Thursday, July 13, 2017



In Loving Memory of Jami Lee Salgado (Noloyiso)
22 Feb 1993 – 15 July 2014

About 6 years ago our Master Brother Judah made a powerful philosophical statement:

“Sisters…. If we really wanted to be free we would already be free…”

We both looked at each other with big eyes and for the balance of her life we worked together to come to a reasoning about the wisdom of freedom.  Again ii must dedicate this work to her honour for without her input ii would definitely not have finished this work. Even three years after her passing it is still tough for me to find the strength to focus on the things we were working on and to work through all her notes.

What is the secret to Freedom?

Freedom means different things to different people.  We can view freedom politically, financially, religiously, spiritually, economically and so on. Next up are the ideas of freedom of speech and opinion.  A lot of young mothers will tell you that true freedom is being able to sleep whenever you wish.

The flipside of freedom is slavery. We are slaves to our own prejudices, slaves to judgment, slaves to television and media, slaves to the profit system, slaves to the justice system. We are slaves to sexual desires and indeed slaves to our very own complexes.

Slavery causes mankind to sin against their God by forcing people to follow man made laws. So slavery itself is evil.

Whichever way you view freedom it is really important to define what you mean by freedom so that you know what you are looking to achieve.

So for Sister Jami Lee and ii freedom represents the power to be able to follow God’s Laws and this means LOVE and part of this LOVE which is self-love is the courage to have the intention to be happy in other words the courage to be truly happy. This is why when people used to ask us why we chose the Rastafari path…we could honestly say because JAH is freedom because JAH is LOVE. 

Already there is this feeling that true freedom starts with self-contentment and recognizing the godliness in every human being which brings out our own love for others. Namaste! If we can all love humanity then surely we can all be free? True freedom can only occur in the heart when it is changed, humbled and made new and filled with love and positive vibes.

So yes definitely LOVE is as always the only answer and freedom is really just a step towards something much greater.

Without freedom one cannot achieve love or happiness so if you search for freedom as part of your search for love and happiness then you won’t need to fall prey to sin because you will be free to follow God’s Laws.

The interesting thing is that according to the Bible the solutions to our pain and suffering are a lot simpler than we realize and because of the deceit on the planet we become confused, hypnotized and distracted.  The solution is LOVE. Only LOVE can ensure that we humans follow God’s Law, The Ten Commandments.

As a matter of interest according to the Kabbalah there are more than 12 Commandments.  Number 11 states “Thou shalt do thy duty” and number 12 says “Thou shalt make your light shine.”

The duty being referred to is our duty to cull the ego and change our hearts to love and serve our God. So to love God above all things and thy neighbor as thyself is the duty which we have to perform consciously in order to let God’s light shine through us.

We have to all collectively as mankind and womankind awaken together as ONE and come together in Universal LOVE in order to change back to GOD’S Laws. This is the only way. We have to unite and this is exactly why ‘these people’ put so much effort into ensuring there is division among us.

The laws of man are evil laws and the laws of God are the laws of LOVE.

Romans 13 verse 10

“Love your neighbor as you love yourself.  If you love someone you will never do him wrong; To love then, is to obey the whole law.”

What then is this “true” freedom?

The biggest problem which humanity faces is the mental slavery of our own will-power which leads to the imprisonment of the soul and ultimately an indifferent heart lacking in love. The first step to cure this problem is to humble the ego, the collective human ego. Once we can achieve this we can achieve Universal LOVE.

The Bible tells us that we were made by God to honor Him and delight in Him forever so for me personally true freedom is about being left alone by the government so we may enjoy the fruits of our labor and praise our God. By making slaves out of people we are taken further away from our God. Religion is a big part of this mental slavery and you can look around the world and ask yourself why do Christians have to have so many different denominations and churches with opposing views which can even lead to war, but they claim they are all praying to the same God? We have to question this.

To be free requires that we are all given a fair chance in life to achieve our full human potential in order to be hopeful about our futures. 

