Thursday, June 30, 2016




Meniere’s disease is a fairly new condition officially identified in 2005, although the first description of this condition appeared in 1861 by French physician Prosper Meniere.

So it is recorded as a rare disorder that affects the inner ear, causing vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss and a feeling of pressure deep inside either one or both ears. It is an idiopathic condition which means that the cause is unknown. Personally ii refer to these conditions as diseases of civilisation or dread diseases like cardio vascular disease, schizophrenia and Kleefstra syndrome for example. It is these unexplained causes which encourage me to look for new and logical ways of explaining why certain conditions occur and a lot of the time ii have to say it becomes increasingly clear that in fact people are not really ill they are actually being poisoned through the air, water, food supply, medications, pesticides and vaccinations.

As with all medical conditions the symptoms and severity of Meniere’s disease vary widely from person to person, so some people may experience frequent attacks of vertigo and hearing loss where others may have severe tinnitus with minor vertigo and so on and again this is why ii always recommend individual personalised treatment programs for any condition because no two patients are alike.

This condition mostly affects people aged between 40 and 60 and seems to be more common in women. So with most ‘new’ medical conditions the exact cause is unknown and is most likely linked to a ‘chemical imbalance”. Current medical treatments may help some people to control their symptoms but they are not able to cure this condition.
Although this condition is not related to any psychiatric condition many people suffering with Meniere’s disease do find that it affects their mental health in so far as the nature of the unpredictable attacks and the subsequent restrictions the symptoms can put on your daily activities which can lead to anxiety and depression.
The erratic and unforeseen symptoms of Meniere’s disease means that certain adjustments will be necessary in dealing with daily life but this condition is not a death sentence and there are perfectly natural solutions to this ‘new’ condition.

Tinnitus refers to constant ‘ringing’ in the ears and while Meniere’s disease generally only affects one ear many sufferers do experience tinnitus in both ears. So tinnitus can best be described as a ringing, whistling, buzzing or roaring sound in the ear and these sounds may come and go or they may be present all the time.  No one else can hear these sounds as they do not come from an exterior source but from inside one’s own head.
Again, with everyone the symptoms are different.  Some people may have single attacks separated by long periods of time and others may experience many attacks closer together over a number of days.
Often attacks of dizziness occur after a short period of tinnitus or distorted hearing and a lot of people with this condition may have such severe vertigo that they literally lose their balance and fall over and these episodes are referred to as ‘drop attacks’. So one minute the sufferer is on solid ground and the next minute their whole world spins around and nausea starts setting in. So for sure the most disturbing symptom of Meniere’s is the constant ringing in the ears which only stops when the attack passes. 
Vertigo is dizziness or light-headedness which causes balance problems. Often it is accompanied by nausea, sweating and vomiting which may last from 20 minutes to a couple of hours. Vertigo also causes problems with hearing and it is common for hearing to worsen gradually as the condition advances.


