One thing I can tell you for free is that, if the coconut
plant possessed psychedelic properties it would also have been illegal. Even
though there are no psychoactive chemicals in the coconut tree, both Cannabis
and coconut have a history of being demonized in society. Cannabis has been
illegal since the 1930’s, and coconut oil has been condemned for over 70 years.
Coconut has been blamed for causing high cholesterol and heart disease when the
truth is, that the real culprit is margarine and other yellow oils. To this
day, some people still believe that coconut oil can block our arteries. Simple
subtraction tells us that coconut oil melts at above room temperature which is
23 degrees Celsius so at 24 degrees it is already melting. Our human body temperature
is 36.5 degrees Celsius. It is impossible for coconut oil to remain solid
inside the body while the heart is still pumping, and even when you take a
solid piece of coconut oil and start to rub it on your skin it will immediately
start to melt.
In my mind the most important reason for demonizing these two plants is
actually all to do with fats and not even so much about the psychedelic effects
of THC. Cannabis and all of its chemical components are fat-soluble substances,
and only perform their functions through bonding with other fats. Coconut is up
to 96% saturated fat, and this is why it is the perfect extraction solvent for
Cannabis medicine.
This is why the human brain is the main target for the Cannabis plant and
specifically THC. If you consider that our brain is composed of over 60% fat we
start to see a pattern of natural attraction between the fat factors of these
two plants and our brains. And we can see exactly how important certain types
of fats are to our survival because not all fats are created equally. There are
good fats and there are bad fats. THC requires a highly saturated fat to reach
the brain as fast as possible. Cannabis is known among botanists to be the
fattiest plant on earth. Organic Virgin (OV) coconuts produce the highest
saturated fats (up to 98%) making the coconut tree a worthy first cousin to the
human companion plant. [35] (Chang et al)
Since the 1980’s it’s been my medical mission to develop a holistic medicine
that is capable of entering the body via the liver. This is why I originally
chose to extract with OV coconut oil instead of alcohol or butane for example,
because OV coconut oil works completely differently in the body than any of the
yellow fats and oils. I will show you how remarkable this oil is for human
health, and how both Cannabis and coconut can cure most known human diseases
effectively and with almost no side-effects. Another reason why OV coconut oil
is the perfect delivery system for Cannabis medicine is that, it is in the
liver where THC is actually metabolised. More than 55% of THC is excreted in
the faeces and only around 20% in the urine.
The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body, and is unique
because it receives blood from two distinct circulatory routes. Oxygenated
blood flows in from the hepatic artery and nutrient- rich
blood flows in from the hepatic portal vein. The hepatocytes are
the liver cells, which absorb and release nutrients as needed. They also
metabolize dangerous chemicals thus protecting the rest of the body. The liver
assists in resisting infections by producing immune factors and removing
bacteria from the blood. Many illnesses have their root cause in the liver,
which means that there is an energy blockage in the liver that causes unbalance
and illness in the body.
Why does VO coconut oil go straight to the liver?
More than 65% of coconut oil is made up of Lauric acid, a
medium-chain fatty acid that is converted to monolaurin in our bodies.
Monolaurin is a monoglyceride that can destroy lipid (fat)-coated viruses like
HIV, herpes, measles influenza, various pathogenic bacteria, as well as
protozoa such as giardia lamblia, which is a dangerous gut parasite that
reproduces in the small intestine. OV coconut oil contains more Lauric acid
than any other substance or plant on earth, so you can see how both Cannabis
and coconut contain unique molecules that we all need for self-healing. These
molecules are unique in that they are even found in human breast milk.
In cooking, we generally work with yellow fats & oils and white fats &
oils. OV coconut oil is white oil, because it is made up of medium-chain fatty
acids (MCFA’s). These are taken straight to the liver because they are smaller
than the long-chain fatty acids (LCFA’s) found in yellow oils. This means that MCFA’S
can permeate cell membranes easily, and do not require special enzymes in order
to be used properly by our bodies. MCFA’s s are easily digested, and put less
strain on the digestive system, because they are taken straight to the liver.
This also means that the gall bladder and pancreas are bypassed with no
additional stress on these organs. LCFA’s found in yellow oils and margarine
products go to the intestines via other organs because they are larger than
MCFA’s, and this is why we see so many people suffering with colon conditions,
as well as conditions of the gall bladder and pancreas because of the immense
strain LFCA’s put on these organs.
