Sunday, August 5, 2018

How to speak to your doctor about Cannabis Medicine

How to speak to your doctor about Cannabis medicine

First of all we must stop thinking of Cannabis as a ‘drug’. Right now in all corners of the world there is a tremendous amount of confusion about the Cannabis situation. Some people act as though it is completely legal. Marketing and selling their products all over the internet and organising conferences for medical doctors and pharmacists so they may now become educated on the EC System or The THC Receptors. Dispensaries are being raided in places where Cannabis is supposed to be ‘legal’. There are high profile court cases around my own country which claim to want to free this plant from prohibition and give our people personal medical freedom. Our own government have appealed certain constitutional rulings. This tells us that our government does not agree that adults should be allowed to possess, consume and cultivate Cannabis in the privacy of our homes. We are expected to sit and wait for them to pass ruling on our lives and health. In the meantime people are still being thrown into prison cells with actual hardened criminals for tiny amounts of Cannabis.

Remember ii have told you before that in order for a medicine to be ‘approved’ it has to have side effects…which means it has to be altered. This is not the way the Creator intended for this medicine to work but as usual in the name of profit we can see man trying to act like God. There are many different definitions of the word ‘drug’…Cannabis is not one of them.  So in medical terms they say that a drug is any substance which alters the physiology of the body so that really makes sugar and caffeine the number one ‘drugs’ on earth and you can clearly see the effects in society.

Please let us break away from semantics and accept that ‘drugs’ are man-made substances and herbs are God made substances.

You are designed to consume Cannabis…

The people who demonise Cannabis often refer to it as ‘devils lettuce’ or ‘mountain cabbage’ so let me just ask you this: Do you have an endo-lettuce or endo-cabbage system in your body??? NO!!! you don’t…not even vegans have such a system…no one has such a system…but we all do including animals and fish and birds…for goodness sakes even the jelly fish has a set of THC Receptors and Endocannabinoids within. For those of you who need science to prove what you believe in…these are all scientific facts which science took hundreds of years to deliver to you when we always knew that we were designed to consume Cannabis.  But please just know that humans did not just wake up in the early 1990’s suddenly expressing the EC System…ii promise you on my own life that you and your ancestors have always had these THC Receptors.

In chapter 7 we started chatting about Cannabinoid Deficiency which is another scientific fact and you can look at “Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency (CECD)”…yes they have even labelled a condition to tell you that you are at risk of Cannabinoid Deficiency so here is more ‘scientific proof’ that you are designed to consume Cannabis. It really blows my mind that they tell us about this deficiency but at the same time we are forbidden by law to produce our own medicine and what really blows my mind is that we blindly accept this.

This has to change and it starts with the way we think.  It is ridiculous that we are forced to consume man made unnatural medicine when we could easily grow our own in our gardens even in pots indoors if need be but to grow without licenses is what we are entitled to do.

There is more information available on Cannabis Medicine than there is on any pharmaceutical treatment and it seems that the biggest problem for corporations with this medicine is that when working with whole herbal plant extract there are no negative side effects and in fact the biggest side effect is feeling better. We know what Cannabis can do for us and now we know that Cannabis has a consciousness of its own proving that The EC System is the biological bridge between physical, mental and spiritual health.

Strong’s Greek and Hebrew Dictionary lists the word “sorcery” as word #5332 and informs us that it is then translated from the original Greek word “Pharmakon”. The definition given as follows:

“A drug i.e. a spell-giving potion, a druggist or pharmacist, a poisoner.”

So in my opinion this is exactly what pharmacists do…they deal in dangerous and poisonous drugs. They are the true drug dealers in our communities. The only connection between ‘drugs’ and Cannabis is that through prohibition ordinary people are forced to seek out drug dealers to obtain a herb which they could grow in a pot on their window sill for free.  This is exactly how Cannabis becomes a ‘gateway drug’ by keeping it illegal and sending young people straight into the drug dens and this is how they are introduced to the serious ‘drugs’. The first mention of the word “medicine” in the Bible is in Proverbs 17 verse 22

“A merry heart doeth good, like a medicine”

So if medicine and drugs are the same thing, then why would God state in Revelation 18 verse 23 “For by thy sorceries (pharmacea) were all nations deceived

Are you Cannabis Deficient?

