Sunday, August 21, 2016




The very first thing ii wish to clear up is the issue of smoking.  You can do your own research and you will see that humans have been partaking in the smoke inhalation process since creation making it an ancient human practise and quite possibly very much part of the human condition.

Personally for me as a smoker, smoking is smoking and its bad for you and carbon is carbon and it is bad for your lungs.

This is why so many of my Elders are now moving away from smoking Cannabis and forward towards raw consumption like juicing, because they have come to realise that the health benefits of Cannabis are available in the raw plant material and there is now no need to smoke any longer.

In 2012 the Journal of the American Medical Association put a dent in the arguments against Cannabis smoking with the release of a report showing that casual Cannabis smokers might even have stronger lungs than non-smokers.

Researchers stated that there was good evidence that occasional Cannabis use can actually cause an increase in lung airflow rates and lung volume. Volume is measured as the total amount of air a person can blow out after taking the deepest breath they can.

The study was carried out by The University of California and The University of Alabama and spans over more than 20 years involving more than 5000 men and women in four American cities. The study concluded that even at daily usage levels of only 1 joint per day over seven years, people did not seem to suffer any degradation of lung capacity or function.

The researchers factored in for people who smoked tobacco and those that lived in more polluted areas with lesser air quality and poor ventilation. The harm from cigarettes showed up clearly while those smoking a joint a day and not smoking tobacco did not show any degradation. Even one joint per week for twenty years did not appear to have any significant effect on the lungs. It does make a lot of sense that the anti-inflammatory properties of Cannabis will help to soothe the lungs.

So here is the truth, the only way you can get tuberculosis (TB) from Cannabis is if you share a joint, bong or pipe with someone who is already infected with TB. The same is true of sharing a nicotine cigarette with a person infected with TB.  And while smoking Cannabis or nicotine obviously will agitate any lung condition, the truth is that smoking does not cause TB.



TB is an ancient debilitating respiratory disease that typically results in death if untreated. TB was referred to as “the Great White Plague” of the 19th century because it is so infectious, contagious and is airborne. So TB is a microbial infection caused by various strains of mycobacteria but primarily by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacteria require plenty of oxygen to survive and replicate and this is why Mycobacterium tuberculosis inhabits the lungs. This disease has been around as long as mankind.

Closely-related is the leprosy bacterium, Mycobacterium leprae, which forms clusters in the epidermal and epithelial tissues which receive oxygen from the blood, as well as other tissues, but can also absorb atmospheric oxygen. TB can also affect other organs for example the kidneys, as well as the spinal and brain fluid resulting in meningitis. Additional symptoms can occur elsewhere in the body depending on where the disease has spread to for example if the TB has spread to the bones and joints it can cause swelling and pain in the hips or knees for instance. As you can see TB is much more than a lung disease and in fact if you look closely it is actually an immune system disorder because this bacterium can remain dormant for many years and as the individual’s immune system weakens so the TB starts attacking the body. 

So when a person is infected with TB, a set of immune responses that defines the progression and outcome of this disease is triggered. As with all medical conditions the immune response differs from person to person, and for the vast majority of humans, no symptoms will ever become apparent. It is still not known precisely what mechanisms determine natural immunity to TB and there are many different strains, and various different environmental and other factors that can influence infection rates.

What we do know is that the Th1 immune response is vital for defence against microbes that infiltrate and reproduce inside host cells such as TB, and people that are prone to symptomatic TB have delayed Th1 immune responses.

In the event of Th1 suppression, the Th2 immune response kicks in, however, this response is designed to defend against extracellular pathogens (such as toxins and parasites), and when forced to attempt to defend against TB for example, in reality what happens is the actual rapid and effective progression of the symptoms.

For too long now we have been focusing on eradicating the merciless microbe, when in fact it isn’t actually the bacteria itself which kills people but rather the collateral damage it does to the body for example the muscle and tissue wastage which occurs.