Currently in the US it is estimated that around 615 000 people have been diagnosed with Meniere’s disease with about 45 500 new cases being diagnosed each year. It is said that around 50 million people in the US suffer from tinnitus. So clearly this is no longer such a rare condition when you look at these numbers and indeed the condition is occurring more frequently in society.
Across Europe the prevalence of Meniere’s disease also seems high with roughly 430 cases per million reported in Finland and around 460 cases per million in Sweden. And in the UK we are looking at about 1000 cases per million with an approximately 15 new cases per 100 000 being diagnosed each year. It is also possible that a lot of ‘dizzy’ patients are being misdiagnosed with this condition.
Most researchers say that the symptoms of Meniere’s disease are due to a problem with the inner ear, the part of the ear responsible for balance and hearing. It is said that this condition and its symptoms is as a direct result of an abnormal build-up of endolymph in the hearing and balance canals of the ear. This causes pressure in the canals which interferes with sound and balance signals to the brain.
Other researchers think Meniere’s disease could be a consequence of viral infections, allergies, or autoimmune reactions and the herpes simplex virus and the bacterial infection of syphilis have both been identified to play a role in the progression of this condition. Because Ménière’s disease appears to run in families, some researchers claim it could also be the result of genetic variations that cause abnormalities in the volume or regulation of endolymph fluid and it has been suggested that chromosome 5 is a ‘candidate region’ for Meniere’s Disease.
There are many theories as to what actually happens to cause this condition but no definite answers exist. Personally ii am inclined to follow the school of thought that links this condition to constrictions in blood vessels similar to those that cause migraine headaches, so in other words ii do believe that vertigo and tinnitus in fact originate in the eye area and the symptoms are then ‘heard’ in the ear region.
Here ii really need to give to a friend who wishes to remain anonymous and who after doing his own personal research enlightened me further to research this theory of tinnitus having its origins in the eyes.  Personally this makes a lot of sense for me and there is in essence very little difference between otitis media and intraocular pressure the first referring to a fluid build- up in the ear and the second a fluid build-up in the eye.
Researchers have already found a direct link to migraines, the headache capable of blinding a person, in around 30% of Meniere’s cases and about 50% of sufferers also meet all the criteria for migraines and so ii do believe that this angle is worth pursuing when looking at the true causes of Meniere’s disease and ii also believe that certain migraine treatments will be effective in people suffering with Meniere’s disease.
While most people will accept poor vision as a natural part of aging, for me personally it's really more of a side effect of our modern lifestyle. Aging does not automatically equate to failing vision or hearing for that matter, and in fact hearing is our last sense we lose even after death; provided you've properly nourished your eyes and ears through the years. So eye problems have increased dramatically especially since the advent of television and subsequently the computer and now the mobile phone and here in South Africa very often a small town will have more than one optometrist in a single street.
Dizziness and balance problems are also related to vision which plays a significant role in balance. The eyes are the only part of the brain which is visible to the outside world and about 20% of the nerve fibres of the eyes interact with the vestibular system (parts of the inner ear and brain which affects balance and eye movements). So poor eyesight does indeed also cause dizziness and balance problems. Also there is a definite link between tinnitus and glaucoma which is a fluid build- up in the eye causing intra ocular pressure. It is also interesting to note that during an ENG (electro-nystagmo-gram) test where the ear is filled with warm and cold water or air, it is in fact the movement of the eyes during this test which tells the doctor how well the balance canals in the ears are working.

Recently a new study was launched which takes a look at patients reporting ‘visual snow’ at a number of UK medical centres.  This study included 250 patients who were interviewed from 11 European countries as well as the US and Australia and ii find it fascinating that it was discovered that patients who reported visual snow also had an increased risk of tinnitus.There are also many reports of people suffering with tinnitus being able to change the pitch of their tinnitus simply by moving their eyes. And there is also sufficient evidence of people developing tinnitus post operatively to eye surgery and further there is also a definite link between certain eye drop products and tinnitus so ii am basically convinced that tinnitus is actually a condition of the eye and that symptoms then manifest in the ear.
In his book “Ototoxic Drugs ExposedNeil Bauman, Ph.D. reveals a list of 877 prescription drugs, 35 herbs and 148 chemicals which present ear damaging side effects. Further he reveals a list of 43 drugs that can damage your eyes and even more shocking he reveals a list of 103 drugs that can damage both your eyes and your ears at the same time and these include certain eye drops and antibiotics. It is also common knowledge that high doses of aspirin (say around 15 tablets per day) can cause tinnitus but this type is easily reversible just by abstaining from aspirin.

According to Dr Yu-Kuan Lin, who operates Dr Lin Acupuncture Clinic in Cape Town, in terms of looking at Meniere’s disease from an oriental medicine perspective, vertigo is attributed to phlegm and dampness obstruction which causes the vertigo along with the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. He also states that this condition in oriental medicine is often diagnosed as ‘kidney yin deficiency’ which causes liver wind to ascend towards the brain and this causes vertigo, dizziness, headache, blurred vision and tinnitus. So here we see another link to the eye.

This is very interesting when you realize that a lot of the symptoms of this condition are related to body fluid retention which is directly controlled by the kidneys. As ii mentioned earlier women are more prone to this condition and this seems to be linked to fluid retention usually associated with pre-menstruation as well as the menopause.  There is also a definite link between body fluid retention and the way in which female hormones affect a woman’s ability to regulate sodium levels. Another notable similarity in people suffering from this condition is high sodium content in their diets and this again is directly related to fluid retention.


