Friday, August 18, 2017


Personally ii do not believe that we have had cellular technology long enough to really explore the potential damage to the body which this type of technology may cause...

Over the years we have all heard the rumors and seen numerous documentaries where people living close to cell phone towers tend to pick up serious health issues...ii have even seen peoples skin color change to grey.

So without regurgitating all kinds of statistics ii would like everyone to please do their own research into this topic so that the information might filter through your own brain.

What ii can tell you though is that over the past 7 years ii have noticed a radical increase in the number of brain cancer patients ii am attending and in my experience this is directly related cellular technology and in particular the advent of WiFi. 

Here in South Africa we have been enjoying WiFi since about 2005 so that is 12 years now and as ii said before about 7 years ago ii started noticing this increase in brain cancer patients.  

So realistically in my took about 5 years for the effects of WiFi to be noticed.

In truth ii noticed the exact same pattern when cell phones came along...ii personally got my first 'brick' around 1990 and ii noticed that around 1997 ii started treating more and more brain cancer patients.  In the 90's ii was convinced that this is due to cellular technology and today ii firmly believe the same for WiFi. 

During both periods ii also noted a radical increase in migraines and temporal headaches. Headaches are a result of inflamed arteries and truly ii believe we are literally frying the arteries in our brains as well as our hands. More and more people are coming to me with painful and swollen hands and fingers at younger and younger ages and ii am convinced it is from being on the phone too much and too much texting.  You can look at conditions like carpel tunnel which is a hand and wrist condition most commonly resulting from extreme typing activities.

So please people ii am asking you to turn your WiFi off at night and obviously to try open dialogue with your neighbors since it wont really help much if your neighbor keeps theirs on all night. 

Same story for cell phones please turn your WiFi or mobile data connections fact it is best to turn the device off as well as your screens.

One of my patients parents have a strict home rule of "No Screens after Six".  Personally ii really love this meditation and ii encourage you all to do the same. 

Oh! and just another thought, ii have found a lot of people mostly female who have come to me with upper thigh issues and it turns out that this type of damage is most likely to be caused from the radiation emitted from the laptop whilst actually on your lap...aah ii could really go on and on but ii am trying to keep my posts short and sweet these days.  

Please people do not put your cellular devices in your pockets near your breasts or reproductive organs, this applies to male, female and transgenders.  Again you can do your own research but ii see daily proof of this each day so please take care of yourselves you may not feel that it is a threat now but ten years down the line you will question a certain medical condition and most likely tie it back to cellular technology.  

Be careful with technology

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