According to the Salk Institute their findings suggest that by preventing the collateral damage e.g. muscle wasting we can ward off the most life threatening aspects of the infection.  So by not trying to kill the actual bacteria we are not encouraging the evolution of the deadly antibiotic strains that are killing people around the world. Although antibiotics were once the most powerful and revolutionary of drugs they do seem to have reached their limits and this is because of the ability of bacteria to rapidly evolve resistance to them.



TB has always been more prevalent in sectors of the population who are chronically stressed and malnourished. A more modern example would be amongst populations who are both stressed and malnourished as well as having compromised immune systems for example in the case of HIV/AIDS where TB often develops as an opportunistic secondary complication. 

So it is very true that the main defence against TB is a healthy lifestyle with sufficient sunlight, fresh air and nutritious food. Worldwide we are now faced with a rampant HIV epidemic and indeed TB has found a new and powerful ally which is killing at an alarming rate which makes it seem as though we are losing this battle and challenging the medical world to come up with new and natural approaches to treat TB.

Another big problem worldwide is the immense increases in incarcerations which has caused TB to spread like wildfire. So when you look at these statistics together with the increasing poverty and population especially in dense cities and you will notice that the stage seems set for an explosion of TB which we might never have anticipated before. With almost a third of the world population already possibly infected and almost 9 million new cases a year at a rate of one per second it does seem possible that humanity could not only succumb to this disease alone but also to the economic collapse it could cause.

The old TB infection rate used to be in the range of 1 person infecting 10 to 15 local people a year but today the potential is many times more especially now with international borders being open and people no longer being quarantined at all.

Unlike HIV, TB is highly contagious from contaminated environments and especially from victims coughing, sneezing, spitting or even speaking, dispelling the TB bacteria into the air so it is almost as easy to spread as the flu except unlike the flu, the season for TB is all year round. TB also does not discriminate between rich and poor so everyone is really at risk.

Health care workers are also now at rising risk, and while it was once possible to care for HIV/AIDS patients without this threat, the alliance with TB means caregiving is much more difficult and risky. 

Transmission of TB mostly takes place indoors, where tiny droplets of infected human mucous can stay in the air for a long time due to poor ventilation. So businesses with large migrant workforces such as oil, gas and mining companies as well as health care centres and hospitals and prisons, military barracks and shebeens are all work place settings where there is an increased risk of TB because TB loves crowded living, working or social conditions where there is lots of oxygen for it to reproduce in. Overcrowded modes of public transport such as taxi’s and trains are also good breeding places for TB because of the lack of ventilation.

The main symptoms of pulmonary TB is a persistent cough lasting for more than 2 weeks usually accompanied with expectoration which may be blood stained. People who are ill with TB may also experience chest pain, loss of appetite and weight loss, tiredness, fever with night sweats, shortness of breath and coughing up of blood. With extra-pulmonary TB it does depend on which organ is involved but you are also looking at chest pains, enlarged nymph nodes, fever as well as kidney and liver problems.

Therefore anyone suffering with a persistent cough lasting more than 2 weeks should be immediately tested for TB.


Latent TB is when a person has the TB bacteria in their body but there are no symptoms, so they don’t feel sick. You can’t pass latent TB on to others, but there is a risk that you will become ill with active TB later on in life, especially if your immune system is weakened, such as through another illness. Sometimes you can breathe in TB bacteria from an infected person from their throat or their lungs and it is possible for these bacteria to then lay dormant or asleep in your body without you actually noticing any illness. Full treatment is required with latent TB as well.



The biggest problem with TB treatment is the duration which is anything from 6 to 9 months and worse- case scenario in the event of more drug resistant strains can be up to 24 months of treatment. The second biggest problem is the amount of tablets which need to be taken.

The Primary treatment phase consists of an intensive phase involving 5 different antibiotics and continues for up to 3 months with the aim to kill the TB bacilli quickly and thoroughly.

