Saturday, July 14, 2018

Why does Cannabis make us sleep so well?

Why does Cannabis make us sleep so well?

"We know that Cannabis is the best medicine for uninterrupted sleep cycles which is essential to overall health and well -being. Insomnia is usually the biggest problem for people suffering with schizophrenia and indeed all the other conditions involving degeneration of brain cells. 

Not only ill people struggle to sleep there are many healthy people who will also benefit from a good night of sleep. Remember that Cannabis controls our hormone system so it makes us sleep so well because it stimulates the Pineal gland to produce Melatonin which is the hormone which controls our sleep-wake patterns and truly ii can tell you that ii always tell my patients regardless of their condition that the first way to tell that the medicine is working is by gaging their sleep patterns and ii have never had a patient tell me that they could not sleep on properly prescribed Cannabis medicine. 

So here again you can see how Cannabis controls the Endocrine System and hormone absorption in the body. Most sleeping tablets give the patient a simple hypnotic effect but Cannabis offers a proper nights rest with overall symptom reduction which allows better sleep patterns to be developed. The Cannabinoids and the terpenes especially Myrcene (the mango terpene) provides the pain relief, anti-anxiety and sedative effects which Cannabis can offer us.

Another thing that has come to light is that suddenly there are patients, not mine, but specifically those on synthetic Cannabinoids who are reporting insomnia. Again, the reason for this is because synthetics work as full agonists of the receptors where in natural whole herbal Cannabis the phyto-cannabinoids act as partial agonists. So yes definitely many of these man-made Cannabis medicines actually keep people up with at night which completely defeats the purpose of using the medicine. This is why ii urge people to grow and produce their own medicine."

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