Friday, February 24, 2023

How does Cannabis stimulate the Vagus nerves?


We are living in such exciting times within the natural-healing realm today. As traditional healers we have been waiting for the scientists to catch up to the original healing philosophies that they now call ‘alternative’ for centuries now. Finally people are starting to realize the importance of the “Gut-Brain Connection” and the fact that we can actually down-regulate inflammation in the gut, and in so doing, we can alter the delicate gut biome that also regulates mental health.

By manipulating the gut biome we can help thousands of people suffering with gut health issues, mental health and chronic degenerative conditions that are plaguing the whole world right now as we see statistics that 1 in 4 people are chronically ill. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the relationship between the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and The Gut-Brain-Connection and Vagus nerve stimulation in the role of human health.

The reason why the gut brain connection is so vitally important to human health is because 90% of our immune system is found in the gut therefore both the mycobiome and the microbiome form a massive part of our larger immune system. CFU’s (Colony Forming Units) that are the good gut bacteria regulate our immune, nervous and hormonal systems. The fact of the matter is that we are actually more bacteria than human and this is why we need to start paying better attention to the bacteria populations within our bodies…good and bad!

 What is the Vagus nerve?

There are 12 sets of cranial nerves, meaning nerves that are directly connected to the brain. The 10th cranial nerves are the Vagus nerves, a left and a right. These are the longest nerves in the body, moving from the brain down to the gut and these nerves control the ‘gut-brain connection’ that many Shamans, Indigenous Healers and Integrative Doctors have been speaking about for decades already. They have their origin in the Pineal and Pituitary glands and this is the first connection to Cannabis and its influence on the Endocrine system that is ironically controlled by the Endocannabinoid system.

On a spiritual level, it is the vagus nerves that are responsible for sending the "Christos Oil" back up the spine to the optic thalamus and then back to the pineal and pituitary glands aka "the land of milk and honey".

Back to medicine, the Vagus nerves are the main immune regulators in the body because of their control over the gut-brain connection and in particular the way these nerves regulate the Cholinergic anti-inflammatory immune response. It is a complex network of nerves that has an effect on all of our organs and systems

All information regarding sensory touch, heat and cold, pain, metabolism, hormonal and chemical functions of all the organs is transmitted via the Vagus nerves to the brain. So just like the ECS, the Vagus nerves also affect the functioning of every single physiological system from the immune to the endocrine system in the human body.

People with unbalanced Vagus nerves will also experience a lot of anxiety and panic attacks with racing heartbeats

When balanced and fully functioning our Vagus nerves take us out of the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and shifts us into the Parasympathetic Nervous System that gets you out of ‘fight and flight’ mode into ‘rest and digest’ mode.

Our 10th cranial nerves are responsible for easing chronic pain and inflammation, regulating our heart and respiratory rates, our blood pressure and blood flow, as well as our mood and sleep patterns. Just like the ECS, the Vagus nerves are also deeply concerned with homeostasis and hormonal regulation, meaning perfection of body balance and the absorption and secretion of our hormones. These are two vital functions for maintaining happiness and therefore health because the truth is that good health cannot dwell in an unhappy body.

Maintaining good Vagal nerve performance is therefore crucial to human health. And while this is life-saving information that literally saved my own life recently, I always ask that people please first discuss any medical treatment with their primary health care providers or house doctor before making any changes to their treatment. I do find that today many doctors are far more open to alternative treatments than ever before, especially when it comes to so-called autoimmune conditions and mental health including anxiety and panic attacks that generally always involve multiple factors like brain chemistry, environmental factors and of course genetics, all of which vary greatly from one person to another. By stimulating the vagus nerves we can help ease so many neurological conditions like epilepsy, fibromyalgia, chronic pain and even loss of consciousness.

Cannabis is the only plant that can induce the biological process of Autophagy

In the last paragraph of my last paper about Autophagy I mentioned that the cancer-killing process of autophagy also has the ability to stimulate the Vagus nerves. We know that Cannabis is the only botanical that is capable of inducing autophagy in human beings.