The Continuation phase can last for 4 to 6 months and the aim is to completely destroy any remaining bacilli which might be lingering that could be activated at a later stage.  Treatment in this phase generally involves direct observation by a treatment supporter.

So as you can see the average duration of treatment lasts from 6 to 9 months and unfortunately a lot of the time people are simply not able to comply with the treatment and this is exactly what gives rise to drug resistant strains of the bacterium.


Drug resistant TB usually occurs when antibiotic treatment courses are stopped or interrupted before the bacteria are fully destroyed and what is then left is often the most resilient forms of the bacterium in other words those with particularly impermeable cell walls.  Mycobacterium tuberculosis is notorious for its thick, waxy fat coated cell walls.

When a TB infection becomes multi-drug resistant its death rate usually increases to about 80%.  Some forms of chemotherapy are used in the fight against drug resistant TB but with debilitating side effects. If treatments for drug resistant TB are mismanaged then the bacteria becomes “extensively-drug resistant TB” and prevalence is increasing. In 2008 49 countries had documented cases of ‘extensively-drug resistant TB and now this number 91.

So even though ‘multi and extensive-drug resistant TB is rare it would be a disaster if such strains were to gain a foothold in the general population. The standard BCG vaccine is not entirely effective against these or ‘normal’ TB for that matter with only a 50% rate of effectiveness.  Recently there have even been reports of certain strains of TB which are resistant to all the first line drugs (Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide, Streptomycin) as well as second line (Ofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Kanamycin, Amikacin, Capreomycin, Para-aminosalicylic acid and Ethionamide) drugs.  These strains are then known as Total drug resistant TB or TDR-TB.

These drug resistant TB strains have the potential to undo the significant advances made by governments in the control of TB and this would effectively mean the loss of thousands of lives and billions of dollars around the world. Treating drug resistant strains of TB is a costly and challenging task. 

For me personally the biggest problem is how we can prevent these drug resistant strains from re-emerging. It seems that the most important part of prevention is for the patient to take the correct drugs for the correct duration of time and a number of studies have revealed that a large number of people are not prescribed the right drugs in the correct dosage.  The other thing is that generally people fail to complete their course of medications especially when their symptoms seem to disappear and they start to feel better. So in reality preventing the emergence of drug resistant strains would provide us with our only real defence against this deadly disease.

It then seems obvious that new vaccines and treatments are now a matter of urgency and governments and international organisations really ought to be pouring more money into research and development.



New born babies receive the BCG vaccination to protect against TB in infancy however there is no guarantee of immunity against this disease once they grow up. This vaccine therefore only provides protection for a short period of time and not life- long protection.

The BCG vaccine has limited efficiency in adults and often causes false-positive TB skin test reactions.