Since Meniere’s disease is largely concerned with body fluid retention it is important to get our facts straight about salt and sodium because truly just like fats and sugars not all salts are created equally. The recommended daily allowance of sodium is 2000 mg, the equivalent of about one teaspoon of table salt. Salt has always been essential to human life and as a matter of interest the word ‘salary’ actually comes from the root “sal” because in ancient times Romans were paid in salt! African and European pioneers traded an ounce of salt for an ounce of gold so salt was quite literally worth its weight in gold.
About 80% of the salt most people consume is from processed foods. Indeed, there is far too much sodium in processed foods. But you shouldn't be eating those foods anyway and sodium is just one of the many ingredients in packaged foods that will negatively affect your health. The salt added to these processed foods is mostly sodium as opposed to natural salt, which is much lower in sodium. The table salt we are using these days has almost nothing in common with natural salt. The one is healing and the other is damaging. Natural salt is 84% sodium chloride, and processed salt is about 98 percent sodium chloride. The remaining 16 percent of natural salt consists of other naturally occurring minerals, including trace minerals like silicon, phosphorous and vanadium.

You will be forgiven for thinking that "salt is salt," but truly even the structure of processed salt has been radically altered in the refining process. Refined salt is dried above 648 degrees Celsius, and this excessive heat alone alters the natural chemical structure of the salt. Refined salt is bleached, filtered and stripped of naturally occurring trace minerals and then more man- made chemicals are added to keep this refined product from absorbing water and clumping.
The processed salt is not pure sodium chloride but is actually only 97.5 percent sodium chloride and anticaking and flow agents are added to compromise about 2.5 percent. These are dangerous chemicals like ferrocyanide and aluminosilicate.  Some European countries, where water fluoridation is not practiced, also add fluoride to table salt. In France, it is said that around 35 percent of table salt sold contains either sodium fluoride or potassium fluoride and use of fluoridated salt is widespread in South America.
It is important to be aware that unrefined natural salt is essential to many biological processes, but when looking at Meniere’s disease it is really important to be aware that it is a major component of your blood plasma, lymphatic fluid, extracellular fluid, and even amniotic fluid so you can see how a deficiency of natural salt can negatively affect retention of bodily fluids in the same way as an excess of refined sodium will do the same.

It has always been my belief that one of the major causes of all disease is dehydration. When your body becomes dehydrated your brain tissue loses water causing your brain to shrink and literally pull away from your skull. This then triggers the pain receptors surrounding the brain, which in turn brings on the headache. So dehydration causes headaches, headaches cause tinnitus. Tinnitus is associated with a number of different types of headache disorders and the one we know the most about is the migraine which quite literally can blind a person. Many patients say that their tinnitus is directly related to their migraine attacks. Some theories exist as to why tinnitus and headaches co-occur but for me personally again ii believe it is because tinnitus also originates in the eye.

Patients suffering with tinnitus and headaches do tend to share other symptoms as well such as depression, insomnia, anxiety and also cognitive problems. There are certain substances which affect how your body regulates fluid, and can therefore make Meniere's worse. Caffeine is defined as a drug because it stimulates the central nervous system, causing increased alertness. Caffeine gives most people a temporary energy boost and elevates mood. Caffeine is in tea, coffee, chocolate, many soft drinks, and pain relievers and other over-the-counter medications. In my opinion, caffeine is the most 'abused' drug on the planet and excess caffeine can cause dehydration and dehydration can cause tinnitus.
Alcohol disturbs your sense of balance and ii am going to use another eye reference here, alcohol can quite literally make you blind drunk, and sometimes ii wonder why they call it ‘spirits’ maybe because it can make you unconscious, and it is not unusual for heavy drinkers to sport blood shot eyes. Alcohol is a vasodilator which affects circulation and fluid flow in the body. Alcohol is best avoided by people suffering from Meniere’s. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor so it also affects our circulation and also weakens the immune system and harms your overall state of health. 

