Tuesday, December 12, 2017


 Summer Time with Cannabis
Welcome to sunny summer time in South Africa…time to head off to the beach and get some well-deserved R & R after a hectic year.

It’s also time to work on your Vitamin D deficiency and ii can just remind you to check out Chapter 17 of my book Cannabis is The Human Companion Plant to learn how Cannabis can help us to absorb more Vitamin D.

It is a lie that the sun in moderation is bad for you…obviously if you sit in the midday sun for too long and depending on your skin type you could definitely burn your butt for sure but that is not what ii mean here.

To this day no scientific studies have ever proven that sunlight causes cancer in humans because this is not true. And in fact there is plenty of evidence to the contrary where over the years several studies have confirmed that appropriate sun exposure actually helps to prevent skin cancer and melanoma occurrence has been found to decrease with greater sun exposure, and can actually be increased by sunscreen products.
Sunlight does not cause skin cancer and in fact it is our best defense against cancer.
Before ii was diagnosed with breast ca in 1996 age 28 ii hardly ever went into the sun because ii was so afraid of damaging my fair skin. In my Vitamin D paper ii shared a funny story of how my oncologist taught me that ii needed to get the sun on the actual tissue in other words topless tanning.
Not to repeat the whole story ii had an incident with the police because a distant neighbour’s wife caught him checking me out with his binoculars and she called the police and they surprised me as they managed to get past my young children who were guarding the gate, looking for an explanation for my public indecency.
Next year ii will be 50 and besides my faith in The Most High ii can honestly tell you that there are 3 reasons why ii still live

Cannabis ~ Coconut Oil ~ Vitamin D
The most valuable lesson ii have learnt is that we absolutely need to get sunshine on our tummies because 80% of our immune system is found in the gut. Not only this, but around 80% of our Cannabinoid and Vitamin D receptors are also found in the gut. In fact ii can also share with you that these receptors we even have in our teeth pulp the start of the gastric tract in my opinion.
So yes ii am most definitely suggesting that everyone try and get as much sun this summer as possible.
Both Cannabis and coconut oil assist the body to increase uptake of Vitamin D. Very few people who consume Cannabis have Vitamin D deficiency.
If you do the research you will see that the majority of sun protection products in fact contain ingredients with serious health and safety concerns. Almost half of the 500 most popular products may actually increase the speed at which malignant cells develop and spread skin cancer because they contain carcinogenic agents which speed up tumor growth.

The unknown risk of sunglasses…
When you are wearing sunglasses you are basically telling the body that it is getting darker outside and that it no longer needs to produce Melanin.

The lack of Melanin during daylight sun exposure while wearing sunglasses will cause the UV-A portion of the UV light to enter the skin much more deeply than it normally would if you were not wearing sunglasses. The higher concentration of UV-A in the deeper parts of the skin due to the lack of Melanin causes cell mutation, which then leads to skin cancer. Melanin protects the skin against sun damage and skin cancer.

The natural contrast of light during the day and night that your body (and eyes) are exposed to helps assure healthy hormonal secretions and healthy sleep. Sunglasses inhibit this process. This is a scientific fact.

If your eyes are not consistently exposed to the various array of UV light, then your ability to adapt to light will diminish as well as your vision. This too is a scientific fact. 

So as you can see the sun is not so bad for us after all…neither is Cannabis or coconut oil…and surely you must find it strange that we have been told that all three are highly dangerous to our health. Its only in the past few years that the true benefits of coconut oil are being admitted because before for 60 years it was demonized around the world.




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