We are billions of people enslaved in a system controlled by a handful of evil people. It is said that the people who control this world and this system can sit around one table for lunch…while millions of others are starving.

History has shown us how we continuously choose sin and constantly rebel against God by forsaking the purpose for which we were created which is to worship God. Instead we have always chosen to do our own thing and try to take pride in making a so called name for ourselves.

This rebellion against God is known as the Fall of Man and this is how we became corrupted by sin. Sin distorts both our thoughts and actions and therefore our feelings as well. Right now we are living in our third period of sin and if you look at history you will read the stories of how God’s Law was previously restored on two occasions.  The world around us is full of pain and suffering because of our collective sin and truly the world is crying out for help but still it seems as though the pain and suffering is not yet enough for people to call upon God for a third deliverance.

So ii am saying then that ‘true freedom’ is directly related to your connection with your God.

The funny thing though is that through all of this, our hearts still remain free and we are free to choose whatever we desire and to choose our actions but sadly the human heart is also corrupted and enslaved by sin.

You don’t need me to tell you what horrors are taking place on our planet right now and such evils which have been going on for a very long time.  So it saddens me when ii realize that we are all consciously aware of things like 9/11, sexual immorality in the catholic church all sorts of horrific things which can actually be proven but yet it seems there is nothing we can actually do to take ‘these people’ off their evil thrones. They carry on regardless. 

So for me personally the people who cause the problems should not be allowed to come up with the solutions since they have already failed.  People often ask me what ii feel is the biggest sin ever, and in my opinion the worst sin is to negatively manipulate an innocent mind for example with the use of certain vaccinations, food additives and other mind control programs which certainly do exist.

At the end of the day sin separates us from our Creator and this is why the world is full of pain and suffering because society at large pushes sin while at the same time denying that it even exists.

Something ii have noticed is that a lot of people find it unsettling to use the word ‘evil’ but ii encourage people to confront the flipside of LOVE and call it what is because it is very real. It is a clear moral category all of its own and is expressed by acts of intentional immorality. Part of confronting evil is the actual recognition of it because often times it is gift wrapped in layers of deliciously decadent deceit and for the masses is often unrecognizable and we are warned in the scriptures.
2 Corinthians 11 verse 14-15

“Well, no wonder!  Even Satan can disguise himself to look like an angel of light!  So it is no great thing if his servants disguise themselves to look like servants of righteousness.  In the end they will get exactly what their actions deserve.”

Indeed the word ‘evil’ carries a potent emotional frequency vibration and the reason for this is because evil also dwells inside each of us and so is then part of our makeup whether we want to accept this or not.

Personally ii believe that we need to start seeking ‘therapy’ for dealing with our evil instead of sweeping this evil under the proverbial mat for as long as possible.

Some people believe that by using the actual word one will be at risk of attracting more evil, this is not true at all since it is already part of us we have to embrace it with love and we also have to be conscious of the Universal Law of Acceptance and The Law of Least Resistance and the fact that these laws work on intention. By understanding the Universal Laws we can change this world into a harmonious place.

This is how it came to be that Sister Jami Lee was given the Isi-Xhosa name Noloyiso which means ‘Woman Warrior’ because she both embraced and denounced evil. 

Where does sin really come from?
1 Corinthians 15 verse 56
“Sin gets its power from the law”
For me personally this is one of the most important messages in the entire Bible and ii see this scripture as a clue to identifying our evil enemies. We are also informed in Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 12 that “our fight is not against man but against powerful evil forces”.

So we know then that our enemy is evil and we know that our enemy has the power to change laws.

No one is essentially born evil but the problem is that we are born with ignorance and only our egos and what the human ego wants is guarantees of survival and to control our actions and behavior. And our enemy knows this better than we do.

So truly as we become more enslaved in this current system we lose our hearts and yes when there is no heart there is no love and this is where evil comes from. This is why ii say that slavery forces us to go against God’s Law which is LOVE because we lose our hearts to the system.