The strangest thing about pharmaceutical drugs is that a lot of the time the drug causes the very symptom it is prescribed for so for instance epilepsy drugs list seizures as a side effect, cancer drugs cause more cancer, osteoporosis drugs cause fractures, and in my paper Can Cannabis Cure Schizophrenia? ii wrote about some of the side effects of anti-depressants like heart palpitations, decreased libido, chest pain and also suicide and other nervous disorders, so please do not be surprised when ii now tell you that most anti-depressants in fact cause tinnitus and are being prescribed to patients with Meniere’s to treat anxiety and tinnitus because researchers believe there is a serotonin link. Accordingly to Dr Joseph Mercola anti-depressants are one of the biggest causes of sodium deficiency which of course affects bodily fluid retention.


Sugar is the next biggest cause of all disease and should best be avoided by everyone because it quite literally sets your brain on fire with severe side effects in many cases.


Millions of people will attest to the fact that when they eat too much sugar they will definitely suffer from a headache and headaches as we have seen can cause tinnitus. Stopping the sugar stops the headaches. 


The proximate cause of the sugar headache again is dehydration. Excess sugar causes the body to dehydrate and dehydration causes headaches and then tinnitus sets in and it is a known fact that artificial sweeteners also cause tinnitus. Another reference to the eye and now we also know that excessive sugar in the blood can pull fluid from the lens of your eye, affecting your ability to focus. It can also damage the blood vessels in your retina, thereby obstructing blood flow.

While your body runs on glucose (a simple sugar) it was never meant to have loads of simple sugars running around in your blood. If you look at nature, you will see that there are almost no foods that contain the high amount of sugar you would find in any fizzy drink or piece of cake. If natural foods do contain a high amount of sugar it is often bound up and hard to get to (like in a sugar cane). The only way to get a large amount of sugar into your body is to have that sugar processed before you put it in your mouth.


The most important similarity between Cannabis and Coconut is that no one has ever died from consuming either. Both Cannabis and coconut do not have any negative side effects

For almost 60 years we have believed that coconut oil is a ‘bad fat’ and blocks our arteries leading to cardiovascular disease and worse heart attacks and even heart failure. One never seems to hear about the miracle healing power of Cannabis on television.  Is it really possible that not even the cure for cancer can supersede news of murders and robberies? One also never sees an advert for coconut oil or honey for that matter. Since the advent of the internet educating ourselves has become easier and by now most people do know of the healing abilities of Cannabis especially in respect of cancer and now there is also an explosion of information available on the health benefits of coconut oil.

Anti-tumor (anti-cancer)
Anti-tumor (anti-cancer)
Immune Boosting
Immune Boosting
Regulation of metabolism (weight control)
Regulation of metabolism (weight control)
Skin care
Skin care
Osteoporosis treatment
Osteoporosis treatment
Fat soluble
Over 90% Saturated fat
No negative side effects no deaths
No negative side effects no deaths
Components found in human breast milk
Components found in human breast milk
Regulate circulation
Regulate circulation
Used for over 5000 years as medicine
Used for over 5000 years as medicine
At the forefront of medical research and breakthroughs
At the forefront of medical research and breakthroughs
Criminalized since 1930’s
Condemned for over 60 years
Controls regulation of fat
Controls regulation of fat
Raw plant has no psychedelic high
Raw plant has no psychedelic high
Aides nutrient absorption
Aides nutrient absorption

As much as 50 percent (on average 43 percent) of the fat content in coconut oil is a medium chain saturated fatty acid found mainly in coconut oil and which is called Lauric acid. This acid is also present in human breast milk and we encourage nursing mothers to consume coconut oil while breastfeeding as the increase in Lauric acid would greatly benefit their baby’s immune system. We now know that mother’s milk also contains our natural Endocannabinoid Anandamide for the sole purpose of activating the Cannabinoid receptors so clearly our bodies need these components for optimum immune functioning.

A great deal of research has established the fact that Lauric acid is used by humans to destroy viruses, and various pathogenic bacteria and microbes such as yeasts, fungi, bacteria, parasites, and moulds which means that coconut oil can actually destroy lipid (fat) coated viruses such as HIV, herpes, measles and the influenza virus. Lauric acid is a powerful virus and bacteria destroyer, and coconut oil contains the most Lauric acid than any other known substance on Earth. This is good news for Meniere’s because of the link with the herpes simplex virus.


