Monday, June 20, 2016



Most people are by now aware that osteoporosis is a degenerative skeletal disease which causes deterioration of bone tissue and that people suffering with this condition are at risk of suffering multiple fractures and other serious disabilities normally associated with osteoporosis.

It is said that a bone is broken every three seconds around the world from this condition and what is really sad is that many people will not even know that they have this condition until their first fracture and this is why it is called the ‘silent disease’ and even sadder, sometimes even after a break the condition goes untreated, so it is true that first fractures are usually rapidly followed by more fractures and so it really is important to promote early detection of this condition, even before the first fracture occurs.


Genetic factors, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause do play a role in determining whether a person is at risk and certainly women are more affected than men, but nowadays we are indeed even seeing an increase in male osteoporosis. So nearly two thirds of women aged 80 and above already have the condition and about 33% of women and 20% of men over the age of 50 will experience an osteoporotic fracture.

From around the age of mid 20’s thinning of bones becomes a natural process, so it makes sense that the thicker your bones are, the less likely they are to become thin enough to break.

For me personally lifestyle and diet are more important in influencing bone development from an early age and therefore the bone loss and degradation in later life.

At this point ii must give credit to my beloved Brother Up Rise who actually enlightened me when he was telling me a story about a proposal he put in for the supply of computer ‘tablets’ to a primary school. So ii do not believe that it is healthy for young people, especially young girls who experience the menstrual cycle, to have to carry such a heavy load on their backs throughout their school careers and therefore ii am huge fan of technology such as i-pads and notebooks “where children can now carry just one book for their entire education”

So osteoporosis is a serious problem in our aging population and according to the International Osteoporosis Foundation this disease now affects more than 200 million people globally.


We are currently living in an age of awakening, it may not always be a spiritual awakening but it certainly is an information awakening.  With the advent of the internet we are starting to realise that a lot of the information we received previously is in fact incorrect and so it is quite refreshing that we now have the opportunity to do our own research to establish the truth especially in respect of our health.

So now we learn from a 12 year Harvard School of Public Health study that in fact no evidence exists to show that increased dairy intake leads to fewer fractures in older adults. There are many similar studies and even further evidence now suggests that dairy may even be detrimental to bone health.

Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University, and co-author of “The China Study” Dr T. Colin Campbell discovered that dairy protein (and other animal proteins) not only did not prevent osteoporotic bone loss, but that consuming dairy protein actually led to a state of acid-induced bone interruption which resulted in bone demineralization.

Studies continue to reveal around the world that countries with the highest intake of dairy products (including the US) also have the highest incidence of osteoporosis; in the exact same way as countries which consume fewer dairy products have lower rates of this condition.



After decades of studying the relationship between consuming animal proteins and hip fractures the Yale School of Medicine noted an association between high rates of hip fractures and consumption of animal protein which supports the theory that the high level of metabolic acid production connected with animal protein consumption actually leads to bone disorders.

Professor Colin Campbell and fellow researchers also came to a similar conclusion when they conducted a study on 800 women from five different countries and found that consuming animal proteins led to excretion of calcium from the bones. Furthermore, vegetarian diets were associated with the highest levels of bone density and the lowest rates of fracture.



There is now sufficient evidence to prove that soy milk and soy products do not promote healthy bone growth in children and are actually not very good for human consumption at all. Children fed rice and soy based milk substitutes were starting to show signs of rickets from an early age.  Soy products contain phytoestrogens which actually block the body’s proper absorption of calcium, zinc and other minerals necessary for proper bone development. These are potent hormones which cause problems for your health and women are particularly sensitive to these hormones which in turn wreak havoc with their own hormones and affect thyroid function, fertility and fatigue.

It may be argued that certain calcium supplements are added to soya milk for instance to compensate for depletion by these phytates, but these cheap supplements in powder form are often hard to absorb or are not even swallowed at all because they tend to stick behind in clumps at the bottom of the glass due to their own molecular makeup. Soya milk is also known to be high in sugar content and sugar is a known enemy of bones.

