Tuesday, November 28, 2017


The Cannabis Circus
Welcome to the greatest show on Earth

Since my childhood ii have listening to people speaking about Cannabis legalisation and how much this plant can benefit people economically and medically.

Yes indeed even when ii was a teenager ii was super amped to save the world ii had the cure for cancer and  off ii went to Groote Schuur Hospital and the moment ii tried to open dialogue with neurosurgeons on the topic of the location of the THC Receptors ii literally got chased away by grown men… brain doctors no less.

So back in 1987 ii realised immediately that the people who rule the world are totally aware of the benefits of Cannabis and further that they were keeping this plant away from us for specific reasons.  The fact that ii was blessed to receive the teachings of Rastafari also helped me to develop a comprehension from a young age of exactly how the Babylon system operates and how they control every aspect of our lives including our minds.

So ii grew up believing that ‘legalisation’ is quite possibly the absolute worst thing that could happen to our beloved Holy Herb and even today ii do not support Cannabis regulation at all instead ii feel that people should educate themselves and find a reputable healer or even better grow and produce their own medicine as this is actually part of the healing process when working with Cannabis Medicine.

What is the value of Cannabis?

People have seriously been meditating for decades about making massive amounts of money from selling legal Cannabis products.  So ii have to ask what is a lot of money?  How much are we talking about here which might satisfy the individual need for wealth?

Thirty years ago we used to sell Cannabis for R1/gram “a rand a gram” used to be my mantra and most self-respecting growers were also doing this. Once we hit the millennium people were telling me that ii was crazy to believe that Cannabis can be sold at a rand a gram but in my heart ii truly believe that this should still be the mandatory monetary exchange if we were all free to grow our own and use it as a cash crop as intended by our Creator. 

Truly the prices some people are charging for smokeable Cannabis is just off the charts and what’s even more crazy is that people are paying these amounts.

At the end of the day this plant needs to carry no price tag and no premium and absolutely no profit in order to truly uplift mankind.  This is the consciousness of the Cannabis plant.
If the Babylon system is going to deny people the right to grow Cannabis in the privacy of their homes ii really see a rising of the people and then the ringmaster’s whistle will be heard throughout the nations and the circus will officially be open and this circus will arrive with no warning. It will simply be there when it was not there yesterday.

If this circus is allowed to continue then we can look forward one hell of a show. We will be forced to consume man made synthetic THC which in all likelihood probably doesn’t even come from a plant in the first place.

Laziness is first cousin to greed so you can already see this trend of being too lazy to even wait for the plants to grow so they take you straight to synthetic THC. This is why they want to eventually eradicate the plant so that no one can grow.  Crazy stories ii have heard been told of such plans and also plans to develop other drugs including THC drugs which can actually block the EC System or the THC Receptors.

So it comes as no surprise to realise that the biggest anti-Cannabis lobbyists are the Babylon system themselves. Big Pharma, the politicians, the churches, and other business industries who are putting themselves in famine fear coz they think if they will lose a few billion dollars they will starve.  This crazy train of thought is in reality already blocking the known potential abundance which Cannabis has to offer.

Who stands to lose the most?

People catching serious stress are those who own and operate industries like the tobacco industry, the beer and wine industry.

Some people see a close resemblance between wine and Cannabis almost like a religious revelation where people see wine as holy water the Christ blood so both have become a religious sacrament to many people.

The truth is that as people awaken spiritually they soon come to comprehend that alcohol makes a person vibrate at the lowest possible frequency and this is then evident in drunk people’s behaviour in general.  This is why they call it ‘spirits’ because it literally makes you unconscious.

Conscious people view Babylon with contempt and they consume news differently and are aware when they are being deceived by the system. Conscious people value experiences over materialism so this makes public Cannabis consumption unfamiliar today but in the future tomorrow it will be considered normal and what is considered ‘normal’ today like public consumption of alcohol will tomorrow be considered peculiar.

Now suddenly there is the threat of a legal alternative to alcohol and tobacco.  Here in South Africa Cannabis has been a threat to the beer industry for decades already.

So we can see how Cannabis is changing the economic playing field and we will see how the unconscious people will struggle with this transition which is inevitable. The people who sell poisonous products to us will have no choice but to switch over to Cannabis and their counterfeit cannabis products will also eventually be filtered out of the conscious health domain.

On the other hand the food and beverage industry must surely be smiling and clapping their hands in glee at the vision of profits to be made.

If you think Reefer Madness was crazy then ii think we will find some even more crazy stories in the future especially as Cannabis Laws begin to relax the people who oppose Cannabis Freedom will now really have to go out of their way to demonize this plant again.

Through main stream media you will hear all kinds of stories like the recent South African story about school kids putting Cannabis seeds in their Zambuc as lip treatment and then the report goes on to say that the kids eat the seeds to stay high during class.  Well this is just complete nonsense because the fruit of Cannabis does not possess enough THC to induce any psychedelic effect and this is because of the way THC works in the plant and this is a whole other chemistry lesson. So it is a complete lie designed to create fear through the use of Cannabis. And as one of my sisters stated in response if you really had to dig deep you would find that these students did not even exist.

It’s the same as those medical reports we see every other day on social media claiming that Cannabis causes psychosis and schizophrenia even though there are reams of reports from their own institutions claiming the opposite.

