Wednesday, August 12, 2015



The infection, parasitemia and fever associated with malaria may lead to alterations in behaviour, hallucinations, and changes in consciousness even leading to coma, hypoglycaemia and convulsions.

As with most pharmaceutical drugs we do not have to look far to notice that cancer treatments cause more cancer, anti-epileptic drugs cause more seizures and anti-psychotic drugs ultimately cause more psychosis. So we should not be surprised that most antimalarial medications can actually induce most of the symptoms of the disease. For instance Chloroquine, Quinine and Mefloquine (Larium) can induce convulsions and this is because quinine induces hypoglycaemia which we already know may present as coma.

It is unfortunate that these medications can produce aggravating adverse neurological effects like insomnia, vivid dreams, dizziness, mental clouding, anxiety, and coordination problems. There are many testimonies online telling the story of the psychotic side effects of antimalarial medications.

According to the World Health Organisation, reviewed in April 2015, about 3.2 billion people are at risk of contracting malaria. That’s almost half the world’s population! In 2010 there were 660 000 deaths from malaria and in 2013 of the 198 million reported cases, there were almost 1 million deaths by malaria where 90% of these deaths occurred in Africa, mostly among children under the age of 5 years. So people living in the poorest countries are the most at risk. Every 30 seconds in sub Saharan Africa someone is killed by malaria and oddly there is no vaccine. And clearly these figures are rising every year.

Chinese herbalists have used the leaves of the Artemisia annua, or sweet wormwood shrub, to treat malaria for more than 1,500 years. Only in the 1960s, was Artemisinin identified as the active anti-malarial ingredient. So despite being used successfully for one and a half millennia, conventional medicine has only accepted this natural remedy for just over 40 years.

The ‘short supply’ of Artemisia annua has resulted in illusive ‘innovative’ drugs containing little or no Artemisinin. Producing drugs with smaller doses just doesn’t work as effectively as the herbal remedy and some of these fake drugs have even caused deaths. Drugs which contain lower amounts of the active ingredient, creates drug resistance and this is why drugs like Chloroquine are already ineffective in many affected areas.

According to The Guardian with the $53 million contribution from the Gates Foundation Amyris Biotech, after 9 years of research have managed to develop a synthetic version of Artemisinin which is grown in a barrel of bioengineered or genetically modified yeast. This is awfully attractive to the pharmaceutical industry because now they no longer have to be bothered with sourcing plant material from thousands of poor farmers in Africa and Asia. In this way the people of the poor communities of the world are robbed of their income and ironically live in the areas where malaria is most affected.

There is no logical reason why we needed to develop a synthetic product when farmers are easily able to produce enough plant material to produce the medication for malaria. The only reason which is illogical when you look at what is at stake is again the gluttonous greed for profit. So this is a classic case of “Problem Solution Reaction” as highlighted in David Icke’s book The Biggest Secret. History has shown us that it seems apparent that the pharmaceutical industry will not rest until it controls any medicinal plant from which it can make profit. 

As we move into an age where Cannabis is becoming available for medicinal purposes we are already starting to see more and more ‘false freedom’ and more and more system control in terms of the growing and producing of synthetic Medical Marijuana versus herbal Cannabis. It is also interesting to note that Marinol (Dronabinol) has already been recalled off the shelves because they induce suicidal thoughts. People opposed to herbal Cannabis often argue that it may contribute to depression and suicidal tendencies.  Fortunately for us there is enough evidence to prove that in places where Cannabis laws have been relaxed rates of suicide have actually decreased. After all, since suicide is stress induced and Cannabis takes stress away it makes sense that Cannabis would let people release and reduce their stress resulting in less depression and suicide.

We have proved over and over that Cannabinoids simply do not work as effectively in isolation and that herbal Cannabis is far superior to any synthetic Medical Marijuana product.

Cannabis has been used by the Chinese for over 5000 years and there are records of treating malaria with Cannabis. The Pen T’sao Ching (the Chinese herbal pharmacological book) states that Cannabis ‘clears blood and cools temperature’ which is a reference to the ability of Cannabis to reduce fever. The diaphoretic (perspiration-inducing) and diuretic properties of Cannabis are still considered effective in reducing fever by many traditional healers.

And in Africa Cannabis is still used by traditional healers as a natural remedy for malaria as well as for black water fever, an often fatal complication of malaria. But in the Western world prohibition of Cannabis has dealt a deadly disappointment to its use in medicine.

There is a lot of evidence to indicate that coconut oil is toxic to the Anopheles stephensi larvae proving that coconut oil has the potential to be used as a larvicide in the treatment of malaria. This is why in Cannabis culture we are pursuing our research in developing the Cannabis Coconut Connection because no matter what condition we are treating this is the best natural combination in the treatment of a variety of diseases.

Imagining a world without mosquitoes is an easy dream, however as much as we may enjoy this vision from an ecological point of view we cannot simply just wipe them out without causing serious damage to other life forms.

But there are people out there who are serious about this such as the biotech company Oxitec who in 2009 released their genetically modified mosquitoes onto Grand Cayman Island in the Caribbean. This experiment was conducted in secret and once the local people found out about it naturally they protested with outrage but as is always the case, innocent people always get ignored in favour of profits. Oxitec went on to release their bugs in Malaysia, Brazil, Panama, India, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, take note in poor countries where the majority of people are generally living in poverty.

At the time of this release The Institute for Science in Society (ISIS) wrote:


“…the current release of terminator male mosquitoes on Cayman Island is a risky strategy. To add insult on injury, there has been no warnings issued to tourists, and most residents on the Island do not appear to have given informed consent to be exposed to the GM male mosquitoes, in blatant violation of human rights with regard to human experimentation.

If the strategy has succeeded, as claimed, the islanders may have been granted temporary respite from the insect vector for Dengue; though replacement mosquito vectors are likely to be blown in from neighboring islands almost immediately while GM mosquitoes are spreading to them from Cayman Island.

The UK government appears not to have exercised appropriate jurisdiction over the human experimentation in its territory; while the scientific community should condemn the use of data to justify the experiment from studies that had not passed peer review.”

The biggest concern with genetically modified mosquitoes and artificial malaria medication is the risk of the resistance to Artemisinin and this would represent a global catastrophe. As we can see from history, modern medicine just never seems to be about curing disease, if anything it is always at the suppression of the individual person. As ii have stated before there is no profit in humans being healthy and this is why it is not in the interests of the pharmaceutical companies to find cures, only to create new disorders in order to sell more dangerous drugs.
Be Blessed Be Healthy!

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