There is a definite link between low thyroid function and osteoporosis and more than 70 years of studies have confirmed another link between soya and thyroid problems which most often manifests as hypothyroidism with weight gain, fatigue, malaise and lethargy.

You can take a look at the soy industry by reading up on and and some shocking truths will be revealed.




Again, there are many research studies available and most of the results reveal the same thing; that women who were drinking around three or more sodas per day had significantly lower bone density than those only drinking one soda per day.

Honestly this should not come as any surprise we have all seen what these fizzy drinks can do to rust, so you can only imagine what it is doing to the insides of the body never mind the bones. These sodas are extremely acidic in the body containing high levels of phosphoric acid which in turn leads to bone demineralization. And while phosphorous is an important bone mineral, the problem arises when more phosphorous than calcium is consumed and phosphorous is just like sodium it really adds up in the diet and so phosphorous and caffeine are two things which seriously deplete the minerals of our bones especially in post- menopausal women and a lot of people do not know that caffeine is known to increase urinary excretion of calcium so this just makes your bones weaker.

The human body needs to maintain a very specific pH level in order to function properly and this is a slight alkaline 7.0 pH. So when we eat foods that have high levels of metabolic acid, then the body automatically has to work faster and harder to neutralize the acids and restore a state of alkalinity which as with all misbalances caused by disease puts the whole body under tremendous strain often resulting in new problems.

When the body is in an acid state the mineral salts which strengthen the bones can quickly neutralize an acidic environment and so when there is a lack of mineral salts from alkaline foods then the body pulls these from your bones. So if we continue to insist on an acidic diet, the result is then ongoing bone demineralization, decreased bone density and ultimately osteoporosis and this is exactly why osteoporosis increases with age and this is one of the biggest reasons why we are seeing such a radical increase in this condition because practically from birth we are consuming more acid than alkaline foodstuffs.  In order to maintain a healthy body we need to be focusing on an alkaline state instead of an acid state because disease cannot thrive in an alkaline state.

Recently nations of many countries have been starting to stand up for their rights and demand that poisoness chemicals like aspartame and MSG be removed from their food products. In America right now many restaurant chains are promising to listen to their customers and make the necessary changes in respect of their artificial ingredients being used as demanded by the public.  So too companies like Pepsi are making similar promises about their products especially Diet Pepsi.

In my personal opinion this is all it is promises, because in reality the sweeteners they plan to replace aspartame with for instance in Diet Pepsi is a product called “acesulfame potassium” known by the brand name “Splenda” is definitely not a healthy alternative and is possibly more toxic. So yes, ii do agree that people are standing up for their rights and big business is making it look like they are listening but really what is the point of substituting one poison with another and the real question is why do they insist on feeding us poison?

It doesn’t matter what sweetener they use, there is no way to make these fizzy drinks any more ‘healthy’ for human consumption.  These cold drinks either contain aspartame or massive amounts of bone-damaging sugar, and furthermore, the darker colas are full of sweetener and phosphoric acid.  Quite literally phosphoric acid will dissolve bones and actually you can check this out, cola will definitely dissolve an egg shell which is rich in calcium so you can just imagine what it is doing to our bones.



So by now most of us have heard that fluoride is not so great for our health and in fact we now also know that the main function of this chemical is to keep us humans in a docile state of being.  But now as consciousness shifts many countries are witnessing a passive revolution where people are starting to stand up for their rights. And ii do feel the same as ii mentioned above about aspartame, these are really just false promises and now we see some governments promising to lower the recommended amount of fluoride added to drinking water and this for the first time in like 50 years.

For me it is a crying shame that we must even have this situation and even more shameful that the governments do not even apologize to affected people and modify their dental and medical policies to assist these people who are suffering with fluoride damage to their teeth and bones.  Bones and teeth are very similar in molecular makeup and this is why ii believe that fluoride contributes to osteoporosis and other bone disorders starting from early in life.