This means that each time a person experiences ‘the munchies’ the body is preparing to reset the Vagus nerves. This is why as traditional healers we encourage intermittent and alternate-day fasting. Simply stated, when we ‘give in’ to the munchies and consume food, then we potentially risk breaking the healing cycle by not allowing the full process of autophagy to set in.

In a 2017 study scientists observed that impaired autophagy is associated with obesity, diabetes, liver disease, heart and brain diseases. Their study looked at the potential role of Ghrelin, aka ‘the hunger hormone’ to induce autophagy in the body. This is a wonderful study because it also proved that Ghrelin acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory. They also observed that patients with the aforementioned conditions all had low levels of this hormone in addition to diminished autophagy. [1-3]

“Ghrelin represents an attractive target for development of therapeutics for prevention or treatment of metabolic, cardiac or neuronal disorders, in which autophagy is impaired.”

Doctors are excited about exploring the Ghrelin Pathway that displays a protective role by regulating the process of autophagy that is now known to play a major role in cellular homeostasis which is one of the main functions of the ECS. By maintaining a healthy ECS we can stimulate the Vagus nerves when they become impaired. [4]

Also in my last paper I introduced you to one of my mentors whom I respect very much. Dr Henry Ealy is the Founder and Executive Community Director of The Energetic Health Institute. This is the only medical school that has been banned from You Tube, because of Dr Henry’s stance and research on corona vaccines.

He holds a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition. Dr Ealy is the author of “Energetic Health ~ Interesting Insights Into Advanced Natural Medicine” and he also hold the copyrights on over 200 published papers regarding Natural Medicine, Vaccine Education, Medical Cannabis, Cellular Cleansing & Detoxification and Holistic Nutrition. As you can see he is more than qualified to be my Mentor, and last week I was privileged that he took my question on a Q & A Session.

Is it correct that through its regulatory role over the Endocrine System, the ECS and therefore the plant, is able to influence the hunger hormone Ghrelin to induce autophagy and in turn offer vagal stimulation?

If so then this might explain why we are having such great success targeting the ECS in the treatment of so-called autoimmune diseases, gut health, addictions, chronic pain & inflammation, skin conditions and also mental health issues and I would love to hear your opinion. Give thanks Dr EalyJ

I feel honored that Dr Ealy even took my question let alone answer with such alacrity! This is how Cannabis can stimulate the Vagus nerves and assist us in dealing with so many medical conditions including so-called autoimmune diseases, hormonal conditions, gut health issues, neuro-degenerative conditions, mental health and skin conditions.

“Yes! Wow! Yes! That's it exactly! You nailed it! Yes! Yes that is it! I would encourage you to look into 11 hydroxy THC and I would also encourage you to make sure that any edible Cannabis product is balanced and making sure that you also have terpenes…”

Besides inducing autophagy, in what other ways can Cannabis help to stimulate the Vagus nerves?

There are a number of indirect ways that Cannabis can help us to stimulate the Vagus nerves. As a traditional healer I have always been fascinated with the development of medical technology but in the case of Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) I do feel that we can all benefit from proven age-old techniques that will save you from surgically invasive -medical procedures and also save you a lot of money.


You can see from the cover of my book, Cannabis is The Human Companion Plant aka THC Plant, that I place a lot of importance on the chakra system. In chapter 1 I explain the importance of Cannabis in the effective functioning of our chakra system. Yoga is the best way to learn about the chakras and while you there you can also learn to work with your Vagus nerves. In my opinion the best position to be in when wanting to work on your Vagus nerves is to have your head below your heart. The only way to do this is to be upside down! If your healer has one of those rotating beds then all they have to do is flip you upside down for 15 minutes a session, or you can try to suspend yourself upside down over a bed or couch and this also works quite effectively. Not many people can bear to lie upside down for much longer than 15 minutes and I have found that this is the perfect time period. I also encourage my patients and I do this myself as well, is to search online for Vagus nerve stimulation frequencies and play these while you are lying in position.

