; To love then, is to obey the whole law.”
The Ten Commandments is God’s Law and therefore the ‘whole law’, and again in the last chapter of the last book of the Old Testament, we are reminded:
Malachi 4 vs 4
“Remember the teachings of my servant Moses, the laws and commands which I gave him at Mount Sinai for all the people of Israel (God’s people) to obey.”
Remember God is tell us before, “sin gets its power from the law”. This is a clue to identifying the mark of the beast. We must look at the laws that Babylon are trying to pass by deceiving the people. As ii am writing these words now, the US and Europe are trying to pass them evil laws (trade deals) known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
But, the people are uniting and almost 1.8 million people across the globe are revolting against these two laws and putting their own personal money towards advertising to educate the masses to this evil, and the politicians are starting to catch a stress and against all odds the people are actually winning!
The US politicians started voting on laws that would “fast track” their process to agree to these trade deals, thus making it easier for their President Obama to sign the US up for the TPP and TTIP and so push the deal forward.
In a surprise turn of events, the people supporting the trade deal lost their crucial vote throwing a spanner in the wheel and inevitably delaying their negotiations by weeks.
But these brave warriors of light and truth are suffering having their homes raided and their lives threatened at this time.
But still this is living proof that consciousness is indeed changing and people are starting to wake up to the mass hypnotism we have foreIver endured and we continue to give thanks to the Most High for all our brothers and sisters who are doing JAH works around the world.
But still this is living proof that consciousness is indeed changing and people are starting to wake up to the mass hypnotism we have foreIver endured and we continue to give thanks to the Most High for all our brothers and sisters who are doing JAH works around the world.
So for me personally, the ‘seal of God’ which must be on our arms and foreheads is The Ten Commandments and God’s name.
John 17 verse 6, Jesus reveals that the name of God is His character merciful, gracious, forgiving and long suffering. Jesus proclaimed God’s character in His own life through His actions, so God’s name is therefore His character which is expressed in our ‘actions’, which is symbolized by the forearm. Exodus 3 verse 14 clearly tells us what the name of God is. It is “I AM”, and what God is, is His Character.
God is telling us to put His Law ‘on our foreheads’ which symbolically translated means to keep Gods Law upon our minds and in our thoughts and on our arms which symbolizes our actions, in order to prevent us from sinning. So therefore, the ‘mark’ is concerned with worship and is on our ‘forehead’ which means the law of God is on our minds (foreheads).
So, how exactly does the anti-Christ deceive the world?
Revelation 13 vs 13
“This second beast performed great miracles; it made fire come down out of heaven to earth in the sight of everyone. And it deceived all the people living on earth by means of the miracles which it was allowed to perform in the presence of the first beast.”
In order for the anti Christ to be able to deceive the world into breaking God’s law, he would have to set up a counterfeit God, with a counterfeit law, to deceive the people into breaking God’s law, The Ten Commandments.
The two beasts in Revelation 13 are the ‘earth beast’ which we believe to be the United Nations (UN) and the ‘sea beast’, which we believe to be the Papacy. The Papacy (second beast) gets its power from the first beast (earth beast).
So now, we can see a little clearer that when it says in Revelation that one group of people will have ‘God’s name in their foreheads’, it means that God’s character and Law has become a deep part of their lives, thinking and actions. This is the same way in which, the ‘other’ group would have given their thoughts and actions to the beast, and therefore receive the beast’s ‘mark’ even unknowingly through the deception. So the ‘mark’ is not a physical thing like a micro chip or bar code, but instead a spiritual mark which is manifested through worship in our meditations, reasoning and actions.
Even Mahatma Ghandi noticed deception amongst God’s people.
“I really like your Christ, but I don’t really like your Christians, they are so unlike Christ” ~ Ghandi
If you really think about it, all the Commandments have been broken so many times over and over and so we have overflowing prisons in most countries, an astronomical divorce rate and vulgar blasphemies in Hollywood. You just have to look around the world right now and can see what is actually going on.
The only Commandment which has not been ‘officially broken’ is the Fourth Commandment.