In chapter 7 we learnt how stress can lead to Cannabinoid deficiency. People have been laughing at me for years and saying ii am crazy to suggest that such a condition as Cannabinoid Deficiency could even exist, but don’t laugh too hard because there is more and more evidence pointing toward this reality. We know that the medical world has already labelled this condition as Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency (CECD) also known as Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome. It is crazy that we have diagnostic labels like this but people are still being thrown into prison for small amounts of Cannabis. As more and more scientists and medical professionals are beginning to realize that the newly discovered physiological system now known as The EC System is very real and like all our other systems needs to be fed and stimulated to avoid deficiency and under- performance, so in the very same way as the body needs vitamins and amino acids and anti-oxidants, it also needs Cannabinoids from the Cannabis plant to ensure optimum performance of the EC system.

We have already seen how deficiencies can cause some serious health problems for example vitamin deficiency and iron deficiencies can both cause havoc on the body’s systems and so too when our body is deprived of Cannabinoids when under attack from whatever reason, we begin to see deterioration of systems and organs which often manifests in one or another form of cancer. 

This is interesting information when you realise that Cannabis can cure cancer and many other medical conditions especially those for which the medical system say there are no cures…we call these ‘orphan’ diseases and already there is a lot of research being conducted into the role of Cannabis in orphan diseases…it turns out Cannabis cures a lot of orphan diseases.

Cannabinoids in breast milk…seriously?

Studies have revealed that Anandamide (the natural Endocannabinoid which imitates THC in the body) is present in human breast milk, and there is sufficient evidence to suggest that activation of the CB1 receptors is crucial to the suckling response in new- borns and it has also been shown that Anandamide has a neuro-protective effect on the postnatal brain. It has always amazed me that components of Cannabinoids and coconut oil are both present in human breast milk and again this convinces me on the success we are having with The Cannabis Coconut Connection © in healing such a wide array of conditions. In the next chapter ii will go into more detail in Cannabis and Children.

Many years ago ii came to the conclusion that we have THC receptors throughout our bodies but recently ii was researching Vitamin D and ii discovered that we also have CB1 recetors in our teeth pulp, as well as Vitamin D receptors and it’s also very interesting that different teeth control different organs. So again we can see how Cannabinoids and Cannabis actually control a big part of our health physically through the receptors and the teeth pulp and spiritually through our chakra system by controlling our Endocrine system.

With evidence like this it really is difficult to comprehend why this medicine is still illegal and out of the hands of the majority of people who are suffering with severe medical conditions, dread diseases and depression all over the world. In my opinion there really ought to be a global moratorium on Cannabis laws. As ii said at the beginning of chapter 5 according to Chinese Medicine to be deficient, is any disorder that is caused by the body’s inability to maintain balance or homeostasis. It seems clear that a lack of Cannabinoids can cause disruption to various systems in the body and in turn this could lead to more crucial and life threatening problems especially brain and gastric problems.

The Risk of Cannabinoid Deficiency

We now live in a world where way too many people are medicated with prescription drugs which are also neuro toxic, which means they damage brain cells.  Then add to this all the pollution in the air, soil, water, food and vaccinations, all of which are neuro toxic, and we are starting to paint a pretty grim picture of the future of physical and mental health everywhere in the world. “Free radicals” are everywhere. They quickly multiply and become uncontrollable in the absence of antioxidants to flush them out of the body.  Free radicals also cause inflammation throughout the body thus intensifying other conditions commonly connected with the aging process such as arthritis and other pain conditions and are responsible for the majority of cancers we see today. Cannabis is a known powerful anti-oxidant.

Despite all the solid proof still this medicine remains illegal in most parts and strictly controlled in places where laws have been relaxed.  We see in the United States how the State Law and the Federal Law do not quite work together and dispensaries are constantly being raided and sick people are being prejudiced as the ‘feds’ walk away with containers full of life saving medication. This is exactly why ii continue to encourage people who need Cannabis for medicinal purposes to grow their own.  It is false freedom where you are not in control of the production of your own medicine and you do not know for sure what is in it or where it comes from or how it was grown. So the medical world have labelled a condition which has become known as “Cannabinoid Deficiency” so in all fairness if the science world is speaking about this ii expect people to wake up and come to the comprehension that Cannabis is actually a supplement which you need to ensure that your body and brain is in balance in order to avoid disease especially cancers.

