Sunday, May 29, 2022

Cannabis and brain cells ~ The Truth

One of the greatest scare-tactics of anti-Cannabis campaigners is the supposed damage to brain cells and memory loss. We all need to know how Cannabis works on brain cells but we need the truth and the scientific evidence. The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is the most studied physiological system today and the findings are incredible! 

Can Cannabis cause ‘dagga-psychosis’? 

The scientific debate about Cannabis psychosis has pursued for almost 100 years and is slowly now being put to bed. There is still absolutely zero scientific evidence that Cannabis can cause psychosis of any nature. And thus also means that there is zero evidence that Cannabis causes damage to brain cells. In 2017 Professor David Nutt was here in South Africa. He was a specialist witness at the well known legal case, The Trial of the Plant in our High Courts. He is a Neuro-Psycho-Pharmacist from England who testified on this very topic because of his extensive research of the effects of Cannabis on brain cells.

We must never lose sight of the fact that Cannabis is a medicine. And that THC is the most important component of all the healing properties of the plant. Decades of “Reefer Madness“ brainwashing, has left doubt in people’s minds as to whether Cannabis is safe or not. If the governments of this world can prove ‘dagga-psychosis’ then they can ultimately control Cannabis medicine.

We can never allow this to happen especially in light of the mountains of research proving the opposite. There is not even one scientific paper with any real evidence that can’t be argued against. Look closely and you might see that any psychosis which Cannabis may cause is in people who don’t consume it. There is simply no evidence to prove that whole herbal Cannabis damages brain cells. And there never will be! The important thing is that we can prove that Cannabis offers anti-psychotic, neuro-genetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic healing properties. [1] [2]

The more we accuse Cannabis of causing mental illness the more the plant continues to produce positive results. It is known that everywhere in the world 1 in 4 people suffer from mental illness. It doesn’t matter which country you Google search, the statistics are exactly the same 1 in 4 people are suffering. Everywhere you look, England, America, India, South Africa, it’s the same 1 in 4. This includes depression. And so many people have more than one mental illness which can co-occur with others. It would be ridiculous to suggest that Cannabis could be responsible for even a portion of these statistics. In fact a lot of these people are feeling better by self-medicating with Cannabis.

The truth is that there is more research to prove that Cannabis does not cause psychosis than there is to prove the opposite. This continues to prove that Cannabis is a safe medicine and doesn’t cause any damage to brain cells.

Why does our memory fail us? 

How do we explain the short-term memory loss some people experience when using Cannabis? And, not everyone experiences this lapse of memory. Physicians and psychiatrists now accept that the short-term memory loss is only short-lived. It passes within a few minutes in most people. [3] There are no deaths ever recorded from taking whole herbal Cannabis. And there is no proof of anyone ever permanently losing their memory from using herbal Cannabis. No other medicine can bear this testimony.

The medical reality is that Cannabis does help us to forget certain memories. Think about the trillions of thoughts rushing through our brains every second of the day. Surely there must be some kind of a filter system? Cannabis helps us to recycle unwanted thoughts and memories, especially the bad stuff we don’t even want to remember. For example all the negative images we have to endure on social media platforms or on the late-night news. When Cannabis interacts with our brain cells it acts as an inhibitor of the cannabinoid receptors on the brain cells that affect our memory.

This Cannabis-induced inhibition of brain cells can, in some people, lead to changes in memory concerning painful emotions and memories. Doctors refer to these as aversive memories and fear. And so this all means that bad memories are specifically targeted by Cannabis to be shifted into our brains’ recycle bin. Cannabis- induced inhibition of brain cells leads to reduction in endocannabinoid levels and so allows selective modifications of aversive memories in the brain cells that control our memory center. [4] [5]

Cannabis directly targets brain cells 

One of the main functions of Cannabis is neurogenesis, the creation of new brain cells. Contrary to mass main-stream media propaganda, research continues to show that Cannabis does not kill brain cells. Instead Cannabis actually helps us to develop new brain cells! A study published in The International Journal of Neuropharmacology acknowledges cannabinoids as a cause of neurogenesis in the brain. It was shown that Cannabidiol (CBD) increases adult neurogenesis while having no effect on learning. [6]

“Most ‘drugs of abuse’ suppress neurogenesis. Only Cannabis promotes neurogenesis” ~ Dr Xia Zhang (Canadian Researcher) [7]

We now know that cannabinoids, derived from Cannabis, have always played a role in creating new brain cells. So, it follows naturally that a deficiency of cannabinoids could result in an increased risk of brain cell damage. This is why it’s so important to supplement the ECS with Cannabis. It is interesting to note that the human brain is 60% fat. And that all the chemicals within Cannabis are highly fat-soluble substances.

It is really important to realise how Cannabis directly targets brain cells, by design. There is a natural affinity between Cannabis and brain cells and scientists see this as a biological link. This is why we have so much success in treating all kinds of brain conditions. The brain is the main focus area of Cannabis. [8] But we have to continuously enhance our ECS with Cannabis starting sooner than later to avoid these brain conditions.

How does Cannabis grow new brain cells?

Scientists can now prove that the cannabinoid known as CBC (Cannabichromene) is involved with the growth and survival of NPSC’s. Neural Progenitor Stem Cells are brain stem cells proving that Cannabis plays a role in their growth and existence. [9] [10]

NPSCs are the precursors to the three types of brain cells,  being neuronsoligodendrocytes and astrocytes. NPSC’s are now being investigated to help regenerate brain cells. This is because they are able to create all of the brain cells. Cannabis inhibits the creation of proteins that cause the NPSCs to convert to other brain cells. It’s the ECS that decides what brain cells are being developed, and when they are being developed, at cellular level. Scientists now know that Cannabis can literally grow new brain cells. [11]

One of the most common side-effects of pharmaceutical drugs is memory loss. 

