Monday, November 20, 2017


The Cannabis Coconut Connection © ~ Vital Information Part 2
Dosage Guidelines
The reason why ii have always preferred to extract Cannabis Medicine with Coconut oil is because this delivery path takes the medicine directly to the liver and not the blood or stomach.

The reason for this is because more than 65% of coconut oil is made up of medium-chain triglycerides and it is these medium chain fatty acids which are brought directly to the liver naturally.  This means that that the gall bladder and pancreas are bypassed for ease of absorption directly into the liver.

This is just one of the reasons why Coconut oil is the perfect delivery system for Cannabis Medicine because it is the liver which metabolises the THC and it is interesting therefore that more than 55% of THC is excreted in the faeces and only around 20% in the urine. It is also of tremendous healing benefit because truly all disease does start in the gut and the liver is very much part of the gut.  

Every new case ii get ii always consult with Traditional Chinese Medicine and a lot of the time the condition ii am looking at is related to a diseased liver and often ii have to get a photograph of a patient’s eyes in order to check the condition of their liver and in this way ii pick up things in the liver which lab blood tests cannot pick up.

So scientists are now starting to realise what we have been telling them for ages that the powerful combination of Cannabis and Coconut oil is because of the delivery system and the similarities in healing properties and the ability of both plants to fight free radicals.

It’s also all about the fats…
Everyone knows that the body is over 60% water but did you know that the brain is over 60% FAT and so are the eyes which are the only part of the brain which we can see from the outside. This is why we have so much success with glaucoma and in fact ii have treated patients by applying the Cannabis Coconut Connection © directly onto the eyeball proving exactly how safe this medicine is.

Cannabis is fat soluble and Coconut oil is an over 90% saturated fat making it the perfect extraction solvent for Cannabinoids. So this is for me the Holy Healing Trinity of all remedies.

This is also the purest medicine you can hope to make in your own home the only ingredients being whole herbal Cannabis and Organic Virgin Coconut Oil and of course love.

The Dual Healing Properties of Cannabis and Coconut

Both Cannabis and Coconut have a history of being demonised in society and ii have always said that if Coconut oil made you high it would most certainly also be illegal.  So Cannabis has been illegal since the 1930’s and Coconut oil has been condemned for over 60 years and has been incorrectly blamed for heart disease when the true culprit was in fact margerine...babylon's failed attempt at turkey fattening.

These two The Holy Herb and The Tree of Life have so many healing similarities and this is exactly why The Cannabis Coconut Connection © is such an overall effective preventative and curative medicine.

Here are just some of the identical shared healing properties of Cannabis and Coconut

Pain and inflammation
Immune Boosting
Anti-tumour (anti-cancer)
Anti-tumour (anti-cancer)
Both regulate metabolism (weight control)
Both regulate the Hormones
Both regulate blood sugar
Both regulate blood pressure
Both regulate cholesterol levels
Both regulate circulation
Both regulate fat absorption
Both regulate nutrient absorption
Both can induce perspiration (body cooling)
Both aid Vitamin D absorption
Both regulate bone and bone marrow health (Osteoporosis & blood)
Both improve white blood cell function
Both improve bone marrow development
Both improve the production of red blood cells
Skin Care

Not only have both plants been used for medicine for over 5000 years but components of both plants are found in human and animal breast milk but the best is that both of these plants heal with absolutely NO SIDE EFFECTS and both raw plant materials do not possess psychedelic properties.

The Principle of Miniscule Dosing

Dosing and tolerance with Cannabis Medicine is slightly more complex than dealing with regulated synthetic pharmaceutical medications. All ii can say is that this medicine is not a ‘one size fits all’ and it never will be. This medicine works like a lock and key mechanism where the Receptors are the mechanism and THC is the key…it simply fits by Creation’s design.

So yes Cannabis Medicine dosing is not a precise science and ii am here to tell you that it never can be when dealing with whole herbal Cannabis plant material.  When working in labs with synthetic man made medicines you will have all the normal problems of dealing with these types of products because this is what they are…products…goods to sell at a profit…

So the principle of miniscule dosing focuses on starting with the lowest possible dose and building up to a tolerance level and then working back down again to the maintenance dose. 

We already know that just small amounts of Cannabis can stimulate the body to make more Endocannabinoids and more receptors.