This is also where the duality of man comes in and you can read about it in the book of Romans under “The Conflict in Man” Romans 7 verses 21 to 25.

The laws which we all currently live under around the world are not God’s Laws and in fact many of them go against God’s Law even though they claim to subscribe to God’s Laws. So we have God’s Law and we have man’s laws. This is where the deceit on the planet is manifested, in man-made laws.

So now we must ask ourselves who we are serving by default if our leaders are serving Satan?

Matthew 15 verses 8 – 9

These people, says God, honor me with their words, but their heart is really far away from me.  It is no use for them to worship me, because they teach man- made rules as though they were my laws!”

Isaiah 29 verse 13

These people claim to worship me, but their words are meaningless, and their hearts are somewhere else.  Their religion is nothing but human rules and traditions, which they have simply memorized”.

Matthew 5 verse 18

“Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the Law will be done away with - not until the end of all things.”

Here we can see that God anticipated that man would try to change His Law and this is still happening right now today. So God is very clearly telling us that NOTHING shall change in His Law unless heaven and earth itself passes and since this has not happened yet The Ten Commandments remains the Law of God’s people.

You can also see from these scriptures about man made laws that God is telling us that “these people”, these “evil spiritual forces” do not have good hearts in other words they do not LOVE humanity or GOD.

In other words to be heartless and lacking in love is to be evil.

What ii have learnt since discovering that “sin gets its power from the law” is that the “new world order” is really a very ancient world order and that their specific agenda has been at play for thousands of years. So this ‘new world order’ is not something we are waiting to see still, it is a fulfilled prophecy of our modern times and what we are actually living today. What we are waiting for now is “The New World”.

“These people” who control the world and our lives implement their agendas by controlling the laws of the lands and this is how our people become enslaved.

Man’s laws oppose God’s Laws…

There are many examples of how man made laws oppose God’s Laws and ii have previously written about The Fourth Commandment which is a big one we are living right now.  Cannabis Laws again ii have written about already and are witnessing daily how these unfair laws are still working despite our recent High Court Ruling earlier this year which our government has already appealed. Interest and Usury laws are also against God’s Laws, but here is one that might be a surprise to some and ii am sure many sisters will be upset to learn of this one.
Women’s Liberation Movements
1 Corinthians 11 verse 3 - 10

(3) “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.”
(7) “For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man”.
(8) “For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man.”
(9) “Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.”
(10) “For this cause ought the woman to have a covering on her head, as a sign that she is under the power of her husband.”

1 Corinthians 14 verse 34 and 35

“Let your women keep silence in the communities: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith The Law. (35) And if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a disgrace for women to speak in the community.”

1 Timothy 2 verse 9 - 12

“I also want the women to be modest and sensible about their clothes and to dress properly; not with fancy hair styles or with gold ornaments or pearls or expensive dresses, but with good deeds, as is proper for women who claim to be religious.
Women should learn in silence and all humility.  I do not allow them to teach or to have authority over men; they must keep quiet. For Adam was created first and then Eve.  And it was not Adam who was deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and broke God’s law. But a woman will be saved through having children, if she perseveres in faith and love and holiness, with modesty.”

It is important to remember at this point that in the beginning God said that they would surely die if they ate of the tree of knowledge so therefore womankind should by the wrath of God have been eliminated but was spared through childbirth.

It is not the first time that women have been deceived to go against God’s Laws and this was part of a bigger plan aimed at domination where voting was made to be the instrument to place ‘these people’ on the throne of the world. To secure this position they had to have everybody vote regardless of gender, class or qualification in order to secure an absolute majority which they could not get from the educated more affluent classes. This is how the women’s liberations movements were created by creating a sense of self-importance of ‘everyone’ being a ‘sovereign citizen’ and women were deceived once again.

Personally ii am not a fan of these so-called ‘women’s lib’ groups and ii feel that these movements ruin things for those of us who wish to be treated like ladies. Many women have been brainwashed into believing that women like myself, who submit to men through humility are encouraging women abuse.