OV coconut oil is almost 98% saturated fat, whereas yellow oils are
unsaturated. The processing of oils changes the fat structure from MCFA’s to
LCFA’s and also changes the colour of the oil from white to yellow. In my
opinion all of these yellows oils should be banned completely, including
processed coconut oil. You can clearly tell the difference between OV coconut
oil and the cheaper processed ones. Once melted it clearly becomes a yellow
oil, and now I do not even use these oils for topical treatments as they are no
longer safe in my opinion, because the MCFA’s have been converted to LCFA’s.
When using OV coconut oil, MCFA’s are immediately converted to energy, where
LCFA’s are largely stored in the body as fat and can be deposited within your
arteries as cholesterol. Contrary to popular belief OV coconut oil promotes a
healthy cardiovascular system because MCFA’s do not contribute to arterial
plaque that builds up in our arteries. This is because of the way they are
absorbed by the body. The truth is, that it is the LCFA’s found in the
unsaturated fats that are causing the ever-increasing rise in heart and gastric
What is the difference between coconut extract and alcohol
Cannabis extracted with coconut oil is lighter in colour than
oil extracted with alcohol or butane gas, which is dark and thick like treacle
or tar. This is because the alcohol and butane strip all the water- soluble
parts of the plants as well, including the chlorophyll, giving it the typical
dark colour. Coconut-infused Cannabis oil, when solidified at room temperature
is amber/avocado in colour, because it extracts only the fat-soluble components
of Cannabis; so you can be sure that you are getting pure Cannabinoid
Chlorophyll also has highly beneficial medicinal properties in other
applications. In some patients the chlorophyll concentrate in Cannabis oil has
produced some cases of diarrhoea and upset gastric systems and nausea, which
are common side-effects of chlorophyll. In less vulnerable patients they might
feel brief spells of queasiness which is also the action of the chlorophyll.
This does not happen when using coconut oil because the chlorophyll is not
stripped in the extraction process and secondly, coconut oil is not readily
absorbed into the gastric tract. It goes straight to the liver.
OV Coconut oil is the only oil stable enough to resist mild heat-induced
damage, which means virtually no loss or damage to Cannabinoids. Coconut oil
has a smoke point of 171 degrees Celsius, so at 100 degrees and less it cannot
produce any dangerous fumes because it will not create smoke. You can
experiment with this by frying two eggs, one in normal yellow oil and one in OV
coconut oil. You will notice that coconut oil does not produce the brown grease
rim around the egg which is the ‘bad fat’ part of the oil produced
by LCFA’s in processed oils. I have experimented with other oils, for example,
avocado oil and even olive oil and every time OV coconut oil wins when it comes
to full Cannabinoid extraction and this is because of the natural fat binding
affinity, as well as the unique natural healing abilities of both plants.
What can Cannabis and coconut oil do for you?
Both Cannabis and OV coconut have been used medicinally for
thousands of years, and both are now at the forefront of medical research and
breakthroughs in modern times. It is an impressive list when you start
realising exactly what these two plants can do for us. You can see why this
medicine works so well for so many different conditions, and how they combine
to produce such a powerful natural healing remedy. Neither Cannabis nor OV
coconut has any dangerous side-effects. Certainly not even one death has ever
been recorded from either plant. [36] (Lardieri 2018)
Our hormones control our lives…
One of the greatest secrets to the success of Cannabis
medicine is the scientifically proven fact that our EC system controls the
activities of the Endocrine system. The Endocrine system is also known as our
hormone system and we must never underestimate the power of hormones, which are
our chemical messengers in the body. They literally run the show and control
our DNA as well.
One could say that Cannabis is the plant whisperer of human DNA, because this
ongoing transmission to our DNA through the control of Cannabis over our
hormonal system is proving to be the ultimate antioxidant to protect our cells
in order to achieve healthy cell production and development throughout our
lives. [37] (The Inspired Observer, 2012) Cannabis can offer us protection
against all types of cancers, neurological conditions, and brain damage from
all the poisoning we are subjected to in our food, water, air, medicines and
vaccinations; not to mention radiation poisoning. [38] (Komorowski et
Pain relief
When it comes to pain and inflammation, very often the
root-cause is a hormonal imbalance, and a lot of the time when a patient has
anxiety, depression, insomnia or even erectile dysfunction, any hormonal
imbalance often goes unnoticed. [39] (Garcia-Leme and Farsky 1993) Experts also
believe that the biggest cause of anxiety, depression and pain, is insomnia and
sleep disruption. There is solid scientific proof linking hormonal changes like
oestrogen and progesterone levels to insomnia. This is why Cannabis and OV
coconut makes us sleep so well, because both plants regulate the absorption and
secretion of our sleep hormones. So for men and women alike, if you are
suffering from chronic pain and your treatments do not seem to be working, I do
recommend a hormonal evaluation, and, once imbalances are identified,
individual treatment plans can be implemented because I truly believe that in
order to understand pain we must analyse the influence of our hormones on our
pain control systems. In my book Cannabis is The Human Companion
Plant I analyse the exact mechanisms whereby Cannabis medicine can
heal our pain.
