Sunday, July 22, 2018



Full Whole Herbal Plant Extracted into organic virgin coconut oil

Not so long ago coconut oil was also demonized by the medical world for over 60 years and blamed for cholesterol and heart disease by ‘blocking’ the arteries.  You would think that anyone can work out the difference between room temperature and body temperature and ask the obvious questions. If coconut oil contained THC it would definitely also be illegal.

Now that we have the internet educating ourselves has become easier and by now most people do know of the healing abilities of Cannabis especially in respect of cancer and now there is also an explosion of information available on the health benefits of coconut oil.
The reason why ii originally chose to extract my medicine with coconut oil instead of alcohol or butane is because of the fact that this delivery path can take the Cannabis straight to the liver. This is because more than 65% of coconut oil is made up of medium chain fatty acids and naturally in the body these medium chain fatty acids go straight to the liver. This also means that the gall bladder and pancreas are bypassed for ease of absorption directly to the liver. Long chain fatty acids go straight to the intestines and this is why we see so many people suffering with colon conditions.

This is just one of the reasons why coconut oil is the perfect delivery system for Cannabis medicine because it is the liver which actually metabolizes the THC and it is interesting that about 55% of THC is actually excreted in the faeces and only about 20% in the urine.
The liver is the largest organ in the human body with two distinct sources that supply blood to the liver.  So oxygenated blood flows in from the hepatic artery and nutrient rich blood flows in from the hepatic portal vein. The liver has many important functions which you can reference in Can Cannabis cure Liver Disease? 

So for me personally from what ii have witnessed in various healings over the years, it is the way in which the liver regulates the blood system and its role in removing toxins from our bodies which makes this the perfect healing medicine because it enters the body via the liver. This also explains why this medicine heals so effectively and so quickly.

The liver also plays an important role in resisting infections by producing immune factors and removing bacteria form the blood. Most of the conditions ii treat ii always look to Traditional Chinese Medicine for solutions and it is really interesting how so many illnesses have their root in the liver and this is because of all the poisons we have been consuming over the past 100 years. Lupus an auto immune condition has its root in the diseased kidney and this medicine works just as effectively for kidneys because of the hormonal activity involved in the functioning of the kidneys and remember that it is the THC receptors and Cannabis which control our Endocrine system.

Good health is all about good fats…

Everyone knows that the body is made up of 60% water but did you know that our brain is made up of 60% fat and so are our eyes which really is the only part of the brain we can see from the outside. This is also why we have so much success in treating glaucoma and ii have tested this medicine directly onto the eyeball. 100% safe and the truth is that we have more THC receptors in our eyeball than in the visual cortex of our brains which proves that local application is often more effective. Kidney patients gain great relief and healing for many conditions just from massage in the renal area. 

Patients with Crohn’s also gain great pain relief simply from massaging the oil into the abdominal region.

Cannabis is fat soluble and coconut oil is over 90% saturated fat which is what makes coconut oil the perfect extraction solvent for all the Cannabinoids. This is also the purest medicine you can hope to make in the comfort of your home and the only ingredients are organic virgin coconut oil and whole herbal Cannabis plant material and of course love…not even a drop of water is required.

Anyone can make this medicine even on a fire but the easiest way is in the slow cooker.

Cannabis and Coconut have all of the following healing properties in common and this is exactly what makes this the perfect healing combination.

The similarities between Cannabis and coconut oil

Pain and inflammation
Immune boosting
Anti-oxidant (fight free radicals)
Both regulate metabolism (weight control)
Both regulate hormones
Both regulate blood sugar
Both regulate blood pressure
Both regulate blood and lymph circulation
Cannabis is fat soluble and coconut oil is over 90% saturated fat
Both regulate fat absorption
Both regulate nutrient absorption
Both can induce perspiration (body cooling – anti-pyretic)
Both improve vitamin A, D, E & K absorption
Both regulate bone and bone marrow health
Both improve white blood cell function
Both improve bone marrow development
Both assist in osteoporosis
Both improve the production of red blood cells
Skin care
Components of both found in human breast milk
Both raw plants do not generally possess psychedelic properties

This is an impressive list and you can see why this medicine works so well for so many different conditions and how they combine to produce such a powerful natural healing remedy. Both have been used as medicine for more than 5000 years and both are at the forefront of medical research right now in modern times again. But most importantly neither have any dangerous side effects and certainly not even one death ever recorded from whole herbal plant material.