Indeed there seems to be a lot of public confusion regarding nutrition and chronic infectious diseases.
One of the most hotly debated topics over the past twenty years in South Africa has been the issues concerning nutritional influences on human immunity and the response to major epidemic infections such as those caused by HIV and TB. And it is these issues that have given rise to determined differences in the approach to public policy in addressing the consequences of these diseases.
Back in 2000 while ii was living in Port Elizabeth ii had the privilege of serving our then President Thabo Mbeki’s father Mr Govan Mbeki on the occasion of his 90th birthday celebrations and whilst the honourable President Thabo Mbeki could not attend the event his beautiful wife Mrs Zanele Mbeki was constantly at her father in law’s side. It would have been a dream come true for any waitress to serve her president but my motive was more from a medical angle and in particular his stance to the HIV/AIDs dilemma in our country at that time. Personally ii have always believed that HIV/AIDS like so many other medical conditions, was ‘created’ with a view to ‘cull’ the human population in line with the ambitions of the new world order which you can actually read about in the Revelation in the bible.
It now turns out that Mr Mbeki was right all along…where during his residence as president he was accused of denialism when it came to the issue of HIV/AIDS. The resistance he received to his theory was not surprisingly made by the very people who stood to benefit from broadcasting the slogan “HIV causes Aids”.
Mr Mbeki himself never once stated that HIV does not cause Aids, what he said precisely was that “A virus cannot cause a syndrome”.
As president and alongside former Minister of Health Manto Tshabalala-Msimang Mr Mbeki was slammed for policies which denied thousands of HIV positive South Africans access to ARV’s.
Mr Mbeki stated categorically
“AIDS" is an acronym for ‘Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome’ – therefore Aids is a syndrome, i.e. a collection of well-known diseases with well-known causes.  They are not, together, caused and cannot be caused by one virus!”
On 5 July 2016 released a disturbing press release intimating that Dr Robert Gallo who is the scientist credited with ‘discovering’ the HIV virus in 1984, in fact admitted that he created AIDS in order to reduce the world’s population. The complete and compelling scientific evidence now reveals that the Aids virus was a designer bi-product of the US Special Virus program which was a federal virus development program that persevered in the US from 1962 to 1978.
It is very interesting to note that Dr Gallo’s 1971 paper on Special Viruses is an exact replica of his 1984 announcement of his discovery of Aids. And what is even more interesting is that he filed his application to patent his announcement on Aids long before he actually made the announcement.
Even further back in my medical career in 1987 ii assisted in nursing the very first ‘Aids’ patient at Groote Schuur Hospital and when he passed away in hospital it was interesting to note that the physicians noted the cause of death as TB.


We must also realise that before the advent of antibiotics TB treatment was effected by intense concentration on strengthening the immune defences of infected people with diet, improved and altered environmental conditions and every other conceivable measure. This all changed after the discovery of ‘effective’ drugs, and this aspect of TB therapy quickly became secondary and mostly uncontended.

We really need to cultivate an evidence based understanding of the functional inter-relationships between infection and nutrition. Right now we are witnessing a population where macronutrient deficiencies (obvious hunger) as well as micronutrient deficiencies (hidden hunger) are very common.

Currently there is a shortage of sound, locally relevant and contextually appropriate studies that could effectively guide policies designed to optimize nutritional support for infected people before or after a specific therapy is started. Nutrition should therefore be the first port of call in curing disease and not left to be considered as a last resort or crisis management style of healing.

So it is therefore essential to develop the capacity to identify the micro biota present in the small and large intestines in order to develop an understanding of the systemic relationships between various diets and the intestinal micro biota as well as gut function and inflammation. The short and long term effects of pre and probiotics of various kinds and at various dose levels also need to be studied both in individuals with or without the HIV infection.

Further it is also essential to establish why there may be mal-absorption of specific nutrients in asymptomatic HIV-infected people. Both vitamin A and D appear to be precursors of highly active metabolites that are crucially involved in specific immune mechanisms in respect of both mucosal immunity and intracellular microbial destruction.

Both mainstream media and their premium paying pharmaceutical patrons like to make it seem as though disease is random and strikes people without warning. It is this mentality that makes people feel like helpless victims resulting in people becoming afraid and ultimately losing touch with their bodies and minds.

The truth is that the whole disease process starts within the body, specifically the gut, and this process is directly connected to nutrient deficiencies.

It is the nutrient deficient, acidic internal environment which allows disease to get a grip on the human body. It is a well- known fact that processed foods deplete the beneficial microbes in the gut and this negatively affects the body’s ability to defend itself against infection because it is these beneficial gut microbes which regulate the immune system. So when the good microbes are wiped out, then the bad ones take over, making a person more prone to infections.

