In Loving Memory of Jami lee Salgado (Noloyiso)
22 02 93 - 15 07 14
Chapter 15 ~ Monsters in the mirror ~ Can Cannabis cause
Let me just
say from the very beginning that there is absolutely zero scientific evidence
to prove that Cannabis can cause psychosis of any nature. The reason why ii get
called to so many so called “dagga
psychosis” cases is because many people have already used my Can Cannabis cause psychosis paper published
29 July 2015 on my blog, in the courts and this is why so many people have successfully
had their silly cases thrown out of our courts here in Cape Town. At the Trial of the Plant Professor David Nutt
from England was here in our high courts testifying on this very topic and
right now ii am working with a few medical professionals to formulate a
standard court response for these kinds of legal charges. At least once a week
ii become involved in these types of cases where family members become bitter
over family trust funds, ii must say it is usually always a money issue which
provokes this behaviour, and start to cause problems for the so-called black
sheep of the family who is usually the Cannabis consumer. People are losing
their children, their businesses and indeed their minds because other bitter
people insist on using people’s right to use Cannabis as a tool to manipulate
There is lots
of hearsay and deceit out there but definitely not even one scientific paper
with any real evidence that can’t be argued against. So despite the fact that
there is no solid evidence, those who continue to oppose legal Cannabis
Medicine insist on continuing the ‘Reefer
Madness’ campaign by issuing false statements with no evidence that
Cannabis causes psychosis and therefore presumably leads to the onset of
schizophrenia. It is my personal belief as a healer and a parent
that smoking Cannabis is definitely not for young adolescents and teenagers who
are then in their critical stages of brain development from puberty onwards to
around age 27. Yes for sure some people who have been smoking Cannabis since
early childhood (some as early as 7 years old) may experience some problems with
their brains’ development. This is not
schizophrenia or psychosis this is delinquent abuse of a medicinal substance by
minors in the absence of parental guidance.
Today we have
many drug addicts cloaked as cancer and mental health patients. Be that as it
may these addicts are also patients and desperately need healing which Cannabis
can give them. But it is true that abuse of illicit recreational drugs like
cocaine, heroin and crack cocaine can result in cancers and some mental
conditions but again this is not schizophrenia this is substance abuse which
damages and ultimately destroys the immune and nervous systems.
It has been
proven that there is a direct link between immune breakdown and psychosis. In
my experience ii cannot tell you how many patients ii have met who are in ‘rehab’ paid for by their parents or
employers, where they state they are in there for Cannabis “abuse” but actually they are in there for cocaine, KHAT, CAT,
heroin, crack cocaine and other illicit substances. Apparently Cannabis is a
softer ‘blow’ for parents and bosses
alike and this type of behaviour leads to distorted statistics in terms of
addiction. As far as ii am concerned we need to stop thinking about Cannabis as
a drug and realise that the pharmacists are the true drug dealers in our
communities because it is them who deal in dangerous and poisonous drugs.
Revelation 18 verse
“For by thy sorceries
were all nations deceived.”
Greek and Hebrew Dictionary lists the word “sorcery” as word #5332
and informs us that it is then translated from the original Greek word “Pharmakon”. The definition given as
drug i.e. a spell-giving potion, a druggist or pharmacist, a poisoner.”
People should not be going to ‘rehab’
for Cannabis…in fact they should be given Cannabis in rehab…
Looking to the future it is
going to be a slap in the face for all these rehabilitation centres who oppose
Cannabis Medicine so much when they realise that the plant derived Cannabinoid THCV
is being investigated for the treatment of various addictions like drugs and
alcohol and has been for many years already. THCV like its cousin THC is also
only found in the Cannabis plant.
Personally ii have always
believed that both of our Endocannabinoids and plant derived phyto Cannabinoids
all have the potential ability to interact with all of our receptors for
example the serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline receptors and even the
vanilloid receptors. So now it is a known scientific fact that THCV not only
interacts with the two known Cannabinoid receptors but also with our other receptors
and this is what makes Cannabis such a worthy study in drug and alcohol
addiction as well as the treatment of schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease. In
the future we will have to accept that a dangerously scheduled ‘drug’ like Cannabis will most definitely
turn out to be the key element to curing so many of the addictions which are
plaguing our society right now like
nicotine, alcohol, crystal meth and the ever increasing opiate problem.