The Theory of Miniscule Dosing

Research has already shown that just tiny amounts of Cannabinoids can stimulate the body to make more Endocannabinoids and build more Cannabinoid receptors. This is exactly why so many first-time Cannabis users do not feel any effects the first few times they consume but by the third or fourth time, their bodies would have built more Cannabinoid receptors and will be ready to respond. More receptors increase a person's sensitivity to Cannabinoids; therefore smaller doses have larger effects, and the individual has an improved foundation of Endocannabinoid activity by consuming just a tiny dose of Cannabis on a regular basis and this is exactly why Cannabis can never be received as an addictive substance.

The truth is that trying to control the dosage of any man made medicine is mostly impossible.  For example a patient who needs to control their appetite may benefit from as little as a puff or two or a tiny piece of an edible made with whole herbal Cannabis. However when consuming something like Marinol, the patient has no choice but to commit to the medicine at the prescribed dose and endure whatever side effects present as it is processed through the liver and broken down to be metabolised.

So it becomes obvious that the whole herbal version of Cannabis exhibits many positive side effects which are not present in synthetic versions and again this is why only really small amounts of Cannabinoids are so effective. We now know that the effectiveness of Cannabis is dependent on the association of all of the compounds of whole plant medicine which ii have explained before as “The Entourage Effect”. The truth is that there is far less profits for pharmaceutical companies to sell the actual plant than there is to produce synthetic medicines with harmful side effects.

People really need to ask the question “Why do our governments approve synthetics but not the actual plant?  Why is this? And why do medical aid insurances only cover synthetic medicines but not natural Cannabis medicine?

Don’t wait until you are on your death bed…

In Loving Memory of Corrine Malanca

One of the saddest things about my healing work is that the majority of the time ii get called in to visit a family member who is ill and doctors and specialists have given up hope and given the expected time sentence. They are literally on their death beds by the time ii get called when medical aid insurances have run dry and conventional treatment is no longer working. At this point people are desperate to help save their loved ones and they will even resort to seeking out “illegal drugs” such as Cannabis. Just look at all the sick children we have today it just breaks my heart.

But often ii have experienced the painful situation of being called to the death bed and still the patient refuses to take this medicine because of the fear instilled in the public and the ‘dangerous drug’ label. And indeed these people have passed away. So the point is yes…many Cannabis Medicine Practitioners can tell you miraculous medical stories of how lives of humans and animals have been saved by this medicine where conventional doctors had given up hope.

With all the knowledge we now have about our THC receptors and how this plant works on our brain and body Cannabis should not be viewed as a last resort treatment but rather as a preventative treatment.  We now know that we all have a system inside of our body which calls for plant derived Cannabinoids and most importantly THC and THC is only present in the Cannabis plant even though many other plants have other Cannabinoids as well.
It is with great sadness that ii learnt of the passing of Sister Corrine who was wife and business partner of John Malanca and co presenter of the recently launched series The Sacred Plant.

Corrine was such a beautiful energy with a certain seriousness which ii really appreciated in her work.  The last episode she spoke more than twice about her own aging body and ii could so relate to what she was saying and ii could see that she was in immense pain.

This is Corrine with her dad Stan whom her and her husband John cured with Cannabis Medicine.

She succumbed to pancreatic cancer on 19 October 2017 but was only diagnosed at the end of June that year.  Five months might not have been enough to heal her particular cancer. Pancreatic cancer is the one which has the highest mortality rate.

The case of Sister Corrine highlights the vital need for early detection.

As far as ii know there is no 100% ‘heal all’ remedy on Earth and so people should not expect Cannabis to heal everything as a last resort even though the plant has proven to rise to the challenge most of the time. We must all take better care of ourselves and pay attention to what our bodies are trying to say to us.  Your body works like a Swiss clock but when it is subjected to what we are subjected to in this day and age… Things like poisonous food, water, soil and air, poisonous vaccinations and medications, fluoride, mercury, aluminium and so many other toxic substances which are intentionally snuck into our consumption line to make us all ill.