Or you can work with a yogi, this is what I recommend. Yogis know that Cannabis is the only plant that can open our chakras up to vibrate to the frequency of 432 Hz. This is the frequency of love, harmony and healing. It is also the frequency of the Earth, and the human body, and of course of the plant itself. I am a huge fan of frequency healing and my personal tuning fork is tuned in to this frequency and I do heal people often, just with my fork. I truly believe that 432 Hz is the perfect frequency to bring the Vagus nerves back into balance because this is the frequency of balance, love and harmony and this is where healing takes place. [5-6]

If you do your own research you will find that quite a few scientists have published studies on the healing achieved with the 432 Hz and il just drop a few links here for you to look at.

And remember that the vagus nerves have their origin in the pineal and pituitary glands that are associated with the 6th and 7th chakras or "the third eye" and the "crown" chakras.


The Ancients believed as we still do today, that singing, chanting and humming are highly effective Vagus nerve stimulators. This is truth and to this list we can add Coughing and Laughing. I’m sure that I don’t have to convince anyone about the coughing part and in the conclusion of my book I ended off sharing the reasons why Cannabis can make human beings laugh so much.

The Vagus nerves are directly connected to the muscles in the back of the throat, and it is these muscles that activate the Vagus nerves as they move through singing and laughing and even humming. As a matter of interest, a simple way to test whether your Vagus nerves need to be balanced is to take a torch and inspect your Uvula or ‘small tongue’ situated in the centre back of your throat.

The bottom part of the Uvula should always be pointing directly down into the throat. When the Vagus nerves are unbalanced that little point will be pointing to the left or right (usually to the patient’s left) then you know that you have some work to do that could change your life.

Just by virtue of the fact that Cannabis always makes a person feel better, one will automatically be more prone to laughing. The first reason why Cannabis makes people laugh is that it is our natural THC, Anandamide which via the ECS naturally controls the production and release of our feel-good hormones Serotonin and Dopamine. Cannabis and laughter both control the release of our endorphins and oxytocin, which is known as the ‘love hormone’. These are the hormones that activate the laugh mechanism in different parts of the brain. [7]

Of course it is true that “laughter is the best medicine!” and Cannabis and laughter have a few things in common, and both are known to reduce the secretion of our stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine. They both release tension and psychic energy among humans by increasing our psychic connection to one another. The second reason why Cannabis can make us laugh is that Cannabis is a vasodilator. It automatically increases blood flow to the areas of the brain concerned with emotions and expression. We know that there is a link between laughter and healthy functioning of our blood vessels, because laughter itself also acts as a vasodilator, and like Cannabis, helps protect us against strokes and heart attacks. So both laughter and Cannabis act as vasodilators. It is very interesting that when people have strokes, no matter how damaged the brain is, the person is still able to laugh. This is a classic example of “Body Wisdom”.


As the human companion plant, Cannabis is now famous for encouraging humans to maintain positive social relationships. Cannabis has always stimulated these networks, often producing far-reaching effects as the plant continues to unite people from every corner of the Earth. These high vibrations and elative emotions all contribute to balancing our Vagus nerves. 

Positive emotions correlate with improved Vagal function as seen by heart-rate variability. If you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, you most likely will also have tachycardia or fast heart rate of over 100 beats per minute. When you start working with your Vagus nerves the very first thing that you will notice is that your heart rate will come down. Promoting joy, compassion and happiness stimulates the Vagus nerves and this is in line with the fact that good health cannot live in an unhappy body.


Scientists know that in animals mild exercise does stimulate gut flow and that Vagus nerve stimulation is needed to initiate this response. This is why we believe that exercise may also stimulate the Vagus nerves in humans although there is no scientific proof to confirm this as yet, but mice studies are proving positive in the interim. [8]

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that sunlight can stimulate the Vagus nerves as I have firsthand experience in achieving this healing over decades. However, I am waiting for more scientific evidence to be published. People need to know that sunlight is so much more than vitamin D and a great tan! Human beings benefit from thousands of nutrients on offer from the sun so that we can thrive here on Earth. So many people are scared of the sun today and this is another reason why so people are so ill, especially in the northern hemisphere where there is limited sunlight.