Certain pharmaceutical drugs are known to cause memory loss, as well as other intellectual and perception problems. Most of these drugs start with “anti”; for example, antihistamines, antidepressants, antibiotics and of course antipsychotics. Some more are anti-hypertensives, anti-epileptics, anti-cholesterol, anti-inflammatories, antispasmodics; even sleeping tablets and other sedative-hypnotics available.

The problem is that all these drugs affect our basolateral amygdala complex. This is the part of the brain that stimulates our fear response. And this is what leads to symptoms resembling dementia like confusion, psychosis, blurred vision, hallucinations, delirium and indeed memory loss.

Acetylcholine is the main neurotransmitter concerned with memory and learning function. There is a natural decline in Acetylcholine production that is normal with old age. This is why senior citizens are more at risk of memory loss and need Cannabis to regenerate their brain cells.

Cannabis can help you to avoid future brain cell damage 

It is not only prescription drugs that cause memory loss; a lot of over-the-counter medicines will do the same because they block this important neurotransmitter known as Acetylcholine that is primarily concerned with our memory. Some names you may recognize are Advil used for pain and insomnia, Benadryl – Diphenhydramine generic used for allergies. Nytol and Sominex used for insomnia and Tylenol also used for insomnia as well as pain. Even Zantac used for acid reflux will has this side effect.

We know that senior citizens are at greatest risk and we must protect ourselves now. Using certain over- the-counter medicines like anti-histamines contributes to developing dementia and Alzheimer’s, with memory loss being noticeable within 60 days. [12] Imagine how, after a life-time of consuming these drugs, their side-effects slowly eat away at our memory. Sometimes it is simply too late, and the damage is too great. The only way to prevent damaged brain cells is to supplement the ECS with Cannabis.

It is really hard to imagine how a plant that targets the brain would in any way harm the brain. And can even generate new brain cells. It should occur to us that we need to teach young people the truth about Cannabis and brain longevity. And certainly medical doctors should at least be given a basic education of the ECS and people need to be aware of the functions of Cannabis especially for our brain cells. People need to know and believe that Cannabis is a safe medicine and every one of us needs this plant. [13]

CITATIONS for Cannabis and brain cells ~ The Truth 

[1] (Shane Darke et al August 2019) “Characteristics and Circumstances of Synthetic Cannabinoid Related Death”. Clinical Toxicology Journal PMID 3139266

[2] (Antonio Waldo Zuardi et al 2012) “A Critical Review of the Antipsychotic Effects of Cannabidiol: 30 years of a Translational Investigation”. Journal Curr Pharm Des 2012. Volume 18 Issue 32 pages 5131-5140

[3] (Rebecca D Crean et al 2012) “An Evidence Based Review of Acute and Long-Term Effects of Cannabis Use on Executive Cognitive Functions”. Journal of Addiction Medicine Volume 5 Issue 1 pages 1-8. 1 March 2012 PMCID PMC 3037578 NIHMSID NIHMS 266295 PMID 21321675

[4] (Nature Neuroscience, 2010) Reduction in endocannabinoid tone is a homeostatic mechanism for specific inhibitory Nature Neuroscience Journal Volume 13 (592-600) 28 March 2010

[5] (Marsicano, 2002) The endogenous cannabinoid system controls extinction of aversive memories Nature International Journal of Science Volume 418 (530-543) 1 August 2002

[6] (Jack A Prenderville, 2015 )”The role of cannabinoids in adult neurogenesis” British Journal of Pharmacology Volume 172 Issue 16 PMCID: PMC4543605/PMID 25951750 16 June 2015

[7] (Wen Jiang, 2005) “Cannabinoids promote embryonic and adult hippocampus neurogenesis and produce anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects” Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 115 Issue 11 PMCID: PMC1253627/PMID: 16224541 13 October 2005

[8] (Marzo N. , 2013) “The effect of Cannabichromene on adult neural stem/progenitor cells”. Journal Neurochemistry International Volume 63 Issue 5 pages 432-437 November 2013

[9] (Rui S Rodrigues et al April 2019) “Cannabinoid Actions on Neural Stem Cells: Implications for Pathophysiology”. Molecules Journal Volume 24 Issue 7 page 1350 – PMCID: PMC6480122 PMID 30959794

[10] (Noriko Shinjyo et al November 2013) “The Effect of Cannabichromene on Adult Neural Stem Progenitor Cells”. Neurochem International Journal Volume 63 Issue 5 pages 432-7 PMID 23941747

[11] (Chi Xu et al January 2016) “Effects of addictive drugs on adult neural stem/progenita cells”. Journal Cellular Molecular Life Science Volume 73 Issue 2 pages 327-348 PMCID: PMC4833708 NIHMSID NIHM5730757 PMID: 2648052

[12] (Sunil Swarmi MBBS, MPH, PhD, 2018) “Anti-cholinergic Drug Use and Risk of cognitive Performance in Older Adults with Questionable Cognitive Impairment: Cross Sectional Analysis”. Journal Drugs and Ageing 22 February 2018. Volume 33 Issue 11 pages 809-818. PMCID PMC 5823249 NIHMSID NIHMS 5938055 PMID 27638818

[13] (Alban, 2018) “Drugs That Cause Memory Loss (& what you can do)” posted 10 May


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