Thursday, August 3, 2017


My humble apologies ii am neglecting my own works and believe me ii have Masters of Studies coming down on me, but to be truthful ii don't think there is another paper ii can write about Can Cannabis Cure that... a) hasn't already been written and b) that any further convincing is even required and if so by whom????

This is exactly why ii have to pay such extra close attention to this court case because as ii have always said it is concern to me, because in light of how laws and so called justice systems really work...we  have to be one step ahead of our game right ii have to also be one step ahead of my game to ensure that the outcome of any Cannabis case is in my favour and if not ii shall have to personally go to court as you all will  have to to fight for your freedom...remember ii told in the freedom paper ... its not something they giving away or even selling...We have to take what is rightfully Ours and the only way to do this is in their courts because as ii always say "sin gets its power from the law" (1 Corinthians 15 verse 56).

One positive thing about having been arrested so many times is that ii familiarized myself with the legal system and especially the written little book known as The Constitution, which aint no joke ii assure you and little laws and bylaws randomly change without notice often with dire results, and so....ii really dont wish to ramble about evil again...time is short much to do...

For me personally this court case is like an elephant bone being thrown to a pack of  other words this case, seven years in the making, and with utmost respect to Myrtle and Jules for their how can say...literally undying dedication to freeing the plant for all...however...there are some concerns...they can shoot me down but ii swear it feels like it was intended to be a distraction for a greater scheme being...slipping the MIB through...this is exactly why the state tried to dismiss the medical evidence...not to mention weak delaying tactics which clearly the Judge saw through by allowing LIVE streaming, ii mean really even me who has been living in the bush for so long can appreciate technology.

Praise JAH for wise JUDGES...Judge Ranchod in particular is a very wise man and clearly not a fool...ii believe that He will give the plant a fair trial...not doctors for lives whatever...if they were really doctors for life they would have been witness for free and not accepting lobby fees like thirty million rands can you believe...this is how they can afford to pay the "anti dagga" lobbyists lunch everyday ai babylon for rehab centers...ii feel the same way about old age homes and orphanages...

Remember ii have paid tribute to Dr Mario Ambriosini before on this blog and ii still have serious questions about his spoken to some important  people around Hout Bay who have some interesting stories...

In any event the MIB, The Medical Innovation Bill...which they presented to parliament on His behalf and does not represent his true desires for Cannabis, basically this bill if passed will ENSURE...

That the ONLY way anyone will get this medicine is via the pharmaceutical industry at a premium of note...believe me...and it will NOT be natural...remember ii told you before in order to have a drug "approved" it has to by law (sin gets its power from the ...) it has to have side effects...ii mean seriously .....this again can read about in the book of the Revelation. Am intentionally leaving the scripture out as ii wish to see who is really interested...those who ask for that scripture ii will gladly give in response...blessed...

So yes ii am taking a break from producing medical papers right now...and to be quite honest the only Can Cannabis Cure papers ii still wish to complete are those few conditions that ii have not yet been able to cure with Cannabis for example Fybromyalgia and Haemaphillia for instance...there are not many...sickle cell is another...research is always on going but for example the only haemaphilia patients ii know are involved in a state hospital program and are contractually not allowed to consume Cannabis while on these treatments...when ii get to Gauteng for the court hearing ii plan to visit these hospitals to challenge this...with evidence...

ii would like to pursue my chemistry and psychopharmacology studies as the research ii am unveiling is pretty mind blowing to say the least...

ii started to research The Consciousness of The Cannabis Plant over ten years ago and in that paper ii spoke about the fact that Cannabis now even has a court consciousness and ii really just wish to give thanks to everyone involved in the positive upliftment of the Holy Herb such as The Dagga Couple, The Dagga Party, S.A.C.C.R.A., The Rastafari Community especially Ras Garreth Prince, truly so many beautiful people involved in a God Given right which man made laws declared nature and therefore GOD, whom they say their Constitution is founded upon, illegal. 

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