You can find research on the net about how coconut oil has been used to treat all kinds of infectious diseases like herpes, flu, candida, ringworm and even aluminium poisoning. This is why this medicine works so well for vertigo and tinnitus because these conditions often originate from a herpes infection in the middle ear. And in TCM these symptoms stem from a diseased liver. So there you have it, most of my Meniere’s disease patients are off their prescription drugs within 6 months of commencing Cannabis treatment. Coconut oil is also scientifically known to support the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and we now know that our THC receptors control our hormone system, the Endocrine system. There is also plenty of proof on the healing abilities of both Cannabis and coconut oil in the treatment of liver and kidney disease, bladder infections and Crohn’s disease which is a very common gastric disorder we are seeing an increase in.

The Importance of fat soluble vitamins

You don’t need me to tell you that your whole family even your pets need vitamins. Everything to do with fats is vital to our health and vitamins interact with other nutrients in processes such as metabolism, digestion and developing new blood cells and some vitamins even slow down the aging process, prevent cancerous cells from attacking the body and strengthen the immune system. All of this is very important to our health.

Vitamins A, D, E and K are the fat soluble vitamins which are absorbed from fats in the intestine and then stored in the liver until needed so they don’t have to be consumed every day.

Just briefly Vitamin A is important for bones, teeth, skin and mucous membranes and is also a powerful antioxidant with serious immune boosting properties. So here we are looking at osteoporosis, arthritis and longevity.

Many people don’t realise the importance of Vitamin D deficiency and you can read my paper on the blog.  Honestly ii have seen over and over that a common denominator with any medical condition especially depression and anxiety seems to be a deficiency of Vitamin D. So ii call it the ‘vital vitamin’ and you can only really get this from the sun.

Vitamin E is also a potent antioxidant which protects the cells and tissues from harmful substance and free radicals. Vitamin E also has anti-cancer properties and is known to play an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular and heart disease. In fact coconut oil is the best thing for heart disease and certainly not margarine.

Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting which is also one of the functions of the liver itself. Since the body produces Vitamin K which it gets from green leafy veggies this type of vitamin deficiency is rare in healthy people and bruising is a sign of a lack of Vitamin K.

Both coconut oil and Cannabis has the ability to help us absorb these very important vitamins and a lot of people don’t realise that vitamins are actually hormones and hormones control our genes and this is why Cannabis stimulates absorption because Cannabis controls our Endocrine system through our receptors. This is why coconut oil is the best fat for Cannabinoids to bond to because of their natural affinity so we get full Cannabinoid extraction.


Dosing and tolerance with Cannabis medicine is slightly more complex than dealing with regulated synthetic pharmaceutical meds. It is very true that Cannabis is not a
one-size fits all’ medicine and it never can be because of the way in which our receptors work. This medicine works on intention and it works like a lock and key mechanism where the receptors are the lock and the THC is the key.

So yes Cannabis dosing is not a precise science and this is why it doesn’t have any negative side effects. When dealing with lab made synthetic medicines you will have all the normal problems when dealing with these products because this is what they are…products…goods to sell at a profit and this is why we encourage people to grow their own and make their own medicine at home for free.

In other papers ii have explained how by law all ‘approved’ medicines have to have side effects otherwise Aspirin would never have been approved. This is international law. This is why we can realise that epileptic drugs can induce seizures, osteoporosis drugs cause fractures, cholesterol drugs actually increase the problem and so it goes on and on….and this is why we have so many sick people in our communities.

So the principle of ‘miniscule  dosing’ focuses on starting with the lowest possible does and building up to a tolerance level and then working back down again to the maintenance dose. We already know that just small amounts of Cannabis can stimulate the body to make more receptors and more endocannabinoids.

More receptors automatically increase our sensitivity to Cannabinoids therefore smaller doses have larger effects and the individual has an improved activity by consuming just a tiny amount of cannabis on a regular basis. The same is true when dealing with children and animals. The secret to healing with Cannabis is in individual treatment programs. Humans are like snowflakes no two are alike and this is why we are fighting in the courts for your right to grow this plant in your back yard for free.

Dosage considerations

Are the THC receptors activated?
Age, weight and sex
Medical history physical and mental
Blood pressure and vital signs
Renal liver and spleen function
Blood sugar
Diet and hydration
Sleep patterns
Bowel habits
Pharmaceutical prescription and other treatments
Vitamin D deficiency

Some patients will start on a 5 ml once a day for an aneurysm and others may start on 30 ml per day for a blood condition. It is very true that conditions of the blood require more THC than the average cancer and that pancreatic is the toughest ca to cure because most it is detected so late in progression. Throat ca is the most common but also the easiest to treat with this medicine.

What is the difference between coconut extract and alcohol extract?

