Saturday, July 14, 2018

Snippets Chapter 7 Cannabis literally gives us life

Chapter 7 Cannabis literally gives us life

"One of the most important medical mysteries of our time is the question as to why a woman’s body does not actually release the foetus and terminate pregnancy.
Scientists in the fields of transplantation immunology and reproductive biology have been baffled for decades as to why a mother’s immune system does not reject the developing foetus and placenta as alien tissue? The foetus and the placenta both express antigens which are different to the mother and in terms of what we know about medicine the maternal immune system should by rights reject this foreign tissue.  

The scientists at New York University School of Medicine made a completely unexpected discovery as scientists do. So the human body is by creation designed to reject alien matter when invaded and this usually manifests as fever, diarrhoea and vomiting which is sign that the body is trying to find ways to get rid of the bacteria or virus and so on. In my opinion this is exactly why women and some men even suffer from ‘morning sickness’ the woman’s body is trying to reject the foetus in this first trimester. Now remember that half of the genes of the foetus is from the father and technically could carry genetic code which could actually be a threat to the mother or the child or both. So the foetus is a foreign invader to the mother’s own immune system. But for some miraculous reason the mother’s body does not reject the foetus instead her system changes direction from attacker to protector thus ensuring continuation of life. How does this happen? How is this possible? How does this work? And what has this got to do with Cannabis?

It seems odd to me that it took scientists all this time to figure this mystery out and they only managed to explain it through the discovery of the THC receptors and Cannabinoid science. Exactly six days after conception…one day before implantation in the uterine wall the womb…something very mysterious happens in the woman’s body which highlights something very important about our relationship with the Cannabis plant.

A blastocyst is the cellular tissue arrangement a cluster of cells is you like which is what develops to become the human embryo around six days after fertilization takes place. So we all start off as blastocysts and on the day before implantation the 6th day this blastocyst starts to produce an enzyme which actually suppresses the mother’s killer T cells from her immune system and this is how nature prevents an immune reaction against the soon to be embryo. This is the story of how Cannabis can halt the imminent and naturally expected death of the future baby’s cells. Through this miracle the T cells are never actually summoned to the site of fertilisation and this is what saves the foetus and the placenta which forms immediately after implantation.

It turns out that the genes which are responsible for responding by sending the T cells to any site of injury are automatically turned off at the beginning of pregnancy inside the uterine lining which is the cellular barrier which protects the developing baby and the placenta. Scientists call this lining the ‘decidua’ ii think this is such a beautiful word originating from the Latin word ‘deciduus’ meaning falling down or off or ‘decido’ meaning to fall down which is exactly what the lining of the uterus does after pregnancy to deliver the baby.
There are already a few published scientific papers on animal and human studies to confirm these findings so this is happening with all mammals and ii suspect all of life even insects and jelly fish since they also have the THC receptors. Some people will argue about whether conception or fertilisation is the onset of pregnancy and it is my understanding and personal belief that it is at the point of conception that all the magical mysteries of life begins and this is the point of creation. If these T cells were not turned off and they were actually sent to the tissue in the uterine wall well then serious complications would occur like premature labour because the body would be trying to abort the foetus the foreign object and this can continue till well after the 20th week of pregnancy as the mother’s blood pressure continues to rise and she develops blood clotting and kidney problems.
So yes pregnancy has always been risky but this foetal rejection does not often happen. Why is this? What stops these killer T cells from naturally trying to attack human and animal life potential? It has always been a challenge to try and take something we have been proving for hundreds if not thousands of years and now match it up to the scientific evidence that scientists have now realised and which people need and expect in terms of medicine in order to accept this as evidence of what we have been saying all along.
In the old days ii could never have explained to you “scientifically” how ii knew that if ii gave an infertile couple some Cannabis that they would be able to conceive a baby successfully within one moon cycle where they had been trying for so long ii simply knew that this is what Cannabis can do. This is how it came to be that ii am god mother to so many children because ii have been using Cannabis to help couples fall pregnant for almost 2 decades now. In plain English it all has to do with the fact that our Endocannabinoids and our receptor system which are made naturally inside of our bodies play a crucial role in the activities of the Endocrine system by actually controlling hormone absorption and release. Hormones are really very important little chemicals.
So it’s interesting how natural medicine must wait upon science before people will accept that they can actually heal themselves. But ii also love science and ii find it incredible what they can do and ii just wish that they would do more good than bad with their wisdom and their skills and their funding. It’s also very interesting that a lot of this research emerged from the American Cancer Society which proves that they have always known about the role of the Cannabis in fighting tumour formation. So it’s very important to also do your own research of these scientifically proven facts which are accepted in the medical world as valid studies. Things must make sense to me and logic must always prevail so that ii can explain it to a person who doesn’t have a medical degree. Bob Marley always used to say “Explain it to me like I’m a baby so I know that you understand what you are talking about!”
The hormones which control these genes and prevent the T cells from doing their job to eradicate foreign tissue are controlled by our own Endocannabinoids Anandamide and 2-AG and this is what takes us straight to the THC receptors and the system which we have come to know as The EC System and this takes us to the Cannabis plant. The most distinguishing characteristic of the immune system and how it defends itself against the implantation of foreign tissues and toxins is the way in which it produces chemokine’s. Chemokine’s are a small branch of the cytokines family and cytokines control the release and absorption of our hormones. They are cellular post men if you like or signalling proteins secreted by cells.
It is these chemokine’s which the genes use to send the T cells to the site of injury and this is the most important part of our immune response system. So it’s the genes which produce these chemokine’s which are turned off during pregnancy and which protect the unborn baby. The moment an embryo is implanted something intricate and mysterious takes places to stop the immune system from attacking the future unborn child.
Progesterone prepares the uterus for pregnancy every 28 days and like clockwork after each ovulation the woman’s body starts to produce progesterone which also naturally stimulates the activity of the Endocannabinoids Anandamide and 2-AG because these two are required to make sure that the foetus survives and the sudden increase in Anandamide levels in the uterine region is biological evidence of this. This means that there is a high Endocannabinoid activity in the reproductive region. 
There are many studies you can look at where fairly large groups of healthy women one group worked with 100 women and all these studies have proven that a low Endocannabinoid activity was relative to spontaneous abortion in women with low expressions of Anandamide and 2-AG. So our own two Endocannabinoids are involved in controlling the genes which would usually send out killer T cells to kill an embryo or expel a foetus and continues to block this process throughout pregnancy so you could very well say that pregnancy is an immune-suppressed period in order to ensure the survival of the foetus which would otherwise be rejected.
Endocannabinoids then proceed to attach themselves to the CB1 receptors in the uterine wall and completely terminate the action of the T cells in the uterus during pregnancy. Not only does our EC System control the protection of the unborn human child after fertilisation but Cannabinoid signalling is also scientifically proven to be involved in the muscle contraction and relaxation of the fallopian tubes which is responsible for moving the fertilized egg through the fallopian tube into the uterus.
THC from Cannabis has a much higher binding affinity to the receptors than our own Endocannabinoids and this is why Cannabis is so helpful in achieving conception and the creation of life by ensuring the continuation of life inside the uterus until birth so yes absolutely in many respects Cannabis by influencing the finely balanced relationship between the Endocannabinoids and the THC receptors in the fallopian tubes and the uterine wall it literally gives us life and it does this through its activity in the Endocrine system by controlling our hormones and genes.
Can you see why ii refer to Cannabis as the Human Companion Plant?"

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