To be quite honest ii have to admit that not a day goes by that ii do not feel like a queen as ii am greeted with high respect wherever ii go by royal kings, brothers, elders even Muslims as they sometimes mistake me as a follower of Islam who have similar rules.

My Xhosa Mama named me Nohombile which means “well groomed and friendly with the people” ii always thought this was odd since ii was not really interested in fashion especially when living in the rural and most of the time ii was covered in dirt.  She explained to me that it is not a modern interpretation of grooming and fashion but rather an ancient one referring to modesty, humility and rejection of vanity in attire and of respecting one self and setting an example for younger girls.

So as far as modest attire goes ii can tell you that ii have lived on both sides of this moral code and even wore jeans and mini-skirts once upon a time, and definitely men respect modest dress styles much more than the more popular revealing garments we are used to seeing all over.

The Holy Scriptures are full of lessons of how a man must treat a woman and in my own faith you can learn about how His Majesty broke royal tradition by insisting that His Queen Empress Menen be crowned with him on the same day and this highlighted an important message of gender equality for all of us especially the African woman.

In my opinion these so called women’s liberation movements are the very cause of the breakdown of the family unit and of society.  We can see how women have been brainwashed to believe that they can enrich themselves financially through marriage and this is one of the reasons why we have such high divorce rates.

Women are seriously suffering and more and more women and young girls are in terrible pain from stress and start smoking and drinking alcohol to cope and worse using tranquilizers and hard drugs. More and more women are having nervous breakdowns and committing suicide due to all the pressure created by these women’s liberation movements. This is all happening because women have been deceived into a position which they were not intended to be in where they are trying to be something and do things which they are not meant to be or equipped to cope with.

Women are not supposed to raise children alone especially their sons.  In modern times statistics constantly reveal that the main reason for drug addiction is the absence of a father figure in the home.

God’s laws reward us with the ability to learn humility, unselfishness, tolerance and the desire to make the marriage work for the greater good which extends to the community and beyond.

These ‘lib movements’ teach women arrogance, selfishness, intolerance, vanity, aggression and emotional hatred.

Take what is rightfully yours…

The main difference between God and Satan is that Satan is not capable of creating life and this is why certain groups of people are working feverishly to do just this in a lab and they seem on their way with various cloning projects all aimed at creating life in a laboratory. The second main difference is that ONLY God wishes for us to be truly free.

There is no one else on earth that wants any of us to be free, not your parents, definitely not your employer, not your religion or your bank; no one is giving freedom away.  So freedom is not something that will be given it is something that must be taken and then taken up within our minds because freedom dwells in our minds in the same way as love and happiness dwells in our hearts. So to open your mind is to open your heart and then your eyes will see the truths.

And for sure there are a lot of people who prefer the comfort zone of slavery, after all one cannot force a person to be free.

Slavery seems to work so well in modern society because it is packaged as convenience and presented as being easier than freedom and people are lazy…and it is very true…true freedom is hard work and not for the lazy or fainthearted.

Fortunately not everyone wants to live in the hills along a clean river with no air pollution and with no power and running tap water and total freedom to grow their own food and medicine and basically to spend their lives praising their God. Many people love living in the hustle and bustle of the city and this is great, we must all be free to dwell where we wish where we can be close to our God.

Resistance is futile…

When Sister Jami Lee was just becoming a teenager she fell in love with the Bible verse where Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek when someone hits you in the face.  I used to ask her all the time why she loved this scripture, not because she didn’t know the answer but because ii loved her answer so much. She used to say “Aunty Vee you mustn’t be scared of evil, Jesus is telling us to take it on, to feel it, we must love evil not be scared of it”. 

In her wisdom she reasoned that in order to heal this world of the pain and suffering and to transform evil into something good we have to embrace and love this evil not resist it or hate it. She always said that light could not exist without the darkness.

One of the most profound things she said to me was “Aunty Vee people who love light but are scared of the dark have got a real problem…they don’t know what they are doing”.
Sister Jami Lee firmly believed that in order to overcome evil we needed to love this same evil and accept it as one of the two sides of the coin of life.

