Monday, June 24, 2024

Redefining Narcissism, Trauma and the Ego

It really pains me to see so many people hating on certain so-called segments of our society.....yes, sure, psychologists claim that 1 in 4 are narcissistic....let me tell you the truth that ii see, that is each one of us has the ability to show these tendencies....because we are all in pain....we are ALL traumatized in one way or another....whether we know it or not.

And yes absolutely it is each one of our responsibility to ensure that our triggers and fears do not ruin other people in the process....but not everyone has the strength to actually do this.

People who are in daily pain are weak people who do not have the strength to help themselves and therefore they need help to cope with their emotions, thoughts and actions. 

Being in a relationship with a known narcissist is an incredibly painful challenge and ii urge couples to address these type of concerns long before the church bells start ringing.

In my opinion, those of us who enjoy gossiping and speculating about so-called narcissists are in fact also narcissists, myself included, because this type of behaviour also stems from the place of ego because the ego thrives on comparison and this is an easy trap for all of us to fall into.

The Ego is not something to drop, it is not something to destroy, you yourself are that ego…and all the egos are little building blocks of this world

There’s no shortage of new age dogma that teaches us about this so-called 5th dimension. This doctrine also teaches that humanity must lose the ego. I’v met so-called teachers of the 5th dimensional transcendence process and they claim to be egoless, yet their lives are not reflecting anything to convince me that this dogma is actually working for them. In my opinion to ‘lose the ego’ is to lose consciousness! We must become more concerned about the collective ego and the collective consciousness and less concerned about destruction and separation and division, it’s all about wholeness.

They claim to be superior beings moving to a superior 5D world. The truth is that if you really study these topics you will know that the so-called 5th dimension is actually so tiny and right now it is actually stuck between 4 and 6 like it is pinched between those two dimensions.

Personally I recommend the 6h dimension there is far more love to be found there but there is also a lot of karma there.

So in my opinion no one is superior and no dimension is superior and in my studies my late teacher used to always send me to the 13th dimension and that is where all the action is. Up there we no longer have a digestive tract, every spirit up there is a breatharian! And with no gut there is no disease, toxicity and no psychosis!

We must question everything and avoid falling into spiritual traps that promote negativity like separation, selfishness and self-hatred. I also question the mentality that these so-called superior people will simply leave us plebs behind and move on….that does not sound very irie to me, quite cold actually!

If you wish to travel spiritually I urge people to not fall prey to the many false life teachings that have deceived us for eons. (All of these studies will be shared in my upcoming book The Secret Place of The Most High)

The truth is and we must realize that we are that ego that these teachers are suggesting you must destroy. So this is actually where self-hatred comes from and another truth is that whatever we reject or deny, will ultimately possess us, that is a fact and the true teaching is “What we resist will persist”. To destroy the ego would mean to destroy yourself and you should ask yourself why would you want to become entrapped in such a teaching? Perhaps we should consider simply surrendering to our own egos. The goal is to be authentically human. 

"Before Enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After Enlightenment; chop wood, carry water." (Zen Koan)

In my opinion people who present or identify as "Echoists" aka empaths, are really just subliminal narcissists because we are simply suppressing our own personalities because of our past trauma. These people believe that other people’s happiness and needs come before theirs and this they believe to be a requirement in order to find love and approval. 

Like narcissists, the opposite end of the scale also display poor mental health and end up in dysfunctional relationships because ultimately they tend to give more than they receive. 

Echoists seem quite content in putting others' needs before their own and this is just as unhealthy, especially when taken to extremes. 

We see this a lot in many co-dependent and 'people-pleasing' relationships because the truth is where you find narcissism - echoism is always close-by. The irony is that as some people obsess over how NOT to be a narcissist, they are really also just exhibiting self-absorption. 

In my opinion the only way to overcome trauma-based personality traits is to constantly observe ourselves. To be deliberate about the way we wake up each day and how we go to sleep and everything that we do in between that time. 

The most important step to healing our trauma is to observe our thoughts because our thoughts really do control our lives. 

If necessary we must go and find some way to help ourselves to develop self-love and healthy relationships, but most importantly we have to find ways to address our traumas so that we do not continue to hurt ourselves and others, especially our children. 

I will love to see a society that recognizes that we are ALL completely damaged, and ii am yet to meet a person who has absolutely no trauma at all. 

It's completely ridiculous to hate on people that you consider to be narcissistic because that basically makes you one as well, even though you were traumatized by such a person.

In this particular case ii do not believe that the solution is in the problem.....the only solution to this problem and most of our people-problems is LOVE! 

As a collective-people we really need to learn how to "unlove hate" and realize that unloved people hate themselves. And then you have people who are not able to unlove the person that hurts them and they keep going back for more because they don't really love themselves. So this vicious circle is causing havoc in our world today. 

Collective trauma in any society is real and not just historical facts. Besides the issue of the ‘fatherless family’ ii do believe that societal trauma is the second greatest risk to public health in our world today. And sadly all trauma emerges from empty egos because all versions of hatred dwell in empty egos that lack the ability to self-heal.

No matter what has happened to us, it is each one of our duty to ourselves and to our communities and to future generations to heal our own trauma.

And it's important to realize that healing does not mean that the trauma never existed and believe it or not ii have had patients who once healed, missed their trauma so much because it felt weird and abnormal to the patient to not have the trauma something was 'wrong'...and these types of emotions are perfectly normal as well and simply means that more healing is necessary. 

The best thing you can do is to find a way to actually embrace your trauma, and please believe me, ii do realize how ridiculously awkward and  uncomfortable this suggestion sounds! I am suggesting that we try to find a way to actually 'love' our trauma through acceptance so that we may reach that place where the trauma and pain no longer controls your emotions, your thoughts and ultimately your life. 

Love truly is the ONLY remedy for emotional pain and trauma because trauma blocks love and love heals trauma and ii highly recommend it because it transformed my own life! 


If you claim to be an empath 

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