Thursday, August 8, 2019

What is Vascultis?

How can Cannabis heal Vasculitis?

Most diseases arise from chronic inflammation and Vasculitis is a condition resulting from inflammation of the blood vessels. There are various forms of vasculitis depending on the organs affected and all forms involve inflammation and damage to all the blood vessels including arteries, veins and capillaries. Because Vasculitis is organ related it can affect different parts of the body which means a wide range of symptoms like fever, pain, weight loss, insomnia, muscle pain, numbness, weakness, depression, malaise, visual problems, headaches, high blood pressure, gastric problems, kidney and other organ damage. Central nervous system vasculitis can also lead to mental issues and seizures. 

The biggest problem with vasculitis is late diagnosis and end organ damage so treatment is largely aimed at reducing the inflammation in the blood system and improving the functioning of the affected organs. People who are suffering with blood conditions like vasculitis are experiencing the most excruciating pain all over their bodies. It is an unseen pain which is similar to the pain people suffering with fybromyalgia experience. Pain due to vasculitis can be so severe that it has to be treated with anti-seizure medications and often antidepressants and then obviously opiate drugs as well. It really is a life threatening condition and a lot of people actually perish due to the toxicity of the long term immunosuppression of their treatments.

Science says they do not know why the body’s immune system attacks its own blood vessels but in my experience you can be sure that infection and inflammation are the main triggers. to me there is no doubt that this is an autoimmune condition caused largely by the toxic foods we consume today. It amazes me how many cases of Vasculitis goes undiagnosed. When blood vessels become inflamed the walls thicken causing the blood vessels to narrow and this reduces the flow of blood leading to less oxygen and nutrients getting to the organs and tissues. Cannabis has the ability to interrupt the production of proinflammatory cytokines which are activated by oxidative processes, cell injury, infection and disease.

In my herbalism studies we not only look at Traditional Chinese Medicine but also Ayurveda medicine which is very similar in terms of the focus on bodily balance and bridging of spirit, mind and body. Ayurveda medicine is the ancient herbal knowledge of the Indigenous American peoples and we thank them for enlightening us of the vital knowledge of the Pechoti Gland. Inside the belly button one can feel a pip-like hardening directly behind the navel. This is the pechoti gland which is formed from the dense network of almost 80 000 veins which are all connected to this gland. This is also the gland which delivers nutrients to the unborn baby via the umbilical cord. According to the ancient Ayurvedic texts the pechoti gland can actually detect which of our veins have dried up. The importance of this is that so many conditions can be cured simply by applying Cannabis oil directly to and around the navel. Cannabinoids are taken straight into the blood stream via the veins connected at the pechoti gland. This gland takes the oil straight into the veins and starts repairing the dried up veins by opening them up again at the very site of the connection where all of the veins in the body get together in the navel. Something ii have noticed in treating a number of vasculitis patients is that this condition is without doubt caused from veins drying up. This is why we are having so much success in offering healing for this condition by delivering Cannabis oil directly into and around the navel working with the pechoti gland directly into the veins immediately reducing inflammation.

It is because we have Endocannabinoids and Cannabinoid receptors in our blood system that the chemical components of the Cannabis plant gets to work straight away at repairing the damaged blood vessels and reducing inflammation in the vascular system. Vasculitis is a known complication of rheumatoid arthritis and ii am convinced that it is also a complication of fybromyalgia both are degenerative conditions. It is no secret that most aging related diseases occur as a result of inflammation like arthritis for example. Cannabis also has the ability to reverse the terrible side effects of steroid treatments for example weight gain, swelling from water retention and the depression. Painful leg ulcers are also a common symptom of vasculitis and ii have seen how just the simple topical application of Cannabis Coconut Connection® introduces antibacterial properties which help to keep infections away. Cannabis decreases the secretion of pro-inflammatory substances and also slows down their migration to blood vessel walls.

Another reason why Cannabis offers healing to vasculitis patients is because Cannabis also controls renal tubule hypertrophy. Our blood filters through our kidneys many times a day and in a single day our kidneys filter almost 150 litres of blood while removing waste and extra water from the blood to form urine. This is really important when you consider what Traditional Chinese Medicine has to say about vasculitis and other blood conditions. According to Chinese healers and acupuncturists conditions of the blood often manifest as a blockage of energy in the kidneys and spleen. Kidney problems are very common in people suffering from vasculitis and Cannabis has proven to be beneficial which is evident in the reduction of water retention. 

We know that Endocannabinoids and Cannabinoids from the Cannabis plant interact with the Cannabinoid receptors to activate various intercellular pathways that control a number of cellular functions. And there is now scientific proof that the EC system is involved in the cellular death of human proximal tubular (HK2) cells. These human kidney cells originate from the kidney cells from the HK2 gene on the 2nd chromosome and these cells are required in the formation of tumours in most cancers and cause renal tubule hypertrophy. Through the function of autophagy and apoptosis our EC system is able to literally cause these cells to commit cellular suicide and this is how Cannabis contributes to reducing hypertrophy throughout the body by providing the supplements which our EC system needs to perform its functions. Everyone needs a daily dose of Cannabis to sustain their health.

If you feel that you or a loved one may have a painful circulatory condition which no doctor can explain or heal please contact me directly for a free on line consultation.

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