Only in acceptance can we change things and this acceptance is only possible with LOVE.

What can we do to free ourselves from the mental slavery?
Truly because of man-made laws no one is born free and in most hospitals virtually the moment you are born you are removed from your mother and given your first vaccination which is required by law to get into their schools to learn their lessons and so it goes through life and only once we learn to humble our egos will it be possible to learn about freedom, happiness and true universal love.

Also we have to understand that any slavery or freedom actually originates in our own minds. In other words we do create our reality and this why Jesus tells us to be careful of our thoughts because our thoughts control our lives.

In other words we have to find a new way to think in order to master a new way to exist.

To understand this enlightment one has to humble the ego and seek this knowledge from the ancients before we finally wake up because ii can promise you no one is going to offer us these lessons you literally have to seek this knowledge out yourself in order to free your mind. We must realize that ‘these people’ and their system have an agenda to control our minds and this is because of the fact that everything including the Universe originates in our minds. Remember it was ‘these people’ who intentionally removed all the esoteric and spiritual teachings from our society so that we now do not even know how our minds work but they do.

So we can see that a big part of this agenda is not only world domination but also the control of heaven and the Universe which is exactly why ‘these people’ are so focused on mind control tactics.

You can read all about mind control and politics in George Orwell’s book entitled 1984.

Another great series to watch is Century of The Self; you will be shocked at some of the mind control tactics we have already unknowingly been subjected to. For me personally advertising and therefore media is the biggest form of mind manipulation.

Freedom also extends to include freedom from the dogma of this world.  Study everyone and everything and find your own answers because truly to blindly follow anyone or anything is not freedom at all.
Romans 14 verse 5

“Each one should firmly make up his own mind.”

All religions have the secrets to eternal freedom, love and happiness but the problem is they are taught in the wrong way and by the wrong people.

We have to find the truth ourselves from inside of ourselves so that this truth can filter through our minds and resonate with our hearts this is how the truth frees us. The truth is inside each one of us.

Howard Thurman is one of my favorite philosophers and theologists and even Martin Luther King was fascinated by his teachings of non- violence as a means of overcoming evil. Like Bob Marley he also passed away in 1981.

6 Steps to Freedom…

In reality we are sitting here with millions of people having the knowledge of the truth of what our leaders are doing to achieve their agenda which is not natural, moral or humane in most cases but because of the enslavement into the system we all seem powerless to change our situation. We are not supposed to be living the way we are and this is why so many people are suffering today.

What can we really do?

Well first we must look inside ourselves and not around in the community to see what other people are doing. In other words each family or household needs to develop their own plan of how to achieve their personal idea of freedom.  The reality is that if you are going to wait and see what other people’s ‘plan B’ looks like then you are looking for a leader again and clearly enjoy the slavery life.

None of us need leaders we all know very well what we have to do when we wake up in the morning in order to survive and to praise our God in order to keep counting our blessings.

So the first idea of freedom is disconnecting from the system by becoming self-sufficient. 

This means different things for different people but the main focus is to become self-employed so that you are not looking to someone else for an income or ‘benefits’ to survive.  

Another focus point is to make sure that you have food growing in your garden or even in pots.  If you know that you have food to come home to you can never be a slave to another. Part of the consciousness of producing your own food is the awareness of what the global food system has become and the reality that this slavery system has resulted in the majority of the people not even knowing or caring where their food comes from because they have become too busy, too distracted, too ill and certainly too lazy to even notice that they no longer know where the food comes from and how much poison is being fed into our bodies and minds via the food and pharmaceutical industries.

  1. Humble the ego by living in love
  2. Live and abide by God’s Law, abolish man-made laws
  3. Grow your own food and medicine
  4. Become self employed
  5. Disconnect from the profit system
  6. Release yourself from debt slavery
Living by God’s Law means acknowledging and following God’s “Perfect Laws of Liberty” which are contained in the Ark of the Covenant.

