Friday, October 6, 2017


Cannabis is The Human Plant Companion

Recently ii received a very serious warning that if ii was going to continue with my work in the Cannabis field ii could look forward to “being taken down for murder”.

So for over 20 years now ii have been putting my life at risk to bring this medicine closer to the people who need it and ii can honestly say that my oldest patient is now 93 years old and in extremely good health with a maintenance dose of six raw Cannabis leaves per day.

It took a lot for me to consume this warning which really felt like a threat because firstly NO ONE has EVER died from whole herbal Cannabis consumption EVER…

And secondly…

It is my express opinion that Cannabis is our Human Companion Plant and by keeping this plant illegal and out of the reach of the average person in the street…that our law makers are in fact the ones who are guilty of murder… on so many levels physically, mentally, spiritually, communally, economically and beyond.

So let us agree now that we do not have an Endo-cabbage or Endo-lettuce system in our bodies but for sure we do have the Endocannabinoid System and by now everyone knows that we have this system because there is a substance in our bodies that mimics THC which is ONLY naturally available in the Cannabis plant.

What does the Bible say about Cannabis?

It is no coincidence that the Cannabis leaf has seven leaflets. The number 7 is a holy number and is mentioned 735 times in the bible.

In the very first chapter of Genesis YAH is completely clear about His intention for seed bearing plants…there really cannot be any confusion.

Genesis 1 verse 29

“Then God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.  They will be yours for food.’

If you then read verse 31 you will see that God looked at everything He made and He was very pleased with the sixth day and all of creation.

Now seriously if YAHWEH did not want us to consume Cannabis, a seed bearing plant surely HE would not have given “every seed-bearing plant on the face of the WHOLE earth” to us…He would have specifically mentioned this plant as forbidden…but NO…the only forbidden plant is the tree of knowledge of good and bad. No mention of this or any other plant being forbidden in the Commandments either.

My Biblical wake-up call…

Someone ii honour for their knowledge of the Bible once made a comment to me directly asking if ii had ever considered whether Cannabis might actually be that tree of knowledge of good and evil…insinuating that possibly we are not supposed to consume Cannabis…
Truly ii can tell you that this totally blew my little mind and ii had to go into serious meditation to pray for guidance on this one…as usual ii often get my answers from the book of Ezekiel and this is the response ii received from God Himself.

Ezekiel 34 verse 29

“And I will raise up for them a plant of renown and they shall no longer be consumed with hunger in the land, nor bear the shame of the heathen anymore”.

This scripture hit me straight in my face and brought back sad memories of my own experience of being sent to a jail cell at the age of 12 years old by my own father because of my faith in Rastafari and The Holy Herb.  This scripture proves that the Creator knew that we would be persecuted for using this plant, Cannabis the Plant of Renown. This scripture also proves the value of this plant to humans.

The Holy Anointing Oil

Since 1936 we have known that it is a scientific fact…because people always want scientific evidence before they believe…so here we have it…the ingredient Kaneh-bosem is in fact, scientifically accepted to be Cannabis.

The Consciousness of the Cannabis Plant

For over 5000 years the Cannabis plant has been moving from the four corners of earth following human beings wherever they have travelled. We can prove scientifically that the Chinese have been using this medicine for over 5000 years already.

Cannabis only does good and as humans we have been working with this plant for thousands of years and even the first pair of Levi’s were made from the hemp plant and a lot of people may not know this but the very first car by Henry Ford was fuelled with hemp oil. We have a much longer relationship with this plant than the period of time we have been legally forbidden to socialise with Cannabis whether medicinally or recreationally or spiritually.

So truly Cannabis has a consciousness of its own and now it even has a court consciousness where this plant is on trial in a few pending cases right now.

Cannabis does not enjoy the fact that its users are threatened by the laws of the lands. Cannabis will continue to bring itself closer and closer to the people as can already be seen and pretty soon these same people who demonize our Holy Herb will stop arresting this plant and forcing its human to suffer .

Instead ii see these same officials will start consuming the plant themselves and only then will the arresting officers consciousness change and this is coming soon it is actually happening this is the consciousness of the Cannabis plant. The officers and other anti -Cannabis supporters will eventually thank the person who introduced him or her to this plant.

So the consciousness carried for thousands of years of interacting with humans and animals has certainly not been blocked by this past 105 years of denying society this plant.

Truly there is a mystical melody inside of each of us and through our Endocannabinoid systems Cannabis is the musical instrument which brings this melody out of you into joyful song and praise and positive vibrations…this is where we look inside ourselves and ask the potent question “What kind of creature am I?” “How am I feeling?” “What am I doing here and what is my purpose in life on Earth?”

This is what teachers of Rastafari mean when they say “The Herb will reveal YOU to YOU”.

The relationship between Cannabis and humans and animals is like a lock and key mechanism…it simply fits by design and by creation. 

So Cannabis helps you to look inside yourself and you contemplate your feelings and this is what aids the human to become closer to the Source or Spirit or his God and closer to becoming a better human of high moral intent and filled with love for the universe…this is the consciousness of Cannabis. Cannabis makes everyone feel better.

Universal Law of Resistance says “What we resist will persist”…

As with most things in life what is resisted will not only persist but in fact become stronger and so too the Cannabis plant is becoming stronger through prohibition and persecution and this is because the consciousness of the plant wants to get closer to mankind and womankind to heal the nations in a positive manner as the intention of this plant is to only do good. 

The Cannabis Plant is the Human Companion Plant…

According to Rastafari lawyer Ras Garreth Prince the Cannabis plant also has rights…”it has a right to live in South Africa as it was here long before colonialism…Cannabis has been on earth for millions of years and survived in the oceans long before becoming terrestrial…this plant in plain truth belongs to the Khoi San people.”

Ras Garreth Prince on the steps outside the Cape Town High Court 2017

So Cannabis has always through its own consciousness known that its purpose on earth is cultural, spiritual, economical and medicinal.

Cannabis has retained a quiet dignity throughout all the condemnation, sitting patiently and silently waiting for the day when it can finally show us what it can really do and what is going on inside this plant and how it connects with humans and animals.


The Holy Bible
Dagga Party
Ras Garreth Prince
Cannabis Culture Magazine
The Wisdom of Nicodemus
High Times Magazine


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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