So now we know that water fluoridation was not successful with its promised dental health benefits but now we also know that the same can be said for our bones.  You can research this yourself but it has been proven that fluoride has potent negative effects on bone cell function, bone structure and also bone strength (density).

We have only discussed dental and bone issues here with regards to fluoride but if you continue to do your own personal research you are going to discover that fluoride is also really bad for our liver and kidneys as well and so without a shadow of doubt ii am convinced that indeed fluoride contributes to the onset of osteoporosis from a very young age even in-utero and beyond to pre-conception through the influence of both parents genetics affected by fluoride.



For many years now ii have been stating that Cannabinoids do not work as effectively in isolation compared to working with whole herbal Cannabis, however, over the past six years ii have been keeping a close eye on the remarkable research being carried out in Israel in the field of Cannabis medicine and in particular bone science research.

Dr Yankel Gabet of Tel Aviv University and Professor Itai Bab of the Hebrew University have been researching Cannabis medicine for bone disorders for some time now. Through their research we now know that Cannabinoid receptors within our bodies in fact stimulate bone formation and inhibit bone loss and also they have discovered that Cannabinoids actually regulate the skeleton, and this is giving hope to further studies in the field of Cannabis medicine to develop treatments for osteoporosis and other bone disorders.

A new study in 2015 by the same team and published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research by Tel Aviv University explores a promising new medical application for Cannabis. They have discovered that it is possible to detach the Cannabinoid CBD from the psychoactive THC compound.

According to this research, the non-psychoactive Cannabinoid known as Cannabidiol (CBD) significantly helps heal bone fractures. But what is even more promising is that these researchers are getting positive results by using CBD only extracts, in other words they have found a way to isolate CBD from the psychoactive THC which is also the main pharmacological compound of the plant which means that all of the plants healing properties occur in the presence of the main component so truly this is revolutionary research.

The study was conducted on rats with mid-femoral fractures and found that CBD -- even when isolated from THC; visibly enhanced the healing process of the femora after just eight weeks.

"We found that CBD alone makes bones stronger during healing, enhancing the maturation of the collagenous matrix, which provides the basis for new mineralization of bone tissue," said Dr. Gabet. "After being treated with CBD, the healed bone will be harder to break in the future."

The researchers injected one group of rats with CBD alone and another with a combination of CBD and THC. After evaluating the administration of THC and CBD together in the rats, they found CBD alone provided the necessary therapeutic stimulus and that THC was not necessary to get this bone boost.

According to the researchers CBD enhances bone healing by strengthening the cartilage ‘bridge’ that forms when a bone is mending. This bridge is called the fracture callus and it is made of collagen which then over time mineralizes and hardens into new bone and their research has shown that CBD treated bones are between 35 and 50% stronger and this is why their research is proving that CBD contributes to preventing future fractures.Or

New and upcoming studies are now also investigating the Cannabinoid, Cannabichromenes CBC, as a powerful anti-inflammatory with very promising anti-biotic properties, and is now also believed to stimulate bone growth which is another profound discovery in researching osteoporosis. THCV, another psychoactive Cannabinoid, has also proven to promote the growth of new bone cells.

So in CBD, CBC and THCV we are looking positively to the future of Cannabis medicine for the healing of osteoporosis and other bone disorders.

Ever since ii was a very young girl ii have suffered with frequent ankle sprains on both sides, and exactly a year ago from writing this paper ii fell down a mountain and broke my right ankle. During the first three months ii was in a moon boot and ii was applying Cannabis Coconut and Comfrey poultices almost hourly and ii was taking two drops of CBD high Cannabis oil per day at night. After three months ii was able to move around without the boot and a month after that ii lost the crutch as well.  So ii do walk a lot, like maybe ten kilometers each day and ii can honestly say that a year later my right ankle feels much stronger than the other after the break so whilst ii certainly am not happy ii broke my ankle but ii am pleased that ii was able to use my experience to personally prove that Cannabis does make bones stronger after a fracture.-



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There is now also sufficient evidence to prove that coconut oil also helps prevent osteoporosis.