James 1 verse 25

“But whoever looks closely into the perfect law that sets people free, who keeps on paying attention to it and does not simply listen then forget it, but puts it into practice – that person will be blessed by God in what he does”.

The Perfect Laws of Liberty consists of the stone tablets containing the first 10 Commandments and the 5 scroll Books of His Laws which consist of Statutes, Judgments, Agricultural Policy, Economic Policy and Diet.

Part of the shift to freedom involves going back to these laws which means that many of our current laws will have to be repealed and rewritten to align themselves with God’s Laws.

What ii am saying is that the only way to restore God’s Kingdom on earth is to destroy man-made laws.

Part of our freedom is the awareness and realization that the Bible is distorted and many books are missing so you have to look really deep and with the Spirit in order to find the truth therein.
1 Corinthians 1 verse 17

“Christ did not send me to baptize. He sent me to tell you the Good News, and to tell it without using the language of human wisdom, in order to make sure that Christ’s death on the cross is not robbed of its power.”

1 Corinthians 1 verse 21

‘For God in his wisdom made it impossible for people to know him by means of their own wisdom.’

So truly God’s wisdom is not our wisdom and this is why the bible is written metaphorically so that we have to be in the Spirit to interpret the lessons and receive the truth so that Jesus’ death would not be a mockery or in vain.

Nowhere in the Bible does it give men the right to make up laws and actually it expressly forbids men from doing so as we have seen in Matthew 5 verse 18 and again in Deuteronomy 4 verse 2 where we are instructed to “To neither add to or take away from God’s Laws.”

So what we are witnessing is man trying to play God with our lives by changing God’s laws and bringing us closer to sin and further from our God even declaring nature illegal, changing our Sabbath and ensuring division among brothers and sisters.

These people claim to be God’s chosen people yet they blatantly break God’s Laws.

Understanding and getting this message across will mean approaching your own community and religious leaders to work up the system as this movement gets bigger and bigger until it reaches the right people.

Disconnecting from the profit system is much more than just being your own boss. It also involves issues such as power and water harvesting, so it is a good idea to invest in rain water tanks and alternative power supplies such as gas, solar or wind power. 

Leaving the profit system means realizing that in this system our survival will always be at the expense of another person and this is exactly why we have to dissolve this system.  It is time to find a new system where trade and barter principles are based on the natural Laws of Abundance and the Blessings System.

Debt slavery is also something which the Bible is very clear about and yet we have opposing man-made laws on this topic.

Deuteronomy 15 verse 6

“For the “I AM” thy God blesseth thee, as He promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow from any; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee [if ye keep the Covenant].

Most nations have laws written into their constitutions giving authority to borrow on the credit of their countries and in this way create national government debt. We are not supposed to be living in debt it is part of the slavery system. One of the finest ways to control mankind is to create a debt which can never be repaid and next to control the food and water supply and therefore the brain. They do this through buying and selling the earth from right beneath us back to us.

Throughout the Bible God warns of charging interest to our brothers, here are just a few examples of such scriptures:

Exodus 22: 25, Ezekiel 18: 8-13, Deuteronomy 23: 19-20, Psalm 15:5, Proverbs 28:8, Leviticus 25: 35-37. 

So in truth we should all be demanding the repayment of all the interest we as humans have ever been charged and this should settle some scores and restore the balance of wealth to the people. We would also want all our people who are wrongfully incarcerated for man-made laws to be released and fully compensated for their wrongful imprisonment.

Is there hope for the future?

For me personally ‘leaving Babylon’ was a life-long goal since ii was a young girl.  I knew what ii was going to have to endure before ii could free myself and this could only happen after both my children completed high school so ii spent most of my life planning to leave the system and become self-sufficient. So ii am one of those people who choose to live in the hills.

Not everything about the system is bad, in fact there is nothing wrong with this world or technology the problem is the people the people are evil.  This we know through their creations, actions and meditations.