So yes ii have no doubt that
in the future we will have ‘high THCV’ medicines available in the same way as
we now have ‘high CBD’ medicines. As Rastafari Bush Doctors we have always
known that Cannabis is the best treatment for any chemical addiction because of
the way the plant works on the different receptor systems.
It is bizarre that the
majority of rehabilitation centres are opposed to Cannabis treatments and we
witnessed this clearly during the “Trial
of the Plant” in Gauteng South Africa during 2017 as embarrassing as it was
that the people who made their posters actually spelt the plant’s name
There are even human studies which you can take a look at
which prove that THCV as well as CBD and THC in fact all of the Cannabinoids
and terpenes work together for effective healing of all kinds of addiction
conditions. This is also a scientific fact now and not just Rastafari hearsay
from the ancients although we have always known this. These studies were
conducted looking at alcohol, nicotine and even heroin addiction subjects.
Personally ii know of so many people who managed to turn their lives around
from heroin addiction through the sole help of Cannabis. So while Cannabis has
always been painted as a highly addictive substance the complete opposite is in
fact truth.
We also need
to educate ourselves about matters concerning the human psyche and accept that psy means soul which is divided by human
duality which we started to speak about in chapter 4. The soul in
simple terms is the so called spiritual side of a human being or even an animal
although many people believe that animals don’t have souls this of course is
not true. To be completely honest ii have always felt that we as humans we don’t actually ‘have
a soul’ and more like we ‘are a soul’ and more like we ‘just have
a body’ and in this sense we are far more soul and far more spiritual than the
body we travel in. This is a complex concept and is not easily explained so let’s
see what the Bible says.
Romans 7 verse 14 – 20
The Conflict in Man
We know that the Law is spiritual; but I am a
mortal man, sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what I do; for I don’t
do what I would like to do, but instead I do what I hate. Since what I do is
what I don’t want to do, this shows that I agree that the Law is right. So I am not really the one who does this
thing; rather it is the sin that lives in me. I know that good does not live in
me-that is, in my human nature. For even
though the desire to do good is in me, I am not able to do it. I don’t do the
good I want to do; instead, I do the evil that I do not want to do. If I do
what I don’t want to do, this means that I am no longer the one who does it;
instead it is the sin that lives in me”
This potent scripture proves
what most of us already know, that there is both good and evil in each of us,
no matter how holy we may think we are and in certain susceptible people which
is a lot of people, who are not spiritually enlightened, the short term and
mildly psychedelic effects of consuming Cannabis can very easily be mistaken
for psychosis.
It has now been proven through experimental trials that
these symptoms are temporary and do not persist without further use of Cannabis
and this is exactly why scientists simply cannot prove what they want people to
The role of modern psychiatry
It has always been my personal feeling that the true
cause of the social decline that we are seeing increase in our age today is to
be found in the just over 200 year old history of modern psychiatry. The goal
always seems to be the suppression of the individual, and not to actually cure
mental illness. Mental disorders have been around as long as mankind has but
before the 1800’s there was very little hope for mental patients and mostly it
was believed that they were victims of demonic possession and were treated
brutally often fatally. Women with mental disorders were considered
witches and burnt at the stake. Women have always had a hard time in these
matters and up until as recently as the 1950’s a woman’s orgasm was considered
a mental condition because no one could explain it since all the scientists
were men.
Modern psychiatry has now moved beyond the mental institutions and into
society. It has evolved into a hungry profit driven industry which results in
shocking statistics of deaths from the side effects of their treatments. So it is not hard to see from the
many stories shared online; you can watch the movie “Side Effects” written
and produced by ex- pharmaceutical representatives, how modern psychiatry has
basically repackaged human emotions and behaviours as ‘disease’ or
They do this
to sell their drugs at massive profits. So ii have no doubt that through this
style of medical repackaging the medical world is quite able to ‘invent’ a host of so called ‘mental’
disorders as well as the expensive dangerous designer drugs to ‘treat’ these.
If you look closely you will clearly see that this is a smartly executed
marketing campaign rather than a medical science.
Dr Joseph Mercola
makes some powerful statements on his site such as “Inventors of Paediatric
Bipolar Diagnosis had strong drug industry ties.” Comments like this
suggest that other mental disorders were then also ‘invented’. There are
many stories of psychiatrists involved in medical corruption where drugs are
promoted for the treatment of autism and bipolar in children.