Stress is a big factor and yes people say that stress is part of life like noise, traffic, murder, war and so on…all of these things can be avoided if necessary but stress is something that is forced upon all of us.  It is stress that firstly causes the body to release toxic stress hormones into the blood and from there the whole body suffers and eventually starts to fail.  Stress causes immense pain throughout the body and most importantly, as ii have said before you need to know that stress actually blocks your THC Receptors. All of this can be avoided through choosing a healthy and balanced lifestyle and through education of what to avoid which can harm you and your families which is pretty much everything and ii always tell people if you did not make it yourself you really cannot be sure what the contents are.
Is it possible to be allergic to Cannabis?
Almost a billion people worldwide will suffer from some sort of allergic reaction every year be it food, pollen (hay fever), mould, peanuts, even pets and so on. Some people are even allergic to water. So it is therefore no coincidence that as more and more people consume Cannabis we are beginning to see an increase in so called ‘allergies’…Cannabis allergies to be specific. The Americans have already labelled this as a ‘condition’ … no doubt their next cash cow for the pharmaceutical industry. There are many studies available indicating that Cannabis is an ‘emerging allergen’ so definitely you can start to see the trend to ‘introduce’ Cannabis allergies.
Certainly there will be people who will definitely have allergic reactions to synthetic cannabis products because none of these are natural or pure in any way or form. People will also become allergic to the pesticides being sprayed on Cannabis plantations and these days they are forcing this upon outdoor growers by using chem-trail technology especially in rural areas of South Africa for example the former Transkei where ii have seen this with my own three eyes and ii have many friends still growing in the rural and daily they report chem-trail activities. Mould and bacterial infections as a result of incorrect harvesting procedures will also definitely result in various reactions in humans who cannot tolerate mould or bacteria.
It is important to understand the difference between an allergy and an irritant…so an allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to any specific substance which might cause an allergic reaction in a specific type of human.  It is also important to understand the difference between allergies and side effects of synthetic Cannabinoids produced in man- made labs. Now remember we have CB2 Cannabinoid Receptors in our immune system which means we need Cannabinoids in order to maintain a healthy immune system.  Cannabis is a friend of the immune system.

So we really need to differentiate between genuine Cannabis allergy symptoms and allergic reactions to substances found in Cannabis which are not actually naturally found in Cannabis for example mould and fungal contamination.

There are many cases of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis attributed to fungal contamination of a patients Cannabis supply and often times a course of sterioids is required to remedy this situation. Already there are studies suggesting that THC is a potential Cannabis allergen. The scientists use the word ‘potential’ because it has not yet been proven and ii doubt it will ever be scientifically proven that THC derived from whole herbal Cannabis plant material can have any negative effects on any human or animal at the dose prescribed by a Cannabis Medicine Practitioner or a Health Care Provider who is skilled in the administration of Cannabis Medicine.

Having said this it is also important to remember as ii have written before that in this day and age there are many breeders producing strains with far higher THC levels than say 30 years ago and indeed many breeders opt to focus on producing a higher THC percentage and some of these breeders do not realise that in doing so they are selecting to outbreed certain other Cannabinoids for example the outbreeding of CBD which counteracts the anxiety caused by THC…so in seriously strong strains carrying around 20 to 30% THC and higher the ratio of CBD will then naturally be much lower and there will be hardly any anti-anxiety properties in the product. So what ii am saying is that one has to be open and honest when discussing Cannabis allergies because a person who has a ‘reaction’ is often times the same person who was simply trying to get higher than before and this person like many other people do not respect themselves or their tolerance dose…this cannot be attributed to Cannabis allergies and indeed we need to look closer at the human condition instead…the condition of wanting to get ‘more high’ for whatever reasons.