Cannabis oil extracted with coconut oil is lighter in colour than oil extracted with alcohol or butane gas which is dark and thick like treacle or tar.  This is because the alcohol strips all the water soluble parts of the plants as well, including the chlorophyll giving it this dark colour. Coconut infused Cannabis oil when solidified at room temperature is amber/avocado in colour, because it only extracts the fat soluble components of Cannabis so you can be sure that you are getting pure Cannabinoid extraction without all the water soluble parts like the chlorophyll concentrate. This is not to say that chlorophyll is bad for you because chlorophyll also has highly beneficial medicinal properties in other applications.

Chlorophyll concentrate in Cannabis oil has produced some cases of diarrhoea and upset gastric systems and nausea which are common side effects of chlorophyll. In less vulnerable patients they might feel brief spells of queasiness which is the action of the chlorophyll. This does not happen when using coconut oil because the chlorophyll is not stripped in the extraction process and second coconut oil is not readily absorbed into the gastric tract, it is absorbed straight to the liver. With coconut oil you will notice that when you use the leaves which are high CBD and make a beautiful medicine that the colour is a darker green than when we use flowers only.  This is because there is more chlorophyll in the leaves but the coconut oil cannot by nature absorb it so we are literally really just getting the colourant.

This is what the medicine looks like when melted

Coconut oil has a smoke point of 171 degrees Celsius so at 100 degrees and less it cannot produce any dangerous fumes because it will not create smoke at this temperature.

You can experiment with this by frying two eggs one in normal yellow oil and one in coconut oil and you will notice that coconut oil does not produce the brown grease rim around the egg which is the ‘bad fat’ part of the egg. These eggs were fried in normal sunflower or yellow oil.

So heating over longer periods of time at lower temperatures allows us to decarboxylate all off the Cannabinoids while preserving the integrity of the plant material we use so that we may then infuse it elsewhere for consumption. 

This is why ii cook for 18 hours per batch because full extraction does take more time and ii prefer to cook at just below 90 degrees Celsius as this also ensures preservation of the terpenes which themselves also have their own important healing powers.

 And the above is egg was fried in coconut oil.

A note of solvents…

Solvents concern me because products like alcohol (94%), naphtha (benzene a known paint thinner and even butane gas these are all neuro toxic meaning they damage brain cells. Benzene and hexane are proven to be neurotoxic. According to many manufacturers, naphtha and petroleum-ether are considered potential carcinogenic, and some products which are sold as naphtha may contain added impurities for example those of Coleman ® fuel, which may have harmful properties of their own. So this is why ii decided a long time ago to use the most natural product ii could find which in my mind has to be a highly saturated fat.

Cannabis oil produced with an alcohol extraction is usually concentrated by evaporating the solvents that were used in the extraction process. The more concentrated the extract becomes, the more difficult it is to remove the residual solvent and in this case, applying more heat will increase solvent evaporation, but at the same time valuable components like the Cannabinoids and terpenes may also be damaged or lost resulting in a lower quality of oil and to be honest ii have had many cases of people coming to me for my medicine because these thicker darker oils did not really work. My advice is to keep your medicine as natural as possible.

My research is on-going and in the future ii aim to produce an even more natural Cannabis medicine but more about that at another time.
Having had the opportunity to see how Cannabis and coconut oil affects people in a clinical setting ii have seen so many people experience incredible improvement from such a wide variety of life threatening health disorders as well as day to day ailments like pain, insomnia, depression, nausea, headaches, menstrual problems.

Topical treatments

One never hears about a skin cancer case from the islands of the Philippines and this is because they use coconut oil as skin protection. You can read Summer time with Cannabis Dec 2017). It is already well known that Cannabis like coconut oil is a natural anti-bacterial and ii can also share that in using high CBN plant material in other words herb that has been cured for a much longer period, that we are able to produce much more potent topical products for pain, inflammation and cosmetic uses such as puberty pimples, skin conditions like psoriasis and even burns and scars.

Just briefly, in treating psoriasis which a common problem because it is hormonally and stress induced and a high CBN Cannabis medicine certainly appears to decrease the spread of keratinocytes which is a type of skin cell and in psoriasis these cells are hyperactive and grow to create those dreaded patchy sections of skin. This medicine is also highly effective as a suppository for bladder, prostrate and uterine and cervical cancers even for menstrual problems, haemorrhoids and a lot of other conditions.

It really is important to realise that within the Cannabis plant there are literally almost a thousand different molecules contained in the Cannabis plant, Cannabinoids, non-cannabinoid chemical constituents like terpenes and terpenoids which all also have their own healing powers and all of these chemical components need to be present to make Cannabis medicine truly effective. It has been proven over and over that whole plant herbal extract is far superior to single molecule or isolated synthetic Cannabis medicines.

