Sunday, November 5, 2017


The Feminine Face of Cannabis

In recent papers ii have been speaking quite a bit about the consciousness of the Cannabis Plant itself…because yes absolutely Cannabis has a consciousness of its own which means that it does not succumb to the collective ego. Cannabis offers us consciousness expanding properties.

It is also very interesting to note that Cannabis is the most oily plant on Earth so besides providing us with all kinds of renewable biofuels and materials it is important to remember that they human brain is 60% fat and this is one of the main reasons how Cannabis is the Human Companion plant.

This is not another feminist paper preaching about women’s rights or about how women are taking over the Cannabis industry or the world for that matter…

This is about how ii interpret Ezekiel 34 verse 29 and as ii said in “Stop thinking of Cannabis as a drug” ii do believe that the Plant of Renown is the new food of the coming of the new world.

The food which has been kept away from us by law, the food for which we have been persecuted for way too long and believe me Brothers and Sisters this is no ordinary fantastic fruit or vital vegetable created by our Father and Mother. This is the food of Wisdom.

In Cannabis is the Human Companion Plant ii shared a biblical wake-up call when someone suggested that Cannabis might be the Tree of Knowledge and this is what took me straight back to Ezekiel 34 verse 29.

So it is my deepest overstanding that the Plant of Renown is actually Jesus and therefore YAHWEH.

God’s wisdom is not our wisdom and interpretation is dependent on being in the Spirit to access understanding. If God could conceal the Ark of the Covenant in our own brains, and we are told to believe that John was EliJah then truly it is not a far stretch for my imagination to accept that our Creator can reveal Himself to us through the Cannabis Plant, male and female of the species, which contains the key to our humanoid lock mechanism and this is why ii feel so strongly that Cannabis is our Human Companion Plant. This key is THC only to be found in the Cannabis plant and the lock mechanism is our EC Systems…The THC Receptors.

God is androgynous…

If you study the ancient Hebrew Scriptures the word for God is “Elohim” which broken down is “EL” which is Hebrew for God – masculine and the feminine for “EL” is “ELOAH” which means Goddess.

So “Elohim” is plural and therefore means Gods and Goddesses, male and female and so God is established in the first 3 words of the Bible as being androgynous, containing both male and female.

In Hebrew “In the beginning” translates to “In wisdom, Elohim creates”

This is very important because ‘Wisdom’ is feminine and ii know of 2 scriptures to prove this and you can look at Proverbs 9 verse 1 and Luke 7 verse 35 for confirmation.

Proverbs 3 verse 19

“The Lord created the Earth by His wisdom; by His knowledge he set the sky in place.”

So ‘Wisdom’ is a lady and the Earth was founded upon by Her ~ so we must ask “Who is this ‘Wisdom’?”

Is Wisdom the nemesis of Stupidity? Is She the wife of Stupidity? Or is She the feminine face of The Plant of Renown? Is Cannabis the Feminine Face of God?

Is Wisdom the Feminine Face of Cannabis?

When humanity were physically separated into two sexes, male and female, man and woman still carried within them the likeness of their Creator so within every male there still lives a female aspect and likewise with the female retaining masculine aspects.

This is why women are capable of being rational while remaining women and men are capable of nurturing while still remaining men. And in my humble understanding this is also why we have a part of our collective society of people who feel that they are in the wrong bodies.

Wisdom is inspiring societies to see the maternal face of Cannabis…

We must look around at nature and take note how plants interact with humans and animals and the true importance of the role that plants actually play on Earth.

Sometimes a plant is all that is needed…and ii believe that in the Cannabis Plant we have access to higher wisdom.  Not only does Cannabis open our chakra system and bring us closer to our Creator but my studies are now moving to prove that Cannabis can also help us to harness Tachion energy. Cannabis inspires us to higher levels of achievement and thinking. This is Wisdom.