The same story applies to edibles where the THC content is so high that people …who are only people …inevitably consume way too much because this delivery system takes so much longer to kick in…this is not an allergy…this is another person who is perhaps not educated but certainly does not respect their dose. So please let us not mistake allergies with simply being too high. Synthetic Cannabinoid products have a much higher THC potency than whole herbal plant material and a persons reaction to this terribly and unnecessary high THC dosage does not constitute an allergy but rather a side effect of man-made medicines. There are also a lot of stories of people taking CBD drops (synthetic) and breaking out in hives but yet when they smoke the herb nothing happens…

Cannabis and common shared allergens…

Pollen causes hay fever and is the number one allergen in the world and indeed the male and hermaphrodite Cannabis plant also produces pollen. This should not be a surprise to anyone this is what plants do and Cannabis is a plant. Pollen from all plants can cause various symptoms of all sorts of allergies such as rhinitis, conjunctavitis, athsma and other hypersensistivities in humans and animals. Several studies have proven that people who show sensitivity to Cannabis pollen are usually also sensitive to pollen from other plants. Exposure to all kinds of smoke inhalation has been known to lead to nasal congestion, post nasal drips, wheezing, difficulty in breathing and itchy throats.  Personally ii am not allergic to anything on this earth and even ii sneeze everytime ii smell someone light up a high grade spliff. In chapter 12 ii explained how it is not the smoke from Cannabis which causes the eyes to go red but the actual Cannabinoids and this is how Cannabis can reverse intra ocular pressure in people suffering with glaucoma.

So there are lots of people actively studying Cannabis ‘allergies’ and there are all kinds of stories of how people…specifically people working in the synthetic Cannabis industry who tend to pick up skin problems and irritations alledgedly from working with the whole plant. First of all…these employees should be wearing gloves, hair coverering and protective clothing to prevent cross infection to plant material and second of all we would need to seriously look at the role of pesticides and other chemicals used in the growing process.  Because even protective clothing cannot save you from some of these poisoness chemicals some growers use relentlessly. Remember ‘time is money’ so for sure there are chemicals being used to ‘speed up’ the growing process which is the same story as with our commercial food supply.

In fairness ii can say that ii do know of one seasoned grower who claims to develop a slight redness of skin after doing a 4 hour shift in his plantation whereafter the ‘rash’ dissapears shortly afterwards.  Whilst ii do not doubt his testimony ii personally believe that this skin redness is caused by the sun.

But truly ii have never in my life heard of any adult being ‘allergic’ to whole herbal THC taken in proper dosage…

So all this research we are being presented comes from the so called medical industry where these people produce man-made artificial Cannabis products with serious side effects and again this is why so many of these products have been recalled over the years.  There are literally reams of virtual pages of listings of synthetic Cannabis products being recalled which you can check out on the net. The truth is that there is NO scientific proof that THC causes any ‘allergic’ reactions when produced from whole herbal Cannabis plant material.  If anyone can bring me such scientific evidence ii will eat my own hemp hat because if you look really closely you will realise that all these skin irritations are remarkably similar to that of organophoshate poisoning and this is very relative since 99.9% of reported Cannabis induced skin allergies result from people actually working in the synthetic Cannabis industry.

There are so many stories of people who previously could tolerate personal recreational Cannabis use but as soon as they became associated with occupational exposure to Cannabis started developing “allergic reactions”.  There is only one way to explain this and that is poisons. You can take a look at research presented by Dr William “Bill” Silvers from Colorado where you can clearly see that people start to develop chronic ‘allergies’ after starting to work as trimmers and so on in various grow facilities within the Cannabis industry. So as you can see yes Cannabis as a plant certainly can be a mild allergen but considerable exposure is needed to cause allergic reactions involving the lungs and skin.
This level of considerable exposure to Cannabis is attributable to Occupational Exposure within so called authorized cultivation operations where there are many dangerous chemicals coming into contact with the Cannabis plants.

So if the employees are already showing allergic reactions just from working with this plant in man made facilities imagine what your medicines are going to be like…

Personally ii think everyone should just relax because natural Cannabis allergies do not seem to be a looming health crisis so maybe people who suffer from plant based allergies should be on guard but definitely ii would advise anyone wishing to avoid this condition to never ever use synthetic Cannabis products because you simply do not know what is in these products and we have a sad history of our leaders and corporations lying to us and not disclosing certain dangerous ingredients in our food, soil, water and medicine so it sure does seem as though the time has come to take full responsibility for our own health instead of randomly handing this duty over to people who continue to fail us. Any legal restrictions on obtaining natural Cannabis extracts will pose certain challenges to those who wish to avoid man made poisoness medicines.