More receptors increase a person's sensitivity to Cannabinoids; therefore smaller doses have larger effects, and the individual has an improved baseline of Endocannabinoid activity by consuming just a tiny amount of Cannabis on a regular basis. The same is true when dealing with children and animals.

Whole Herbal Cannabis vs Synthetic Cannabis treatments

When it comes to Cannabis Medicine working with the actual plant to heal is well …a different story all together and so too is the method of healing each patient.  This is the most important consideration ii can share with you about this medicine. The secret to healing is in individual treatment programs. 

Often times ii will go through phases as a healer and deal with a bout of say pancreatic ca for example and then ii will find that ii may have say 6 stage 4 patients with similar case history and prognosis but yet they are all six on different dosages for the exact same condition.

The simple reason for this is that each patient is different…ii call this the snowflake effect since no two snowflakes are alike in the exact same way as no two Cannabis plants are alike and further…no two buds on the same plant are the same and now ii am speaking of naturally grown Cannabis in your back garden not all these gmo seeds we are going to be forced to use if we get issued the licence to grow.

Dosage considerations:

  1. Are the THC Receptors activated?
  2. Age, weight and sex
  3. Medical History (physical and mental)
  4. Blood Pressure and other vital signs
  5. Renal, Liver and Spleen function
  6. Blood Sugar
  7. Pain
  8. Stress
  9. Diet and Hydration
  10. Sleep Patterns
  11. Bowel habits
  12. Pharmaceutical/other treatments
  13. Vitamin D deficiency

Some patients will start on 0.5 ml once a day for an aneurysm and others may start on 30 ml a day for a blood condition. It is very true that conditions of the blood require a considerably higher dose of THC.

Where 5 ml might be way too strong for one person, another will say it has no effect and ii have even had patients tell me that they get high on CBD high strains and even raw plant material so there you go everyone is different.

Cannabis oil extracted with coconut oil is lighter in colour than oil extracted with alcohol or butane gas which is dark and thick like treacle or tar.  This is because the alcohol strips all the water soluble parts of the plants as well, including the chlorophyll giving it this dark colour.

Coconut infused Cannabis oil when solidified at room temperature is amber/avocado in colour, because it only extracts the fat soluble components of Cannabis so you can be sure that you are getting pure Cannabinoid extraction without all the water soluble parts like the chlorophyll concentrate. This is not to say that chlorophyll is bad for you because chlorophyll also has highly beneficial medicinal properties in other applications.

Chlorophyll concentrate in Cannabis oil has produced some cases of diarrhoea and upset gastric systems which are common side effects of chlorophyll. In less vulnerable patients they might feel brief spells of queasiness which is the action of the chlorophyll. This does not happen when using coconut oil because the chlorophyll is not stripped in the extraction process and second coconut oil is not readily absorbed into the gastric tract as ii said earlier it is taken up directly by the liver.

This is what the oil looks like when melted.

A lot of people, including doctors and nutritionists simply don't know much about Cannabis or Coconut oil because they haven't ever studied it. Most of the instruction that student doctors and other medical professionals receive after graduating from medical school is provided by the pharmaceutical industry and rarely if ever include natural healing remedies.

Coconut oil has a smoke point of 171 degrees Celsius so at 90 degrees and less it cannot produce any dangerous fumes because it will not create smoke at this temperature. You can experiment with this by frying two eggs one in normal yellow oil and one in coconut oil and you will notice that coconut oil does not produce the brown grease rim around the egg which is the ‘bad fat’ part of the egg.

Above is the egg fried in coconut oil and below are eggs fried in normal sunflower oil.

Cannabis oil which is produced with an alcohol extraction is usually concentrated by evaporating the solvents that were used in the extraction process.

The more concentrated the extract becomes, the more difficult it is to remove the residual solvent and in this case, applying more heat will increase solvent evaporation, but at the same time valuable components like the Cannabinoids and terpenes may also be damaged or lost resulting in a lower quality of oil. My advice is to keep your medicine as natural as possible.

Having had the opportunity of seeing how both Cannabis and Coconut oil affects people in a clinical setting, ii have seen so many people experience incredible improvement from a wide variety of life threatening health disorders and more and more people are realizing the benefits of studying natural healing methods.

If you are busy making your own Cannabis Coconut medicine and you are uncertain of your dosing please feel free to drop me a mail and ii will happily give guidance for free.

Grow Your Own ~ Make Your Own


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the extremely valuable healing advice. I love reading your blog. It's full of wisdom. Thank you!