Weight management
We know now that Cannabis and OV coconut are both able to
interact with our hormonal system. [40] (Ceres Organics 2016) It is because
both plants are proven to be able to regulate metabolism and control our
weight, and both also regulate the secretion and absorption of our hormones,
fat absorption, blood sugar and nutrient absorption. Throughout this book we
will see how Cannabis displays a regulatory role on our hormonal system, and
because our EC system controls the release and absorption of our hormones, Cannabis
is also able to regulate our metabolism. OV coconut oil also has the ability to
regulate our metabolism, and like Cannabis, can also suppress the appetite, so
both plants have the ability to control weight gain, making both valuable
remedies in the fight against diabetes and obesity, because truly in this day
and age, obesity is a recognised sign of sickness.
In my book I also discuss the mechanisms of how Cannabis is able to control our
weight and our metabolisms. OV coconut oil can also offer weight management
because the MCFA’s cause the body to store fat as an expendable energy in the
liver, instead of as fatty cells in the tissues, which is what long chain fatty
acids do. OV coconut oil also does not produce an insulin spike in the
Both plants are known to support proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which
makes them both a suitable natural anti-obesity remedy. In the 1940’s farmers
discovered this by default as they tried to fatten their cattle up with OV
coconut oil but instead it made them lean, active and hungry at the same time.
[41] (Papamandjaris et al)
Cannabis and coconut both play an important role in human
heart health
Scientists have observed that Cannabis users have elevated levels of
high-density lipoprotein in their blood. [42] (Lazarte et al 2019)
Lipoproteins are also known as ‘good cholesterol’ and these protect
us against heart disease. OV coconut oil contains a substance called
Sitosterol, which lowers cholesterol, and this is how OV coconut oil reduces
the risk of heart disease.
In Chapter Fifteen of my book we analyse in more detail how Cannabis works in
our blood streams, but for this chapter it is important to see that OV coconut
oil, because of its high fat saturation and medium-chain fatty acids, works
very similarly to how Cannabis does to protect our circulatory system. You will
find medical papers on the internet proving that both plants have the ability
to regulate blood pressure, our blood and lymph circulation, our bone marrow
development and health. [43] (Nurullman et al) Cannabis and OV
coconut both also improve the production of red blood cells and contribute to
improved white blood cell functioning. It just seems incredible that two such
fatty plants can possess such profound healing for human hearts. [44] (Stanley
CP1, 2014)
Heart disease is often said to be the number one killer, but I believe stress
will always hold this first place position. Usually the first sign of heart
disease is a heart attack, but unfortunately too many heart attacks are fatal.
Research will always show that it is the LCFA’s in unsaturated fats that are
responsible for heart disease, and not naturally occurring saturated fats such
as those found in OV coconut oil. The polyunsaturated fats in most vegetable
and seed oils also encourage the blood to form clots by
increasing the stickiness of blood platelets. OV coconut oil, on the other
hand, is known to promote normal platelet functioning in our blood. [45]
(Panchenko et al 2002) It is also very interesting that both
Cannabis and OV coconut possess properties that can induce human perspiration
and body cooling in times of fever. This is because they both contain chemicals
that control the hormones of the hypothalamus that induce sweating.