How to speak to your doctor about Cannabis medicine

Over the years ii have always said that doctors will eventually learn about Cannabis Medicine from their own patients.  Anyone can go and google The EC System and learn all the names of the Cannabinoids off by heart and the functions of the system. It seems that world-wide doctors will basically only have to endure a few hours of training to qualify to prescribe this medicine. But to actually understand how this medicine works will take many years of hands on one to one patient experience because no two patients are alike and no two Cannabis plants are alike and indeed no two parts of the plant are the same and this medicine works differently on everyone and factors like tolerance, retrograde transmission and the chakra system need to be understood.

Many medical practitioners and indeed paediatricians and even veterinarians scratch their heads at some of their patient’s miraculous recoveries and when they find out that the patient was using Cannabis Medicine they are truly baffled at the healing abilities of this plant. Doctors and specialists might wonder if Cannabis Medicine will work for their patients but they don’t really know anything about how the medicine works or even if it is a real medicine. They simply do not know because they have never ever studied it. Medical schools will simply have to include Cannabis Medicine into the curriculum moving forward. 

In all fairness THC and Cannabis is probably the last thing any doctor would think about when dealing with say for instance asthma or lung cancer. So a lot of doctors might struggle with the concept of prescribing medicine to be delivered via smoking. This is how scientists declared the need to develop non-smoked and fast working cannabinoid delivery systems. It is not likely that the medical world will ever accept a medicine which needs to be smoked. But eventually doctors will realise that often times this is the most effective way to consume this medicine for instant relief of so many day to day problems such as headaches, nausea, insomnia, appetite, stress, pain, anxiety, constipation, menstrual problems and the list really does just go on and on.

The truth is that we have known since the 1970’s that Cannabis has the ability to help open airways in the lungs. So we know that Cannabis is a bronchodilator and this is why it helps so much with asthma patients and believe it or not even smoking Cannabis provides relief to asthma patients. Another truth ii must repeat is that it has been scientifically proven that Cannabis offers protection to the lungs of cigarette smokers in the same way as it offers liver protection to people who consume alcohol. So as ii always say even smoking Cannabis is healthier than not smoking at all. In his 1978 track Legalise It from the Bush Doctor album Peter Tosh informed us that Cannabis is the only cure for asthma and glaucoma. Forty years later people are only now starting to wake up to this truth.

Some doctors feel that once Cannabis is legal for everyone there doesn’t seem to be any point in doctors prescribing it…well that would then only apply to countries with that degree of legislation where people may grow their own. Here in South Africa we are many years away from home growing and any form of legalisation and we understand that the pharmaceutical industry would want to avoid the risk of losing money. These wicked laws of course do not now apply to the newly formed Sovereign State of Good Hope which seceded from South Africa on 16 July 2018.

Either way doctors need to study the EC System and the intricacies of the Cannabis plant to answer obvious questions from patients such as “How much to take? When to take it? And what type of effects will be felt?” These are the type of things you should be able to discuss with your doctor or health care provider. Further than this there will always be a need for Cannabis dispensing because not everyone likes gardening and most people are either too busy or too ill to tend plants. So doctors will need to assist in making this medicine available to their patients where they can be sure that it contains what the label says it contains and possibly has been tested for toxins and heavy metals.
Potency can never be overlooked and just as with other medical drugs potency is not only concerned with how strong the effect of a drug is but rather at what concentration or dose these effects are achieved. For instance THC and CBD have different potencies at different targets because of the different ways in which they interact with the different receptors. Remember that CBD can actually change the shape of certain receptors and so can other Cannabinoids. This is important because at higher doses THC and CBD are able to engage more targets. Estimating which doses are needed to engage different targets is the secret to healing with this medicine.

More and more people will want information from their doctors about Cannabis Medicine because it is helpful for so many day to day complaints. Doctors must not feel awkward when discussing Cannabis with their patients even though the patient might be far more informed.  It is important to rather focus on the evidence of the healing abilities of the plant and realise that this is a barrier which needs to be broken down for the benefit of everyone especially sick children and their suffering parents. While most doctors are approachable and are accustomed to discussing alternative treatments if your doctor is unfamiliar or hesitant to prescribe it you should take it upon yourself to explain the science and medical support for your experience because the best way to approach your doctor is from a position of knowledge and this is exactly how doctors will learn from their patients.

