Monday, November 6, 2017


Doctors will learn from their patients

Over the years ii have always said that doctors will eventually learn about Cannabis Medicine from their own patients.  Anyone can go and google The EC System and learn all the names of the Cannabinoids off by heart and the functions of the system. It seems that world-wide doctors will basically only have to endure a few hours of training to qualify to prescribe this medicine.

But to actually understand how this medicine works will take many years of hands on one to one patient experience because no two patients are alike and this medicine works differently on everyone.

My own oncologist learnt about Cannabis Medicine from me and at age 28 ii informed him that ii was no longer entertaining conventional medicine for my cancer and started using Cannabis oil.  This inspired him to leave for Canada many years ago along with many of our best doctors and ii hope that he is practising Cannabis Medicine over there since the Canadians do take this topic seriously.

Many medical practitioners and indeed paediatricians and even veterinarians scratch their heads at some of their patient’s miraculous recoveries and when they find out that the patient was using Cannabis Medicine they are truly baffled at the healing abilities of this plant.

So many doctors and specialists will wonder if Cannabis Medicine will work for their patients but they don’t really know anything about how the medicine works or even if it is a real medicine. They simply do not know because they have never ever studied it. Medical schools will simply have to include Cannabis Medicine into the curriculum moving forward.

Doctors will also have to develop a comprehension of the Chakra system and other elements of consciousness in order to understand how this medicine works.

Indeed many doctors will struggle with the idea of recommending medication to be delivered by smoking but the truth is as many doctors are starting to learn, this is the most effective delivery system for instant relief of so many day to day ailments such as headaches, nausea, insomnia, appetite, stress, pain, anxiety, constipation, menstrual problems and the list really does just go on and on.

On-going unconstitutional Cannabis laws have ensured that there are very few Cannabis experts out there and right now the only real clinical research happening is that being conducted by the Israelis, the pharmaceutical industries and people like myself.

Sadly it seems certain that most doctors will not even really get to see what the whole herbal plant can do.  Babylon is adamant that people will only be able to access Cannabis Medicine via the pharmaceutical industry, which as ii have explained many times before means that by law it has to be altered and further that this synthetic man-made medicine must also have side effects in order to be approved.

Our leaders DO NOT want us to grow our plants and produce our own medicine.

Doctors need to understand the myths, the facts, the fears, the challenges as well as the rewards of working with this medicine in order to become a dependable doctor who can confidently treat patients with Cannabis Medicine.

They need to understand the different delivery routes of this medicine and why it is so important to choose the appropriate method for each individual patient.

Individual personalised treatment is the core principal of prescribing Cannabis Medicine.

Understanding of the biology of how and why Cannabis works in the body is essential. Doctors will also need to become conscious of the already labelled condition of Cannabinoid Deficiency which is a requirement to comprehend maintenance dosing.

Big pharma will continue to synthesise Cannabinoids in order standardise treatments but eventually patients will realise that the entourage effect provided by whole herbal Cannabis is where the true healing is to be found. Doctors will also learn this from their patients.

Patients will surely start to report the side effects of synthetic THC and people will start to question the claims that Cannabis has no side effects.

The reason why synthetic THC comes with side effects is because as ii have said before in order for a medicine to be approved it has to have side effects.

Second reason the synthetic THC is much stronger than natural whole herbal THC extracts because in nature in the plant the THC only acts as a partial agonist of the CB1 receptor whereas synthetic THC extracts act a FULL agonist and this is exactly why patients display tachycardia, hypertension, depression and even suicidal tendencies.

Many doctors who have been practising for over 40 years or so will no doubt admit that they would never have imagined that they would be in a position to prescribe Cannabis but sooner than later doctors must realise and accept that there is genuine science to Cannabis and there are real medical benefits to this plant.

Doctors should see this as an opportunity to provide an excellent healing service to their patients and to actually cure them.

We need doctors to have an open mind about Cannabis Medicine.

Personally ii feel that the doctors who will benefit the most are the paediatric neurologists especially when treating intractable epilepsy for instance. No one can say that there is not enough research or evidence to prove that CBD is helping thousands of epileptic children and their families to live relatively normal lives.

In fact there is more research available on Cannabis Medicine than there is on any pharmaceutical treatment currently available.

The sacred relationship between Cannabis and humans is what will determine whether doctors will comprehend the intricate network of the true natural healing of the Cannabis Plant and the THC Receptors.

In the old days, ii used to pray that the doctor patient relationship would evolve to a point where Cannabis Medicine would become the first port of call in preventative and curative treatment instead of dangerous and toxic drugs and invasive surgery which cause more problems than solutions.

It is with a great deal of sadness but not that much surprise that ii have of late realised that whole herbal Cannabis plant extract seems to not feature in the future agenda of Babylon controlled Cannabis Medicine and this is truly a terrible atrocity against our people many of whom will struggle to get access to this medicine when they could be growing it in their back garden for free.

Either way ii feel it is fair to say that for at least another 10 years statistics would reveal that patients have far more experience with Cannabis Medicine than doctors do. So wherever possible ii do encourage patients to open dialogue with their health care practitioners about this life giving plant.

One would hope that your doctor who is supposed to have an understanding of your medical history would be the best person to first consult about Cannabis Medicine but it is true that many patients are afraid to mention Cannabis but actually your doctor should be made aware of any treatments a patient might be considering.

While most doctors are approachable and are accustomed to discussing alternative treatments if your doctor is unfamiliar or hesitant to prescribe it you should take it upon yourself to explain the science and medical support for your experience because the best way to approach your doctor is from a position of knowledge and this is exactly how doctors will learn from their patients.

Grow Your Own

Heal Yourself

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