For me personally the less a society actually verbalises its thoughts reveals a lot about the collective consciousness of the people who are not speaking…

The Language of Wisdom

With love and the right sentiment at the right time…words are not even necessary to change a society…in fact there are societies whose members believe that speaking is a primitive form of communication.

Words and language are not always what are required to inspire a society to new understandings, directions and achievements. We don’t really need words and language in order to cooperate with one another to obtain food, clothing and shelter.

Words are not necessary to influence consciousness into humble submission even though theosophy and philosophy universally have always pointed to the primal importance of communication.

But beside the more obvious manipulations of censorship, language has always been deliberately used to condition our thinking in ways most of us do not even comprehend, myself included. The very word “patriotism” is used in our society to describe a virtue of the highest order, while the words “matriotic” and “matriotism” don’t even feature in our society’s collective vocabulary.

So at this point, it is wise to understand the meanings of all these words which we use so flippantly in our daily lives so that we can better understand the nature of our collective thinking, and how we collectively got to where we are now.


1) Devotion to Mother Earth, ecology, sustainability, peace and the survival of life and the human species.

2) Love or celebration of women’s influence upon society; the feminine equivalent of male patriotism.

1 Corinthians 14 verse 21
“I will speak to my own people through strange languages and through the lips of foreigners.  But even then they will not listen to me,” says the LORD my GOD.

So is it ok to call God “Mother”?
When ii teach children to pray ii always teach them to say:

“Our Father in Heaven …Our Mother on Earth” 

The idea is not really to harp on about the confusion of God being both male and female but rather to instil the idea of a Holy Father and a Holy Mother (Mother Nature) which is far more accurate than some of the stories we have been told to believe.

If Cannabis is God and naturally is most often male or female and very often unisex then we can appreciate that there is an inherent femininity about Cannabis that people don’t really discuss. Generally people are only working with the female flower and it is common science knowledge that Cannabis contains components which are very similar to female hormones and now we know that Cannabis controls our Endocrine Systems as well.
Cannabinoids are even found in human breast milk. What a perfect delivery system to pass on wisdom to the future generation and ii encourage breast feeding mothers to consume Cannabis Oil.

But it is interesting that it was the patriarchal (male dominated) political system that ended up reclassifying Cannabis from medicine to a dangerous drug.  In retrospect and true retrograde character Cannabis has over the past few decades gone back from being a dangerous drug to a medicine and now moving swiftly forward to becoming a vital vegetable.

Over the years ii have witnessed the divine feminine qualities of Cannabis and have seen how this plant can nurture humans and animals through her healing abilities.
Cannabis is a compassionate companion and always makes you feel better offering intuition and sensitivity that one would come to expect to receive from a mother.

Humans have been devoted to Cannabis for thousands of years. She is always approachable. She is the powerful Mater of Mercy who has the ability to reveal yourself to you. She also has the ability to teach you how to recognise the deceit on Earth something every mother would want to teach her children.

Our kind Mother of Blessing…truly she gives us life and longevity and abundant healing. She gives us food, fuel, shelter, clothing, medicine and so much more.

She gives us hope and she quietly comforts the broken hearted. She protects ordinary people and she saves sinners by revealing what type of creature they are to themselves, all the while liberating the oppressed.

So Cannabis nurtures humanity in many different ways.
No other plant is more elegantly designed to serve so many human needs physically, mentally, medicinally, economically, spiritually and so much more.

Our world needs to change to incorporate balance by including the feminine force.

Our current system is competitive and not co-operative, controlling instead of empowering, scientific instead of spiritual. This system is built on masculine concepts like consumption, consumerism, militarism, collectivism and the unbelievable idea that there can be endless growth on a limited Earth. In this system most people no longer know where their food comes from and most people do not feel hopeful about their futures. 

Cannabis is Wisdom and Wisdom is the Feminine face of Cannabis
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
Xhosa Styles
The Wisdom of Nicodemus
The Feminine Face of God
The Holy Bible
Cannabis Martin Booth
The House of Judah Mtata River Mouth
Ancient Hebrew Research Centre

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