Not only are
recommendations clinically manipulated and commercially driven but the actual
research of these products is also tampered with. These stories never seem to include the harm suffered by
children and their families whose doctors were misled about the safety of some
of these drugs which are actually highly toxic. So a lot of false research has
been presented to child psychiatrists and paediatricians all over the world by
scientists who seem to have the power to guarantee a manufacturer the likes of
Johnson & Johnson that the results of any planned study in small children
would definitely support the safety and effectiveness of any of their drugs to
generate the profits and corporate kick- backs which are up for grabs.
Look to be honest ii am not a fan of negativity and it
took me a really long time to realise what is going on and so we absolutely
have to educate ourselves and become aware of what is really going on in the
world today. At this point it certainly seems as though we need to find the
cure for greed before we can find the cure for all these conditions they present
us with in life. Truly it is a crying shame that small children and their
parents must suffer so much for the greed of a few men and women it is just
unacceptable really it is. You can take a look at the recent and highly
published story of mother of little Billy Charlotte Caldwell of the UK and see
what the so called Great Britain did to one of their own as ii have spoken
about in a previous chapter. Really it is shocking to see such suffering when
Cannabis can offer the solution to all of our problems physically, mentally,
economically, spiritually and medicinally.
Everywhere ii go ii speak to young mothers dealing with
autism and even bipolar which now comes earlier than in past decades and so
many teenagers are now being diagnosed with schizophrenia. This is not psychosis these are normal human
emotions which are being manipulated through the pharmaceutical industry and
re-labelled as medical conditions.
The term ‘schizophrenia’
originated in Switzerland and it literally means ‘splitting of the mind’ which was always intended to refer to a
variance between thought and action and
not to multiple or ‘split’ personalities.
The conflict in man and human
duality has ensured that most people have at least two sides to their own
personality and let us be honest if you observe people closely you don’t have
to be a psychiatrist to see that people display different personalities at
different times under different circumstances. Have you ever noticed how much
you can learn about a person when they don’t get what they want? Have you
noticed that if you spend long enough time with someone you realise that they
actually wake up in different moods and with different feelings each new day. If
you really think about it, what we refer to as our ‘personalities’ is really just an arrangement of habits and
behaviour patterns which we have developed mostly to deal with trauma. Sometimes
we have to be honest and admit that maybe people don’t actually change we just
never really knew who they were in the first place. So we must ask
ourselves…Who are we outside of our pain?
Factors like pain, stress,
poisoness chemicals in the food and water supply all these kinds of things can
actually contribute to personality changes in certain susceptible people which
is actually a lot of people. People naturally have different moods and
personalities and different tolerance levels for other irritating
personalities. This is not psychosis and personally ii believe this is all part
of the human condition just like addiction. In other words it is actually quite
normal and not really a mental condition. You can look on line there are many
highly qualified medical professionals who share this sentiment.
We have to realise that
egotism is an empire with nothing to offer but a thorny crown. We have to learn
to live our own truth which comes from a place of humility in the soul. Duality
is really a state of separation so you could say that it is the opposite of
reality and this is the main cause of all of our suffering. Duality is a
product of the mind and therefore the ego. This is where we ‘split’ or divide life into “right and wrong”, “good and bad”, “pretty or
ugly”, “holy or sinful”, “love and hate” and so on. Because of
this style of social conditioning our lives have become centred on judgement,
blame, guilt and fear and to many people this could definitely resemble
The role of illicit recreational
One only needs to look around
the world at people’s behaviour and decide for yourself who is who for surely
righteous people do good deeds. In general people who consume Cannabis are well
known for being peaceful, kind and loving towards people and animals and
nature. In certain towns ii have visited especially in and around Cape Town one
can easily see the damage of street drugs like ‘tik’ and ‘flakka’ which are dangerous designer methamphetamine and
crystal meth street drugs where you can quite literally see that people have
lost their minds and others do not look like they are far behind. Some people
look as though they might have had a part in some zombie apocalypse movies with
their bulging eyes popping out of their sockets. These substances are highly
addictive and dirt cheap and easy to get. These drugs are going to be the
destruction of the nations and victims desperately need the healing of
But none of this is
schizophrenia or psychosis and this is exactly why the medical world simply cannot
‘scientifically’ prove that Cannabis causes psychosis.
It seems the more we accuse
Cannabis of being responsible for mental illness the more the plant continues
to produce positive results as can be seen from the mountains of research being
presented. These days you can even look closer to home and you will be
surprised when you realise how many people you might know who use this medicine
especially for mental issues like depression, anxiety, stress and so on. Personally
ii feel that psychiatry should be renamed “The
Human Condition”. So personally ii feel totally confident and motivated to
move forward with our research in treating psychosis and other mental disorders
which we are facing in society today with whole herbal Cannabis medicine.