Contrary to popular belief coconut oil actually promotes a healthy cardiovascular system because medium chain fatty acids do not contribute to arterial plague and this is because of the way they are absorbed by the body. It also regulates metabolism and controls appetite and therefore weight gain, making coconut oil a valuable remedy in the fight against diabetes and obesity. The medium chain fatty acids cause the body to store fat as an expendable energy in the liver instead of as fatty cells in the tissues which is exactly what long chain fatty acids do. Coconut oil is also known to support proper functioning of the thyroid gland which makes it a suitable natural anti-obesity remedy. Cannabis has already proven to play an important role in metabolic regulation and there are many studies underway around the world investigating the role of Cannabis in obesity and diabetes.
Coconut oil is a very important immune system booster because of its anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties and we now know that Cannabis shares the exact same properties.
Studies are showing that coconut oil is proving helpful in preventing liver disease, kidney disease, Crohn’s disease, cancer and many infectious illness such as the flu, herpes, bladder infections, candida and even ringworm and aluminium poisoning. Studies are currently underway to test the effectiveness of coconut oil against serious illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and cancer, and preliminary trial results are proving to be very promising, this is due to the immense immune system boosting properties of coconut oil.  Personally I know of at least 10 HIV positive people who are self- medicating with Cannabis Coconut oil and with positive results.
Coconut oil is now also being investigated as a home remedy treatment for Meniere’s disease not only because of the anti- viral properties which sorts out any possible viral infections like herpes simplex, but because it contributes to the overall improvement of health as well as its ability to treat kidney problems which often affect fluid retention.

One of the most remarkable things about these two oils is that both help improve nutrient absorption, especially in the way in which it improves absorption of minerals such as calcium and magnesium and this is what makes both an important treatment to assist in prevention of osteoporosis. Please read Can Cannabis Cure Osteoporosis?
Coconut oil has the ability to help the body increase absorption of some of the B vitamins and the fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K, beta-carotene, and some of the amino acids. Fat soluble Vitamin A and D are of vital importance to Meniere’s sufferers. The ear and eye have high amounts of Vitamin A and as with all sensory nerve cells they need Vitamin A. Vitamin D deficiency can cause tinnitus as well as oto-sclerosis, sclerosis meaning hardening, in the ear, specifically the cochlea. This hardening causes hearing loss. Simply by supplementing Vitamin D and equal amounts of calcium and magnesium is believed to reverse this hearing loss.

Another interesting similarity between Cannabis and Coconut is that neither have any serious side effects and only a few cases of coconut allergies have ever been reported, and these have been scarce, and each are actually believed to be peanut related allergies, and it is also true that most people who are allergic to peanuts can tolerate coconut as an alternative. Both Cannabis and Coconut are made up of unique combinations of chemical compounds which cannot be found anywhere else in nature and these chemical compounds do not work in isolation and the fact that these unique components have such similar healing properties should have us all convinced that truly this is one of the many secret natural herbal combinations provided by Mother Nature to heal a variety of medical disorders.
The importance of the ability of coconut oil to increase absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, together with the fact that Cannabinoids are fat soluble gives clear evidence to the fact that coconut oil has the ability to maximize Cannabinoid extraction, because it is a saturated fat and they have natural affinity. All research results are pointing towards total Cannabinoid extraction when using coconut oil as the extraction solvent and this is also true in the case of Cannabis edibles. This all means that when you use coconut oil to extract Cannabinoids you will be producing a pure and potent whole plant medicine. 
Everyone knows that the human body is around 60% water but did you know that our brain is 60% fat?  This is a very interesting link when you start studying the effect of Cannabis and Coconut on the human brain.  In medical matters some repetition is necessary, so again we must take note that Cannabinoids are fat soluble and coconut oil is a highly saturated fat and the brain is mostly fat, so it does make a lot of sense that this combination has all the essentials to go a long way to assisting us to maintain optimum health and longevity.
Cannabis oil extracted with coconut oil is lighter in colour than oil extracted with alcohol or butane gas which is dark and thick like treacle or tar.  This is because the alcohol strips all the water soluble parts of the plants as well, including the chlorophyll giving it this dark colour. Coconut infused Cannabis oil when solidified at room temperature is amber/avocado in colour, because it only extracts the fat soluble components of Cannabis so you can be sure that you are getting pure Cannabinoid extraction without all the water soluble parts like the chlorophyll concentrate. This is not to say that chlorophyll is bad for you because chlorophyll also has highly beneficial medicinal properties in other applications.

