Saturday, October 19, 2019

Solar Healing with Cannabis

The importance of the sun and Cannabis in human healing

In my opinion all illness and disease is actually a syndrome which is completely connected to Vitamin D and Cannabinoid deficiency. Even the genetic diseases we see so much of today. Disease manifests in the digestive tract because the majority of our receptors are found in the small intestine and the liver; even the feel good receptors. It’s a bold statement but my medical truth is that the big burning ball in the sky and the inconveniently illicit Cannabis plant can offer humans extraordinary healing with no side effects and for free. We can directly harvest and manifest excellent health and longevity. The newly discovered EC system and therefore Cannabis controls the activities of our Endocrine system…our hormonal system. Both Cannabis and the sun can open our chakras and assist the body to access the pineal gland to absorb and manufacture Vitamin D directly from the source.

The truth is that every single cell in our bodies uses light to communicate and our DNA also communicates with light. Light signals between our DNA cells become mixed up and delayed when we eat badly or have negative emotions and thoughts, or even being subjected to toxins in our air, water, soil, food, vaccinations can cause havoc with our cells. Light literally repairs our DNA cells by supporting speed of light communications between the body and the universe at cellular level. Light controls our biorhythms, bodily balance and every single metabolic process of the human body and brain.

 “Your body is woven from the light of Heaven”
~ Rumi

The pineal gland (Third Eye) receives the white light of the sun from the lens of our eyes. The white light is then broken down into the full spectrum of the colours of light to be distributed by the pineal gland to different parts of the body. So for example when the body needs to make blood the pineal gland then sends out red light and say green light when the body needs to create bile. This is the importance of sunlight to our health and besides the skin our eyes are the only organ exposed to sunlight. It is crucial to realise that if you are deficient in vitamin D that your pineal gland will also not function properly and nor will the rest of the chakras and this always leads to imbalance in the body and definite disease. [114] (Team, 2014)

When we are Vitamin D deficient our pineal gland becomes calcified and we struggle to receive the full spectrum of light which the body needs to function at cellular level. This is why there is such a strong link between Vitamin D deficiency and many brain abnormalities like autism and Alzheimer’s disease as well as other conditions of dementia. It is also very important to be conscious of the fact that basically everywhere in the world governments are still adding fluoride to our drinking water. One of the biggest problems with fluoride is that it also decalcifies the pineal gland and blocks the white light from entering our bodies. Fluoride also keeps us in a docile state of mind accepting everything and questioning nothing especially with regards to our health.

One of the main reasons why so many pharmaceutical drugs fail to heal is because they do not work at the level of light….to be more specific I mean the speed of light. Chemical, magnetic and electrical messaging is too slow and there is a lot of scientific evidence to prove that cells would have to communicate at the speed of light in order for our bodies to work in the first place.

“We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.”  ~ Dr. Fritz Albert Popp

Don’t be fooled the sun give us much more than vitamin D. The sun also increases our levels of nitric oxide, which assist the body with vasodilatation which is obviously helpful when considering strokes and heart attacks. So both Cannabis and the sun act as a vasodilator in our bodies. The sun increases our serotonin and dopamine hormone levels produced by the pineal gland. These are our ‘feel good’ hormones which cut depression, stress and suicidal thoughts out. And the sun also gives us Lithium which the medical world also uses in powerful doses to treat manic depression and hyperactivity.

My best advice for anyone who is ill or not feeling well please take at least 20 minutes a day where possible to sit in the sunlight and if you have time…make it an hour. Keep your faces turned unto the golden sun and always seek out the sun…for your mental, physical and spiritual health…because the sun is Vitamin D and Vitamin D is life and Cannabis can help us to harness adequate levels to enjoy good health. Sun gazing does involve a bit of work but with some practise you can learn to enjoy it. The benefits of sun gazing, is to boost production of Vitamin D and our feel good hormones. Sun gazing actually increases the size of our pineal glands which in turn increases our health, longevity and spiritual well-being as well as increasing our energy levels.

Make no mistake solar healing and Vitamin D are becoming harder and harder to access.  In the Nutrient Reference Values (NRV) for Australia and New Zealand in 2006 it was already reported that it is virtually impossible to obtain sufficient Vitamin D from diet alone even if certain oily fish is eaten regularly. There are some foods that can give you a little vitamin D like certain fatty fish for example tuna, sardines, mackerel and wild salmon. Generally egg yolks do not contain very much vitamin D at all. Believe it or not besides Cannabis, the only other real plant based source of Vitamin D is found in mushrooms. Mushrooms are similar to humans in that they can also synthesise Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight which means they are wild mushrooms. Mushrooms grown in the dark will naturally contain less Vitamin D but many brands are in fact treated with UV light and these mushrooms are also a great source of Vitamin D. Because Cannabis controls our hormonal system it will always be the vital link which naturally attracts the suns energy directly into our cells. [120] (Aus government, 2006)

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