The truth is that there is
more research out there to prove that Cannabis does not cause psychosis than
there is to prove the opposite. This also
explains why so many media and social network people want to remove Cannabis
research from the internet…they want people to believe that Cannabis causes
mental problems. If they can prove this then they can ultimately control this
medicine…it’s the same story with death by whole herbal plant Cannabis…it seems
as though they really cannot wait for the first death to occur and the fact
that people are already losing their lives and loved ones to synthetic
cannabinoid products does not seem to bother anyone. But in the meantime the
system seems happy to allow us to drink ourselves to death on alcohol the real
cancer and psychosis causer.
It has always been my dream to
build a Cannabis clinic in the rural Transkei where people with any health
problems including mental conditions can come and spend up to three months or
more gaining the multiple benefits of Cannabis medicine which we have been
working with for decades now. Over the
years ii have had so many requests from complete strangers from overseas who
have read my work and contacted me to ask me how much would it cost to send
their aging parents to me for care. As my research friend Mark says “Actually we need a village and a library to
raise this child”. Yes indeed we need lots of villages in all communities where
such a clinic may be built to provide the healing we already know is real and
working well.
The challenge has always been
to take the information ii have gathered about this medicine and provide proof
that it actually works. People need and demand scientific proof but all ii can
give you is my life of working and healing and helping so many people to get
access to this medicine in order to heal themselves. Over the years ii have
tried to communicate with science people about how this plant works and it
became frustrating to try to explain cellular shape shifting or backward
broadcasting communication at cellular level to the very people ii was looking
for answers from in the first place. Back in the 80’s they just were not ready
to receive this information because there was no scientific proof.
In the previous seven chapters
we went into depth about what the top six Cannabinoids can contribute to the
healing abilities of the Cannabis plant. We can prove that Cannabinoids like CBD
and CBN in fact all of them present anti-psychotic and anti-spasmodic
properties. It literally eats anxiety and stress away because this is what it
is designed to do. You could literally say that THC kills fear and CBD will
make you forget it. So Cannabis has actually been proving for a very long time to be able
to bring great relief to
people suffering with schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and frequent anxiety attacks and seizures.
In fact in plain truth people have been using Cannabis as anti-depressant for
almost 12 000 years.
Why does
Cannabis make us sleep so well?
We know that Cannabis is the best medicine for
uninterrupted sleep cycles which is essential to overall health and well
-being. Insomnia is usually the biggest problem for people suffering with
schizophrenia and indeed all the other conditions involving degeneration of
brain cells. Not only ill people struggle to sleep there are many healthy
people who will also benefit from a good night of sleep.
Remember that Cannabis
controls our hormone system so it
makes us sleep so well because it stimulates the Pineal gland to produce
Melatonin which is the hormone which controls our sleep-wake patterns and truly
ii can tell you that ii always tell my patients regardless of their condition
that the first way to tell that the medicine is working is by gaging their
sleep patterns and ii have never had a patient tell me that they could not sleep
on properly prescribed Cannabis medicine. So here again you can see how
Cannabis controls the Endocrine System and hormone absorption in the body. Most
sleeping tablets give the patient a simple hypnotic effect but Cannabis offers
a proper nights rest with overall symptom reduction which allows better sleep
patterns to be developed. The Cannabinoids and the terpenes especially Myrcene
(the mango terpene) provides the pain relief, anti-anxiety and sedative effects
which Cannabis can offer us.
Another thing that has come to
light is that suddenly there are patients, not mine, but specifically those on
synthetic Cannabinoids who are reporting insomnia. Again, the reason for this
is because synthetics work as full agonists of the receptors where in natural
whole herbal Cannabis the phyto-cannabinoids act as partial agonists. So yes
definitely many of these man-made Cannabis medicines actually keep people up
with at night which completely defeats the purpose of using the medicine. This
is why ii urge people to grow and produce their own medicine. In chapter 9 ii
explained that we are experiencing a problem with breeders where the quest for
stronger THC strains is actually contributing to the outbreeding of CBD and
people who are not aware of this will present with anxiety and panic attacks
but again this is not psychosis this is classically how people do not respect
their dose. People must respect medicine and Cannabis does not deserve to be
treated like a party drug.