One of the most remarkable things about coconut oil is that it helps improves nutrient absorption, especially in the way it improves absorption of minerals such as calcium and  magnesium and this is what makes coconut oil an important consideration to assist in prevention and cure of osteoporosis.

Coconut oil also increases absorption of some of the B vitamins, the fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K, which are required for bone formation, beta-carotene, and some amino acids.

The ability of coconut oil to increase the absorption of some of the B vitamins and in particular the fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E and K, together with the fact that Cannabinoids are fat soluble gives clear evidence to the fact that coconut oil has the ability to increase Cannabinoid extraction, because it is a saturated fat, and therefore promotes total Cannabinoid extraction by providing the best possible fat for the Cannabinoids to bond with.

In Cannabis medicine it is all about the fats and we now know that the human brain is 60 percent fat and that Cannabis and Cannabinoids are fat soluble and coconut oil is a highly saturated fat. Vitamin A, D, E and K are the most important vitamins in respect of bone health and these are also fat soluble, so it does start to make sense that the Cannabis Coconut Connection © will also be a highly effective tool in combating the effects of osteoporosis and many other bone disorders.



Vitamin B1 deficiencies are closely related to magnesium deficiencies and magnesium is essential for calcium absorption. It is also interesting to note that alcohol inhibits the brain’s ability to produce Vitamin B1.


Just as Vitamin B1 is essential to combat magnesium deficiencies so too are Vitamin D and calcium a powerful combination for bone health, including the prevention of osteoporosis. One of the most important benefits of vitamin D is that it helps the body to absorb calcium and this link has been known for many decades.

It isn’t actually a vitamin but rather an important neuro regulatory steroid hormone which influences nearly 3000 of our 25 000 genes.  Vitamin D quite literally switches on and off the genes which can aggravate or prevent many diseases including osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Just as we have been misinformed about Cannabis and Coconut and so many other natural remedies, ii do believe that we have been grossly misinformed about Vitamin D and in particular sunshine and so ii believe that one of the main reasons we have such high rates of chronic disease around the world is actually due to Vitamin D deficiency and especially sunlight which is the only true source of Vitamin D. Also ii do believe that all disease including mental disease all stem from the gut and ii believe that Vitamin D (and in particular sunshine) is the number one protective factor for healing the gut from which all disease stems. If you look at the statistics of diseases you will notice that people living in the northern hemisphere where there is not much sun do tend to suffer the most from a wide range of disorders.

Let me tell you a funny personal story about trying to use the sun as medicine. When ii was 26 years old ii entered my second phase of dealing with cancer and this manifested as breast cancer, both sides.  By now ii was developing a really good relationship with my oncologist and he would often joke and say “Well it looks like I will have to take you to the theatre again tonight!” referring to another necessary surgical removal of some new lump found.  So when it came to the breast cancer ii made it clear to him that ii still needed these breasts to feed future babies so after four surgical removal of my lumps ii asked him for alternative treatments and he suggested to me that ii should try to lay bare breasted in the sun for at least 45 minutes per day when possible and this made a lot of sense to me since ii already knew that my body was lacking Vitamin D for this healing. 

So ii took the first opportunity to do this and my 7 year old son and his friends were playing around the pool. It was a work day and as ii was booked off by the doctor there was no one around and ii explained to my son what was going on and that him and his friends were to run to me the minute they saw anyone coming towards the gate of the pool area where ii would be trying to treat my breast cancer in the sun. 

Not even fifteen minutes passed and the boys came racing towards me shouting that the police were coming! Barely could ii cover myself and truly four police men in uniform were standing around me telling me that they had received a complaint about indecent exposure! Wow truly this amazed me and it turned out that an old man in a high rise building was checking me out through his binoculars and his wife called the police! So yes it really was a funny experience but it also highlighted a reality of how hard it is to get some sunshine on your unexposed body.  My oncologist thought this was hysterical and then suggested ii find a tanning bed and this horrified me since ii had been brainwashed that both the sun and especially sunbeds were the cause of cancer, but he told me that this was not truth and that ii should go and do my research.  To this day the minute ii suspect a breast lump ii am either in the sun in a safe place or under a sun bed and each time over the past twenty years ii have successfully rid my body of all lumps which came my way, five in total through sun treatments.