Chlorophyll concentrate in Cannabis oil has produced some cases of diarrhoea and upset gastric systems which are common side effects of chlorophyll. In less vulnerable patients they might feel brief spells of queasiness which is the action of the chlorophyll. This does not happen when using coconut oil because the chlorophyll is not stripped in the extraction process and second coconut oil is not readily absorbed into the gastric tract.
This is what the oil looks like when melted.
Cannabis and coconut oil can be used in cooking and baking, on the skin, on the hair, as a suppository, as well as consuming a few teaspoons of liquid coconut infused Cannabis oil once or twice a day depending on your state of health and the taste is not unpleasant at all. It is the perfect pure and natural extraction and delivery method especially for people who do not care for smoking.
Coconut oil has a smoke point of 171 degrees Celsius so at 100 degrees and less it cannot produce any dangerous fumes because it will not create smoke at this temperature. You can experiment with this by frying two eggs one in normal yellow oil and one in coconut oil and you will notice that coconut oil does not produce the brown grease rim around the egg which is the ‘bad fat’ part of the egg.

Above is the egg fried in coconut oil and below are eggs fried in normal sunflower oil.

Personally I have the utmost respect for anyone who successfully manages to produce pure and potent Cannabis oil for medicinal purposes as I personally know exactly how hard it is to do so. I am however extremely concerned with the solvent of choice, and this is expressed with no disrespect to Mr Rick Simpson, or any other healers using these methods. Over the years I have become increasingly concerned with the poisoness content of solvents like alcohol, naphtha (also known as Benzene) which is also used as paint thinner, ether and even butane gas.
Not only are these solvents poisoness but are also highly flammable and incredibly dangerous to work with due to the dangerous fumes which are present during this process of extraction. Some solvent components like hexane and benzene may also be neurotoxic. I fear that twenty years down the line people are going to start reporting that their Cannabis oil killed them or caused some medical disorder which in fact was caused by a poisoness solvent in the process.
According to many manufacturers, naphtha and petroleum-ether are considered potential carcinogenic, and some products which are sold as naphtha may contain added impurities for example those of Coleman ® fuel, which may have harmful properties of their own.Cannabis oil which is produced with an alcohol extraction is usually concentrated by evaporating the solvents that were used in the extraction process. The more concentrated the extract becomes, the more difficult it is to remove the residual solvent and in this case, applying more heat will increase solvent evaporation, but at the same time valuable components like the Cannabinoids and terpenes may also be damaged or lost resulting in a lower quality of oil. My advice is to keep your medicine as natural as possible.

People suffering from Meniere’s can now accept that this condition is not a death sentence and that there are perfectly natural ways to calm symptoms down. Pay attention to your body and look for the triggers, pay attention to how you feel and discuss these feelings with your health care practitioner. And most importantly please pay attention to what you are eating and how you are exercising.
Watching TV, flashing lights, driving (especially at night), quick movements of the head, bending down, staring at computer screens, reading (especially while moving in trains or cars), bright light, noise, headphones, washing your hair, supermarket aisles and long narrow corridors are all things which can trigger an unpleasant attack for people suffering with Meniere’s disease. You need to give yourself every chance of avoiding attacks and for the most part by becoming informed and taking action you can eliminate many of your triggers.

If you have suffer from ringing of the ears or you often feel dizzy...please feel free to drop me an email to discuss your condition for further advice.The good news is that scientists estimate that 6 out of 10 people will recover from this condition.

Be Blessed Be Healthy

Ototoxic Drugs ExposedNeil Bauman, PhD
Tel Aviv University
Hebrew University Medical School


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