Wednesday, August 12, 2020

How exactly does Cannabis cure cancer?

The reason why Cannabis can cure most cancers is that Cannabis and our Endocannabinoid System (ECS) controls 3 anti-tumor processes, that of Apoptosis, Autophagy and anti-angiogenesis properties. So Cannabis kills cancer cells through more than one biological mechanism.

Cancer represents the complete collapse of the immune system and curing cancer involves a few processes, starting with the boosting of the ECS, the treatment of inflammation and the strengthening of the immune system. Free radicals cause oxidative stress and this is how mutant cells are formed that inevitably lead to cancer in the body. 

What is the process of Autophagy and Apoptosis?

Cannabis is the only botanical that can induce Autophagy!

This is the process of cellular destruction of unnecessary or dysfunctional cellular components and mutant cells. In this way Cannabis helps us to get rid of damaged cells like cancerous cells for instance. Damaged organelles, cell membranes and proteins are broken down and excreted, with no damage at all to healthy cells, unlike most “cancer-fighting” drugs that kill off healthy and damaged cells.

Through the process of autophagy the body can suppress the growth of a tumor by preventing damaged components of the cells to accumulate. These mutant cancerous cells are deadly because they have lost their ability to undergo another process known as Apoptosis. 

This is programmed cell death, where the mutant cells commit a type of “cellular suicide” and this is the reason that they don’t carry on multiplying.

Cannabis induces apoptosis and autophagy in cancer cells, through the healing powers of the Cannabinoids, terpenes, antioxidants and polyphenols contained within the plant.

One of the reasons why Cannabis is able to induce apoptosis is because of the presence of terpenes known as Humulene and Limonene. They able to trigger the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), that causes apoptosis to occur. This makes these two terpenes part of the “anti-cancer” defense-force of Cannabis. Humulene acts as an antibiotic, antibacterial and anti-fungal. This terpene is so powerful that it is able to control staph infections. And Limonene is known for destroying hormonal cancer cells especially in breast cancer studies.

In a 2013 pre-clinical study led by Dr Jessica Miller and published in The Cancer Prevention Research Journal  the scientists revealed that:

“Limonene has exhibited chemo-preventative activity against many cancer types with the most compelling results in mammary carcinogenesis models.”

Here is the link to this paper

Please also visit You Tube to view the video produced by Dr Christina Sanchez, a molecular biologist from Spain. She explains precisely how the process of apoptosis works. Cells induce death upon themselves, and this is why it is referred to as cellular suicide. The failure of the process of apoptosis and autophagy is the main reason for on-going cell damage, and this is also what speeds up the aging process.

For more information about the power of Autophagy and cancer please see updated paper

What are the anti-androgenic properties of Cannabis?

Cannabis has anti-angiogenic properties, which means that it can stop cancer cells from developing blood vessels and growing into tumors. Cannabis also decreases the expression of the receptors responsible for the growth of cancer cells. 

"I found Sista Vee's medicine to be profoundly effective in reducing the bleeding of active and aggressive tumors and keeping wounds relatively clean where most certainly it would be much worse without THC on board." ~ Dr John Wulz, Groote Schuur Hospital, South Africa 

Cannabis can also help with other aspects of dealing with cancer conditions

Pain and inflammation

The analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Cannabis are well documented. Pain and cancer are the most researched and written about conditions that are successfully cured with Cannabis. Cannabis can impact the severe cancer-pain in all types of cancer. The wonderful thing about Cannabis is that it can be used to relieve multiple symptoms at the same time with hardly any side-effects. 

Post-operative pain 

Many people experience pain after surgery and this is mostly due to internal bruising caused during the operation. This can also happen after chemotherapy or radiation because of the damage to the nerves in close proximity. 

Depression and fatigue

There’s no doubt that cancer can wear a person down and lead to depression in anyone dealing with this condition. One of my mentors Dr Henry Ealy makes a valid point in explaining that cancer should be seen as a blessing because imagine if there was no cancer, then people would simply perish, but with cancer, a period of time becomes available for healing and personally I have seen hundreds of people completely reverse their cancer conditions and go on to live perfectly normal and healthy lives. I use this perspective to encourage my patients to self heal by targeting the Endocannabinoid System.

When exploring different strains, we look for those that can offer patients an energy boost, especially when chemotherapy and radiation can wear them down. I find that using any of the sativa strains that we can literally clear a patients mind and kick-start thoughts of important value from within their souls. Cannabis also improves one’s appetite and helps patients to sleep better. Patients with cancer need a lot of sleep to help the body to recovery.


There is enough evidence to justify concern that chemotherapy and radiation treatment is linked to an increased risk of developing dementia. Oncologists say that it is ‘likely a small risk’ and that this small risk shouldn’t overcome the potential for survival because of the treatment.

We know that Cannabis offers neurogenesis, neuro-protection and that Cannabis destroys the protein that causes dementia. 

A word of caution when dealing with hormonal cancers:

Many cancers are driven by hormones for example breast, endometrium, ovary, vaginal, cervical, prostate, testicular, thyroid and osteosarcoma (bone cancer) and others.

It is important to be aware of the biphasic effect of medicine and this means that high and low doses can have opposite effects for example high THC can cause anxiety instead of calming the patient down and a lower THC higher CBD dose is required.

Cannabis also drives the Endocrine (hormone) System and this means that patients healing from hormonal cancers will have better efficacy and will recover better with plants that have high CBD and low THC levels. CBD can also induce Apoptosis in breast cancer cells.

We need to boost our system with Cannabis in order to maintain good health and longevity into our golden years

Cannabis contains powerful antioxidants and it is known that THC and CBD are even more powerful than Vitamin C and E. So much so that the American government was not shy to issue US Government Patent #6630507 issued specifically for the neuro-protective and antioxidant properties of cannabinoids.

We know that Cannabis can cure cancer, and it is now well established that Cannabis has effectively killed all the different types of cancer cells that science has tested to date.

And one of the most amazing properties of Cannabis is how it offers nurturing and protection against ‘anti-cancer’ treatments like chemo and radiation


Cannabis protects the body at cellular level, removes any existing mutant and oxidative cells and replaces nausea with a surprisingly healthy appetite that is noticeable by family members. Cannabis also offers protection against pain and inflammation that is often experienced during these treatments. Patients can also look forward to receiving healing for depression, anxiety and insomnia. I often receive messages like this one...

I would really like to urge everyone to consider using Cannabis as a preventative supplement in order to maintain good health into your golden years by ensuring that you have a fully developed ECS so that in the times of ill health your body will be able to recover far easier than if you are cannabinoid deficient.

Since I was a teenager cancer patients come to me on their death beds as a last resort, hoping for a miracle, and very often finding it. I never ever wish to give false hope and yes sometimes it is simply too late, but honestly I have seen so many medical miracles performed by this plant after doctors have said there's no more hope and send the patient home to pass. My advice is to not wait until you or a loved one is on the death bed before thinking about inviting Cannabis into your lives. 

One of the main reasons why Cannabis has to date cured every cancer that it has been tested against is because as human beings we do share over 40% of our genome with Cannabis sativa L, and this definitely warrants more personal investigation into what all this plant can actually do for humanity.

To purchase my book Cannabis is The Human Companion Plant please email your order to me on 

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