It is quite frightening how many people are deficient in Vitamin D which is not found in many foods and the main source of this vitamin is the sun and people who are ill are not as likely to be able to go outdoors. It is important to realize that the ultraviolet B (UVB) rays do not penetrate glass and therefore exposure to sunshine indoors through a window does not produce Vitamin D.
It is also very important to be aware that many pharmaceutical drugs such as steroid medications, epileptic drugs, anti-depressants, weight loss drugs, cholesterol lowering drugs as well as anti TB drugs all negatively affect the body’s ability to absorb and metabolize Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is no ordinary vitamin.  It is actually a neuro-regulatory steroidal hormone (sometimes referred to as D Hormone) which influences about 3000 different genes in your body and virtually every cell and recent research suggests that Vitamin D may enhance the amount of important chemicals which the brain needs to protect its cells.
Because Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, its absorption is dependent on the guts ability to absorb dietary fat so people who have reduced ability to absorb dietary fat often require Vitamin D supplements. Fat mal-absorption is connected to a number of medical conditions such as liver disease, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease and also ulcerative colitis.
There is very strong evidence that Vitamin D plays a protective role in the prevention of colon, prostate and breast cancers and there is also a growing body of research which suggests that Vitamin D also plays a protective role in the treatment of type 1 and 2 diabetes, hypertension, glucose intolerance, multiple sclerosis as well as other medical conditions. 
(As a matter of interest it has recently been discovered that Multiple sclerosis is in fact Lymes disease which is caused by a bacteria – the report of this 105 year medical cover- up has already (11 August 2016) been removed from the internet, further proof of the truth that all disease stems from the gut). This revelation also serves as proof of the fact that when a story does not make sense we must simply follow the money).
Gut bacteria needs Vitamin D in order to survive…
So the destruction of our gut bacteria can lead to inflammation in the brain and the body leading to the increase in a large variety of illnesses we are seeing all over the world today. Gut bacteria needs Vitamin D in order to survive. Vitamin D affects our entire gastric tract and we have Vitamin D receptors in our brains, spinal cord, digestive tract, salivary glands, our teeth, esophageal sphincter, islet cells of the pancreas as well as the stomach cells which produce acid.
Clearly you can now see how Vitamin D is a vital part of the immune system which helps to increase the required immune proteins which help us to fight and destroy bacteria. So people with low levels of Vitamin D therefore have weaker immune systems that cannot stop bacteria from growing and are more likely to develop latent TB and are also therefore more likely to progress to active TB and indeed there are many case studies proving that people who take Vitamin D supplements have a faster recovery with fewer symptoms.
To follow on what ii was saying earlier under the heading “The Importance of Nutrition”, before antibiotics for TB were discovered people with TB were actually treated with ‘sun therapy’ because doctors then realized that having enough Vitamin D can help the immune system to kill the TB bacteria or at least keep it from becoming active. We have what we call good immune cells which are known as macrophages, and these can basically ‘eat’ invading bacteria and the TB bacteria works by attacking the macrophages.  Vitamin D in turn makes the macrophages stronger and more able to fight the TB bacteria.

As mankind awakens to the on-going deceit in all spheres of our lives, we come to realise that in fact most of what we have been taught is actually filled with falsities and so we really need to do our own research into matters which affect our health.
One of the biggest lies ever told to us is that the sun causes cancer so let’s take a look at the facts.
It is said then that when travelling from either the north or south- pole towards the equator that UV exposure increases by up to 5000% whereas ozone depletion only increases exposure by 20%.  So if UVB exposure and ozone depletion were in fact the cause of skin cancer then surely the people living closest to the equator would be diagnosed with malignant melanoma at an alarming rate…well the reality is that the opposite is truth.
To this day no scientific studies have ever proven that sunlight causes cancer in humans.  And in fact there is plenty of evidence to the contrary where over the years several studies have confirmed that appropriate sun exposure actually helps to prevent skin cancer and melanoma occurrence has been found to decrease with greater sun exposure, and can actually be increased by sunscreen products.
Most of these studies that try so hard to find a cause have only actually found links and many scientists have established that actually it is the toxicity level of the human body which reacts with UV rays which causes cancer and not the sunlight itself. Sunlight does not cause skin cancer and in fact it is our best defence against cancer.

In an upcoming paper ii will be addressing the issue of skin cancer in greater depth but ii just want to make a quick note about sunscreen products.