The main difference between a doctor and a healer like me is that ii don’t have a medical degree.  The other difference is that ii have dedicated more than half of my life to studying the healing properties of Cannabis in respect of physical, mental and spiritual ailments. The other difference is that ii am consciously aware of the scientific proof that synthetic man-made Cannabis medicines are definitely not as effective as when working with whole herbal plant extracts.  Here is a quote by Dr Ware of Health Canada, he says:

“By virtue of purifying those resins, isolating them, and putting them into pharmaceutical products, you sort of give rise to a more standardized and clean product…the challenge is that even though we have these existing prescription cannabinoids that these prescription medicines don’t seem to work the same way that the herbal product does.”

Thank you very much Dr Ware for confirming the Entourage effect as pure and effective healing….this is the truth and this is why doctors must enlighten themselves about whole herbal Cannabis healing. A lot of people might not agree but a lot of the doctors ii work with have enough enthusiasm to learn about this complex and highly evolved plant and this automatically qualifies them in my opinion to adequately prescribe this medicine especially those who are now studying whole herbal healing as well as synthetics. So wherever it is possible to open dialogue ii really encourage people to speak with their doctors openly because with all the knowledge available today ii really do believe that it is possible to do this safely and with respect. Cannabis medicine doesn’t really fit into any of the conventional medical boxes and so it needs to be handled in its own right to be fully appreciated.

Our leaders DO NOT want us to grow our plants and produce our own medicine.

Doctors need to try to understand the myths, the facts, the fears, the challenges as well as the rewards of working with this medicine in order to become a dependable doctor who can confidently treat patients with Cannabis Medicine. They need to understand the different delivery routes of this medicine and why it is so important to choose the appropriate method for each individual patient. Individual personalised treatment is the core principal of prescribing Cannabis Medicine. Understanding of the biology of how and why Cannabis works in the body is essential. Big pharma will continue to synthesise Cannabinoids in order standardise treatments but eventually patients will realise that the magical healing effects provided by whole herbal Cannabis is where the true healing is to be found. Doctors will also learn this from their patients.

Soon doctors will be faced with the side effects of synthetic cannabinoids and they will have to explain why the pharmaceuticals have side effects but not the actual plant. Doctors should see this as an opportunity to provide an excellent healing service to their patients and to actually cure them so we really need doctors to have an open mind about Cannabis medicine.

Personally ii feel that the doctors who will benefit the most are the paediatric neurologists especially when treating intractable epilepsy for instance. No one can say that there is not enough research or evidence to prove that Cannabis is helping thousands of epileptic children and their families to live relatively normal lives. The sacred relationship between Cannabis and humans is what will determine whether doctors will comprehend the intricate network of the true natural healing powers of the Cannabis plant and the THC Receptors. Looking to the future ii would like to see Cannabis being the first port of call for preventative treatment and curative treatment. Through essential Cannabinoid supplementation we can heal ourselves from most common ailments while enjoying a life without illness and depression.

In previous chapters we have learnt that many of the Cannabinoids found in Cannabis including THC and CBD are able to target all of our receptors and not only the now known CB1 and 2 receptors. There is actually a term in pharmacology where molecules are referred to as being ‘promiscuous’. This means that they hit many different pharmacological targets within the cell instead of just one. This means that THC and CBD can target any single receptor without touching any of the others. So there are lots of targets which Cannabis works with including cell surface receptors, uptake receptors, nuclear receptors and of course the THC receptors.

One of the biggest differences between Cannabis medicine and pharmaceutical drugs is that the pharmaceuticals generally only have high potency at one specific target which they are engineered to target. Cannabis targets every single receptor we have naturally as intended by our Creator and this is exactly why this medicine works so fast and so effectively for such a wide range of health issues as we can see happening everywhere today. As ii have said before the main target of Cannabis and THC is the brain so we can be certain that Cannabis was created for our neurological upkeep.

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