Vitamin K and specifically Vitamin K2 is another key player in bone health, and may be just as crucial in helping you prevent bone fractures as you age.


A study published in Osteoporosis International has concluded that lifetime supplementation with Vitamin K1 or, even better, K2, Vitamin D3, and calcium is likely to reduce fractures and increase survival in postmenopausal women.

As ii will discuss later under the topic of pharmaceutical drugs, many people are under the mistaken impression that a prescription drug combined with calcium supplements is the answer to strong healthy bones, but actually in all honesty the regular consumption of a healthy diet, along with safe sun exposure and extra supplementation when appropriate, is likely to be far more effective.

Vitamin K1 is found in most green vegetables and it is important to know that Vitamin K1 goes directly to your liver and helps you maintain a healthy blood clotting system.

Vitamin K2 is produced by bacteria and it is present in high quantities in our gut, but unfortunately is not absorbed from there and passes out in your stool. Vitamin K2 goes straight to vessel walls, bones, and tissues other than the liver.

Many people do not know that there are different forms of Vitamin K2 known as Vitamin MK4, MK7, MK8, and MK9. The form of Vitamin K that has the most relevance for health benefits is MK7 and MK7 is extracted from the Japanese fermented soy product called natto. As you know ii am not a fan of the soy industry but fermented soy is the good soy but very few people can easily tolerate the smell or slimy texture of natto so most people prefer to take a supplement.

You can also get Vitamin MK7 by eating certain fermented cheeses like Gouda or brie and also by consuming grass-fed organic animal products like eggs, butter and dairy products. There has been some truly remarkable research about the protective effects of Vitamin K2 against osteoporosis.

A number of Japanese trials have shown that Vitamin K2 completely reverses bone loss and in some cases even increases bone mass (not only density) in people with osteoporosis.


The collective evidence of seven Japanese trials shows that Vitamin K2 supplementation produces a 60 percent reduction in vertebral fractures and an 80 percent reduction in hip and other non-vertebral fractures.


Researchers in the Netherlands showed that Vitamin K2 is three times more effective than Vitamin K1 in raising Osteocalcin the bone cell responsible for the building of bone and is also needed to bind calcium into the matrix of the bone.


New research has revealed fresh evidence that Vitamin K (specifically, Vitamin K2) plays a vital role in actually directing calcium to your skeleton and teeth, while preventing it from being deposited where it is not wanted e.g. organs, joint spaces, and arteries. So in other words Vitamin K assists bones to absorb calcium direct and at the same time protects the blood vessels from calcifying when in the presence of high calcium levels. This truly is remarkable research.


So now we know that calcium and Vitamin D are vital for bone health as well as Vitamin K2.  These three nutrients form a fusion that cannot be achieved when one is missing. And these three work in unity with Cannabis and coconut to help the body absorb these fat soluble nutrients in natural harmony.


Every “Can Cannabis Cure?” paper ii complete it becomes more of a reality that the strangest thing about pharmaceutical drugs is that they tend to cause the very symptoms for which they are prescribed so with epilepsy drugs you have seizures listed amoung the side effects, cancer treatments cause more cancer, anti-depressants cause more depression and suicidal thoughts and so we should not be surprised to see that many osteoporosis drugs actually contribute to fractures and loss of bone density.  So it is fair to say that there seems to be a misunderstanding between big pharma and the average patient in the street and in fact most of their drugs do not work and cause other serious problems.