Coconut oil is an important
immune system booster
Again, the research speaks for itself. We know that both
Cannabis and OV coconut oil possess anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-viral and
anti-bacterial properties. Studies conducted to test the effectiveness of OV
coconut oil against serious illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and cancer, have shown
positive results after preliminary trial tests. This is because of the immense
immune system boosting properties of OV Coconut oil, also proving helpful in
preventing liver disease, kidney disease, Crohn's disease, cancer and many
infectious illnesses such as flu, herpes, bladder infections, and candida, to
mention just a few; even ringworm and aluminum poisoning. One of the reasons
why The Cannabis Coconut Connection ® works so well for
vertigo and tinnitus is that often these symptoms are a result of a herpes
infection, which can lie dormant for years in the middle ear. In terms of
cancer-fighting abilities both possess anti-tumour properties, and we know that
both Cannabis and OV coconut oil act as anti-oxidants.
The key to brain disease is lack of energy
When the human body experiences extreme free radical damage
from toxins, our brains become unable to use glucose, resulting in a lack of
energy in the brain. When the brain does not get enough energy, brain cells
start to deteriorate and degenerate. Faculties like memory and motor skills
will be affected as brain cells die off, and this is how conditions like
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease manifest themselves. This is because a diet
filled with processed foods and toxic vegetables will not be enough to supply
sufficient energy for the brain.
Unfortunately, many pharmaceutical drugs designed to treat degenerative brain
conditions interfere with the way the brain uses glucose. Scientists are starting
to realise that eating OV coconut oil can improve memory and reverse
Alzheimer’s disease. [46] (de la Rubia Ortí JE1, 2018) Both Cannabis and OV
coconut oil can help us to absorb magnesium, which is known to calm the brain.
It is the MCFA’s that are turned to ketones in the liver and used as an
alternative energy source for the brain. Vegetable oils like olive oil and
sunflower oil do not contain MCFA’s, and cannot offer this type of healing.
Coconut oil is also effective in reducing epileptic seizures
OV coconut oil has been successfully used as part of
ketogenic diets to treat people suffering from epilepsy and other conditions
involving seizures. This is a very difficult diet to follow let alone for small
children. It contains very high levels of total calories from fat, as compared
to the sum of calories or energy obtained from carbohydrates and proteins.
Using OV coconut oil as part of a ketogenic diet has given fantastic results in
children who are resistant to anticonvulsant drugs. When we combine this
healing with the known anti-epilepsy effects of Cannabis we produce a
completely natural remedy for seizures.
Cannabis Coconut Suppositories
The Cannabis Coconut Connection® is also the perfect
recipe for highly effective suppository treatment for rectal, bowel, bladder,
prostate, uterine and cervical cancers; even for menstrual problems,
haemorrhoids and a lot of other common conditions which affect the lower half
of the body. It is amazing how many conditions can be treated with this
delivery system, even conditions that manifest in other parts of the body. This
is because we have Cannabinoid receptors in our entire blood stream.
There are definite benefits to absorption of medication via the delicate rectal
blood vessels, and we often use this route in the treatment of fever and
chronic pain. It is the quickest way to get any medicine into the blood stream
besides intravenous care. Lots of people cannot tolerate the idea of putting
something up their anus, but I feel this resistance is psychological. I really
urge people who are ill to be more open to new ways of healing that actually
Because of the tiny blood capillaries in the anus and rectum the drainage and
flow of blood away from this region is different than in the upper levels of
the body. There is also a difference in absorption at different levels of the
rectum. The upper third of the rectum is part of the hepatic portal system,
which means that the blood flow from this section of the rectum goes straight
to the liver to be metabolised, and this explains why healing with
suppositories results in speedy recovery rates for a variety of conditions.
Coconut Oil on Your Skin
People often laugh at me when I suggest coconut oil for
sunbathing, skin care and other topical applications. One never seems to hear
about skin cancer cases from the Philippines or any other of the tropical
islands. This is because OV coconut oil is the best skin and hair care
protection you could ever hope for. It’s also the best massage oil you can
find, and using Cannabis infused OV coconut oil helps to rub away aching and
stressed muscles. Coconut oil also protects the skin, our largest organ,
against the effects of free radicals, and also helps to improve skin appearance
with its anti-ageing benefits.
Both Cannabis and OV coconut oil possess anti-oxidant properties because of
their stability and resistance to oxidation and free radical formation. This is
why the Cannabis Coconut Connection ® is such a popular
treatment for people looking for longevity. Skin conditions like psoriasis have
responded well to Cannabis and OV coconut treatment because this is a hormonal
condition. A high CBN (Cannabinol) Cannabis medicine has proven to decrease the
spread of keratinocytes which are a type of skin cell. In psoriasis, these
cells are hyperactive and grow to create those dreaded patchy sections of skin.