Disorders of multiple personalities
are another study all together. Switzerland is also where the great teacher
Carl Jung did a lot of his work on the development of psychoanalysis and worked
extensively with people suffering from schizophrenia. His essays on his
theories were published in 1986 in CA
Meier’s book, Soul and Body. Meier was a student and assistant of
Carl Jung at the Burgholzli Clinic. Teachers
like Carl Jung and Bleuler, also of Burgholzli Clinic Switzerland urge us to “understand schizophrenic development as
primarily a human rather than metabolic process.” This is exactly what ii mean when ii say
that certain psychosis and indeed schizophrenia are part of the human
Dr Bleuler says:
“When the tension between his own drives and between his drives and his
social environment become overwhelming he retires into an
autistic…contradictory world that is better adapted to his contradictory self
than reality…this conception…summarizes well our present knowledge of
This is exactly why personalized treatment programs work
more effectively because ‘schizophrenia’
is not a mental disease. It is a lifestyle disorder brought about by
intentionally created stress, negativity and the consumption of harmful and
neuro-toxic chemical substances found everywhere on earth, in our environment,
our food, water, soil, medications and vaccinations everywhere, no one can
escape these substances not even on the North Pole. Now we also have Wi-Fi to
worry about. Personally ii do not believe that we have even had cellular
technology long enough to really explore the potential damage to the body which
technology like Wi-Fi may or may not cause.
Over the past 7 years we have seen
a radical increase in brain cancers and all sorts of other brain conditions and
ii believe that this is relative to these to this type of technology. So ii
really do recommend that you at least try to switch it off at night and
obviously your neighbours need to do the same.
The number one reason why we are seeing an increase in
conditions of dementia conditions like autism at younger ages is directly
linked to the toxic poisons in our food, water, air and vaccinations. Radiation
is another problem, laptops and phones all emit radiation so imagine what it
does to the brain. While we are on the topic of radiation ii just want to
digress from psychosis slightly. It really upsets me when ii see women putting
their cell phones in the bra’s yes ii get its about security but Sisters ii am
telling you that ii believe this is one of the main contributors to our ever
rising breast cancer statistics and ii can say the same for men because there
definitely has been a radical rise in male breast cancer and this ii believe is
from the cell phone in the top pocket.
It is the same story for uterine and prostate cancers. So please be
conscious of this risk, also a lot of women complain of swollen and painful
upper thighs and ii think this is from sitting with the laptop on your lap for
long periods of time absorbing radiation.
If you really think about it, the pregnant mother is consuming the toxins from her food
intake so in the uterus we can already see that there is a degenerative process
starting to happen to the unborn child. Then the child is hopefully breast fed
but shortly after taking its first few breaths it starts getting pumped with
vaccinations and once the child starts eating around 4 to 6 months of age,
immediately the toxins present in the child’s food are starting to work. This
is also why we are seeing so many young children starting to develop epilepsy
at around 6 months old. It’s the same story with autism. These children’s
brains are literally set on fire with all these chemicals.
It is interesting when you
look at the history of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). It was invented in 1908 so
this is around the same time as people like Dr Alzheimer were starting to
diagnose conditions of dementia. Dr Russell Blaylock author of Nutrition
and Behaviour has researched thousands of food and nutritional studies and
research has proven that during pregnancy and lactation a diet rich in MSG
causes damage to brain cells because infants and small children are four
times more sensitive to MSG than adults are. This is a scientific fact.
Honestly between the sugar and the MSG we pump into our children you can
believe me when ii say that their little brains are on fire.
The risk of developing psychosis and schizophrenia…
The plain truth is that
scientists and psychiatrists still do not fully understand the causes of
schizophrenia and other brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease and
Alzheimer’s disease. Medical professionals say
that they cannot tell us what exactly psychosis and schizophrenia are and they
cannot give us a medical explanation so take a look at this quote from 2012.
“In forty
years, ‘biological’ psychiatry has yet to validate a single psychiatric
condition/diagnosis as an abnormality/disease, or as anything ‘neurological,’
‘biological,’ ‘chemically-imbalanced’ or ‘genetic.’” —Dr. Fred Baughman Jr., child neurologist, Fellow of the American
Academy of Neurology.”
Sometimes ii
really don’t have words for some of the statements these so called
professionals make. Medical
professionals continue to tell us that they do not know the causes of these
mental conditions nor do they have the cure. This is how they get away with
simply treating the ‘symptoms’ often
with disastrous side effects.