Research studies have proven that a lot of these drugs strangely enough ‘work’ by actually stopping bone remodeling, which is the body’s finely tuned process of bone renewal.  According to this research bone removing cells are called osteoclasts and bone building cells are called osteoblasts and these two then work together to both tear down and replenish the skeleton. So in reality you have to basically lose bone in order to build up new bone, and when bone cells wear out the osteoclasts remove them and then the osteoblasts will create new bone cells in their place.

So we already have this perfect system in place where bones are constantly being restored so they can stay flexible and strong.  Osteoporosis drugs do not allow old bone cells to be shed so bones end up becoming thick and brittle made up mostly of worn out cells and appearing to be more dense on x-rays but in fact are actually weaker and this is why a lot of patients on these medications tend to ironically be more prone to fractures.

Unfortunately many of these drugs do have terrible side effects and it is also very true that a safe pharmaceutical drug without side effects simply doesn’t seem to exist and a lot of these side effects and the conditions that result are often irreversible.

Honestly when ii look at documentaries on ancient humans and our not so distant relatives as well, and realize exactly how strong human bones are especially when we are still finding them millions of years later. Something has gone horribly wrong for so many people to now be suffering with such weak bones.

For example we can all agree that the femur, thigh bone, is the strongest (and longest) bone in the body and under normal circumstances it doesn’t just snap for no reason but yet femoral fractures are the most common of fractures associated with osteoporosis drugs because these drugs make bones brittle and weak causing breaks when people are doing simple everyday activities like just watering the garden.

Some other known side effects of these drugs are flatulence, nausea, blurred vision, joint pain, muscle pain, swallowing problems and abdominal cramping and there are many reports of patients having to visit the emergency room because of the side effects of these drugs as is the same story with many other pharmaceutical drugs which somehow manage to be approved but often have worse side effects that the condition they are designed to treat.

It is also very interesting to observe how many medical conditions and pharmaceutical drugs present swallowing problems as a symptom or side effect and again ii just want to quickly mention as ii have in previous papers about advancements in Cannabis medicine on this front.

Research studies are currently underway at the Reuth Medical Centre in Israel with Drs Jean-Jaques Vatine and Aviah Gvion.  They wish to establish a link between Cannabis and improved swallowing.  Cannabis has shown promise of stimulating the regions of the brain which controls swallowing reflexes and this will have a positive impact on people struggling with this condition.

One of the most wonderful things about the Cannabis Coconut Connection © medication is that it works perfectly well with prescription medications and in fact alleviates most of the horrible side effects of these medications such as nausea for instance, and personally ii generally recommend a window period of at least 12 months before considering to leave your prescription meds.

So now you have a better idea of how bones work in the body and what is required to keep them healthy and what contributes to making them unhealthy.


The absolute best way to achieve healthy bones is a diet rich in fresh, raw whole foods that maximizes natural minerals so that your body has the raw materials it needs to do what it was designed to do. The more of your diet you consume raw, the better nourished you will be. You can check out the work of Dr David Wolfe and ii agree with his 51% RAW theory. And for the love of life please do minimize your intake of sugar and refined grains. Truly nutrition and sunshine is the key to preventing all disease.

Together with nutrition and sunshine also make sure you do some form of weight-bearing exercise, which has profound benefits to both your skeletal and cardiovascular systems. It is also very important to do strength training exercises to produce the dynamic electric forces in your bones which will stimulate the osteoblasts in your bone to produce new bone.

Be Healthy Be Blessed!



International Osteoporosis Foundation

Yale School of Medicine

Tel Aviv University Bone Research Laboratory

Hebrew University Bone Laboratory

Harvard School of Public Health

Dr T. Colin Campbell – Co-author “The China Story” Cornell University

Yale School of Medicine (Dr Joseph Mercola)

Save our Bones program

Osteoporosis International

The Endocannabinoid Research Group

Reuth Medical Centre in Israel







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Indica: 30%





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Sativa: 30%

named after Alexander Barak





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Sativa: 30%


This Strain named in honor of Dorit Cohen, the mother of "Tikun Olam".








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Sativa: 30%







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60% sativa

40% Indica

equal amount of cannabinoids THC and CBD.

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