Monday, June 5, 2023

All Cannabis use is Medicinal

I would like to share a paradigm shifting perspective on the topic of medicinal versus recreational Cannabis consumption in the market place today.

I really feel that as a society we are ready to acknowledge that ALL Cannabis use is medicinal whether the person realizes it or not.

This is a lesson that my teachers drummed into my head from a young age because every single time we consume Cannabis we are activating our Endocannabinoid system and healing is taking place. 

Let me give you a simple analogy - In 2004 social media was introduced to society, and people were for many years banned from using Facebook and even Mxit during work hours. It was purely for adult recreation. Fast forward 20 years and now you can barely see what your Fam is up to for all the business adverts we have to now endure on social media. So what happened?

Well, corporations realized that there is big money to be made by merging social and recreational arenas with corporate business, and in this same way ii would like to see the fundamental fusion of so-called recreational Cannabis with medical use of the plant. 

By separating the two, governments automatically create opportunities to impose separate taxes, and of course recreational must be taxed higher.

In the USA today medical patients are being left behind as so-called recreational 'sales' open and recreational 'clients' are being limited to make sure there is enough for the medical patients. But, it's all the exact same bud, same strains and same THC levels, the only difference is the price and the taxes!

I've always been super passionate about human health and happiness and whenever I've been asked in my life why is Ganjah illegal ii always give the same answer "Because it's illegal to be happy!". The truth is that good health cannot dwell in an unhealthy body. 

Millions of people use Cannabis for depression, pain, insomnia and mood elevation. This is precisely why our main Endocannabinoid is named Anandamide, meaning "Bliss". Anandamide is the human version of THC and people need THC to supplement the Endocannabinoid system and to be happy and healthy because at the heart of disease-management today is the way in which we handle our life-stresses.

There are 2 types of stress, good stress and bad stress. Good stress is the pressure we put on ourselves, like setting goals and targets. Bad stress is what governments hand out for free every single day.

Inflation, so-called 'cost of living', illegal taxes, and dark agenda's, not to mention 'daylight robbery'. All of these things are literally killing our people as stress manifests into dis-ease in the human body.

There is so much scientific evidence to prove the negative impact of stress on the human body and it is well known that our stress hormone Cortisol causes an upregulation of tumor formation in the body. People are dropping dead daily from stress related heart attacks and sacrificing their lives because of severe trauma and depression. Stress also vampirically eats your Vitamin B supply and this can lead to your body losing the ability to produce red blood cells and this means less oxygen flow to the brain and blood. These are all things that Cannabis can help humans to overcome.

Stress also blocks our Endocannabinoid system and not only blocks the receptors but also blocks Endocannabinoid production in the human brain. People need Cannabis to protect themselves against the health dangers of stress.

And why does Cannabis make us laugh? Is laughter not still the best medicine?

Cannabis eases any form of suffering and makes any disease easier to bear and this is why ii believe that all Cannabis use is medicinal regardless of how it is consumed. Denying people access to this plant has until now only caused immense pain and suffering for so many people whose bodies are simply crying out for THC. 

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