“Thou shalt keep the Sabbath Holy” ~ Exodus 20 vs 8
So now, we must look around the world and see which man has a ‘mark’ against this Law of God.
In a letter dated 11 November 1895 signed by HF Thomas the Chancellor for Cardinal Gibbons of the Roman Catholic Church the following statement is made:
“The church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact”
On 1 June 2012 Cardinal O’Malley, Arch Bishop of Boston sanctified the celebration of the family in the Lord’s day:
“Sunday is a time when all Christians discover the Eucharist form that their life is called to have…the Cardinal stressed how the way in which we celebrate Sunday determines the way in which we live the rest of the week, since it is the mark of Christian identity”.
Well there you have it! Straight from the horse’s mouth or should I say from the beasts mouth!
Changing the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday is the mark of the beast, and the Roman Catholic Church admits that changing the Sabbath is their mark of authority and they had this to say way back in 364AD.
"Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday, but shall work on that day; but the Lord’s Day they shall especially honor, and, as being Christians, shall, if possible, do NO work on that day. If, however, they are found Judaizing, they shall be shut out from Christ." Catholic Church Council in Laodicea, 364AD, Canon 29.
In the book of Luke chapter 23 verse 55 we can see that Jesus died on a Friday and that the women then went home to observe Saturday as the day of the Lord, even though He had just died. In Luke 24 verse 1, we can see clearly that the women went back to the tomb very early on Sunday morning being the day after the Sabbath which is clearly Saturday. This proves that the people of God kept the Sabbath even after Jesus died because of the Fourth Commandment. The people knew that they had to continue obeying the full law of God.
The Bible is very clear on the day of the Sabbath, it is for Saturday and not for Sunday and throughout the Bible you will even read about Friday nights as the evening before the Sabbath, so there can really be no confusion, other than the confusion being intentionally created by the anti-Christ to deceive people into breaking God’s Law.
Nehemiah 13 vs 20
“Once or twice merchants who sold all kinds of goods spent Friday night outside the city walls.”
Matthew 28 vs 1 – 2
“After the Sabbath, as Sunday morning was dawning…”
Mark 16 vs 1 – 2
“After the Sabbath was over … Very early on Sunday morning, at sunrise they went to the tomb.”
The Sabbath (Saturday) was observed by Adam and Eve before the fall, which means that it was observed before there was sin in the world, and therefore before there were any nations, which means that The Sabbath does not belong to any one particular race but to all of God’s people who seek salvation.
Here is another statement by the man who is known as the Pope in 1998.
“Therefore, also in the particular circumstances of our own time, Christians will naturally strive to ensure that civil legislation respects their duty to keep Sunday Holy” ~ John Paul II, Dies Domini 1998
Practically, the whole professed Christian world has embraced this false Sabbath (Sunday) and they seem ripe to be deceived by the evil one into taking the ‘mark’ of the beast upon their foreheads.
Revelation 13 vs 8
“All people living on earth will worship it, except those whose names were written before the creation of the world in the book of the living which belongs to the Lamb that was killed.”
Truly all the people have been deceived and cannot see that the system is bashing directly against their religious liberty and therefore many people may feel that they are literally being legislated right out of their religious freedom, despite there being solid constitutions and Human Rights Declarations in place in most societies supposedly to assure the people of religious freedom.
The law which was passed in Daniel 6 which was intended to trick Daniel into disobeying God and to eliminate God’s faithful follower. The evil ones could find no fault with Daniel’s character or behavior and quickly realized that the only way to find fault with him was to attack his faith and cause him to disobey God.
This law must have seemed illogical, even in ancient times, as anyone could simply pretend not to pray or pray in secret or just in their minds, but Daniel is refuse to insult God in this way and carried about his worship in the same way as always thus rebelling against the kings law, and this is how Daniel landed up in the lions’ den and this resulted in a miracle being performed by God and this miracle caused the word of God to spread around the world again causing people to continue to worship the true God, the Creator.