I found this very interesting paper simply titled “The effect of light on critical illness.” I also enjoyed the writing style of Dr Ricardo Castro! This paper explores the power of sunlight to stimulate the Vagus nerves and confirms that the 10th cranial nerves can inhibit ‘the cytokine storm’ and therefore inflammation because Vagus nerves signal the release of Acetylcholine in the gut, spleen and liver. [9-14]


There is no doubt that Cannabis helps us to relax and to meditate proving that Cannabis is already very good at stimulating our Vagus nerves and this is just one of the many reasons why people who consume Cannabis are generally in much better health than those who do not. This is why we know that Cannabis is actively involved in the healing of the brain-gut connection.

In my life I have had exactly two yoga lessons and I learnt the two most important lessons in my life. First I learnt about the importance of the chakra system in human health. Second I learnt that we breathe completely wrong, in fact the complete opposite to how we should be breathing.

The correct way to breathe is from the gut and slowly. This means that when you inhale, your belly should push outwards, and when you exhale your belly should cave in. This is the exact opposite to how we do breathe, so adjusting to healthy breathing patterns can be a challenge at first. Use it as a meditation tool and you will be amazed at how fast this style of breathing can calm you down. And this is because by simply breathing correctly we can stimulate the Vagus nerves.

People have been doing yoga for thousands of years to benefit from the healing properties of breathe-work. Engaging in gentle chest-opening poses can stimulate the Vagus nerves and improve gut motility. It is known that meditative breathing and similar activities do stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system because of the effect of breathe-work on the Vagus nerves.

Many people believe that prayer can also stimulate Vagus activation and one small study found that reciting the Rosary Prayer can do just this because it enhances cardiovascular rhythm and reduces blood pressure. [15]

So many people today are struggling to find medical answers to their problems. Doctors say that they do not know why the body attacks itself and now millions of people live with so-called autoimmune diseases. The truth is that the human gut biome has been destroyed by over-prescription of antibiotics, over-spraying of Glyphosphate-laced pesticides and intentional poisoning of our food, water, air, soil, vaccines and medications. It is said that no one on Earth can escape glyphosate poisoning not even on the North Pole! Almost 100 years of environmental toxins has ensured that most of the people left on Earth are ill including small children, gosh, these days babies are having heart attacks inside the womb because mothers have been exposed to murdering clot-shots that were never ever tested or researched on human beings.

What is happening right now in the medical world is atrocious and this obsession with genetically altering The Creation is sure to backfire. But in the meantime let us give thanks for The Human Companion Plant because in a time when there seems to be very little hope, Cannabis assures us that there is always hope. Hope to heal ourselves from the poisons inflicted upon us over decades of deceit.

By stimulating the ECS we stand an excellent chance of setting the intention to reset our major systems including your nervous, immune and digestive systems and since they are so beautifully connected by the Vagus nerves. In Cannabis we have a hope of healing ourselves because in Cannabis we have the single most useful herbal remedy for the treatment of the widest range of health care problems including mental, physical and spiritual problems. Almost daily we are being surprised, delighted, amazed and indeed healed by the miraculous medicinal properties hidden inside this once totally forbidden and still heavily controlled plant.


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[4] (Yuan MJ and Wang T, April 2020) “The new mechanism of Ghrelin/GHSR-1a on autophagy regulation.” Journal Peptides Volume 126 PMID: 31981593 rights and content

[5] (Gerritsen RJS and Band GPH, October 2018) “Breath of Life: The Respiratory Vagal Stimulation Model of Contemplative Activity.” Journal Frontiers in Neuroscience Volume 12 page 397 PMID: 30356789 PMC6189422

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[7] ( “Why does Marijuana make us laugh?” 20 March 2014

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[14] (Van Westerloo DJ, 2010) “The vagal immune reflex: a blessing from above.” Journal Wien Med Wochenschr. Volume 160 pages 112-117 doi: 10.1007/s10354-010-0761

[15] (Bernardi L et al, December 2001) “Effect of rosary prayer and yoga mantras on autonomic cardiovascular rhythms: comparative study.” British Medical Journal Volume 323 Issue 7327 pages 1446-9 PMID: 11751348 PMCID: PMC61046

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