If you do the research you will see that the majority of sun protection products in fact contain ingredients with serious health and safety concerns. Almost half of the 500 most popular products may actually increase the speed at which malignant cells develop and spread skin cancer because they contain carcinogenic agents which speed up tumour growth.

So TB and HIV form a deadly combination with each rapidly speeding up the other’s progress. HIV weakens the immune system and increases a person’s susceptibility to TB infection and then the progression of TB infection to disease. TB is the leading cause of death among people living with HIV and while it is possible to treat both diseases at the same time combined treatment often presents with greater side effects to the person suffering. TB now causes more deaths worldwide than HIV per year however people who have both HIV and TB at the time of death are classified as having died of HIV so clearly there is a distortion in the statistics we are studying.



Anti-tumor (anti-cancer)
Anti-tumor (anti-cancer)
Immune Boosting
Immune Boosting
Regulation of metabolism (weight control)
Regulation of metabolism (weight control)
Skin care
Skin care
Osteoporosis treatment
Osteoporosis treatment
Fat soluble
Over 90% Saturated fat
No negative side effects no deaths
No negative side effects no deaths
Components found in human breast milk
Components found in human breast milk
Regulate circulation
Regulate circulation
Used for over 5000 years as medicine
Used for over 5000 years as medicine
At the forefront of medical research and breakthroughs
At the forefront of medical research and breakthroughs
Criminalized since 1930’s
Condemned for over 60 years
Controls regulation of fat
Controls regulation of fat
Raw plant has no psychedelic high
Raw plant has no psychedelic high
Aides nutrient absorption
Aides nutrient absorption
diaphoretic (perspiration-inducing)
diaphoretic (perspiration-inducing)

In Cannabis and coconut we have a long history of treating TB which has been documented in many parts of the world because both Cannabis and coconut has been shown to exercise antimicrobial effects on TB and similar microbes. So for thousands of years Cannabis and coconut has been used as a folk medicine to treat TB the longest recorded history is of the Chinese using Cannabis as medicine for over 5000 years.

When it comes to Cannabis Medicine as ii have written many times before it is all about the fats.  So the human brain is 60% fat and Cannabinoids are fat soluble components which are hydrophobic and therefore need saturated fats to bond with in order to work their medical magic in the body. Equally important is the fact that Vitamin D is also a fat soluble vitamin and is dependent on the body’s ability to absorb fats from the diet. Coconut oil is around 96% saturated fat.

Equally interesting is the fact that TB has a 60% lipid (fat) cell wall and this is exactly why hydrophobic fat soluble Cannabinoids are able to interact with the bacteria. TB has also been shown to be more closely related to immune deficiencies and because Cannabis and coconut is a known immune booster it can therefore specifically boost the body’s immune response to TB.Description:×

According to a study conducted by the American Chemical Society and the American Society of Pharmacognosy which was published in the Journal of Natural Products has revealed that Cannabis can combat deadly and drug resistant bacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis as well as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

This 2013 study was one of the most comprehensive of its kind to show that Cannabis has the potential to combat deadly antibiotic-resistant bacteria like TB.  Researchers concluded as follows:
“This plant represents an interesting source of antibacterial agents to address the problem of multidrug resistance in MRSA and other pathogenic bacteria.  This issue has enormous clinical implications, since MRSA and TB are spreading throughout the world and, in the US, currently accounts for more deaths each year than AIDS”.