The International Sunday Law which will be forced upon the nations in the end times will no doubt also seem illogical to the masses, but this is Satan’s plan to deceive and eliminate God’s true followers who keep the true Sabbath (Saturday) as instructed in the Fourth Commandment, and as it says in the bible, the keeping of the Sabbath will involve buying and selling, and the only way Babylon can force us to keep a law is to control our finances and therefore survival.
Daniel 7 vs 25
“He will try to change their religious laws and festivals.”
But right now, at the time of writing this paper in 2015, Sunday keeping is not quite the ‘mark’ of the beast. It still needs to be enforced into civil law in order for it to truly become the mark of the beast. Remember that ‘sin gets its power from the law’ and ‘the second beast gets its power from the first beast’. And again, right now at the time of this writing, this is exactly what the Roman Catholic Church is pushing for right now. The International Sunday Law is already in ‘blue copy’ around the world (known as Blue Laws (National Sunday Laws) which means, when the time is right this ’International Sunday’ law will be enforced, and that will be the mark of the beast forcing people to break God’s Law, the Fourth Commandment, making it a ten-nil win in terms of breaking the Ten Commandments.
Deuteronomy 6 vs 6-8
“Never forget these commands that I am giving you today. Teach them to your children. Repeat them when you are at home and when you away, when you are resting and when you are working. Tie them on your arms and wear them on your foreheads as a reminder. Write them on the door-posts of your houses and on your gates.”
Deuteronomy 11 vs 18 – 20
“Remember these commands and cherish them. Tie them on your arms and wear them on your foreheads as a reminder. Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you are resting and when you are working. Write them on the door-posts of your houses and on your gates.”
I and I pray to JAH ahead of the time that in the next life, in the ‘new world’, that mankind will not fail Him again and that we as a people will never have to deal with the wrath of sin or ego again in the future of the New World.
Give thanks for we serve a Mighty God!
Deuteronomy 29 vs 29
“There are some things that the Lord our God has kept secret; but he has revealed his Law, and we and our descendants are to obey it forever.”
Amos 3 vs 7
“The Sovereign Lord never does anything without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets.”
So God definitely wants us to know what is going on, but because of our sins (our collective sins), we all have to humble ourselves and seek the truth through God’s wisdom, which can only be done through the Holy Spirit.
There are so many different interpretations of the Bible and indeed the end times and our final hope for Salvation where the sacrifice of Jesus will not be in vain.
We must educate ourselves in the message of the Bible and the Truth which God has sent to us. “A chapter a day keeps the devil away!”
Hosea 4 vs 6
“My people are destroyed for lack of education, for they reject this education.”
We must be aware of the deceit of Satan and most importantly we must be aware of God’s only requirement which is to obey His law, the Ten Commandments, this is all which our Creator is ask of us, and yet we still cannot over all these timelines, we still cannot humble ourselves and keep ten simple laws. We cannot do this because of the deceit of Satan and because of the evil which also dwells inside of us, making each one of us no matter how holy we may think we are, we are all sinners collectively and the only hope for salvation is through the blood of Jesus Christ which sealed the Law of God. (Romans 7 verse 14 - 25 and Romans 8 verse 10).
John 8 vs 31 – 32
“If you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples; you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”
Everything has a biblical explanation, and the best guidance ii can give anyone who truly wishes to pursue the truth in the scriptures is to find a worthy master of studies, who usually appears when the student is ready. The biggest difference between a master and a beginner is that the master has failed more times than the beginner has attempted and this is exactly what makes the master worthy.
Jeremiah 33 vs 2 – 3
“The Lord, who made the earth, who formed it and set it in place, spoke to me. He whose name is the Lord said, ‘Call to me, and I will answer you; I will tell you wonderful and marvelous things that you know nothing about”.
JAH! in His own wisdom knew what was going on and how this whole thing was going to turn out, and in giving up His only Son, Jesus, there is no way, that he could make this message simple and easy to understand, because then the evil ones would just eat it up and this would make a mockery of insults to our entire faith and to Jesus’ death. Salvation cannot and will not come easily for mankind and we must humbly search for the truth and use the wisdom of ancient knowledge through the Holy Spirit as guided by the scriptures.
