Friday, November 26, 2021

Why is the human companion plant so safe?

How is possible that whole-herbal Cannabis medicine has not killed one single human-being to this day?

It has been proven over and over that there are no receptors in the human brain that craves THC or any other chemical in the Cannabis plant. This busts the myth that Cannabis is in anyway addictive.

We know that one would have to consume about 500 grams of plant material within 15 minutes to 'overdose' on this medicine. I know of many who have tried to test this and yet they could never overdose on Cannabis.

The fact that there are ECS receptors on every cell in the human body, except for one particular part of the brain, is one of the reasons for the high safety margin of whole herbal Cannabis medicine.

The fact that THC acts only as a partial agonist of the ECS receptors is another reason for the incredibly high safety margin of the sacred herb. It is important to know that synthetic THC products act as full agonists at the ECS receptors and this is why we often hear of patients experiencing harsh side-effects when using synthetic products.

Cannabis is extremely safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In fact, it is now well established that embryonic implantation is controlled by the ECS.

Cannabis is known to help with almost 700 medical conditions including the corona virus and symptoms pertaining to the vaccines.

But the most amazing thing is that there are no ECS receptors in the medulla oblongata (brain stem) in humans and animals. This is the area of the brain that controls the cardiac and respiratory centers. 

This is why we never hear of anyone's heart stopping or any person stopping to breathe because of whole herbal Cannabis. 

These are the reasons for the amazing protective abilities of the human companion plant. 

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