Some people believe that only great power can hold evil in check, but actually it is the small everyday acts of ordinary people which keeps darkness at bay. Sister Jami Lee always used to say “Random acts of kindness is what will eventually change this sad old world and the world will end in NO TIME.”

There are so many ‘Pro-Love, Pro everything’ groups popping up as a result of the fact that more and more people have simply had enough of an evil system. Iron sharpens iron and it’s always a positive thing to join forces with like-minded people.

LOVE is the only answer to freedom and you can have it if you really want it.

Deep down we all know what’s going on and this why so many people struggle to find peace.  We know that this life is a war between good and evil and many people will try to tell you that evil does not even exist, but all ii can say is look around…wake up…

Through all which we have learnt about how a simple thing like LOVE can help us to win these trials and tribulations, we should therefore not live in fear.  Instead we should continue to make our lights shine and our LOVE rule. This we can achieve easily by choosing good deeds, kind words, free thoughts and pure emotions. Good always conquers evil and so we know that evil can be vanquished and this scripture from Romans is even more potent than we might realise because if you apply numerology principles you end up with 6 the number of love which is another clue to the secret to freedom being LOVE.

Romans 12 verse 21

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

Unbelievably many people still feel it is much safer to follow these  restricted and rigid rules of man-made laws because then we don’t even have to think or use our own intelligence, wisdom and discernment and we can simply continue to rely on others to make important decisions.

It is very easy to convince ourselves of anything because of our identification with our own mind voice and also from believing that TRUTH comes from our own storyteller and this is why we find so many people who believe their own stories because they are creating their own realities based on their egos.

If we can look deep inside ourselves and accept and acknowledge that both good and evil live inside of us then we can love that evil and actually overlook it and focus on the good.  Look for the good inside of people don’t focus on the bad for you know you will find it but the good that you could find will be a surprise and filled with joy.  This is the purpose of life to be happy in all which we do.

Truly ii can say that ii often feel as though ii am the happiest person on earth and indeed the ‘richest lady in Babylon’ remember ‘some people are so poor all they have is money’. This is because ii have something much more valuable than money…ii have LOVE in my heart and freedom in my mind…ii have the Holy Herb and JAH Almighty to guide me and a bunch of beautiful grandchildren to keep me busy in my old age. 

In 2012 Sister Jami Lee informed me of a prophetic vision she had which foretold that two very important males would be born to our family from my side. She was a powerful prophetess.

One week ago on 5 July 2017 ii was blessed to receive my second grandchild and first grandson Eli from my daughter Ciara and in a month’s time ii am blessed to receive another grandson named Ezra born to my first born Dane and his Queen Denekah.  Just earlier today ii was speaking to my Master Brother Judah about a future paper and he was enquiring about my children and grandchildren and ii told him about the choice of names and that ii had absolutely no influence in the children’s choice of names for their sons.
You can read about the prophet EliJAH as well as God’s personal lawyer Ezra in the Bible. This is truly mystical and ii can clearly see how JAH is working towards the positive upliftment of my brothers and sisters through working with the youth.

This was Brother Judah’s response:

“HALLELUJAH!....ayre names! Engraved on their SOULS!

Give thanks for Life!

Sister Kim
Personally ii would like to give a massive heart of thanks for Sister Kim who literally spent endless days and nights online helping me to find Sister Jami Lee after her kidnapping from Park Station Johannesburg in 2012.  Had it not been for the incredible psychic abilities of Sister Kim we might never have found our little sister and ii would then not have been blessed with the extra 6 months before she decided to take her own life. So on behalf of my family we give thanks to JAH for blessing us with SistAr Kim.

House of Judah Matokazini, Mtata River Mouth Transkei
What is True Freedom?  Chris Shipley
The Holy Bible – Kings of Kings Version, Good News Version, New International Version
Mary E Rabyor – Kundalini Awakening
The Teachings of Osho
The Kabbalah
The Torah
David Icke
High Times
George Orwell 1984
Century of The Self BBC Documentary

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