2 Timothy 3 vs 15 – 17
“and you remember that ever since you were a child, you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed.”
It really does not get any simpler than this, but sadly the evil ones who is control this world is intentionally trick, hypnotize and deceive us all at the exact same time, which possibly might be too much for the human psyche to bear, but again in the scriptures it says clearly that God will not give you more than you can handle.
1 Corinthians 10 vs 13
“Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm;
And JAH is know us better than a mother is know her babies, you cannot in your heart pretend to love, you can pretend to hate but you cannot pretend to love, God is make it so; so that when the time is right we will be able to recognize each other by the light of the love inside of each of us.
When a candle is lit in a dark room it is light up the whole room; the same cannot be said of the opposite, for you cannot take darkness into a room full of light, and have any effect on the light. and if you really think about it light does not have a shadow. Let us all try to be the light that this world so desperately needs.
Matthew 15 vs 8 – 9
“These people, says God, honor me with their words, but their heart is really far away from me. It is no use for them to worship me, because they teach man- made rules as though they were my laws!”
Isaiah 29 vs 13
“These people claim to worship me, but their words are meaningless, and their hearts are somewhere else. Their religion is nothing but human rules and traditions, which they have simply memorized”.
And this is why angels of God like Gabriel and Michael cannot protect those who are disregarding even one of God’s Commandments because we are all deceived to break Gods Laws and follow Babylon laws.
God’s Law is The Ten Commandments and throughout the Bible God is very specific about our observation of these ten laws which is not a huge favor for God to ask.
So JAH makes it very clear that to be ‘His People’ and to be blessed by Him, we have to keep his whole law. The reason for this is because God’s name is God’s character, and God’s Law, The Ten Commandments is really an official recognition put into human words of God’s very character. Take another look at Exodus 20 and you will see it starts “I am the Lord your God…” In John 14 verse 15 Jesus said “If ye love me, keep my Commandments.”
In my humble reasoning End times does not mean the end of the world in the cataclysmic way of thinking. This is a Babylon trick to deceive the world and create fear which is the opposite of Love. It is more like the end of the world as we know it, and it really means the end of the time of the prophecy. Sister Jami-lee used to always say to me “Don’t worry Aunty Vee the world will end in NO time!” The world cannot end, yes a lot of chaos can go down as we can see throughout the Bible and which we can see in real life with a radical increase in natural disasters, droughts and famines, even plagues such as the recent outbreak of Ebola in Africa, where one can only wonder what they were actually trying to distract us away from with this story since it disappeared as quickly as it was released, but the world it cannot end, because life cannot end, everything is energy and energy cannot die, 1 Corinth 15 verse 51.
We need to educate ourselves in spiritual matters and realize that there is more to life than this physical reality and we need to overstand that we are in the time period when the marvelous majesty is to be placed on God’s true people. One way or another, we will all have a part to play. Either we will receive the Seal of God or the Mark of the Beast. Either we are going to be blessed with Christ’s image and character, or we are going to receive the image of the Beast and a selfish character like the devil. Either way, there is a part to play. If we receive the marvelous majesty, we will go forth conquering and to conquer, proclaiming the wonderful truths of the Bible and the glory of God to the ends of the world.
It is my personal reasoning that we are all heading for a massive shift in consciousness and one might say that a lot of people will not be ready for this spiritual shift and they might feel as though they are going insane when they experience this shift. I believe that this is what the scriptures mean by some people being taken by Jesus and some people being left behind, the ones who cannot make the shift in consciousness will be ‘left behind’ and continue living in the darkness as JAH people move on into the Light.
We are all connected, no one is self sufficient, we all need each other and everything in nature, so the concept of sharing is something a lot of people will be learning for the first time but at least we are all guided by a Divine intelligence and we are all part of this process and we are busy building our heaven, the new earth where we will all be living in the light as it says in the scriptures.
So again it is my humble reasoning that the biblical Zion is the new world spoken about in the scriptures and it is fascinating to read about what we may look forward to and in light of these promises and our faith in our creator we really should not hesitate to educate ourselves with spiritual knowledge.
