Thursday, November 16, 2017


Don’t wait until you are on your death bed…

In Loving Memory of Corrine Malanca

My own cancer arrived early in life in my 20’s which is a blessing since ii clearly still had some fight left in my immune system.  It is also a blessing that as a Rastafari ii carried the sacred knowledge of the healing properties of the Cannabis plant. If it were not for the teachings of my Elders ii would surely never have come upon this knowledge at such a young age and for sure would not be writing this paper. Give thanks to the Most High!

Intentionally ii have never really written about cancer but yet ii do spend most of my time helping people with cancer. Truly it is a dread man made disease which has been forced upon all of us and our children. 

Just look at all the sick children we have today it just breaks my heart.

When ii first started working with this medicine, my Coconut Cannabis Connection © recipe ii was overwhelmed as ii found that ii was mostly dealing with people who were literally on their death beds and their families grasping in desperation to save their loved ones by seeking out ‘illegal drugs’.

It is only through the powers of The Most High that ii have been able to help everyone to enjoy at least a few more years in most cases through the healing of Cannabis.
But often ii have experienced the painful situation of being called to the death bed and still the patient refuses to take this medicine because of the fear instilled in the public and the ‘dangerous drug’ label. And indeed these people have passed away.

So the point is yes…many Cannabis Medicine Practitioners can tell you miraculous medical stories of how lives of humans and animals have been saved by this medicine where conventional doctors have given up hope.

Cannabis should not be viewed as a last resort treatment but rather as a preventative treatment.  You all know by now that you have a system inside your body which calls for plant derived Cannabinoids and most importantly THC and THC is only present in the Cannabis plant although many other plants have other Cannabinoids as well.

But THC is ONLY found in the Cannabis plant.

In the old days (pre 1990) we used to refer to this system as The THC Receptors until Babylon came along and named it The Endocannabinoid System.  No wonder the neurologists at Groote Schuur Hospital in 1987 chased me off the floor when ii approached them with a hand drawn picture of the brain demanding to know where the “THC Receptors” were situated.  To this day ii cannot understand why they were so angry with me, ii mean, ii had the cure for cancer and ii was going to save all the sick people in the world especially the little children.

Only THC and ONLY THC actually binds to your Cannabinoid Receptors.  The other Cannabinoids do interact with these receptors but none are capable of actually binding. And you can be completely certain that our Creator has a very good reason for this.

Many people don’t know this but it is interesting to learn how CBD manages to act as an antagonist of the CB1 receptor…in other words how CBD manages to calm the psychedelic effects of THC.  It does this by actually changing the shape of the receptor but still CBD does not actually bind so ii found this interesting to share because truly this medicine does not work like any other conventional or herbal medicine and this is exactly why we are having so much success but first we must learn how it works.

Babylon have also labelled a condition as “Cannabinoid Deficiency” so in all fairness if the science world is speaking about this ii expect people to wake up and come to the comprehension that Cannabis is actually a supplement which you need to ensure that your body and brain is in balance in order to avoid disease especially cancers.

So up to now ii have been able to cure all the cancers that have come my way even pancreatic cancer which is the one with the highest mortality rate. All the pancreatic patients ii have treated were diagnosed early and ii believe this is how come the medicine was able to work so well since the damage had not advanced to the point of no return.

It is with great sadness that ii have today learnt of the passing of Sister Corrine who is the Queen of John Malanca and co presenter of the recently launched series The Sacred Plant.

A beautiful energy with a certain seriousness which ii really appreciated in her work.  The last episode she spoke more than twice about her own aging body and ii could so relate to what she was saying and ii could see that she was in immense pain.

This is Corrine with her dad Stan whom her and her husband John cured with Cannabis Medicine.

May YAH bless her soul in the after-life.

She succumbed to pancreatic cancer on 19 October 2017 but was only diagnosed at the end of June this year.  Five months might not have been enough to heal her particular cancer.

The case of Sister Corrine highlights the vital need for early detection.

My phone is busy 24 hours a day answering people’s questions about Cannabis treatments and truly besides my own degenerative condition, sickle cell syndrome and haemaphilia ii can’t really think of any person or animal ii have not been able to heal with Cannabis Medicine regardless of condition.

Having said this ii have to say that as far as ii know there is no 100% ‘heal all’ remedy on Earth and so people should not expect Cannabis to heal everything as a last resort even though the plant has proven to rise to the challenge most of the times.

We must all take better care of ourselves and pay attention to what our bodies are trying to say to us.  Your body works like a Swiss clock but when it is subjected to what we are subjected to in this day and age.  Things like poisonous food, water, soil and air, poisonous vaccinations and medications, fluoride, mercury, aluminium and so many other toxic substances which are intentionally snuck into our consumption line to make us all ill.

Stress is a big factor and yes people say that stress is part of life like noise, traffic, murder, war and so on…all of these things can be avoided if necessary but stress is something that is inflicted upon all of us.  It is stress that firstly causes the body to release toxic stress hormones into the blood and from there the whole body suffers and eventually starts to fail.  

Stress causes immense pain throughout the body and most importantly you need to know that stress actually blocks your THC Receptors.

All of this can be avoided through choosing a healthy and balanced lifestyle and through education of what to avoid which can harm you and your families which is pretty much everything and ii always tell people if you did not make it yourself you really cannot be sure what the contents are as can be seen in every corner of the world.

Grow your own 

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