[47] (Tamás Bíró, 2009)
Cooking with Cannabis
Cannabinoids were always part of the world’s food chain until
the early 1930’s international ban on hemp products. Significantly, it was
around this time that we started to see an increase in cancers everywhere in
the world. It’s important for anyone cooking or working with Cannabis in any
way to have a brief knowledge of Hemp, which is also Cannabis, but it is grown
in a different way for different purposes. In just three to four months hemp
can be harvested to produce over 50 000 different products, including wood,
paper, cotton and plastic. Hemp requires half the amount of water than cotton
needs and, best of all, hemp doesn’t need to be genetically modified because it
is naturally pest-resistant.
Cannabis also gives us fuel, and the very first car built by Henry Ford was
fuelled by hemp oil. Something mankind needs a lot of is paper…and the very
first bibles were scribed upon hemp paper thousands of years ago. One acre of
hemp produces the same amount of paper as 4.1 acres of trees. Cannabis can even
supply us with hemp plastic and frankly it’s hard to understand why hemp
plastic is not everywhere already.
Anything that can be made from plastic can also be made from hemp. Most
importantly, Cannabis provides the food we need to supplement our delicate
receptor and hormonal systems. Hemp is also an edible part of the Cannabis
plant kingdom, containing a high level of protein, and hemp seeds are high in
omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids. Truly Cannabis can help humans to
survive, and scientists know full well that one acre of hemp is capable of
producing more oxygen than 25 acres of forest. [48]
(Rodriguez-Leyva and G Pierce 2010)
Cannabis and OV coconut oil can be used in cooking and baking. You will see the
difference in using OV coconut oil when frying eggs as mentioned before.
Frying of food really just destroys the antioxidants in the
oil and oxidizes the oil. It causes cross-linking, cyclization, double carbon
bonds, fragmentation and polymerization of oils, which means that they produce
highly toxic chemicals.
OV coconut oil is a natural saturated fat unlike polyunsaturated fats like
vegetable oils, for example corn, soy, safflower, sunflower and canola oils.
These are high in omega-6 fats, which are susceptible to heat damage because of
these double carbon bonds. When we cook with omega-6 oils, a toxic compound
called Acrylamide is formed. This is the compound found in the deep brown grime
that forms on the surface of fried foods. Consuming too much Acrylamide will
result in liver cell damage and even certain cancers. [49] (Benziane et
al 2019). There is also a high association between the levels of
omega-6 fats in cell membranes and the risk of heart disease.
These ‘trans-fats’ do not occur in nature in plants, and only occur in small
amounts in animal fats and dairy products. They are known as vaccenic acid.
Trans-fats are man-made through the process of hydrogenation. Vegetable oils
contribute to the overabundance of damaged omega-6 fats in our diets, which
create an imbalance in the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3. Omega-6 fats are all
highly processed, and these days are consumed in amounts about one hundred
times more than our ancestors did a century ago. It is the actual processing
treatment that distorts the sensitive omega-6 to 3 ratio. This ratio is
important because it controls many delicate biochemical pathways in the body
and brain. In my opinion, this disturbance of the intricate fat ratios in our
bodies and brain is one of the reasons why we are seeing such an increase in so
many chronic degenerative diseases like Muscular Sclerosis and Parkinson’s
Olive oil is not suitable for cooking with heat, because of its chemical
structure, which makes it open to oxidative damage. But it is wonderful as a
salad dressing. So one really has to think hard about what is the best oil to
cook and bake with, and truly OV coconut oil has proven to be the best of the
best. This is precisely why I use it to produce my medicine.
If you enjoy dining out at restaurants you would be wise to check whether they
use sunflower oil or OV coconut oil, because in tight economic times, many
restaurants are looking at cutting costs, and one of the first things that
happens is that sunflower oil becomes overused. This has been identified as a
common trigger for seizures in people suffering from epilepsy.
My advice is that whenever you need an oil to cook with, use OV coconut oil
instead of butter, olive oil, vegetable oils, margarine, or any other type of
omega-6 oil. The Cannabis Coconut Connection ® contains
Cannabinoids, terpenes, terpenoids, flavonoids, MCFA’s, antioxidants, vitamins
and minerals ranging from calcium and potassium to Vitamin B-6 and E. This
medicine also helps us to absorb other vital vitamins, especially vitamin D. It
is an oil-based medicine that can offer holistic healing, which no two other
plants together can produce.