There are in my opinion 19
different possible causes of psychosis which in
no particular order are all equally accountable in certain susceptible people
which you will see is a lot of people. Let me just list them quickly
starting with alcohol abuse which then leads to dehydration, the aging process,
pain and fever, insomnia, emotional trauma, depression, malnutrition and low
blood sugar levels, food additives, stress, environmental pollution, poor
sexual health, side effects of pharmaceutical drugs brain tumours and certain
cancers, malaria, syphilis, vaccinations, Cannabinoid and Vitamin D deficiency.
All of these factors can
contribute to the onset of psychosis and ii can tell you from my experience
that a good 60% of cases ii attend ii find that dehydration is the main cause
of psychosis in the greatest variety of patients presented. With all the
environmental negativity, stress and increase of poisons in our food, air, soil
and water which we all have to endure today, symptoms like these will naturally
manifest in many different forms of behaviour and thought processes amongst our
diverse human race. Just the fluoride in the water is apparently enough to dumb
people down and ii often refer to “the
fluoride look” when dealing with certain people who are clearly not able to
function properly.
Children are being
punished for evolutionary development…
Humans have always been
evolving and ii see this clearly when ii look closely at the
youth. Children today are different to when ii was a child and even
when my own children were young. There are many studies you can look
at on Indigo Children, Crystal Children and even Diamond, Rainbow and Golden
All of these studies continue
to prove to me that many children are now coming to earth with a higher wisdom
and consciousness. They are highly sensitive and can sense the
deceit and negativity on the planet and many indeed find it over whelming and
too much to bear, and this how ‘autism’
is developed in young children.

These children also find the
energies around them, sadly even in their own homes to be undesirable and this
is why we find so many children ‘withdrawing’
but actually they are just looking for peace from the negative environment
which could be a simple thing like a television set playing or music playing
around the 741 Hz frequency vibration which is the frequency of fear and
negativity. It might help some parents to be aware of frequency vibrations as
my experience with young children has proven what some of us have always known
that these children are very sensitive to some of these frequencies. Some
really small children actually muster the strength to rip television sets right
off their stands because they are so frustrated by the frequency vibration. So
you must try to only play music which vibrates to either 528 or 432 Hz which
are the frequencies of love and harmony.
These children also come to
earth with memories of past lives and verbally speak about these memories and
these are the children who would be diagnosed as mentally ill and put on some
strong anti- psychotic drug and usually this would sort the problem out as
their memories fade away. A lot of children around the age of three,
myself include (1970’s), quickly realize that they are receiving a negative
vibration to their meditations and they start to block these thoughts and stop
verbalizing sometimes not speaking to anyone at all. It is not
unreasonable to imagine a young child in this state of mind wishing to escape
their undesirable reality. This is what Dr Bleuler was referring to when he
spoke retiring into an autistic
…contradictory world because this world that these children and even many
grown adults retreat into is a better option for them than their own
Is autism ADD,
ADHD, bipolar, schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease man-made medical
On close inspection you can
see how these so called mental disorders develop and they definitely seem to be
age based so small children develop autism, and by the time they are teenagers
if they haven’t already been labelled bipolar then these same children and
other children who were not affected when they were younger will most likely be
diagnosed with early onset schizophrenia with or without bipolar as we are
seeing a lot of these days. And then the person grows older and somewhere
around their fifties or sixties they are told that they can look forward to Alzheimer’s
and before you know it whole families are on one or another pharmaceutical drug
to match these diagnoses.
In my dialogues with loved ones of patients as well as my
personal experiences ii have come across a lot of people who say that dealing
with their mother with Alzheimer’s and younger people with schizophrenia was
really no different in most cases discussed.
So you can see how these conditions are related because they were
invented by man trying to play God in the laboratory. And most of their designer drugs come with
debilitating side effects of which you can read hundreds of testimonies to on
the net. You will see in chapter 8 how the pharmacist is actually the drug
dealer in modern society. The plain truth is that most of these conditions seem
to respond negatively to their prescription drugs and they all respond
positively to Cannabis treatment.
Whether you accept evolution
as a science or not you have to accept that children today are far more
spiritually advanced than previous generations and there is a lot of solid
proof of this fact because it is not just a theory and this is a very important
factor to consider when looking for logical solutions for mental disorders. We
absolutely have to treat the inner and outer human when looking at mental and
physical health. Autism really is not a word to be dreaded it is a small child
which needs to be loved and understood for what is really going on. What is
going on is that the system that controls our world is not happy about this
evolution because these children show us a new way to look at truth because we
have been blinded to truth. They do not
want little children walking around telling the truth to adults who as parents
will eventually take their children seriously.