All of humanity eagerly awaits God to reveal his sons who will guide us in the new world.
In Romans 8 verse 18 – 21 we are told that what we are suffering at this present time cannot be compared with the glory that is going to be revealed to us and in Romans 12 God tells us not to conform to the standards of this world but to let God transform us inwardly by a ‘complete change of mind’.
I and I reason this to symbolically mean a shift in consciousness or enlightment which is what will be required to move on to the new world and indeed we can see a shift of consciousness happening in our lifetime and for me personally it is mostly evident when ii am working with the youth. It’s almost as if mankind is evolving and children are being born with higher wisdom and knowledge.
One of my mentors, who died mysteriously, Ian Lungold (RIP) revealed the ancient teachings of the Mayan Calendar and the message ii received from his teachings was that the ‘end’ will manifest in a shift of consciousness in mankind. I can almost believe that the future new world might very well be in our minds. This is how ii reason what JAH means by giving us a complete change of mind. If you consider that as advanced as we might like to think we are as humankind, we are still only utilizing about ten percent of our minds, so such a massive shift of consciousness is not totally impossible to conceive.
Consciousness is the awareness of being aware, and truly ii cannot see another way to change the darkness in this lifetime than by changing man’s meditation to his thoughts, behaviour and actions.
Freedom is about being left alone by the government so we may enjoy the fruits of our labor and praise our God.
To be free requires that we are all given a fair chance in life to achieve our full human potential in order to be hopeful about our futures and most of the inhabitants of earth are neither equal nor free as yet. According to the medical professionals if a human being cannot feel hopeful about their future then they are in a state of depression.
My master used to always say to Sister Jami-lee and ii
“Sisters if we really wanted to be free we would already be free!” and we spent a few years pondering long and hard on this profound statement of our Master.
In the last five years of her life Sister Jami-lee worked very closely with ii on this paper and truly JAH did inspire her with high wisdom and so in Blessed Love ii must dedicate this paper to her honor for without her contributions ii would surely never have finished this work so ii give thanks to The Most High for the life and times of Sister Jami-lee. JAH bless!
So what is the secret to Freedom? More so now than ever before from the lessons ii learnt from my niece ii believe that the secret to Freedom is actually Courage. The courage to have the intention to be happy in other words to quite literally ‘think’ ourselves into happiness.
Obviously this is no easy task or else surely everyone would be doing it. We are living in the darkness where our environment is intentionally manipulated to manifest as a negative environment brought about by stress, which is why we tend to struggle so much. In order to be truly free we have to free our minds from the mental slavery around us and take control of our own thoughts so that they may manifest in positive meditations and vibrations. Only once each and every single one of us comes to realize this will we truly be free, collectively all of humanity, and when this happens then finally we will have peace on earth and we are guided in the scriptures to be careful how we think because truly our lives are shaped by our thoughts.
Proverbs 4 verse 23
“Be very careful of your thoughts because your thoughts control your life.”
Philippians 4 vs 6 – 7
“Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything, tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus”.
So my brothers and sisters stop worrying about the life and focus on your own life at home where you dwell as well as your actions and meditations, and focus on love instead of hatred, do what you love and not what you hate, grow your own food, grow your own medicine, reason with one another, harvest rain water, educate your children yourself especially teach them to read the bible, avoid vaccinations, television and other Babylon negativity, keep the Sabbath holy, and if you currently observe Sunday because of the deception, my only guidance to you is to keep Saturday holy as well, and in this way we might even outsmart the devil; but above all praise your God all the time, always giving thanks and praises for everything. Mankind is going to make it, womankind is going to make it; we are all going to make it, just stay positive and always look on the brighter side of life! May JAH bless and sanctify your meditations.
Never fear because JAH LOVE is always near!
The Holy Bible The Good News Version
The South African Constitution
The House of Judah Mtata River Mouth
The Mamelodi House of Rastafari
Roots Bar Muizenberg
National Geographic
Time Magazine
High Times Magazine
The Rise of Rastafari in South Africa - JAH Rootsman
Rastawifeline.blogspot.com - The teachings of Sister Ila Addis
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