What is the Entourage Effect?

The ‘entourage effect’ is then the natural combination of an array of the over 140 known Cannabinoids as well as hundreds of other chemical components which together produce the specific natural effects of whole herbal Cannabis in other words the magic powers of this plant.

There are even terpenes and terpenoids of which over 200 have already been identified and which mimic the actions of Cannabinoids and also have their own powerful healing powers and there are terpenes from other plants which also interact with our CB 1 and 2 receptors so no-one really knows the true number chemical components which the Creator contained within the Cannabis plant. Terpenes are also powerful antioxidants.

A good idea if you wish to detox and increase your terpene consumption is to consume raw plant material which is rich in terpenes. The leaves are also high in protein and contain a perfect ratio of omega 3 to 6 essential fatty acids. This is really important because we cannot actually produce these on our own so we have to get them from our diets and this is why Cannabinoids were always part of our food chain before prohibition. Cannabis also produces all kinds of amino acids and hemp seeds are a good source, which our bodies also cannot produce so yes definitely we need Cannabis back in our lives and back in our food supply. In fact hemp seeds have the highest concentration of fatty acids in the whole plant kingdom.

Many people don’t realise the important role of amino acids they literally protect our cells by maintaining their structure and repairing any damaged tissues and they also aid in nutrient transportation throughout the cells. These are pretty important functions which we need to maintain our health and Cannabis can give us this with no side effects. It’s the same story with anti-oxidants. We all know that in the absence of anti-oxidants that free radicals set in and this is how most cancers develop so in all honesty cancer really is Cannabinoid deficiency personified.

The truth is that so much more research is required in this field of study and aspects like growing customs and unfair laws limit our ability to fully interpret findings and to make generalizations about Cannabinoid administration on all sorts of symptoms, so people need to be free in order to get closer to this plant as nature intended to develop an understanding of the true healing abilities of our human companion plant.

More and more doctors are beginning to realise the truth about Cannabis, however, they lack the scientific research to adequately administer this medication and as such so much more research is required on the part of the medical world. It seems certain that pretty soon medical practitioners will learn about the healing powers of Cannabis from their own patients.

A lot of people, including doctors and nutritionists simply don't know much about Cannabis or coconut oil because they haven't ever studied it and most of the instruction that student doctors and other medical professionals receive after graduating from medical school is provided by the pharmaceutical industry and rarely if ever include natural healing remedies.
For the most part we can safely say that Cannabis is no longer considered the monster it was originally made out to be with its serious image problem and to be honest the on-going controversy is really annoying and makes a mockery of my life work. It is now common knowledge that we all have a Cannabinoid receptor system which calls for chemicals from the Cannabis plant to be included in our diets and people are now waking up to the fact that actually Cannabis is a genuine medical cure for many conditions which mainstream medicine has not been able to cure up to now or even ease many symptoms without creating serious complications some even fatal.
Looking to the future it seems certain that governments do not really want us to interact with THC from the natural plant and sometimes ii feel that as long as this medicine is presented to people as Cannabis then certain negative changes will most likely emerge to existing Cannabis laws which will inevitably greatly hamper this emerging health revolution.
This of course will change in SSGH…
So even though Cannabis like any other medicine has the potential to be abused it really isn’t that hard to imagine a future where Cannabis will be the most prescribed medical therapy in the world.
We are still learning new things about this plant and each new day we are finding new Cannabinoids and other healing components of this plants so there is no doubt in my mind that through the Cannabis plant humanity will continue to be surprised at what this plant of renown has to offer us.
In my years of working and healing with Cannabis there is no doubt that in this plant we have the single most useful herbal remedy for the treatment of the widest range of health care issues mental, physical and spiritual problems.

If you are busy making your own medicine and you are uncertain about your dosing please feel free to drop me a mail and ii will happily give guidance for free because it is important to me that at least one person per household knows how to work with this medicine and can teach others because honestly anyone can make this medicine in the privacy of their home and heal themselves and in plain truth people should be consuming this medicine as a daily supplement to avoid any illness instead of waiting until they are on their death beds and expecting a miracle from Cannabis. All herbs have amazing healing abilities but none of them are a cure all…Cannabis is the closest to a cure all herb but we have to realise that we need phyto cannabinoids in the same way as we need oxygen and water to survive.


  1. great info...thank you for sharing your research freely. <3 One Love

  2. It's a great pleasure this medicine should be for free to anyone who needs it