Some movies have even been made about this topic for example “Gifted” 2017 and ii don’t really have
time to watch movies but another good example is “Heaven is for real” 2014. Both of these movies highlight the fact
that small children of today are a lot different to when we were children.
The risk of being diagnosed
with one of these conditions seems quite likely in an average lifetime. In 2013
the NIMH (National Institute for Mental Health) stated that 51
million people were then suffering with schizophrenia worldwide and The
South African Federation for Mental Health says that approximately 1%
of the our population between the age of 15 to 35 will develop schizophrenia. It
would be madness to suggest that even a portion of that 51 million were
suffering as a result of Cannabis causing their psychosis. In America it is said that every 67 seconds
someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and 5 million people are living
with it there and even more research shows that 1 in 3 seniors will die of
Alzheimer’s disease or some other form of dementia. If you add to these
already horrific statistics to the numbers involved with the other conditions
like bipolar and autism, this is beginning to represent global epidemic.
We live in a world where a
bunch of carrots is double the price of a hamburger filled with toxins and the
majority of most populations are living in poverty. In fact these days it’s not
easy to find a bunch of carrots they are now all packaged in plastic bags. So
to be honest ii find it hard to believe that they are real carrots in the first
place. It is a world where the majority of the money and power is kept in the
hands of the few. Most of our people besides being poor are also dealing with
other diseases of civilization such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, high
cholesterol and so on, take note these are all diet related.
These medical conditions eat
away at already tight budgets. And ii have seen loads of family interviews from
middle and lower income groups where people are forced to make serious
decisions about how they eat based on how much money they have and they end up
buying ‘cheap and nasty fast foods’
because it is cheaper than fruit and vegetables. This is the world we live in
now and blessed are those fortunate enough to still live in spaces where they
are able to grow their own food.
We have all become
too busy, too tired, too distracted…too lazy…too dumbed down to even think
about where our food comes from these days. In fact we have become too busy to
even remember to count our blessings.
If they cannot tell us what schizophrenia and autism are
then please let me share with you what ii believe these conditions are NOT. They
are not a possession by an evil spirit. It
has nothing to do with multiple personalities even though the word
originally meant ‘split mind’ in fact
referring to a difference between thoughts and actions. It also
has nothing to do with chemical imbalances of the brain.
In fact if there is any chemical imbalance and we took a
closer look you would see an imbalance in the harmful and neuro-toxic chemicals
which are intentionally hidden in our food and water supply. These mental
conditions are not character flaws and their symptoms are a bit like
seizures are to people suffering from epilepsy meaning that their symptoms are
not their fault. The same must apply for other symptoms like memory loss and verbal rambling and
lack of organization. Victims
are generally not violent people and usually they are more likely
to withdraw from society than to go around causing problems. Some of the
examples used in the media are the exception rather than the norm.
Schizophrenia is not a clear cut situation where a person either has
psychosis or not. It develops over time and can happen to anyone.
is not a genetic condition and there is no scientific evidence to
support this claim.
Most importantly psychosis and
schizophrenia is NOT a death sentence. It is perfectly treatable
without turning victims into zombies by administering harmful neuro-toxic
chemical substances. People suffering from these conditions can by
just making simple changes in their lives, based on personalised treatment
programs can live perfectly normal fulfilling lives and achieve their full
human potential. There are even cases of schizophrenia completely disappearing
just with a few simple changes to the diet where the patient would be able to
get off their meds and in some cases symptoms returned when the patient went
back to their old eating habits. It
is no secret that good nutrition is required for optimum performance of the
brain however there is a lot of information which is not taught at school or
tertiary level and ii highly recommend the teachings of Dr Russell Blaylock and
Dr Joseph Mercola which ii used as my main sources in my original dissertation
under the topic of Nutrition and brain function and in particular the
destructive effects of food additives such as MSG and Aspartame.
If you look closely you will see that it was only the initial judgment that
many schizophrenic patients were in fact consuming Cannabis that created the
whole "Cannabis-causes-schizophrenia" commotion in the first
place. So if you went to the doctor with any mental illness, including
schizophrenia, they would ask if you've ever used Cannabis before. This is how
the ‘system’, the government is able to automatically blame Cannabis as the source of the
patient’s entire problem, and claim that Cannabis triggered the psychosis... which is complete utter
absurdity as there is absolutely no scientific or other proof of this, to this
It was only correctly revealed in recent studies which established that
in fact these patients were actually successfully treating their symptoms
with Cannabis and that most patients were getting effective relief.