Coconut oil itself is an inexpensive addition to traditional antibiotics, and brings with it no known side effects.
The antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties of the medium chain fatty acids/triglycerides (MCTs) found in coconut oil have been known to researchers since the 1960s. Research has shown that microorganisms that are inactivated by coconut oil include bacteria, yeast, fungi, and enveloped viruses.
Lauric acid which is present in breast milk is a medium chain fatty acid, which has the additional beneficial function of being formed into monolaurin in the human or animal body. Monolaurin is the antiviral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal monoglyceride used by the human or animal to destroy lipid-coated viruses such as HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, influenza as well as various pathogenic bacteria.
There was an instance in the US in which an infant who had tested HIV positive had become HIV negative. The child was fed an infant formula which had  high coconut oil content and therefore helped in the generation of Monolaurin in the child’s body and this is what caused the lowering of the child’s ‘viral load’.
Recent research done in the Philippines found that Monolaurin from Virgin Coconut Oil was more effective, in fighting Mycobacterium tuberculosis than antibiotic drugs such as streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampicin, and ethamburol. The study was conducted by Jonathan Cabardo in his dissertation for a PhD degree in biological science at the University of Santo Tomas. His adviser was Dr Delia Ontengco, a well-known microbiologist and professor at the UST Graduate School.
Earlier under the heading The Importance of Vitamin D ii mentioned a medical cover up story in respect of Multiple Sclerosis…well sadly ii have another medical cover up story to share.
 A drug known as Oxyphenbutazone which was developed in the 1950’s can effectively kill the bacteria that causes TB, even the drug resistant variables. And while this drug does have some known toxicities in terms of killing the TB bacteria it is the safest by far. So researchers in 2012 discovered that this inexpensive, over the counter anti-inflammatory which was withdrawn in the 1980’s is a real cure for TB, however, following the research efforts of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, it was realised that this was not a profitable drug to pursue. According to the foundation results of study it would only cost about two cents per day to treat TB in developing countries where this disease has already reached epidemic proportions.

Because of bureaucratic barriers presented by Big Pharma and their political bed partners Oxyphenbutazone is unlikely to ever be used to treat TB patients because there is not likely to be a profit on a cheap over-the-counter drug. So the only real use for Oxyphenbutazone might very well be on the scrabble board, where the word holds the title for the highest possible score in this word game.

Is there hope for the future?

So as super germs continue to develop and antibiotics continue to lose their effectiveness we absolutely have to find new and natural ways of dealing with disease in the human body.

When two plants like Cannabis and Coconut can cure so many disease and ailments in the human body, as well as in animals, then we have to realize that this is not because they are drugs but rather they both contain essential nutrients which we have been criminally deprived of through global government terrorism for over 70 years and truly we should all be demanding that our food be returned to us for free.

Be Blessed Be Healthy!



Dr Stasha Gominak MD

Dr. Matthew Buckley


The Joint Blog

World Health Organization

Department of Health South Africa

Salk Institute

Journal of the American Medical Association

American Chemical Society

American Society of Pharmacognosy

Journal of Natural Products

Hebrew University Israel

University of Santo Tomas

The University of California

The University of Alabama



  1. Thanks for your information about Cannabis cure tuberculosis. Cannabis products are usually consumed by smoking the leaves or flowers of the marijuana plants. Although this is a potent method to get the cannabinoids into your bloodstream, it has all the disadvantages of smoking regular tobacco products, including the danger of lung cancer and general damage to your respiratory system. For this reason, many prefer to take their dose of cannabinoids in the form of safe Cannabis Oil Pills. With cannabis oil pills, you can get all the benefits of typical medical marijuana use without the side effects of smoking. Some Pharmaceutical company like Vitality has developed a new class of cannabinoid prodrugs, known as cannabosides, which upon ingestion can enable the selective delivery of THC and cannabidiol to the gastrointestinal tract.

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    Ediale brought a smile to my face with his herbal medicine. I am so much happy today that

    we have someone like this great healer out there, so my people out there kindly contact

    this great healer on his, email address:, please sir keep

    your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing

    medicine.once more contact, whatsApp number, +1 4132390270.

  12. Who would have believed herbal medicine could cure FIBROID? I suffered fibroid for a long time and getting pregnant was a problem, I had pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding even hospital could not help. Until I read about doctor Uduehi online, I contacted him for help and behold I was cured. I have gone for test severally at the hospital and was proved negative which means I am free from fibroid and I am also pregnant at the moment. You too can be cured if having such problem. His contact: phone/WhatsaPP: +2347084878384