It’s a charlatan circus laden with hypocrisy…

The other day ii read a report about how Cannabis negatively affects teenage brains and when you go into the report they cite a study of 441 people between the ages of 22 and 35 so really you can see the deceit but you can also appreciate how easy it is to deceive people through the power of the media.

The Garden Circus…

The past 30 odd years of selective breeding has resulted in a much higher potency of THC as many breeders and growers aim to get the highest possible THC percentage. The problem with this is it may very well contribute to outbreeding another important key Cannabinoid CBD. Again this is another chemistry lesson but people in their quest of self-interest do not even realise what they are actually doing through their actions.

Cannabis prohibition has its roots in racism, fraud and greed and now before our very eyes we are witnessing the rise of Cannabis greed through profiteering. And if you look closely you must take note of what the faces of the main profiteers look like and you will see that they are white and male while black men and women continue to be incarcerated for small amounts of Cannabis.

It is atrocious that white men have been sending downtrodden black youths to prison and destroying their families and futures for selling Cannabis and now white men plan to get rich by doing exactly the same thing.

So here in Africa if this is going to become a system where you can actually break it down and work out from the beginning who will make profit and who will go to prison then ii can assure you that the people here will become filled with fire and rise above this evil greed.

This is exactly why ii don’t support legalisation which is only going to benefit those who previously benefited from putting my people behind bars. So around the world countries which legalise seem to have this idea that they can make money from both Cannabis and from the prison system by changing their laws to prevent the people from having contact with the actual plant.

It is not the Cannabis which is making the people greedy. It is that thing inside humans which sees profit as survival and it is the same thing inside people which prevents them from realising that the profit system means survival at the expense of another person and they see nothing wrong with this. 

So exploitation and arrogant self- interest driven by the ego becomes the star show in the Circus of Cannabis Cheats and Con artists.

Through the consciousness of the Cannabis plant we must unlearn greed and relearn how to share. And while we are busy we should relearn how to use our brains and think for ourselves once again.

Sharing means taking of your time and energy to teach people how to grow and produce their own medicine at the least possible expense.  Of course not everyone is a gardener by nature so there will naturally always be a need for dispensaries. But truly if Babylon continue to rob my people then really ii can see no other way than for Cannabis to go deeper underground and become more controlled by the gangsters and drug lords.

Cannabis crimes are a reality and there are so many people who are more than happy to watch you grow and then happily harvest on your behalf so you can literally wake one morning and find that you have no more plants.  If Babylon are going to insist on taking this plant away from the people ii can tell you now that there will be a massive increase in Cannabis theft from licenced grow operations despite all their high tech security requirements published by the MCC earlier this year and again in November.

Cannabis is for the healing of the nations and not for the lining of the gluttonous greedy pockets attached to the people who think they own the Earth. These people think that they will just get richer while other people usually poor and downtrodden people will continue to go to prison for growing the plant. 

It is blatantly clear that Cannabis legalisation has nothing to do with uplifting indigenous people in the rural lands. This trend of mostly white people being able to afford the licences and all the other costly conditions thus denying and prejudicing others who cannot qualify for a loan to obtain such licence and install all the requirements.

The absolute show stopper of this circus is the total lack of provision to release Cannabis inmates most of which are people of colour. Any person in prison for Cannabis is completely wrong.  Is it really possible that while our highest court in the land is addressing legalisation and the pharmaceutical industry are busy taking over that people arrested for small amounts of Cannabis must still sit inside while others are walking free?  This is such a burning issue for me and it seems no matter who ii speak with ii cannot muster support.  Even my own Brethren have told me that ii must humble as this is not the work for the sister but yet my people are still suffering in prison when ii could be doing prison visits and encouraging people to take responsibility for their own freedom if they are aware of their rights.

Just as water cannot sink a ship unless it gets into the ship negativity cannot affect you unless you allow it to get inside of you. And while we do not wish to throw shade on the light because we have been denied this light for so long we do have a responsibility to fight unjust laws. We have a responsibility to serve our communities, to speak truth to power in their courts and to hold governments liable for their political policies and their votes.

Welcome to the greatest show on Earth…The Cannabis Circus


  1. Great article and I stand by all you have said.
    Please may I ask why the racial aspect thrown in.
    I found that very offending because I am a normal white South African experiencing all the hardship poverty as many people of colour in South Africa.
    Please sister take a good look a your sister Dr Thandeka Ruth Kunene. She is a Taste and has just sold us all out to international venture capitalists. So please tell us again who owes our industry.
    Please sister we are long past trying to blame white people that oppression died 23 years ago.
    We are all people of this land of all colour fighting to servive with a corrupt black government holding us all at ransom for the past 23 years.
    I am white man who has used our plant for awakening my consciousness. I can't afford to to comply to the MCC regulation for growing. So do I full under this stigma you are creating.
    My sister for you to reach your full concious potential you must rid your heart of the hatred you carry deal with in.

    Blessed love to you my sister and I share my love to help you rid that hate.

  2. Greetings dear Brother and heart of thanks for your beautiful message...yes my brother it is indeed sad that Cannabis laws have their roots in racialism and yes you are 100% correct that sis thandeka ruth is fail us all...and if you look close you will see how she fell into the manipulating monetary trap of her adopted mother helen zille...

    it is my daily shame that decades of persecution by my own people has left my heart this bitter and ii wish to assure you that ii am in the process of healing and learning to unlove hate....

    Give thanks for your love ii can feel it truly...and may YAH bless your grow ONe LOve <3