Of course, it is now too late to take back those scary headlines, and
prohibitionists continue to this day to spread their lies yet the internet is
full of many positive clinical trials currently underway most of which are
producing positive results that in truth Cannabis can actually cure psychosis and schizophrenia as
well as other mental conditions.
Looking to the future ii believe people should do their research right
now while this type of information is still on the net because ii honestly
believe that any material will probably be removed or altered to support the
agenda of the pharmaceutical industry and those who support them. Our right to
research and write which is on our minds and hearts is now under attack more so
than ever before in history in my opinion.
We know that Cannabis controls our consciousness so on a spiritual level
we need to understand and accept that this plant “reveals YOU to you”. It shows you exactly what kind of creature you
are and yes for a lot of people this could resemble psychosis for sure.
Cannabis does this because it is showing you that it can cure these spiritual
and mental issues with just small doses and hardly any side effects. The
initial awareness is the reality that this type of experience is short lived
and again this is why scientists cannot attach any proof to their statements
that Cannabis causes psychosis.
It can be really difficult to know how to respond to
someone suffering with schizophrenia or any other neurological disorder. This
is because people who
have been labeled with schizophrenia suffer from difficulties in thinking,
perceiving the world around them, and controlling their emotional responses and
schizophrenia is especially difficult to treat because we are dealing with
natural hormonal life changes at the same time as conditions like these
manifest for example in the pre-teen and menopausal years. One has to always
try and remember that these beliefs or hallucinations seem
very real to the person. It is not helpful to say they are wrong or imaginary.
As a caregiver one has to be extremely humble, tolerant and patient at the
exact same time. Being respectful, supportive, and kind without tolerating
dangerous or inappropriate behaviour is the best way to approach people
suffering with schizophrenia and other dementia related conditions. Oftentimes
ii have said that ii sometimes have more compassion for the caregiver than the
patient because truly this is a very difficult job.
treatment comprises of therapy and antipsychotics, however, treatment with
medication is far from perfect. Because patients taking these drugs have to deal
with a range of side effects, such as drowsiness, uncontrollable movements, and
weight gain, the symptoms of schizophrenia together with the medication's side
effects can result in many patients failing to take their medication properly.
Research shows that an alarming 42% of mental and neurological patients do not
take their medication because of the side effects and this means that there is
a large and unmet demand for new treatment options. This is exactly where
Cannabis makes its appearance and this is what is slowly but surely starting to
happen everywhere in the world as more and more people realize the truth about
this medicine.
There are
healthy solutions to control mental illness and Dr Loren Mosher is MD and
founder of the Soteria Project which
supports this theory. This project illustrated that there are
better ways to treat the terrible afflictions that are often labelled ‘schizophrenia’, ‘bipolar’ and other man made psychoses that destroy the lives of so
many families. We give thanks because we now live in an era where there is hope
where there was no hope before.
It is to Cannabis that we now look to for this new hope.
With personal responsibility and a little bit of self-discipline we can
effectively heal our bodies of any medical condition whether physical, mental
or spiritual within the body and beyond because a lot of cases of psychosis go
deep into a person’s psyche so we have to look at the spiritual side of things
as well.
Scientists and
researchers all over the world are starting realize the healing power of
Cannabis and are now suggesting that CBD
high Cannabis medicine could treat mental disorders and schizophrenia and be
much more effective than other drugs by having fewer side effects. Honestly as
Bush Doctors and Sangomas we have known this information for ages. But still talk
of this nature by scientists surely suggests that Cannabis ‘may be helpful’ in the management of
psychotic symptoms which are characterized by a loss of contact with reality.
We can see every day as
new evidence shows us that the results do speak for themselves and millions of
people are starting to accept that there are many different forms of Cannabis
medicine which can help us to cope with so many problems we are faced with in
society today which lead us to suffering from these terrible diseases in the
first place and the first step to dealing with mental health and especially
depression is to first get a grip on stress related issues and this is exactly
what Cannabis can do for us.
Today 15 July 2018 marks
4 years since my beloved niece Jami lee took flight and ii would love to
dedicate this chapter to her honor as she assisted me in this work for years before
passing on to the island of spirits.